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Media exert a pervasive influence on personal and national identity. Kazakh independence in 1991 necessitated forming national identity where only limited common identity existed previously. This paper examines the socio-political context of Kazakhstan, explores how images in Kazakh music videos assist in conveying national identity, and addresses ongoing challenges that shape how Kazakh identity continues to develop.  相似文献   

This essay analyzes the collective mnemonics embedded in the statistical discourse of Planned Parenthood's 1955 conference, Abortion in the United States. Conferees recalled a culture that was diseased, remembered both through social data on abortion pathology and epidemiology. The essay conceptualizes how to think of social data as a collective memory of secrets that is incumbent to biopower, particularly regarding statistical anonymity as a form of strategic amnesia. Although primarily a study of this conference, the essay notes the broader importance of collective memory and secrecy for the study of biopower.  相似文献   

在音乐网络这个领域内,一个合格的、跟上新时期步伐的音乐工作者应该清楚地认识到,提高音乐素养是时代的要求,也是工作的客观需要。重视音乐素养的学习和提高,加深对音乐的理解,提高音乐综合能力,是关系到网站在未来是否适应新时期高校教育需要的大问题,也是网站在未来的竞争中生存与发展、牢固占领文化领域的重要因素。  相似文献   

In this article, I survey the Onondaga Nation's social media outlets in the light of collective memory theory. The article identifies several core topics of the nation's identity narratives which, all together, are perceived as an expression of Onondaga functional memory. The role of wampum belts as medial cues to that memory is highlighted as well as the role of social media in the struggle against the negative effects of native media invisibility.  相似文献   

陈琴 《档案与建设》2020,(2):14-17,8
文章以南京大屠杀事件为主要分析对象,主要探讨的是集体语境下的创伤记忆。首先,对创伤记忆国际认同的意义以及国际认同面临的困境加以探讨;其次,指出档案资源在创伤记忆中的建构作用及其作用机理,详尽阐释创伤记忆的延续传承直至国际认同离不开档案资源的建构;最后,从档案的视角探讨促进创伤记忆国际认同的实现路径,将创伤记忆的研究引申至档案学领域,以期在丰富档案学理论的同时让集体创伤记忆得到更大范围的认同。  相似文献   

档案记忆观、资源观与“中国记忆”数字资源建设   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
档案是建构集体记忆重要且不可替代的要素,数字档案是档案资源的重要组成,收藏和开发是构建档案资源的基本途径。根据当代档案记忆观和资源观,有必要大力加强档案数字资源建设。建议构建"中国记忆"大型数字资源库,以真实丰富的数字资源为中华民族集体记忆的建构和传承提供文献支撑,促进档案事业社会影响力和公众满意度的提升。  相似文献   

探讨了音乐旋律特征的匹配检索,通过将检索过程分解为三个步骤:字符串匹配检索、相似度计算和相关度计算来对旋律轮廓中的不同特征进行相应的计算处理,得到最终的检索结果并总结了音乐旋律特征的匹配检索模型。  相似文献   

音乐旋律的表示和匹配方法是基于旋律的音乐组织与检索的重要环节。音乐旋律的表示方法大致分为两种:一是描述旋律时忽略乐音在时间上的延续性,只描述乐音随时间的变化;二是同时考虑音乐旋律所包含的两方面的内容。从信息管理的角度看,对音乐旋律进行描述的最终目的是建立旋律数据库,对音乐信息进行组织和检索。进行音乐旋律描述时可以忽略旋律的时间属性,这个旋律表示法的基本思想是直接使用音符对应的绝对音高来表示音乐旋律。图1。参考文献12。  相似文献   

张涛 《档案学研究》2020,34(5):126-133
网络信息存档是指收集已经记录在万维网上的数据并将其存储的过程,确保数据保存在档案中,并使收集的数据可用于将来的研究,它有助于建构我们这一代人的集体记忆。然而,以被遗忘权为代表的个人数据保护权利体系却在一定程度上对网络信息存档造成限制。为了在集体记忆与个人遗忘之间取得平衡,网络信息存档机构需要采用更具适应性的个人数据保护规则,坚持“通过设计保护隐私”原则,同时提升对被遗忘权的审查能力,形成与数据主体、数据性质、数据来源有关的评估标准。  相似文献   

库克数字音乐图书馆(Kuke)是专注于非流行音乐发展的图书馆,以储存音频信息资源为主,馆藏资源丰富多样。Kuke重视古典音乐资源的建设,重视读者服务工作并制定了完善的著录标准,但依然存在曲目信息录入错误、翻译不统一,检索方式单一、繁琐,中国音乐作品收藏数量较少等问题。  相似文献   

This study examined the characteristics of users' free-text queries submitted to RILM Abstracts of Music Literature (a music literature database), and compared those queries with the controlled vocabularies used by RILM. Search-log analysis identified 11 categories of user-created search terms, and mapped each user-created search term to RILM's index terms, assessing whether it was a perfect match, a partial match, or no match. Only 30.04% of the user-created search terms did not match RILM's index terms. Most of the partial-matching and non-matching user-created search terms were personal names, work titles, and topical terms. Suggestions are offered to enhance RILM's controlled vocabularies.  相似文献   

从某种意义上讲,档案编研的过程就是编研人员依据一定的价值标准和原则,从档案馆藏中筛选"原料",建构城市记忆的过程.以建构城市记忆为价值取向的档案编研工作应当遵循集体性、原真性、整体性和系统性的编研原则.  相似文献   

Museums, memorials, and other historic places are key sites in the construction of collective memory and national identity. The Plains Indian Museum in Cody, Wyoming is one such space of memory where the (pre)history of “America” and its native peoples is told. Based on the view of texts as experiential landscapes, it is argued that this museum works to absolve Anglo-visitors of the social guilt regarding Western conquest through a rhetoric of reverence. This rhetorical mode invites visitors to adopt a respectful, but distanced observational gaze. A concluding section assesses the social and political consequences of memorializing in this mode.  相似文献   

新闻史研究的发展困境,是酝酿本文的具体背景;而在传播史的共识下,议题生命史则是台湾知识社群回归新闻专业的一种尝试。作者从集体记忆出发,重新讨论报道素材该如何在历史研究中开展,而从业者又拥有什么样的改变机会。社会中的结构失忆,则是新闻工作者要谨慎面对、并大胆突破的文化瓶颈,藉以找回新闻之于社会大众的积极意义。  相似文献   

文章在概述乐谱文献特征的基础上,指出当前中文乐谱编目在规则适用性、题名著录、版本著录、乐谱特殊细节项著录以及标引方面存在的具体问题,同时据此提出未来乐谱编目过程的改进措施:加强对乐谱编目规则与细则的研究、规范乐谱题名著录、将乐谱的特定版本标识著录在版本项、重视乐谱特殊细节项著录以及充分考虑乐谱标引。  相似文献   

音乐图书资料的作用与建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章在分析了音乐图书资料在音乐教育、音乐创作和音乐研究中的重要作用的基础上,从管理人员素质、常规介质资料、电子介质资料等方面,讨论了加强音乐图书资料建设以更好地为教学、科研服务的问题.参考文献3.  相似文献   

Crowdsourced metadata available in iTunes is too often insufficient or even incorrect for classical music recordings. Listeners find themselves frustrated when the only options iTunes provides are illogical. What we need is a group of professionals who are experts in music and information organization to clean things up. Enter the Music Library Association. The author proposes that this national group with ten regional chapters divide the work of providing improved metadata for classical recordings, using an open source program such as freedb. Working with Gracenote, individual music librarians could also correct existing data and reduce instances of a user encountering poor information.  相似文献   

We examine how conceptions of identity and meaningful work are influenced by a nation's changing economic and political environment. We collected research in Norway – a country with a rich economy that has heavily relied upon oil production since the 1980s. Yet depleting oil resources are prompting an economic transformation. Twenty-seven interviews and a thematic analysis revealed how Norwegian workers safeguarded their traditional, collective workplace values, yet were simultaneously confronted with modern – more masculinized – workplace performances ushered in with the oil era. We contribute to theory by suggesting that work's meaningfulness is constructed by competing national cultural discourses that evolve over time. These discourses become narratives that citizens draw upon to evaluate work and to negotiate their personal and professional identities.  相似文献   

基于旋律的音乐检索研究 --旋律特征的表达和提取   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
介绍了基本的旋律轮廓表达方式。并通过对常用音频文件格式的比较,总结了从MIDI格式文件中提取音乐旋律的优点及主旋律通道的判断方法。最后分析了乐句的定义及其在旋律检索中的重要性并总结了音乐旋律特征的表达和提取模型。  相似文献   

传统村落拥有丰富的自然和文化资源,凝结着历史的记忆,是社会文明的直接见证者。随着城镇化进程的推进,传统村落逐步消融在时代的印迹里。为促进传统村落在新时代的焕发新生,文章借助法国历史学家皮埃尔·诺拉的记忆之场理论,指出传统村落在历史、时间、变迁中凝聚成具有象征意义的记忆场。在此基础上文章剖析了档案部门参与村落记忆场保护的意义,阐释了村落记忆场赓续乡村记忆、留住乡情乡愁、传承文化遗产的功能,并提出了档案部门就如何推动村落记忆场实现功能最大化的策略,以期使档案部门更好地承担起传承、保护、赓续传统村落的主体责任。  相似文献   

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