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Janet Abaya 《TechTrends》1992,37(3):30-31
Conclusion Finally, in evaluating software packages, “what you need to do is work with the package and match it up with your needs.” Your preference for software will depend on your own background and how you like to work with a package. If you are learning to use a package, you may need to work with it for some time. The longer you work with it, you may form a whole new opinion. Software also changes. There are updates that may improve its capability, so even though you may not like the package now, you may want to reconsider it as new versions come along  相似文献   

Conclusion As you conduct your research, you will undoubtedly suffer from the perennial condition of all graduate students—constant, paralyzing guilt. When you are not working on your research, you are agonizing because you should be. Unfortunately, guilt also keeps you from doing many other things, like cleaning house or simply relaxing. The good news is that guilt usually disappears within a year after you take that final walk across the stage and shake the dean’s hand. The cure is painful, but worth it. We have presented some ideas that worked for us, in hopes that they will work for you. Perhaps these ideas will cause you to consider a factor that you may not have considered before. Perhaps some small suggestion will provide you with a solution to a nagging problem, or simply remind you that some of your frustrations are a natural part of the dissertation or thesis process. For additional information on this topic seeHow to Complete and Survive a Doctoral Dissertaion, by David Stemberg. The chapters on “The Unfolding Dissertation: Diplomatic Relations with your Committee” and “Down in the Dissertation Dumps: How to Get Out” may be especially useful.  相似文献   

When you take a look at anything close-by, your brain computes the position of the object you see by solving a lanky triangle — namely the one formed with the object and your two eyes as its vertices. The brain may call other clues also into service while figuring out positions, especially when the lanky triangles prove far too lanky to afford trigonometric solutions with reasonable accuracy. These non-trigonometric alternatives can run into occasional pitfalls, though. Yet even the trigonometric highway isn’t always foolproof, either. We shall see in what follows that the resulting consequences can be as instructive as they are amusing.  相似文献   

In summary, this author recommends that should an instructor decide to deliver an online instructional design course it is important to understand three things: 1. Recognize that as with any course, the content, delivery methods, and media used can be individualistic. You can shape the course to meet the needs of your students and the expectations of your institution. 2. Realize that the ideas presented in this article should be used as a guide. Differences in course requirements, accreditation standards, and other program factors may affect what can or needs to be accomplished. 3. Know that one of the first things your students will ask about (and call you on) is your own ability to design instruction. This author’s students asked about how this course was developed and how the instructional design process was implemented for this course.  相似文献   

The goal of the present study was to describe the structure of the experience of young Cypriot students who have returned home after studying abroad. Phenomenological interviews were conducted with participants who responded to the statement: ‘`Please describe your experiences of returning home after your study abroad’’. Interviews were audio-taped, transcribed, and analyzed within the context of a research group. The emerging bipolar themes of ‘Shock/Adjustment’, ‘Freedom/Restriction’, and ‘Changing/Static’ were grounded in the theme of cultural comparison. Implications for counselling are examined.  相似文献   

Conclusion No one believes that Gratz/Grutter are the last word on the use of race in higher education, but there are no other cases in this area immediately on the horizon. Instead we are in a period of “gathering good data,”31 “what evidence supports your conclusion,”32 “leave a paper against what criteria.”34 The outcome of the next round of litigation may well depend on how higher education has accomplished those tasks. The academic world will be best served on this question, as on others, if persons with various ideological and methodological perspectives take part. After all, the question is supposed to be about diversity. He has been a researcher on race neutrality for the Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights. The opinions expreseed here are his own and do not necessarily represent those of any other organization.  相似文献   

Comprehension emerges as the results of inference and strategic processes that support the construction of a coherent mental model for a text. However, the vast majority of comprehension skills tests adopt a format that does not afford an assessment of these processes as they operate during reading. This study assessed the viability of the Reading Strategy Assessment Tool (RSAT), which is an automated computer-based reading assessment designed to measure readers’ comprehension and spontaneous use of reading strategies while reading texts. In the tool, readers comprehend passages one sentence at a time, and are asked either an indirect (“What are your thoughts regarding your understanding of the sentence in the context of the passage?”) or direct (e.g., why X?) question after reading each pre-selected target sentence. The answers to the indirect questions are analyzed on the extent that they contain words associated with comprehension processes. The answers to direct questions are coded for the number of content words in common with an ideal answer, which is intended to be an assessment of emerging comprehension. In the study, the RSAT approach was shown to predict measures of comprehension comparable to standardized tests. The RSAT variables were also shown to correlate with human ratings. The results of this study constitute a “proof of concept” and demonstrate that it is possible to develop a comprehension skills assessment tool that assesses both comprehension and comprehension strategies.  相似文献   

The very young infant who enters into any day care setting is more dependent on the caregiver than he or she ever will be again. The infant has not yet developed the physical and social skills with which older babies can manage to call attention to their needs. Caregivers (and parents) of young babies understand that there are several important sets of abilities an infant needs to develop before he or she evolves into the busy, sitting-up, smiling, babbling 6-month-old. The adults can, and should, provide assistance. A loving and attentive caregiver can both protect and enhance the infant's natural development by regularly engaging in the “interaction games” described here. They are designed to be fun, to combine gentle rhymes and song, and to be conducted in a cheerful, relaxed fashion. Don't “teach”—DO create a warm, friendly playtime. The best time for interaction games is when the baby and caregiver are both rested, attentive, and in good spirits. After you try it a few times, use your own judgment to determine if a particular game is successful or not. Just as you will have your favorites, different babies like different things too! Once baby and caregiver use the first games in each set, once they enjoy them and make them their own, they can go on to the next, more difficult activities. Christine Z. Cataldo coordinates research projects and teaches courses on infant education, parent programs, early intervention, and atypical young children. She consults with day care centers, nursery schools, and special programs for the very young.  相似文献   

Conclusion Which is the better choice: general item bank software or a word processor program? Your answer is dependent upon your computer skills, the amount of test development work you do, and the nature of investment your school is willing to make for software. Both have their relative strengths and weaknesses. The trade-offs between the two approaches are real, important, and in time will probably favor the item bank software. At the moment, however, we recommend a good word processing program for most teachers. What can you expect the future to bring? At a minimum, test preparation options will continue to expand and improve. We suggested earlier that the technology is changing rapidly. For example even now you can place a printed copy of test items into an optical character recognition (OCR) scanner (similar to a photocopy machine) and read the items into a digital form which either a word processor or a test generator can use. Instead of having to type your collection of test items before selecting, editing, and printing them, the computer will read them from the paper. This new scanning technology, unfortunately, requires expensive software, powerful microcomputers, and the scanner itself costs over $1000. In addition, the accuracy of the character recognition is not perfect—especially with less than the ideal printed copy from which to work. It will be years before most of us have ready access to this technology. Even better options will be available, however, don’t wait for the next major breakthrough. There will always be another breakthrough on the horizon. You can start improving your test development process now  相似文献   

Conclusion The concern for specificity in definition on the part of researchers and policy makers is understandable. Those on the line, confronted by children who need to be helped, and those who have a working familiarity with the complexity of the reading process, and of the reading disability syndrome, may share my reservations about this specificity: that in defining reading disability strictly in terms of a significant deviation from IQ restrictions are imposed that may obscure important aspects and interactions in the clinical picture. I am in favor of careful selection of samples and of persistence in the search for better defining parameters. Until we have them it may be desirable to operate within looser guidelines and to base treatment on a careful evaluation of linguistic, cognitive, emotional and cultural functioning, when the aim is to teach individual children. If Alexander Pope’s admonition (in “An Essay on Criticism,” Part I) is kept in mind we should not go too far astray: First follow Nature, and your judgment frame By her just standard... This paper was presented at the pre-conference symposium on the definition of dyslexia at the 29th Annual Conference of the Orton Society, Minneapolis, November 1978.  相似文献   

Now we all have a great need for acceptance, but you must trust that your beliefs are unique,your own, even though others may think them odd or unpopular, even though the herd may go. Robert Frost said, "Two roads diverged in a wood and Ⅰ-Ⅰ took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference." You show that to him, and if he still doesn't believe you-well, by then, you'll be out of school and can do anytbing you want.  相似文献   

商务写作通常包括在应用文写作的范畴中.商务写作有几个基本要求,即:清楚,完整,简明,体贴.本文讨论了这些要求以及达到这些要求的方法."清楚"使你的文章容易理解;"完整"有力地支持你的观点;"简明"可以突出重点;"体贴"使人乐意读你的文章.  相似文献   

Summary The paper focuses upon curriculum planning in the scientific disciplines at university level, although it is claimed the argument may be of wider applicability. Drawing upon the writings of philosophers of education from several decades ago (notably Schwab and Scheffler) whose work is too often overlooked in contemporary debates about the curriculum, and using illustrative examples from the author’s own experience, it is argued that too often the focus of science curriculum planning is the “rhetoric of conclusions” or the “substantive structure” — the current state of knowledge at the forefront of the respective disciplines — to the neglect of what Schwab called the “syntactical structure” of the sciences (which roughly approximates their epistemology). This aspect of these disciplines is essential for the general student trying to become familiar with the nature of science as a broad field of knowledge, for prospective teachers, and — contra Scheffler’s view — for students who aim at careers as researchers.
Zusammenfassung Der Beitrag der Epistemologie zur Curriuculumkonstruktion in den Naturwissenschaften Der Aufsatz fokussiert auf die Curriculumplanung für den naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht in der universit?ren Lehrerausbildung, wenngleich behauptet wird, dass dieses Argument weitreichendere Anwendbarkeit besitzt. Der Text knüpft an erziehungswissenschaftlichen Schriften (insbesondere von Schwab und Scheffler) an, deren Ver?ffentlichung zwar einige Dekaden zurückliegt, deren Beitrag in den aktuellen Debatten aber oft übersehen wird. Darüber hinaus werden einige illustrative Beispiele aus dem Erfahrungsschatz des Autors genutzt, um zu zeigen, dass der Fokus der Curriculumplanung für die Naturwissenschaften — dem augenblicklichen Wissensstand der zu berücksichtigenden Disziplinen zufolge — zu oft in einer „Rhetorik der Schlussfolgerung“ oder „substantivischen Struktur“ besteht, was dazu führt, dass das, was Schwab die „syntaktische Struktur“ der Naturwissenschaften nennt (und ihrer Epistemologie ziemlich nahe kommt), vernachl?ssigt wird. Dieser Aspekt jener Disziplinen ist besonders wichtig für Studierende, die allgemeinbildend vertraut werden m?chten mit den Naturwissenschaften, für angehende Lehrer und — entgegen Schefflers Ansicht — für Studenten, die eine Karriere als Forscher anstreben.

“When walking in quicksand country, carry a stout pole — it will help you get out should you need to. As soon as you start to sink, lay the pole on the surface of the quicksand. Flop onto your back on top of the pole. Work the pole to a new position: under your hips and at right angles to your spine. Take the shortest route to firmer ground, moving slowly.” Piven/Borgenicht 1999, p. 18

This paper was presented at the conference Silence Between the Disciplines, Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences, Berlin, October 2002.  相似文献   

The complexity of science teaching requires science teachers to encounter a range of tasks. Some tasks are perceived as stressful while others are not. This study aims to investigate the extent to which different teaching situations lead to different stress levels. It also aims to identify the easiest and most difficult conditions to be regarded as stressful conditions by science teachers. An occupational stress inventory of 25 items developed by Okebukola (1988) validation of the occupational stress inventory for science teachers. Science Teacher, was used to measure the science teachers’ stress level in science teaching. A four point Likert scale ranging from 1 – ‘no stress at all’ to 4 – ‘extreme stress’ was used. Fifty-eight Malaysian secondary science teachers participated in the survey in which six volunteered to participate in the interview study. The data was then analyzed using the Rasch model to measure the level of stress caused by different kinds of stressful conditions. Even though ‘overloaded science syllabus’ was identified to be the basis of multiple stressful conditions, it was, however, difficult for the respondents to regard it as a stressful condition. On the other hand, the respondents found that ‘having to teach difficult science topics’ is easiest to be regarded as a stressful condition. It was shown that even though ‘overloaded science syllabus’ is the starting point for stress caused by multiple conditions, due to the availability of coping strategies which can be employed by the respondents, the stressor is minor in causing stress among teachers. On the other hand, when teachers lack the availability of coping strategies dealing with teaching difficult science topics, they easily feel stressful. One of the main recommendations to overcome stressful conditions is to provide the science teachers ‘topic specific pedagogy’ during in-service training.  相似文献   

李浩 《英语沙龙》2009,(2):32-33
有时候,某些人走进你的生活,你便会意识到他们应当出现,出现是为了某种目的,为了给你一个教训,或者为了帮助你弄清你是谁或者你想成为什么样的人。你不可能知道这些人会是谁(也许是你的室友,邻居,同事,久违的朋友,恋人,或者甚至是一个完全陌生的人),但是当你定睛凝视他们的时候,顷刻间你便知道他们会以某种深刻的方式影响你的生活。  相似文献   

1."I payyour salary.You have to do what I say."我付你薪水,你就要按我说的做.  相似文献   

Alex Attewell 《Prospects》1998,28(1):151-166
Conclusion Florence Nightingale once quoted from an address on education delivered at the Universities of St Andrew's and Glasgow, which perfectly reflected her own standpoint: ‘[…] education is to teach men not to know, but to do’ (Nightingale, 1873, p. 576). It would seem fair to judge Florence Nightingale's contribution to education by the practical effect which her reforms had. A letter written to her by Benjamin Jowett should stand as her epitaph: There was a great deal of romantic feeling about you 23 years ago when you returned home from the Crimea […] and now you work on in silence, and nobody knows how many lives are saved by your nurses in hospitals; how many thousand soldiers […] are now alive owing to your forethought and diligence; how many natives of India in this generation and in generations to come have been preserved from famine and oppression and the load of debt by the energy of a sick lady who can scarcely rise from her bed. The world does not know all this or think about it. But I know it and often think about it (31 December 1879). Original language: English Alex Attewell (United Kingdom) Assistant curator of a hospital museum in the west of England before joining the Florence Nightingale Museum, London, in 1989. He became an Associate of the Museums Association in 1993 and Curator of the Florence Nightingale Museum in 1994. He often lectures, gives broadcasts and organizes temporary exhibitions in the area of his expertise.  相似文献   

This paper examines the responsibilities of mental health professionals, particularly counselors, to those who identify or might be identifiable as “transgendered.” There are two main objectives. The first is to describe the critical reflection necessary to deal with gender-variant clients in an ethical and effective manner. The second is to discuss a psychotherapeutic model that is likely to be effective in integrating such reflection into the clinical process, and to make counseling recommendations on that basis.  相似文献   

每个即将面临毕业的大四学生都会对未来感到迷茫与害怕。应如何面对毕业后的生活,应提前为毕业做哪些准备,想必都是每个大四学生都比较关心的问题。接下来,就看Brad怎么说吧!  相似文献   

This exploratory study investigated how six practicing school principals responded to the requirements of the No Child Left Behind law (United States Congress Public Law 107–110, 2002, January, No Child Left Behind Act, ) in light of the multicultural leadership demands presented by an urban setting. It examines perspectives of principals on the legal aspects of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and what they did to manage its requirements. Multicultural leadership literature provided a framework to understand the perspectives of school leaders. The findings suggest three principals were engaged in meaningful and practical work to both fulfill the requirements of NCLB and meet the needs of their students. Three principals were focused on the requirements of the law and did not see the connection between multicultural leadership and NCLB. The study’s recommendations include a multicultural leadership approach to current NCLB school reform. An earlier version of this study in progress was presented to the American Educational Research Association (AERA) in Montreal, Canada 2005.  相似文献   

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