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In April 2007,the China National Working Group for IPR Protection launched the Action Plan on IPR Protec- tion 2007 to outline the substantive IP measures that China will take in 2007. According to the Action Plan,China will,  相似文献   

Afterfouryears ofhardwork, a research team is making progressincontrollingalgalblooms caused by eutrophication ata 6-square-kilometer testing area inLakeDianchi, Kunming,capitalcityof southwest China’s YunnanProvince. Commissioned by the Ministryof Science and Technology and theProvincial Government of Yunnan,a23.7-million-yuan(US$2.5million)project was launched in April 2000with an objective to restrain thes e r io us blu e- gr e en alga l(cyanobacterial) blooms an…  相似文献   

塞林格一直被认为西方神秘主义的影响,而禅宗方面却常被忽略。佛教禅宗对塞林格施以极大影响,他自己也十分向往东方哲学,尤其是佛教禅宗。这方面在他的代表作《麦田里的守望者》中表现的很明显。在这部小说中,霍尔顿的麦田里守望者的愿望,在于要阻止孩子们堕落到虚伪的成人世界。这正如佛教僧侣普渡众生,使人们超脱令人厌恶的世俗世界。  相似文献   

CAS is to join hands with local governments in establishing five new institutes in coastal or economically booming cities. The five institutes will be the Yantai Institute of Coastal Research for Sustainable Development (YIC) at the beautiful seaside city…  相似文献   

塞林格一直被认为西方神秘主义的影响,而禅宗方面却常被忽略.佛教禅宗对塞林格施以极大影响,他自己也十分向往东方哲学,尤其是佛教禅宗.这方面在他的代表作<麦田里的守望者>中表现的很明显.在这部小说中,霍尔顿的麦田里守望者的愿望,在于要阻止孩子们堕落到虚伪的成人世界.这正如佛教僧侣普渡众生,使人们超脱令人厌恶的世俗世界.  相似文献   

News in Brief     

Chinese civilization has a long history of 5,000years. It is China’s fine tradition to attach im-portance to ethics and morality, that is “Allmust regard self-cultivation as the root.” Confucius oncesaid that “Benevolence means love of people.” He ad  相似文献   

In cooperation with collea]gesfrom other labs, researchers ofthe CAS Shanghai Institutes ofMateria MedicaSIMMand theCAS Insti0tute of Biochemistry andCell Biol[(o)(gy\()IBCB) have madeprogress] in gene cloning], proteinexpression, structural analysis, anddrug design in regard to SARS virus.This was announced May by PeiGang, dire0(c)]tor of the CAS Sha[(n)(g)]-hai Insti0t]utes for Biol[(o)(g)]i[(cal Scien[(c)0(e)]s,parent nstit]u[(tion of the twoinstitutes.The scienti]sts have ful…  相似文献   

Under the joint auspices of the Ministry of Sciences & Technology (MOST) and China Association for Science & Technology, more than 1,600 Chinese scholars including CAS and CAE members, chief scientists of the National Basic Research Program (dubbed 973 Program) and directorsof national key labs, have voted for China's top 10 events in basic research in 2007.  相似文献   

1. Funerary Euphemism:1.1 Death of Religious PeopleChina is a multi-deity-worship country with Taoism and Buddhism playingprominent roles. Both of them have significant amount of followers. These relig-ious generate some Chinese funerary euphemisms, but each has different explana-tions for this natural phenomenon.Taoism denies the differences among things. Death is just a change from lifeto another kind of existence, which simply means that the flesh and blood turns intoimmortal spirit, so…  相似文献   

In China in which the statutory laws are adopted,the Patent Law and the Implementing Regulations of the Patent Law do not provide for the equivalent doctrine from 1985 when the patent system was instituted.Only the Supreme People's Court has provided for,and interpreted,the equiv- alent doctrine and its application in the form of judicial inter- pretation in 2001.In spite of all these,the courts in China  相似文献   

We present an exploratory investigation of how managers conceptualize and perceive ‘product–firm compatibility’ variables in successful and unsuccessful new product development (NPD) projects, and explore the role that they play in differentiating between successful and unsuccessful NPD outcomes.The findings show that managers perceive two distinctive types of product–firm compatibility factors, technology and marketing. Furthermore an ‘advertising–finance’ factor in the unsuccessful NPD projects emerged. Consequently differences exist in metric equivalence across successful and unsuccessful NPD projects, and thus the comparison of the successful and unsuccessful NPD projects should be done with caution. All product–firm compatibility variables and factors are positively related to NPD success. The managers, however, put lower relative importance to marketing in comparison to technology variables and factors.  相似文献   

Over the past 50 years, Chinahas experienced a dramaticturn in its petroleumproduction. Today, our country isfacing the same challenge it met 50years ago. Therefore, we have torenew our once high vigor to seekmore petroleum deposits in order tomeet the needs of national develop-ment in the new century.Before the founding of thePeoples Republic of China in 1949,China was looked on as a countrywith few petroleum reserves. Sincethen, oil explorers painstakinglycombed the plains, wilderness ando…  相似文献   

What is the sky? Where is it? How high is it? What lies above the sky? I am sure that you have asked questions like these. They are very difficult to answer, aren't they?Perhaps we can answer some of these questions now. What is the sky? It is vast space. In the sky there is the sun, the moon, and all the stars.Scientists have always wanted to know more about space. They use telescopes to obtain information. But this  相似文献   

Scientists from the CASChangchun Institute ofApplied Chemistry havemade significant progress in devel-oping advanced expertise of seawa-ter desalination. Their work was re-cently appraised and confirmed bya panel of experts in northeastChina’s Jilin Province.The scientists have succeededin advancing the technology capableof producing the high Cl-resistantcomposite membranes of reverse os-mosis and related components, whichare the crux in developing a top-per-formance water-purifying techn…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.Introduction For a number of years, the teaching of vocabulary was neg- lected in language teaching. For much of this century, the prin- cipal focus of language teaching has been on the grammar of the language. But recently, the status of vocabulary ha…  相似文献   

Anational key project en- titled “Predictivestudyof aridification in northern China in association with life-sup- porting environment changes” has recently passed the appraisal of a panel organized by the Ministry of Science & Technology in Beijing. Under the support of the Na- tional Basic Research Program (dubbed973 Program),the five-year research project was jointly led by Prof. Fu Congbin from the CAS In- stitute of Atmospheric Physics and Prof. An Zhisheng from the CAS Institu…  相似文献   

CAS researchers have scored major progress in their work on moon roving vehicles. Their research "Pre-study on key technology of lunar rovers" passed the acceptance check under the auspices of the CAS Bureau for  相似文献   

The Chinese group of an in-ternational consortium to cre-ate the next generation mapof the human genome held its firstmeeting March 28 29 in Beijing,marking the launch of the new ven-ture in this country. With the do-mestic support from CAS, NSFCand MOST, the Chinese groupwill complete 10% of the entiretask.With the objective to speed thediscovery of genes related to com-mon illnesses such as asthma,cancer, diabetes and heart diseases,a $100 million international researchproject to deve…  相似文献   

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