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随着社会的发展,以及文化自信理念的提出,我国人民的精神文化生活比以往更加繁荣,文化产业也实现了大力发展。本文选择在发展传播学视角下,研究文化晚会节目的“破圈”之路,重点分析河南卫视所打造的“中国节日”系列节目,以期对其他电视晚会节目的发展提供借鉴意义。  相似文献   

唐弦 《声屏世界》2001,(10):19-22
随着电视的大普及大发展,电视化业已成为我国化的重要组成部分,电视化对社会带来的重大影响也越来越被社会所关注。因此,对电视化的研究也已成为业内外人士研究的重要课题。唐弦先生的章从拓展电视化研究的思维空间说开去,既概括了当前电视化研究的社会、实践科学等动因,又对拓展电视化研究的相关内容进行了认真的阐释、这对当前正在兴起的电视化的深入研究和探讨,尤其是在活跃探讨气氛和开拓研究内容等方面,无疑给业内外人士提供了有益借鉴。  相似文献   

随着信息技术、网络技术的发展,作品的创作和使用环境发生了很大变化,但图书馆在维护社会公正方面的作用不应改变。图书馆可以帮助因为经济、技术或社会等原因,不能直接接触有关信息的人,从而有助于消弭“信息鸿沟”。公共借阅对文化和教育十分重要,应该向每一个人提供。非商业性的公共借阅行为,传统上不受版权法所管辖,在以公共利益为目的和诸如教育和研究等合理利用情况下,  相似文献   

论图书馆社会化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国书馆是人类社会发展的产物,它的发展是多种社会因素综合作用的结果。从图书馆发展的历史可以看到,社会经济实力、文化与教育水平、科技发展程度以及社会环境构成它发展的外在动力。社会提供的活动承受力和范围越大,图书馆本身活动的范围就越大,其发展也越快。反过来.图书馆在一定程度上影响着社会生活,它通过其社会职能作用于社会,为发展社会物质文明和精神文明服务。图书馆作用于社会,体现在它与社会的交流和它对社会的吸引及影响的程度。  相似文献   

吴梦旎 《新闻窗》2012,(3):85-86
一、舆论监督的必要性及其正向作用 民主社会的建设需要大众对政府权力进行有效的监控,但分散的民众的力量有限,要整合、汇集人民的力量并非易事,而且人民也缺少政府所拥有的可用资源,因此一般民众要对政府进行有效的监督是十分困难的。在这样的情况下就需要一种机制为民众提供所需的信息及平台,而新闻媒体恰能提供这两个条件。新闻媒体可以提供信息,实现公民的知情权。大众传媒发展至今,新闻媒体所报道的内容涵盖了社会生活的方方面面,小到平民百姓的生活,大至政府部门的决策。海量的信息使得民众可以及时地了解社会,及时地知道政府的决策和所作所为,从而针对性地发表自己的意见,对社会、政府部门提出批评和建议。  相似文献   

社会的发展促进了我国政治体制的不断发展和改革,相较于我国以往的历史时期的政治社会,现今国家政府更加关注民之所想,在政治理念上也更加关注以民为本,这种以民为本主要体现在国家权力主要为人民所行使,而国家的利益也是主要为人民所谋取,可以说这种关注民生的政治理念展现在我们生活的每一个角落,而在这种环境背景下报纸新闻也将民生状况作为主要的构成要素,本文基于此就民生价值观内涵进行着手分析,在此基础上就报纸民生新闻在写作中的正确方向给与研究分析,以期为后续关于报纸写作与民生新闻方面的研究提供理论上的参考依据,为促进我国民生新闻的发展做出一份贡献。  相似文献   

王海燕 《兰台世界》2023,(2):157-160
中国学界对民国时期县域地区霍乱的防控研究,成果较少,在一定程度上源于大量的民国卫生档案没有被学界关注。档案承载着保存社会记忆、延续历史的重要功能,如民国时期的大理档案,既保留了抗战期间霍乱防控的历史记忆,也记录了云南省卫生处、大理各县为防控霍乱所采取的一系列措施。研究这些档案,其一,可以解决地方志中疫病防治史料不足的问题;其二,有助于我们了解民国医疗卫生事业发展状况;其三,也可深刻认识到中国走社会主义道路的历史必然性。  相似文献   

经济发展水平的逐步提升推动了技术体系的升级和发展,也为当前的信息管理系统建设以及优化提供了新的发展途径。其中,大数据技术的应用能够强化信息管理系统的运行稳定性和科学性,同时也可以提高其信息获取效率,满足各行各业的实际发展需求。大数据技术所提供的资源整合、储存、数据结构优化等服务让信息管理系统具备更加稳定的架构,弥补传统信息管理系统中存在的各项缺陷,有助于提升信息管理系统的多元化应用价值。  相似文献   

卢嘉毅 《今传媒》2011,(4):92-94
电影作为大众传播媒介的一种形式,不仅仅只是提供消遣与娱乐的工具,同时它也代表了一种文化、意识形态的传达,甚至可以看成是对于当代社会思潮、政治、经济、文化的反映。通过对冷战时期好莱坞科幻电影作为一种类型进行研究,并结合文化研究以及意识形态分析的方法去探讨冷战时期科幻电影所呈现出来的社会现象和焦虑等时代特征。  相似文献   

人文关怀:当代大众传播的时代使命   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
90年代,中国社会的“世俗化”图景在相当程度上修改了民众的思想和行动方式。现代化发展速度在实现现代化许诺本身外,也给社会带来了人文环境污染的可能性。作为一种社会关系的组织模式,大众传播在完成对生活空间的各种信息进行选择和释义、为社会在物质意义上的再生产提供一种可以变型、改造和阐释的话语这一过程的同时,其流量状态所渗透的人文关怀意识和效果正日益受到关注。“人文关怀”是从国外学术界植入的一个概念。它是针对科学技术发展对人的精神关怀方面有所失落,即一物质丰裕,精神家园荒芜”后提出的,即要关心、贴近人的精…  相似文献   

This paper presents a Graph Inference retrieval model that integrates structured knowledge resources, statistical information retrieval methods and inference in a unified framework. Key components of the model are a graph-based representation of the corpus and retrieval driven by an inference mechanism achieved as a traversal over the graph. The model is proposed to tackle the semantic gap problem—the mismatch between the raw data and the way a human being interprets it. We break down the semantic gap problem into five core issues, each requiring a specific type of inference in order to be overcome. Our model and evaluation is applied to the medical domain because search within this domain is particularly challenging and, as we show, often requires inference. In addition, this domain features both structured knowledge resources as well as unstructured text. Our evaluation shows that inference can be effective, retrieving many new relevant documents that are not retrieved by state-of-the-art information retrieval models. We show that many retrieved documents were not pooled by keyword-based search methods, prompting us to perform additional relevance assessment on these new documents. A third of the newly retrieved documents judged were found to be relevant. Our analysis provides a thorough understanding of when and how to apply inference for retrieval, including a categorisation of queries according to the effect of inference. The inference mechanism promoted recall by retrieving new relevant documents not found by previous keyword-based approaches. In addition, it promoted precision by an effective reranking of documents. When inference is used, performance gains can generally be expected on hard queries. However, inference should not be applied universally: for easy, unambiguous queries and queries with few relevant documents, inference did adversely affect effectiveness. These conclusions reflect the fact that for retrieval as inference to be effective, a careful balancing act is involved. Finally, although the Graph Inference model is developed and applied to medical search, it is a general retrieval model applicable to other areas such as web search, where an emerging research trend is to utilise structured knowledge resources for more effective semantic search.  相似文献   

This research argues that documents can become intermediaries which affect the relationships between disparate groups. Through a critical analysis of materials distributed during an online protest, the author traces the life of a single technical document, simultaneously describing how it was described during deliberation between several groups. Marcusean critical theory and rhetorical criticism framed the analysis. It is suggested that certain documents act as a locus between otherwise unaffiliated groups and that those documents become agents who can mediate deliberation. Further, it is suggested that document analysis can become an important aspect for interpreting group relationships. Future research examining the agency of documents is suggested.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(41-42):109-126
During the course of the 1992 United States Presidential campaign, electronic discussion lists were established on Bitnet which allowed "subscribers" to openly discuss issues relevant to each candidate's campaign. A discussion list was formed for each of the three candidates. In the summer of 1992, the Clinton and Bush campaigns began posting full-text documents (speeches, interviews, platform positions, etc.) to each respective list on Bitnet, making available information that was almost nonexistent in any other format to faculty and students at Texas Woman's University. It was soon discovered that these documents were available elsewhere, but only through the Internet, and they were readily accessible for the taking. Organizations such as the federally sponsored Hermes Project and the National Public Telecmuting Network (NPTN) also provided access to these documents. The reference department at TWU soon took advantage of this information, and with the realization that most of the university community was still alien to electronic file transfer and Bitnet discussion lists, decided to make these documents available in a more traditional manner by retrieving them either through the discussion list or through one if the their organizations providing campaign documents via the Intemet. This article documents the reference department as an instrumental part in using the IInternet in the acquisistion of these campaign documents both before and after the November election for use by faculty and students, as well as members of the city Denton, Texas.  相似文献   

高师院校承担着教师教育的重任,零次文献资源建设对于教师教育的开展有着独特的价值。为此,高师图书馆应当制订收集与获取教师教育零次文献的原则,并在此基础上通过各种途径收集与获取教师教育零次文献,并进行加工整理以便建立零次文献资源库,从而服务于教师教育工作。  相似文献   

对于岩画的史料价值,学界有着不同的观点,推崇者称之为"刻在石头上的史书",贬斥者认为岩画多为"涂鸦"或"随意"之举,难以为之征信。与传统文献相比较,中国岩画资料的确有很大的不同,它是以崖壁石头为载体,以凿刻、描绘为记录手段,以图像为主传递信息的一种文献形式。中国岩画作为中国传统历史文献特殊形式之一,以直观形式保存了人类远古时期的丰富信息。  相似文献   

Most search engines display some document metadata, such as title, snippet and URL, in conjunction with the returned hits to aid users in determining documents. However, metadata is usually fragmented pieces of information that, even when combined, does not provide an overview of a returned document. In this paper, we propose a mechanism of enriching metadata of the returned results by incorporating automatically extracted document keyphrases with each returned hit. We hypothesize that keyphrases of a document can better represent the major theme in that document. Therefore, by examining the keyphrases in each returned hit, users can better predict the content of documents and the time spent on downloading and examining the irrelevant documents will be reduced substantially.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(32):139-150
Prior investigations have indicated that government documents are a relatively underutilized resource by most librarians. Almost invariably, these studies have been of academic libraries and librarians. It is highly probable that scholars use documents unobtrusively and may be overlooked in many surveys, but it must be assumed that they are assisted in their use by knowledgeable documents librarians. A survey of documents use by public reference librarians serving 25 geographically dispersed population centers revealed that there was substantial awareness and use of U.S. government documents. Respondents indicated that they believed accredited programs in library education should provide reference librarians with the backgrounds necessary to assist with reference questions which concern current, but historical issues. Privatization or the commercialization of federal information sources is discussed as the possible consequence of the lack of knowledge and use of documents which can be used for reference purposes, as opposed to those which provide technical information. A Current Issues Seminar for programs of library education is proposed. Using current issues of the day as examples, the content of a typical seminar is reviewed.  相似文献   

针对专题文献馆藏--包括纸质、图片、音像、档案手稿、电子数据和实物文物等载体形式的中国共产党处理民族问题的珍贵文献,指出要从内容上把握其意义,将我党民族问题文献按照分析文献内容→确定主题,形成概念→选择主题词加以标识→转换成特定索引语言的步骤,创建一套检索系统,便于读者从主题词直接查找到相关文献。同时,也便于机读和电子查询。  相似文献   

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