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理查德·罗蒂立足后现代主义、解构主义、文化自由主义、相对主义和后哲学文化论,建立的协同性实用主义,批判分析哲学、现象学、传统的认识论、反映论、符合论和真理观,肯定解释学的功能与教化作用,否定客观性、绝对性、永恒性和不变性,反对理性主义、科学主义和实在论,主张解构形而上学,创立无冕哲学,提倡工具主义、约定主义、实用主义、多元主义,以及心灵与社会的协同性作用。  相似文献   

Nanotechnology has been touted as the next ‘industrial revolution’ of our modern age. In order for successful research, development, and social discourses to take place in this field, education research is needed to inform the development of standards, course development, and workforce preparation. In addition, there is a growing need to educate citizens and students about risks, benefits, and social and ethical issues related to nanotechnology. This position paper describes the advancements that have been made in nanoscale science and nanotechnology, and the challenges that exist to educate students and the public about critical nanoscience concepts. This paper reviews the current research on nanotechnology education including curricula, educational programs, informal education, and teacher education. Furthermore, the unique risks, benefits and ethics of these unusual technological applications are described in relation to nanoeducation goals. Finally, we outline needed future research in the areas of nanoscience content, standards and curricula, nanoscience pedagogy, teacher education, and the risks, benefits, and social and ethical dimensions for education in this emerging field.  相似文献   

劳伦斯与非理性主义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以叔本华、尼采、弗洛伊德为代表的非理性主义是劳伦斯小说创作的思想基础。受叔本华影响,劳伦斯把生存意志作为人物行动的基本动力,这主要表现为向性力和精神占有欲。受尼采影响,劳伦斯赞美躯体,重视生命的内在能量和自我超越性,并与基督教决裂,成为西方基督教道德观的激烈批判者。劳伦斯在性与无意识这两个领域,对弗洛伊德精神分析理论有接受,也有超越。弗洛伊德与劳伦斯都把性、无意识与文明对立起来,但弗洛伊德进行的是否定性研究,强调对其疏导和控制,劳伦斯则认为性与无意识是原初的创造性力量,是生活的源泉,是对抗人之社会化和理性化的正面力量。非理性主义丰富和深化了劳伦斯对现代人心理世界的理解,加强了他的小说的社会批判力量。  相似文献   

In this article, I analyze a set of narratives about, and memorials to, Philip Ashton Smithells, the founder of physical education in New Zealand and a pantheon figure within the discipline. Rather than analyzing these narratives and memorials as stories and artifacts that accurately reconstruct Smithells and his ideas and practices, I conceptualize them as choices that create representations or interpretations that are independent of the truth. I also conceptualize the memorials to Smithells, which include a building, painting, photograph, lecture, and scholarship, as triggers for personal and collective memories. But neither narratives nor memorials can guarantee what individuals or communities remember and, in this sense, history, as representations of the past, is always fluid. Notions of choice and representation may unsettle those who regard history as synonymous with facts and truths and who seek the clarity of a definitive past. However, conceptualizing history as representations reminds us that our understanding of physical education, its origins and its founders, will continually shift with new reflections and as fresh ideas emerge, material conditions change, and events unfold.  相似文献   

Early competencies in reading, mathematics, and science are associated with later school achievement and adulthood socioeconomic status. This cross-sectional study examined how fundamental domain-general capacities, including language, spatial, and self-regulatory skills, together relate to competencies in reading, mathematics, and science in young Chinese children. A total of 584 Chinese children aged approximately six years were tested individually on their language (receptive vocabulary), spatial (spatial perception, spatial visualization, and mental rotation), and self-regulation (behavioral regulation and working memory) skills, as well as their academic competencies in reading, mathematics, and science. The results showed that vocabulary, spatial, and self-regulatory skills were all associated with Chinese reading, mathematics, and life sciences, whereas only vocabulary was related to earth and physical sciences. The relation between vocabulary and formal mathematics and that between mental rotation and life sciences were found to be stronger in boys than in girls. The findings suggest that foundational domain-general skills may provide the building blocks for children’s academic competencies.  相似文献   

经济社会由市场和政府两部分组成。市场经济条件下市场的作用是基础性的,但是市场也有缺陷和失灵。政府职能主要在于为市场经济的有效运行创造良好的外部环境,政府也可能失灵和失误。市场经济在不同的国家和不同的时期有形式上的差异。中国政府的职能作用因其历史传统、人口和国家规模及经济发展水平的特点而具有独特性。财政是政府行政的经济基础和物质保障,具有资源配置、收入分配、稳定经济的功能,必须以市场经济对政府的规范  相似文献   

Rutter, Michael and Smith, David J. (eds) Psychosocial Disorders in Young People: Time Trends and their Causes
Sigston, A.; Curran, P.; Labram, A. and Wolfendale, S. (eds) Psychology in Practice with Young People, Families and Friends
McClelland, V. Alan and Varma, Ved (eds) The Needs of Teachers
Mehan, Hugh; Villanueva, Irene; Hubbard, Lea and Lintz, Angela Constructing School Success: the Consequences of Untracking Low-Achieving Students
Gates, Brian (ed.) Freedom and Authority in Religions and Religious Education
Kearney, Mary-Louise and Holden Ronning, Anne (eds) Women and the University Curriculum: Towards Equality, Democracy and Peace
Chawla-Duggan, Rita and Pole, Christopher J. (eds) Reshaping Education in the 1990s: Perspectives on Primary Schooling
Chawla-Duggan, Rita and Pole, Christopher J. (eds) Reshaping Education in the 1990s: Perspectives on Secondary Schooling
Britton, E. D. and Raizen, S. A. (eds) Examining the Examinations
Apple, Michael W. Cultural Politics and Education
Phillips, Melanie All Must Have Prizes
Hutchinson, Francis P. Educating Beyond Violent Futures
Chapman, Judith; Boyd, William; Lander, Rolf and Reynolds, David (eds) The Reconstruction of Education. Quality, Equality and Control
McNiff, Jean; Lomax, Pamela and Whitehead, Jack You and Your Action Research Project
Pring, Richard Closing the Gap: Liberal Education and Vocational Preparation
Tuijnman, Albert C. (ed.) International Encyclopedia of Adult Education and Training
McKernan, James Curriculum Action Research: A handbook of methods and resources for the reflective practitioner  相似文献   

会展和旅游都是综合性很强的产业部门,二者都涉及到食、住、行、游、购、娱等诸要素,虽然侧重点有所不同,但所涉及的行业存在较大的重复性,具有很强的关联性,而且各具先天优势,两者之间能产生密切的互动关系,会展可以拉动旅游发展,旅游能够促进会展繁荣。只要建立与健全会展与旅游互动发展的政策导向、法律法规、组织管理与人才培养等保障机制,两者可实现良性互动发展。  相似文献   

电路教学常用的分析和仿真软件   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王群  耿云玲 《高教论坛》2009,(10):50-54
从电路课程教学的角度出发,介绍了一些电路分析和仿真的常用软件,包括专用类软件PSPICE、EWB、PROTEL和Or-CAD以及通用类软件System View、LabVIEW和MATLAB等,探讨了它们的构成、主要特点和用途以及应用,分析和比较了它们的性能特点,为它们能更好地服务于电路教学实践提供指导.  相似文献   

现代性消弭了人存在的高贵性,是教师精神矮化的时代症候。这导致建基于此的教育科学、教师教育、教师道德等都对教师的本体性问题隐而不谈。此外,犬儒主义将相对主义与怀疑主义发挥到极致,让教师精神进一步衰微,教师丧失了教育信念,对新概念、新理论采取拒绝态度,教学走向娱乐化与迎合化。从卑微走向高贵,教师首先可以从对真善美的超越性理解与追求入手,重思教师职业的爱与卓越,重思教师生活的审美性,让教师的成长之路更具道德与审美实践之意蕴。其次,需要把教师教育从科学恢复到人学,进行本体论、存在论的思索,实现教师的觉醒与解放,进而让教师获得人之为人的高贵。  相似文献   

学生文化的成因与特征分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
白芸 《教育科学》2006,22(1):67-69
学生文化是一种生活方式,它是学生群体所具有的独特的言行、观念的总和。学生文化的形成与学生身心发展特征、同辈群体交往、师生关系、家庭、校内外文化等多方面因素有关,从而其具有不断被濡化和生成涵化性,过渡性,情境性与多样性等特征。  相似文献   

启蒙运动建立起来的主体迎合了资本主义制度建立的需要,这是一个崇尚理性、科学和自由的主体,一个反对传统和权威的主体。但这样的主体后来遭到了尼采、弗洛伊德、海德格尔和后现代主义者等众多学者和流派的批判。时至20世纪下半叶以来,其存在的根基发生动摇。流行一时的主体哲学是否走到了尽头,是否临近“黄昏”,是当今学者正在进一步思考和探究的问题。  相似文献   

论关涉人生幸福的教育   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
幸福是人所追求的生存状态与存在方式,现代意义上的幸福就是一种生活得更好的能力。教育作为一种特殊的生活方式,既要使生活于其中的人感受到幸福,亦要使人获得一种活得更好的能力。因而,幸福是教育的应然追求,关涉人生幸福的教育应超越知识而面对生活与意义,应超越设计而面对境遇与传统,应超越塑造而走向对话式生成,应超越实体而让师生在交往关系中共享幸福,应超越裁定而面向学生的发展。  相似文献   

Much research examines professional learning for pre-service and beginning teachers. However, in midcareer, teaching satisfaction and effectiveness are challenged by decreased recognition and support and increasing stressors including isolation, accountability demands, mentorship roles, and personal/family responsibilities. Often, midcareer teachers (MTs) pursue graduate degrees to advance skills, licenses held, and achieve recognition. This qualitative exploratory study examined classroom community (CC) development across three graduate seminars for MTs. Increased CC was connected to course structures and instructor actions which supported teachers’ reflection upon practice and envisioning of possible selves. Personal/family selves, teaching selves, and academic selves emerged. The model developed connects CC, motivators, and enacted classroom practices to each set of possible selves. Findings suggest increased attention to campus-based graduate seminars as avenues for the development of trust, open dialog, reflection, strategy building, and improved classroom practice among MTs.  相似文献   

魏晋南北朝时期 ,社会动荡不安 ,长期的战争使生产凋敝 ,州郡萧条 ,城市成为丘墟 ,同时也导致了毁林严重 ,灾害频仍等生态的破坏和空气污染等环境质量下降的问题。环境问题的严重危害 ,促使人们环保意识的自觉和加强 ,并采取了对土地资源保护、水利资源开发、林木、动物保护等一系列措施 ,在主客观上起到了保护自然环境的作用。  相似文献   

A teacher and a college student explore experimental science and its history by reading historical texts, and responding with replications and experiments of their own. A curriculum of ever-widening possibilities evolves in their ongoing interactions with each other, history, and such materials as pendulums, flame, and resonant singing tubes. Narratives illustrate how questions, observations, and developments emerge in class interactions, along with the pair’s reflections on history and research. This study applies the research pedagogy of critical exploration, developed by Eleanor Duckworth from the interviewing of Piaget and Inhelder and exploratory activities of the 1960s Elementary Science Study. Complexity as the subject matter opens up possibilities which foster curiosity among participants. Like Galileo, Tyndall, Xu Shou, and others, this student recurrently came upon new physical behaviors. His responses to these phenomena enabled him to learn from yet other unexpected happenings. These explorations have implications for opening up classrooms to unforeseen possibilities for learning.
Teaching . . . is more about a conscientious participation in expanding the space of the possible by creating the conditions for the emergence of the not-yet-imaginable. . . . Teaching, like learning, is not about convergence onto a pre-established truth, but about divergence - about broadening what can be known and done. In other words, the emphasis is not on what is, but what might be brought forth. Teaching thus comes to be a participation in a recursively elaborative process of opening up new spaces of possibility while exploring current spaces. (Davis & Sumara, 2007, p. 64)

本研究采用自编问卷,对371名大学生的网名和e-mail用户名命名动机进行调查。通过因素分析的方法,获得大学生网名命名的六方面动机:内心期望、外在兴趣、张扬个性、外在属性、简单方便和文化情趣;e-mail用户名命名的四方面动机:外在属性、个人喜好、简单方便和自我表征;网名命名动机中大学生最为关注心境、意义和个性,而e-mail用户名命名动机中最为关注的是简单方便、规律性和名字;人格特性的精神质、内外向维度与网名及用户名命名动机仅存在稳定的弱相关。  相似文献   

关于心理生活基本性质和内涵的理解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人的心理生活是人的现实生活的重要构成。理解心理生活的性质和内涵,必须考虑如下几个方面。一是人性与心理生活。心理生活是人所拥有和创造的生活。二是自我与心理生活。这涉及到人格与自我,主我与客我,大我与小我。三是认知与心理生活。这包括认知的性质:对象的认知和生存的认知。四是意向与心理生活。意向决定了心理生活的一体性和自主性。五是观念与心理生活。人的心理生活是对意义的追求,意义的基本心理单元就是观念。六是体验与心理生活。心理体验是指感受、感悟、觉解、觉悟、思想、思念、体察、体会等。七是超越与心理生活。人的心理生活有价值的评判、有追求的目标和有超越的品性。八是创造与心理生活。人的心理有双重的创造功能,包括对外部生活世界和对自身心理行为的建构。  相似文献   

Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) have been linked to early sexual debut, which has been found to be associated with multiple adverse health outcomes. Sexual minorities and men tend to have earlier sexual debut compared to heterosexual populations and women, respectively. However, studies examining the association between ACEs and early sexual debut among men and sexual minorities are lacking. The aim of this study was to examine the sex and sexual orientation disparities in the association between ACEs and age at sexual debut. Data were obtained from Wave 2 of the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions. Logistic and linear regression models were used to obtain crude and adjusted estimates and 95% confidence intervals adjusting for age, race/ethnicity, income, education, insurance and marital status for the association between ACEs (neglect, physical/psychological abuse, sexual abuse, parental violence, and parental incarceration and psychopathology) and early sexual debut. Analyses were stratified by sex and sexual orientation. Larger effect estimates depicting the association between ACEs and sexual debut were seen for women compared to men, and among sexual minorities, particularly among men who have sex with men (MSM) and women who have sex with women (WSW), compared to heterosexuals. Sexual health education programs with a focus on delaying sexual debut among children and adolescents should also consider addressing ACEs, such as neglect, physical, psychological and sexual abuse, witnessing parental violence, and parental incarceration and psychopathology. Public health practitioners, researchers and sexual health education curriculum coordinators should consider these differences by sex and sexual orientation when designing these programs.  相似文献   

Researchers’ motivations are important for high-quality research and the productivity of the scientific system, but remain largely uninvestigated. Using three studies, we tested the usefulness of Achievement Goal Theory (AGT) for describing research motivations, investigated which goals researchers pursue, and examined their associations with job burnout/engagement and professional learning. Interviewing 20 researchers (Study 1), we found that most of their goals in the research context were classifiable as achievement goals. Apart from mastery and performance goals that are well-established in the AGT literature, they also mentioned relational and work-avoidance goals. Mastery goals comprised task and learning standards, performance goals comprised appearance and normative strivings. In Study 2, we used a standardized questionnaire to assess these goals in 824 researchers, along with burnout/engagement, professional learning time, and professional learning gains. Results confirmed the separability of all conceptualized goals, measurement invariance across academic status, and differential patterns of associations with burnout/engagement and professional learning. In Study 3, we analyzed these constructs in 471 researchers at two time points, six months apart. Results attested measurement invariance over time. Cross-lagged analyses documented similar associations as in Study 2. Learning approach and relational goals had positive effects on professional learning; appearance avoidance and work-avoidance goals were negative predictors. In contrast, burnout was negatively predicted by normative avoidance goals. However, high initial burnout levels were associated with reduced task approach and learning approach, and stronger work-avoidance goals six months later. Taken together, the results highlight the usefulness of AGT for understanding researchers’ motivations, and their relatedness with professional learning and well-being at work.  相似文献   

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