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排球后排扣球空中击球动作的三维高速录像分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
笔者运用三维高速摄影方法对男子排球运动员后排扣球空中击球动作进行了三维的运动学分析,目的在于揭示击球过程中身体各环节的运动特征,结果分析表明,后排扣球空中击球动作是以躯干的转体、收腹及伸肩动作用力带动肩、肘、腕、手依次用力成鞭打动作击球的三维运动,躯干转体动作的角速度大于收腹动作角速度,转体动作在后排扣球空中击球动作中占有重要地位。  相似文献   

标枪运动是复杂的多轴性旋转项目,伴有反关节用力的技术动作,且具有一定的正负加速度的投掷运动。就投掷臂而言,最后用力阶段不仅要完成转肩翻肘动作,使投掷臂和标枪处于“鞭打”前的正确位置,增加最后用力的工作距离,而且参与“鞭打”掷枪动作,为提高出手初速度创造条件,其中,肘关节完成由屈曲到伸展动作的技术难度很大。  相似文献   

肘关节损伤的预防和治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肘关节损伤是体育教学训练中常见的运动损伤,多见于田径投掷项目、网球、羽毛球、排球、棒、垒球等需要快速、猛烈挥动前臂的运动项目。一、肘骨关节损伤原理及类型肘骨关节损伤是由于肘关节超常范围的不合槽运动所致。如快速用力挥臂、肘部过度外展、过屈、过伸、猛烈屈腕及经常做前臂的旋转和伸腕动作均可使肘骨关节损伤。肘骨关节损伤因动作不同,受伤部位各异,按其损伤特征可分为两种类型,即“伸展型”和“外展型”投掷肘。“伸展型”投掷肘多因快速挥动前臂的“鞭打”动作局部负担过重引起。由于肘关节过伸使得鹰嘴软骨面猛烈撞击鹰嘴窝…  相似文献   

通过对网球教学训练中运动损伤的特征、部位、种类以及造成损伤的原因进行了调查与分析,其结果表明,网球运动损伤多以关节扭伤为主,并大多集中在练习者的腕、肘、肩及踝关节等部位。究其原因,与练习者所掌握的技术动作错误和关节局部负担过重有着直接的关系。  相似文献   

<正> 二、球的绕环类动作绕环类动作是摆动的继续,与摆动技术要求一致,放松、自然地连续摆动一周或一周以上。大绕环以肩为轴,中绕环以肘为轴,小绕环以腕为轴。按身体部位可分正面绕环,侧面绕环和水平面环绕。从绕环的路线来看还有螺旋形绕环。螺旋形绕环是由上至下或由下至上的两个水平绕环连接而成的。绕环可以双手或单手持球做,要求身体也能随球的绕环而转动、绕环或转体,尤其是在围绕身体水平面绕环时,必须换手连续摆动才能完成。因此学习绕环类动作必须以摆动技术为基础,动作幅度要大,要绕成一个平面。特别是单手托球的绕环  相似文献   

大学生网球运动损伤的调查研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
对从事网球运动的学生运动损伤的特征、部位、种类,以及损伤原因进行了调查。结果发现,大学生网球运动损伤多以关节扭伤为主,集中在人体的腕、肘、肩及踝关节。损伤的主要原因是技术动作错误和局部负担过重,同时提出了预防网球运动损伤的措施和建议。  相似文献   

采用高速摄影和3维测力同步方法对技巧女子3人双膝抛直体后空翻两周下动作进行定量测试,旨在揭示该动作的动力学和运动学特征;探讨3人之间的最佳配合技术特点。结果表明:抛起阶段两底座垂直支撑反力曲线形状为双峰型,最大峰值约为两底座体重之和的两倍,底座在抛起时相身体各部位用力表现为一定的顺序性,先是以腰、髋、膝发力为主,然后是以肩、肘、腕发力。尖子蹬伸时机比底座晚。  相似文献   

为了指明羽毛球和网球高压球技术动作的差异性,为羽毛球和网球教学和训练提供定量的科学依据,使用三维立体摄影解析法获取羽毛球和网球高压球技术动作的运动学参数,并对数据进行统计学处理。研究结果表明:在蹬地击球过程中,大腿、小腿和足的运动顺序为大关节带动小关节;在整个击打过程中,肩、肘、腕三关节移动速度基本保持同步,肩关节角速度峰值最先出现,肘关节和腕关节角速度峰值出现时间基本同步;网球采用"棍打"的击球用力方式为主击球,羽毛球采用"鞭打"的击球用力方式为主击球。  相似文献   

运用肌电与摄像的同步对部分优秀女子沙滩排球运动员跳发球的测试结果表明,“屈肘后引”的引臂技术较为合理,鞭打能量的传递模式,无论做鞭打动作环节加速的向心收缩肌肉用力顺序,还是使环节减速的离心收缩的肌肉用力顺序,都是先近侧环节后远侧环节,能量依次传递。这是最优化的上肢鞭打动作,并可作为判断运动员鞭打技术动作协调性的依据。  相似文献   

第五式倒拽九牛尾势[预备姿势]并步。[动作操作]左腿向左平跨一步(距较肩为宽),两足尖内扣,屈膝下蹲成马裆势,两手握拳由身后划弧形向裆前,拳背相对,拳面近地,随势上身略前俯,松肩、直肘、昂头、目前视(见图5)。两拳上提到胸前,由拳化掌,成抱球势,随势直腰,肩松肘屈,肘略低于肩,头端平,目前视(见图6)旋动两掌,使拳心各向左右(四指并拢朝天,拇指外分,成八字掌,掌应挺紧)随势运动,徐徐向左右平分推,至肘直。松肩,直肘,腕背屈,腕、肘、肩相平(见图7)。身体向左侧转,成左弓右箭势(面向左方)。两上肢同时动作:左上肢外旋,屈肘约成半圆状;拳心对面…  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to quantify ranges and speeds of movement, from shoulder external rotation to ball impact, in the tennis service actions of world class players. Two electronically synchronised 200 Hz video cameras were used to record 20 tennis players during singles competition at the Sydney 2000 Olympic games. Three-dimensional motion of 20 landmarks on each player and racquet were manually digitized. Based upon the mean values for this group, the elbow flexed to 104 degrees and the upper arm rotated into 172 degrees of shoulder external rotation as the front knee extended. From this cocked position, there was a rapid sequence of segment rotations. The order of maximum angular velocities was trunk tilt (280 degrees/s), upper torso rotation (870 degrees/s), pelvis rotation (440 degrees/s), elbow extension (1510 degrees/s), wrist flexion (1950 degrees/s), and shoulder internal rotation. Shoulder internal rotation was greater for males (2420 degrees/s) than females (1370 degrees/s), which may be related to the faster ball velocity produced by the males (50.8 m/s) than the females (41.5 m/s). Although both genders produced segment rotations in the same order, maximum upper torso velocity occurred earlier for females (0.075 s before impact) than for males (0.058 s). At impact, the trunk was tilted 48 degrees above horizontal, the arm was abducted 101 degrees and the elbow, wrist, and lead knee were slightly flexed. Male and female players should be trained to develop the kinematics measured in this study in order to produce effective high-velocity serves.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to measure the contributions of the motions of body segments and joints to racquet head speed during the tennis serve. Nine experienced male players were studied using three-dimensional film analysis. Upper arm twist orientations were calculated with two alternative methods using joint centres and skin-attached markers. The results showed that skin-attached markers could not be used to calculate accurate upper arm twist orientations due to skin movement, and that the use of joint centres produced errors of more than 20 degrees in the upper arm twist orientation when the computed elbow flexion/extension angle exceeded 135 degrees in the final 0.03 s before impact. When there were large errors in the upper arm twist orientation, it was impossible to obtain accurate data for shoulder or elbow joint rotations about any axis. Considering only the contributors that could be measured within our standards of acceptable error, the approximate sequential order of main contributors to racquet speed between maximum knee flexion and impact was: shoulder external rotation, wrist extension, twist rotation of the lower trunk, twist rotation of the upper trunk relative to the lower trunk, shoulder abduction, elbow extension, ulnar deviation rotation, a second twist rotation of the upper trunk relative to the lower trunk, and wrist flexion. The elbow extension and wrist flexion contributions were especially large. Forearm pronation made a brief negative contribution. Computed contributions of shoulder internal rotation, elbow extension and forearm pronation within the final 0.03 s before impact were questionable due to the large degree of elbow extension. Near impact, the combined contribution of shoulder flexion/extension and abduction/adduction rotations to racquet speed was negligible.  相似文献   

The laws of bowling in cricket state 'a ball is fairly delivered in respect of the arm if, once the bowler's arm has reached the level of the shoulder in the delivery swing, the elbow joint is not straightened partially or completely from that point until the ball has left the hand'. Recently two prominent bowlers, under suspicion for transgressing this law, suggested that they are not 'throwing' but due to an elbow deformity are forced to bowl with a bent bowling arm. This study examined whether such bowlers can produce an additional contribution to wrist/ball release speed by internal rotation of the upper arm. The kinematics of a bowling arm were calculated using a simple two-link model (upper arm and forearm). Using reported internal rotation speeds of the upper arm from baseball and waterpolo, and bowling arm kinematics from cricket, the change in wrist speed was calculated as a function of effective arm length, and wrist distance from the internal rotation axis. A significant increase in wrist speed was noted. This suggests that bowlers who can maintain a fixed elbow flexion during delivery can produce distinctly greater wrist/ball speeds by using upper arm internal rotation.  相似文献   

The laws of bowling in cricket state ‘a ball is fairly delivered in respect of the arm if, once the bowler's arm has reached the level of the shoulder in the delivery swing, the elbow joint is not straightened partially or completely from that point until the ball has left the hand’. Recently two prominent bowlers, under suspicion for transgressing this law, suggested that they are not ‘throwing’ but due to an elbow deformity are forced to bowl with a bent bowling arm. This study examined whether such bowlers can produce an additional contribution to wrist/ball release speed by internal rotation of the upper arm. The kinematics of a bowling arm were calculated using a simple two‐link model (upper arm and forearm). Using reported internal rotation speeds of the upper arm from baseball and waterpolo, and bowling arm kinematics from cricket, the change in wrist speed was calculated as a function of effective arm length, and wrist distance from the internal rotation axis. A significant increase in wrist speed was noted. This suggests that bowlers who can maintain a fixed elbow flexion during delivery can produce distinctly greater wrist/ball speeds by using upper arm internal rotation.  相似文献   

文章探讨了右直拳动作的力学原理,并对如何提高右直拳速度进行了分析研究。结论认为:各关节速度曲线中肩关节速度最早变化且肩角变化在80-90°之间;肘关节、腕关节、拳峰速度曲线变化明显比肩关节较早达到速度峰值,在击中目标瞬间腕、拳峰几乎同时达到速度最大值。  相似文献   

采用艾立尔系统、FAB系统和肌仪器系统,对竞技健美操C组跳跃类典型难度动作进行运动生物力学分析。结果发现,起跳时髋、膝关节应在一定范围内进行快速的弯曲缓冲,并控制好起跳的方向。在腾空时,当转体度数较小时并不需要通过减少转动惯量来增加角速度。但是随着难度系数的增加,转体度数不断上升,在这样的情况下夹臂抱胸的姿势是很必要的。在落地时,由于膝关节不能弯曲,肩、肘、腕关节起到了主要的缓冲作用。  相似文献   

为进一步明确影响棒球投手投球速度的关键因素,通过中国知网、Web of Science和PubMed等平台以棒球投手、投球速度、运动生物力学和鞭打动作等为关键词,检索并整理归纳20世纪90年代至今的相关文献资料。通过对比国内外优秀棒球投手投球速度和专项技术能力,发现投球时投掷臂肩关节外旋角度、肩关节水平外展角度、肘关节角度、躯干前倾幅度、前腿膝关节角度等运动学指标,投掷臂各环节受力峰值、前腿受到的最大地面反作用力等动力学指标均对投球速度起关键性影响作用。教练员和棒球投手可通过改善上下肢关节角度和角速度等指标参数的大小、增强肌肉力量和柔韧性等手段,完善投手投球技术动作,提高投球速度。  相似文献   

通过对国家击剑队4个剑种18名重点运动员持剑手上肢肩、肘、腕三关节肌群进行等动肌力测定,研究优秀击剑运动员持剑手上肢三关节肌群的等速力学表现,发现薄弱肌群.结果发现,持剑手肩关节伸肌在快速下较屈肌力量增加更多(P<0.05),伸肌更适合等张向心工作,屈/伸比在正常范围;持剑手肘关节,在60°/s、180°/s时屈肌均显著低于伸肌(P<0.05),伸肌更适合快速工作;持剑位下,腕关节内收肌群小于外展肌群(P<0.05),重剑运动员内收肌群在60°/s下显著高于花剑运动员(P<0.05),240°/s下男子花剑运动员外展肌群显著高于男子重剑运动员(P<0.05),但此时内收/外展比值重剑显著高于花剑(P<0.05).说明击剑运动员持剑手侧肩关节、肘关节肌力与击剑刺和回收动作关系密切;重剑与花剑运动员腕内收、外展肌群肌力差别显著,可能是击剑运动员重要专项特征.  相似文献   

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