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Higher education in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines has been in a turbulent period for several decades. Pressures for reform include declining STEM student enrollments, high attrition rates from STEM curricula, and the rise of powerful alternative teaching strategies shown by cognitive science and educational research to promote learning and curricular retention better than traditional teaching methods do. In addition, research has shown that online and face‐to‐face courses on average produce comparable learning outcomes, and hybrid courses that combine the best features of both are more effective than either face‐to‐face or online courses by themselves. Motivated by these and other pressures, many faculty members have adopted the new teaching methods, and distance education had become widespread well before the 2020 coronavirus pandemic forced most educators at all levels to teach online. As might be expected, however, many faculty members and administrators have resisted change, arguing that the traditional approach has always worked well and needs no major revision. Before the pandemic, most STEM courses were still being taught using the traditional methods, and many course instructors are eager to return to them. These different responses to calls for education reform have led to heated debates among university instructors and administrators regarding how STEM curricula and courses should be designed, delivered, and assessed, and the role technology should play in all three functions. This essay outlines two competing paradigms on each of these issues—the traditional paradigm, which has long dominated STEM education, and the emerging paradigm, which has become increasingly common in the last 30 years but is still not predominant at most universities and colleges. The essay concludes with speculation about the eventual outcome of the competition.  相似文献   

Changing What Is Taught: Hearing the Voices of the Underrepresented   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A major challenge facing institutions today is determining the role of multiculturalism in the curriculum. Institutions that decide to incorporate multicultural perspectives into the general education curriculum will face a long and complex process. In 1991, policy makers at Florida State University made the decision to require all students to take multicultural courses to fulfill general education requirements. This article provides insight into the challenges that institutional policy makers face as they seek to change the curriculum to include the voices of those previously underrepresented.  相似文献   

Although the economic benefits of collaborative schemes and transfer of courses in distance education are clear, examples of collaboration between distance education institutions are rare. A reason is sought in theorganisational climate or ethos of each institution engaged in distance education, which inhibits joint design and use of courses or the transfer of a course from one institution to another. This theme is examined in relation to distance education in the integrated mode system of Australian and New Zealand universities, six in all. The universities are compared in terms of six features of organisational climate of particular relevance to distance education: physical characteristics, academic organisation, involvement in distance teaching, organisation of distance teaching, components of distance teaching and staff attitudes to distance education. It is concluded that the considerable variation between institutions, with respect to these features, creates difficulties for collaboration. The best prospect for collaborative schemes in distance education therefore may have to lie in the use of national or international agencies to validate courses as part of a national or international higher education programme along the lines of Britain's CNAA.  相似文献   

Over the last hundred years correspondence study for adults has been a substantial ‐‐ if little studied ‐‐ part of the education and training of adults in the UK Private colleges, non‐profit making institutions, professional, trades union and political bodies were experienced in the provision of correspondence courses long before the Open University came on the scene. In 1981, a national survey of mature students included almost a third who were distance students. Alan Woodley, of the Institute of Educational Technology at the Open University, was a member of the survey team.  相似文献   

根据现代远程教育教师工作与其他高校的共性和差异,通过对云南广播电视大学各学院的调研,在掌握教师授课和管理责任课的难度,开放课和非开放课、中央电大统设课与省级电大统设课的联系与区别,科研项目与教学工作量的关系,双肩挑工作人员工作情况的基础上,运用统计的方法进行数据分析,形成现代远程教育教师工作量评估体系及数学模型,并将其计算机模块化  相似文献   

This article reports findings from a Mellon Foundation research project at Syracuse University with regard to the time demands placed on teachers and learners in online courses. This exploratory research was primarily a study of cases involving three online courses and one face‐to‐face course. The focus of the study was the effects of different forms of communication and collaboration on time invested by teachers and learners. The online courses made use of e‐mail, threaded discussion forums, and online chat sessions; the face‐to‐face course used e‐mail in addition to a course Web site and lectures. Learning outcomes and retention in the three online courses were similar to outcomes and retention in comparable face‐to‐face courses at this institution. Students invested slightly more time in online courses whereas faculty, all of whom were experienced online teachers, invested considerably more time in their online courses. An analysis of interviews with online teachers at other institutions confirms the finding that experienced online teachers invest significantly more time in online teaching than their counterparts in face‐to‐face settings.  相似文献   

Criminal justice programs at traditional institutions of higher learning have been moving toward offering courses online and, in some cases, placing entire programs online for the better part of the past decade. In competition with for‐profit institutions, many traditional colleges and universities have expanded their distance education programming to include online courses and programs to attract students. As a result, the number of criminal justice students has increased, as have the profits for home institutions. With this growth in the online education market, the criminal justice faculty member has been thrust, willingly or unwillingly, into the world of online teaching—a method of instruction foreign to many instructors. From the authors’ experience at their current (and in the case of the lead author a second) institution, this paper addresses many issues that must be considered by faculty members before embarking on this type of time‐intensive initiative.  相似文献   

高等职业院校工科专业开设的电工学是一门理论性、技术性、应用性很强的专业基础课。紧紧围绕培养生产、管理、服务一线需要的高级技能型人才这个高等职业教育总体培养目标,探索和尝试建立高等职业院校电工学教学和考核的模式。  相似文献   

Many diverse forces are motivating institutions of higher education, particularly business schools, to develop and deliver education via the Internet. As higher education institutions explore this opportunity, the question of how courses and degree programs should be designed for effective online delivery via the Internet is a nontrivial concern and challenge. To address this concern and challenge, this paper articulates, defines, and justifies a typology consisting of four types of online distance education that can be pursued by institutions of higher education. The four online distance education types—Overview Model, Overview Model with Feedback, Technical‐Skills Model, and Managerial Learning Model—can be differentiated along a number of content‐related, delivery‐related, and learning‐related issues and have applicability at various educational levels. In addition, the paper highlights and discusses five key lessons for institutions to consider in their desire to launch online distance education initiatives. These lessons provide insights not only for launch success but also for the ongoing sustainability of online distance education.  相似文献   

我国目前的网络高等教育还处于“春秋时代”,充满着活力、竞争和变革。但是,网络高等教育不得不面对教育质量这个日益突出而又亟待解决的问题。从招生定位、教学完善、考核标准以及文凭发放四个角度,分别论述了如何保证网络高等教育质量的问题。  相似文献   

现代远程开放教育的学习主要通过网络来进行,如何提高学员的网上学习有效性是现代远程教育需要着重解决的课题,而影响网上教学有效性的因素可以从学员、资源以及教师的设计等方面来分析,通过学员自学能力、资源质量、教学交互设计、内外监控等方面来提高网上教学的有效性。  相似文献   

Blended learning has risen in popularity in the last two decades as it has been shown to be an effective approach for accommodating an increasingly diverse student population in higher education and enriching the learning environment by incorporating online teaching resources. Blending significant elements of the learning environment such as face‐to‐face, online and self‐paced learning leads to better student experiences and outcomes and more efficient teaching and course management practices if combined appropriately. Hence, an appropriate systematic and dynamic approach of blended learning design is crucial for a positive outcome, starting with planning for integrating blended elements into a course and creating blended activities and implementing them. Evaluating their effectiveness and knowing in which environments they work better and improving the blended activities designed from both the student’s and instructor’s perspective are critical for the next delivery of the course. This article aims to increase awareness of higher education educators about how traditional face‐to‐face learning can be transformed into blended courses so as to develop student engagement with both in‐class and online approaches, whilst being time effective for the instructor.  相似文献   

Despite the advantages of problem based learning (PBL) and the fact that it has been utilised for some time in conventional higher education settings, it is not widely used in distance education in Hong Kong. Recently, a small group of course co‐ordinators at the Open University of Hong Kong engaged in a series of action learning projects to explore ways in which it could be incorporated into their courses. The purpose of this paper is to report the opinions of these academics about the suitability of PBL for a distance education environment. Generally, they concluded that it is possible, and perhaps desirable, to consider implementing PBL as one learning approach. However, most of the projects focussed on a fairly narrow application of PBL, namely in face‐to‐face tutorials. The limitations of the participants’ interpretations are discussed in the light of the constraints they face, and some recommendations are made for other ways of implementing PBL into distance education.  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》2001,14(4):277-291
Japanese higher education institutions have experienced major reforms in the 1990s. These reforms were voluntarily promoted by the universities, and were aimed at transforming research-oriented faculties, or research centered organizations, to teaching and student centered universities. However, at the turn of the millennium, a new reform movement emerged, more economic centered, more market conscious and more influenced by the policy shift toward deregulation. In the 21st century, Japanese higher education institutions will face retrenchment, post-massification, and globalization.This paper examines government higher education policy and Japanese higher education reform movements in the globalization and post-massification eras. First, issues surrounding Japanese higher education in an era of post-massification will be set out. Secondly, the direction of higher education policy will be examined and compared with the higher education policies of some Western countries. Finally, the impact of the policy shift toward higher education institutions and the existing structural problems around Japanese higher education will be analyzed.  相似文献   

随着社会专业化程度的不断提高,大学生越来越被强调要发挥专业优势,从事与本专业相关的全职工作。事实上,目前高校本科毕业生就业的专业相关总体不高,原因为专业不符合预期与专业岗位招聘少等。提出高校应从培养目标、课程体制、授课理念、考核模式、师资队伍几个方面进行教学改革以适应这种现状。  相似文献   

中国加入WTO后,对我国的教育也将产生广泛而深刻的影响,它将会促进我国教育更加开放地面向世界,更加主动地进行国际交流与合作,更加积极地参与国际竞争。在新形势下,要进一步加强高校党的建设,加强党对高校的领导,坚持社会主义办学方向,全面贯彻党的教育方针,用马克思主义牢牢占领高校的思想阵地。  相似文献   

针对当前我国工科院校学生在接受国际化教育的过程中普遍存在的问题,结合国家“一带一路”倡议及新时代发展对于国际人才的需求,提出采用“一去三来”的教育方法,让国内师生“走出去”,将教育模式与国际平台“连起来”,将国际知名专家及其课程“引进来”,形成以促进学生自身发展为核心的国际化课程体系。在教师队伍建设上,将年轻的教师与国际知名专家紧密“接起来”,强化国际化工科师资队伍建设,形成“双一流”建设驱动下工科类专业的国际化教育新模式,将学生的国际化教育落到实处,提升学生的创新能力,拓宽国内高等院校师生的国际视野。  相似文献   

Sociologists of education have until very recently ignored the role of organisational processes in generating the demand for qualified personnel, preferring instead to explain any ‘inflation’ of the value of credentials in terms of either class strategies of social reproduction or as the outcome of positional competition within the labour market. In recent years, however, neo‐Weberian theorists have tried to redress this imbalance by pointing to the importance of contextual features of organisation (such as size and national prominence) as predictors of educational demand, while neo‐Marxist historians of the firm have examined the role played by credentials within the control processes of the capitalist enterprise. As a preliminary to more extensive investigation, a path analysis was carried out using the data from the original Aston study which tested one possible causal model of the organisational processes behind the level of specialist qualifications found in a sample of firms and public institutions. This analysis underlines the importance of the organisational division of labour as a mediating influence between contextual features and patterns of bureaucratic control and suggests that the level of specialist qualifications, far from being ‘spuriously’ associated with organisational structures, is deeply embedded in the causal network of complexity and control.  相似文献   

Brazilian higher education institutions face a complex and challenging environment as the national market in education is becoming more competitive. International investment, a decrease in the population of potential students, and the proliferation of innumerable small institutions add to this complexity. Organizations are becoming flatter and the key managers within them are deans. Although deans are required to act as managerial experts, they are usually selected from the teaching body of the institution. In this paper, a group of deans from a large private institution gave their self‐assessment of their academic and managerial skills. The results revealed that they tend to have a high perception of their managerial skills, even though they have no previous managerial experience or formal training. This underlines that senior academic administrators cannot simply assume that deans, by the nature of their work environment, are proficient in managerial skills; neither that they can easily identify inadequacies nor have them self‐corrected. To accomplish the necessary institutional changes to face the complexities of the current globalized education market, a new assessment culture has to be implemented in the academic environment.  相似文献   

e-Learning的繁荣发展推动了新技术在远程教育课程设计与开发中的应用,促进了远程教育课程设计与开发从理念到方法上的变革。作为资深的课程设计专家,同时也是在线教学与学习的专家,罗宾.梅森(Robin Mason)教授在本次访谈中结合英国开放大学课程设计的经验和她的研究,在e-Learning和Web2.0背景下介绍了"以学生为中心"的教育理念指导下课程设计与学习评价的最新方法和技术。梅森教授是早期探讨远程教育领域计算机会议技术的先驱之一,是享有国际威望的英国开放大学"在线与远程教育"专业课程的主管,多年从事的在线课程设计、辅导和评价工作使其成为国际上课程设计领域和在线教学的知名专家,相关的研究论文和学术专著成果颇丰。近期,她所提出的基于学习对象的远程教育课程设计方法受到业界的普遍关注,在学习评价和电子学习档案袋、e-Learning的基本概念和理论等方面也都有独到建树。  相似文献   

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