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The extent to which students profit from a university course depends on the lecturers?? approach to teaching, with a student-focused approach being more supportive for student gains in competences than a teacher-focused approach. Little is known, however, about how to foster a student-focused approach to teaching. In this paper, we want to investigate how to frame the feedback lecturers obtain from students?? course evaluations in such a manner that a student-focused approach to teaching is encouraged. In two studies using either a qualitative or a quantitative methodology it can be shown that providing lecturers with a feedback on students?? subjective gain in competences (output-focused teaching evaluation) is more effective in promoting a student-focused approach to teaching than a feedback on how satisfied students were with the lecturer (process-focused teaching evaluation). Results are discussed in the context of the Bologna reforms which demand a continuous evaluation of all university courses.  相似文献   

Peer popularity is a relevant aspect of well-being and academic success. Amongst other impact factors self-concept and academic achievement are predictive for peer popularity. The present study focuses on the correlation of students’ grades, competencies and self-concepts in mathematics and reading to perceived peer popularity. Against the background of gender stereotypes with respect to the domains mathematics and reading, we hypothesized differential relationships with boys’ and girls’ perceived popularity. In a sample from the National Educational Panel Study of grade five students (N = 4427) from lower (Hauptschule), middle (Realschule) and highest (Gymnasium) track schools, we conducted a multiple group comparison. The results showed similar relationships for both girls and boys in all three school forms. There was a correlation of students’ grades in mathematics and of their verbal self-evaluation with their perceived peer popularity. However, grades in language arts (i.?e. German), domain-specific competencies and mathematical self-concept were not related to perceived popularity. Results suggest that high verbal self-concept is positively associated with high self-assurance in social situations and in communication situations and that mathematics is regarded as more difficult and cognitively challenging compared to language arts.  相似文献   

According to PIRLS 17 % of German parents choose a non-recommended secondary school-type for their child. Only few empirical studies try to identify parental characteristics related to their rejection of a school-type recommendation from their child’s teacher. Based on the sociological rational choice theory, research primarily focuses on characteristics of social background and on cost-benefit considerations. In addition to this, the present study analyzes to what extent parental evaluation and attribution of the child’s achievement and the appraisal of the primary school’s advice influence the probability of parents’ rejection of the recommendation. The focus of this investigation is on parents whose educational aspirations and choices of school are higher than the teachers’ recommendations. By means of logistic regression we analyze, how well parental decision-making – i. e. adopting the teacher’s recommendation vs. insisting on own, non-compliant opinion – can be predicted by theory-based independent variables. Avoidance of a loss in educational status, parental knowledge of the school system and the perceived quality of a primary school’s advice are revealed to be significant predictors of this rejection.  相似文献   

Efforts to break the link between the school type attended and the qualification awarded are seen an important step in the modernization of Germany??s tracked secondary school system. However, it remains disputed whether these efforts have reduced social disparities or in fact increased them. This study examined the transition from lower secondary education in academic- and intermediate-track schools to upper secondary education in general and vocational gymnasium schools in the state of Baden-Württemberg. When indicators of parental social background and school-leaving qualifications were controlled, the opening of upper secondary education was found to be associated with a decrease in the social selectivity of upper secondary education for intermediate-track students. At the same time, for those intermediate-track students who were entitled to enter upper secondary education, social background had predictive effects on the transition decision; however, the overall size of these effects was low.  相似文献   

现在,如果你还不知道什么是微博,那你就"OUT"了!虽然有着字数的限制,但更多的人还是义无反顾地舍弃了原本红极一时的博客空间,转投微博的"怀抱"。可以说,微博一经问世,就因其便捷性、自  相似文献   

Reporting on research results to students, teachers and institutions is a big challenge within competence assessment research: students individually have to be given feedback about how they performed, teachers have to be provided with information about their classes, education authorities are interested in actual research results. For feedback being helpful for students, teachers and institutions, the following questions have to be thought of: (1) Who is the feedback given to? What is the aim of the feedback? (2) Which results shall be reported? (3) How should feedback theoretically look like? And (4) how does feedback depend on the given general framework? The given article discusses these questions and offers a “checklist” to research projects with a focus on competence assessment.  相似文献   

在实际教学过程中,绝大多数老师习惯在批改学生作业时用“×”来表示学生做的题目有错。“×”号究竟是什么意思呢?查阅有关资料,据称“×”号是“此路不通”之意。学生作业中出现“×”,通常不外乎如下几种原因:或确实不会做;或粗心大意造成的;或不解题意所致;还有的就是老师不负责任信手打错的。老师批改作业完毕,学生拿到作业本时,看到“”号感觉还不错,看到“×”号就直撅嘴;极少数学困生作业中布满了“×”号,处处是“此路不通”的标记,其学习积极性受到严重挫伤。结合自己的教学体会,我觉得在批改学生作业时可改“×”…  相似文献   

国家教育部发出“减负”通知后,时间已过半年多,家长们都在想些什么?家庭和社会应该为孩子们做些什么?本刊记者带着这一社会普遍关心的问题采访了家庭教育知名专家关鸿羽教授。记者:在教育部发出“减负”通知以前,不少家长抱怨学生学习时间太长、作业太多、书包太重。教育部发出“减负”通知以后,不少家长又反其道  相似文献   

“黑,真黑!”这是已故笑星赵丽蓉在她的小品中说的一句义愤之语,想必你不会陌生吧?在颜色词的家族中,先是经历了黄色的神圣威仪,继而是红色的躁动与喧嚣,近年来“绿色风潮”又席卷全球,而“黑”却长期饱受着世人的冷落和睥睨,甚至到了“黑字”过街人人喊打的地步。一起来看下面几条信息:1.从年初开始,南海市就把打黑作为公安政法机关的首要任务来抓。(《羊城晚报》1994.1.7)2.《杨祖武怒斥假球黑哨》(《北京晨报》2004.10.5)3.“黑行规”:没有一家生产企业敢不给盐业公司回扣。(《中国青年报》2004.9.10)4.《540万救灾款12年在银行生利息武…  相似文献   

Being active in civic organizations can be expressed in multifarious forms of participation and commitment. With regard to individuals, the learning context it provides fosters personal development, sympathy for other perspectives, and social competencies in general and is, thus, particularly meaningful for young people in their second and third decades. With regard to organizations, civic participation strengthens the integration and dynamic adaptation of institutions to changing environments and, on a macro-level, raises social cohesion. The contexts of participation are various: not only in educational institutions and the world of work, but also in clubs, organizations and less formal groups, which are involved in social and political issues. Socio-structural and motivational factors, but also belonging to social networks determine the involvement in such forms of civic participation. Additionally, there is evidence of a mutual reinforcement of participation in different contexts. This is shown by the results of the DJI-Survey AID:A 2009.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Anwendungsf?higkeiten und das Interesse für neueste mediale Technik sind zu einem Kennzeichen moderner Adoleszenz geworden. Dabei spielen das Medium Computer bzw. Anwendungsweisen neuer Medien eine erhebliche Rolle. Doch die Computernutzung Jugendlicher geht über einfache technische Anwendungsweisen weit hinaus. In der Relation von Medium und Subjekt ereignen sich individuelle Identit?tsbildung und Selbststabilisierung, geschehen Suchbewegungen und Explorationen von Subjektgestaltung. Innerhalb dieser Prozesse der Identit?tsbildung und Subjektgestaltung sind Dimensionen jugendlicher Computernutzung zu beobachten, die in den Bereich der individuellen Sinngenese fallen und in den Kontext der Diskussion um Medienreligion bzw. um Formen „verflüssigter“ Religion geh?ren. Wie sich diese Formen ausdifferenzieren will der folgende Beitrag entfalten, dem ein qualitativempirisches Forschungsprojekt zugrunde liegt.
Summary Religion, Identity and Computers — Fluid forms of religion in youth culture Competency and interest for new media technology have become recognizable elements of modern adolescence. The computer and the use of new media play particularly significant roles in this context. However, adolescents’ use of computers goes far beyond simple technical application. The relationship between medium and subject influences identity formation and self-stabilization, and initiates a process of searching and exploration of individual development. Dimensions of computer use within these processes can be viewed in the context of individual processes of sense-making construction and are therefore relevant to the discussion of media religion and of so-called “fluid” forms of religion. This paper will show how the forms develop on the basis of a qualitative empirical research project.

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