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Effective communication is a concern of those involved in programs for the elderly. The primary focus of this study is the influence of audience variables on the selection of communication channels by the elderly to obtain information.

Five county aging‐service programs and four AARP chapter meetings were surveyed. Participants indicated how they usually obtained information about five different topics of special concern to older adults. The communication channels included five media: Television, radio, newspapers, magazines, and brochures/leaflets, and three interpersonal channels: Friends/relatives, professionals, and organizations.

Education, age, income, and living arrangements were related to communication channel selection. Elderly people who did not complete high school were less inclined to select any of the channels. Age was a factor, especially if the individual was over 80 years old. A lower income influenced the selection of two print media (newspapers and magazines), along with two interpersonal sources (relatives/friends and organizations). Individuals living alone were less likely to be reached through newspapers and organizations. Gender did not directly influence source selection.

Television and newspapers were the most preferred channels for information, followed by friends/relatives, brochures/leaflets, and organization. Radio, magazines, and professionals were the least often selected channels.

The most difficult‐to‐reach segment of the sample shared three characteristics: Those with less than a high school education and lower income tended to have a lower information‐seeking orientation, and in some cases being older was a factor.  相似文献   

《数学教育学报》2008—2010年18期共载文482篇,平均每期发文26.78篇,载文量比较稳定,篇均值较大,基金论文率逐年显著提升.载文量最多的栏目是调查与实验,占27.39%,实证研究方法处于主导地位.98.55%的第一作者来自全国31个地区,作者地区分布广但不平衡.作者年龄在30~49岁之间的占71.13%.篇均引文量为9.36条,期刊引文占引文总量的52.68%,自引率为30.40%.中文引文占引文总量的79.46%,外文引文比例明显提升,语种日趋丰富.  相似文献   

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have been a prominent topic of recent educational discussion and debate. MOOCs are, in essence, university‐affiliated courses offered to large groups of online learners for little or no cost and are seen by many as a bellwether for change and reform across higher education systems. This study uses content and discourse analysis methods to examine how understandings of MOOC‐related ‘change’ were presented in US, UK and Australian newspapers. Drawing on detailed analysis of 457 newspaper articles published between 2011 and 2013, the findings point to a predominant portrayal of MOOCs in relation to the massification, marketization and monetization of higher education, rather than engaging in debate of either ‘technological’ or ‘educational’ issues such as online learning and pedagogy, instructional design or student experience. The article then considers the reasons underpinning this restricted framing of what many commentators have touted as a radical educational form—not least the apparently close association between MOOCs and the economics of higher education.  相似文献   

These seven articles, which are on the same theme as the forthcoming National Convention, are presented here to provide background “thinking of the Convention.”

We are indebted to the authors for their informative and helpful statements.

The papers and seminar reports of the National Convention will be published in the March‐April 1958 issue of RELIGIOUS EDUCATION.

—The Editorial Committee  相似文献   

The present study was a follow‐up to Tsai and Wen’s (2005) earlier research, in which 802 articles published in the International Journal of Science Education, Science Education, and the Journal of Research in Science Teaching from 1998 to 2002 were analysed in terms of author’s nationality, research type, and research topic. In the present study a total of 869 papers published in the three journals from 2003 to 2007 were analysed, and the results were compared with those of Tsai and Wen. Moreover, this study also identified 31 highly‐cited papers published during 1998–2002 and 20 highly‐cited papers published during 2003–2007. The results showed that authors from countries other than the four major English‐speaking countries (i.e., the USA, the UK, Australia, and Canada) published an increasing number of articles in the past decade. During these five years (2003–2007), science educators showed relatively more interest in research topics involving the context of student learning. Besides, science educators have changed some of their research interests during 1998–2007, with a shift in the research topics from student conception learning and conceptual change (1998–2002) to student learning contexts (2003–2007). Moreover, the investigation of highly‐cited papers in the past decade revealed that studies on argumentation have gained significant attention among science educators.  相似文献   

In the last issue of RELIGIOUS EDUCATION considerable space was devoted to the subject of student values. In connection with this study, religious leaders on a number of selected campuses were asked to comment on the situation with respect to values among the students with whom they are working. Comments from Harvard University, Hunter College and Ohio State University were published in that issue. The following two additional articles represent the Woman's College of the University of North Carolina and Marquette University.  相似文献   

The following content analysis examined for one month the quantity and type of higher education articles in the two Boston metropolitan daily newspapers. Articles were measured and assigned to eight major categories: sports, features, news, editorial pages, columns, news analysis, reviews, and photos with cutline only. Results of the study indicated that both newspapers had more spot news stories only a few inches in length rather than in-depth feature articles concerning the major issues and trends facing higher education today. Editorials, columns, news analysis articles, and reviews received little coverage. Data also showed that the most prestigious, well-known universities received the greatest amount of coverage.  相似文献   

We continue to publish extracts from the discussion papers presented by participants at the CEPES Round Table on the Contribution of Higher Education in Europe to the Development of Changing Societies, held in Bucharest from 21 to 23 September 1976. Previous papers were published in the January‐February 1977 issue of this Bulletin.

The full text of these papers and the working documents of the Round Table will be published by CEPES, in the near future, in the form of a monograph.  相似文献   

We continue to publish extracts from the discussion papers presented by participants at the CEPES Round Table on the Contribution of Higher Education in Europe to the Development of Changing Societies, held in Bucharest from 21 to 23 September 1976. Previous papers were published in the January‐February 1977 issue of this Bulletin.

The full text of these papers and the working documents of the Round Table will be published by CEPES, in the near future, in the form of a monograph.  相似文献   

Recent articles on teaching controversial topics in schools have employed Michael Hand's distinction between “directive teaching,” in which teachers attempt to persuade students of correct positions on topics that are not rationally controversial, and “nondirective teaching,” in which teachers avoid persuading students on topics that are rationally controversial. However, the four methods of directive teaching discussed in the literature — explicit directive teaching, “steering,” “soft‐directive teaching,” and “school ethos endorsement” — make rational persuasion problematic, if not self‐defeating. In this essay, Maughn Rollins Gregory argues that “procedurally directive teaching” offers an alternative to such approaches because it derives from the intention to guide inquiry rather than to persuade. He demonstrates that the conceptual frameworks of perfectionism and antiperfectionism, which have been proposed for directive teaching on same‐sex marriage, can instead be used to generate open questions for student inquiry, as can a third, civil rights framework. Given these considerations, Gregory maintains that pedagogical guidance on this topic should be procedurally directive rather than substantively directive. Further, the fact that legal, political, and ethics scholars disagree about which framework is more appropriate to the issue of same‐sex marriage indicates that such arguments cannot be dispositive of the pedagogical issue of how to frame classroom discussions about it. Rather, students should inquire into this meta‐level framing dispute for themselves.  相似文献   

随着人口老龄化进程的加快,老年教育显得日益迫切,准确把握当前研究现状及趋势成为从事相关研究的必要前提.以中国知网(CNKI)1992—2017年收录的450篇老年教育研究文献为样本,运用科学计量学方法及可视化技术,进行可视化分析,总结和梳理近二十五年来我国老年教育研究的现状及结构,通过主题聚类挖掘出五大热点领域,利用战略地图分析研究的发展趋势,以期为后续相关研究提供参考.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to provide an updated content analysis of articles published in major journals of school psychology spanning the years 2010–2014, with an emphasis on intervention research (including intervention and participant characteristics). Six journals—School Psychology Review, School Psychology Quarterly, Journal of School Psychology, Psychology in the Schools, School Psychology International, and Journal of Applied School Psychology—were selected for the analysis. Over the 5‐year period, 1,196 articles were published in the selected journals. A total of 65.8% of the articles were empirical articles; intervention studies with school‐age samples comprised 11.1% of all articles. Within the intervention studies, single subject represented the most frequently used research design (40.6%). Further, 58.6% of the intervention studies did not provide sufficient information to discern participants’ disability status. Although the proportion of empirically based articles has increased in recent years, that of intervention articles has remained low.  相似文献   

Children's attitudes about growing old and about the elderly themselves are in large part influenced by negative images projected by the media and through lack of actual experience in interacting with older people. To counter this situation and to provide an opportunity for positive attitude shift, an educational program has been developed for 10‐ and 11‐year‐old students. Growing Up — Growing Older is a developed unit of instruction relying on a package of software including films and printed support materials. A strong experiential component is provided through structured intergenerational dialogues, facilitated by visiting older volunteers.

The program was field tested using both a treatment and control population. Survey methodology was used to determine pre‐ and post‐experience stages of attitude awareness and understanding of the elderly. Although the study population did not demonstrate the level of negative attitude we had anticipated from the literature, post‐experience testing indicated a positive shift. More significant is the demonstrated increase in level of awareness of aging issues and of older persons as a result of the educational experience. Finally, the treatment population increased significantly the percentage of old people they interacted with outside the classroom. This increased familiarity and awareness of the elderly can be expected to continue to produce attitudes based more on fact than on fancy.  相似文献   

在今天这个信息时代、网络时代、厚报时代,报纸要想抢夺读者“眼球”,必须搞好新闻策划。通过利用放大热点,造成强势;找准切点,制造卖点;整合资源,激活新闻等新闻策划手段,使舆论宣传呈现规模性、战役性、轰动性的特点,实现报纸新闻价值的有效升值。  相似文献   

宏哲 《南平师专学报》2006,25(3):68-70,59
郑颐寿先后在福州师院、南平师范、福十二中、福州师专、福建师大、台湾东吴大学从教,结合学术研究,独著与主编五十多本,一千多万言。每书都有特色,国内外书、报、刊发表两百多篇(段)评介文章,给予高度评价。今择其要者,写成本文,以供研究者参考。  相似文献   

Twenty‐two teachers were asked to give their opinion as to the ability being tested by each item in two multiple‐choice examination papers. Agreement appeared to be rather low, particularly from one of the papers, but a rigid statistical analysis was impossible because of the difficulty of deciding upon acceptable criteria. The opinions of the teachers were correlated with the facility values for the items and the coefficients obtained appear to support the Bloom taxonomy.  相似文献   

The November‐December 1976 issue of this Bulletin gave information on the work of the CEPES Round Table on the Contribution of Higher Education in Europe to the Development of Changing Societies, which was held in Bucharest from 21 to 23 September 1976. In this and the next issues we are publishing resumes of the discussion papers presented by participants at the meeting.

The full text of these papers and the working documents of the Round Table will be published by CEPES, in the near future, in the form of a monograph.  相似文献   

The Research Community ‘Philosophy and History of the Discipline of Education’ was established in 1999. First an overview is given of the two main areas into which the more than 180 chapters published in 12 books can be grouped. In general the papers are addressing ‘internal’ educational research topics and more ‘external’ relations. The suite of papers in this issue continues the selection of material presented during the 2017 and 2018 meetings and follow on from the suite published in an issue of this journal earlier this year (54:3). Next, the suite of papers appearing in this issue is introduced. In this, and the preceding suite, aspects of the production and acceleration, as well as of the (re)presentation, dissemination and reception of educational research are brought into focus.  相似文献   

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