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This article examines a decade of federal support for biotechnology in the Federal Republic of Germany in order to determine the impact of liberal corporatist patterns of decision-making on industrial policy. For this purpose, industrial policy is taken to include both public initiatives aimed at promoting the new technology and those designed to control its risks.Two distinct forms of corporatism are discernible in this case study. In the first, the principal actors are large businesses, the state, and to a lesser extent, the academic reserch community. These actors have been most influential in defining the scope and specific objectives of the federally funced R&D program in biotechnology. A more traditional form of corporatism, including organized labor, has been engaged in the debate on regulatory policies.In the case of biotechnology, these patterns of corporatism have created the consensus necessary for the adoption of a comprehensive R&D program, but have perpetuated certain barriers to technological innovation. In particular, the reliance on established peak organizations to formulate policy has discouraged structural changes that could have enhanced Germany's early competitiveness in biotechnology. Incrementalism has produced more favorable results in the context of regulatory policy, by permitting control strategies to develop in step with technological progress.  相似文献   

追寻知识产权公共政策的理性精神,借鉴主要发达国家知识产权政策演变中的理性设计,剖析我国生物技术知识产权共享的理性诉求,探讨我国生物技术知识产权的公共政策选择,将对提高生物技术研发投入效率和知识产权运营管理水平带来新的启发。  相似文献   

高璐  李正风 《科学学研究》2010,28(5):655-661
英国疯牛病危机动摇了英国既定的以专家为中心的决策制定模式,引发了"统治"范式的危机,也为"治理"范式提供了重要动力。经历了危机的英国政府在新时期试图建立一种"治理"范式下的生物技术政策模式,非政府机构的参与成为了新范式的显著特征。本文分析了从"统治"到"治理"变化的过程中的诸多影响因素,比较分析"统治"与"治理"两种政策范式。并指出,"治理"范式能够更好地捕捉现代社会与技术关系的新特征,因此对于新技术发展过程中相关社会问题研究的重要性逐渐凸显。  相似文献   

危机情报可靠性对公共危机伪信息管理绩效影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先分析了危机情报与公共危机伪信息管理的密切联系,认为公共危机伪信息管理同时也是一个危机情报活动过程;进而从准确性与全面性两方面研究危机情报可靠性对公共危机伪信息管理绩效的影响,并构建了混沌情景仿真模型,形成4个仿真方案;在此基础上利用所构建的仿真模型对4个仿真方案进行唯象仿真,最后得出相应研究结论.  相似文献   

In Switzerland, there have been intensive public debates about biotechnology because of the specific Swiss political system of direct democracy that led, in 1992 and 1998, to two national referenda on biotechnology regulation. As a result, the Swiss population is well informed but skeptical about this technology. These findings contrast with the deficit model of public understanding of science, which predicts a positive correlation between knowledge of, and support for, a specific technology. What role did the media play in the development of public opinion? This question is discussed because of a content analysis (time series) of national newspapers. In addition, representative surveys and focus groups yield insights into the public perception of biotechnology and the influence of mass communication for opinion formation.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]基于本体的公共危机事件情景模型研究旨在给应急决策者创造熟悉的环境和场景,引导和支撑应急决策者适应和了解当前态势,进行有针对性的决策行动。[方法/过程]从知识管理的角度提出了支持政府危机决策的情景构建体系,运用本体论的思想与方法构建了危机事件情景模型,并对其特征及应用价值进行了具体分析。[结果/结论]研究表明,基于本体的公共危机事件情景模型以危机情景为描述对象,以本体作为知识组织体系的描述手段,以情景知识元素作为语义单元,以语义知识网络作为情景表现形式,具有语义分析能力和推理能力,能够有效支持政府危机预警、监测、指挥、评估等管理系统。  相似文献   

A long stream of academic literature has established that public funding towards research and development matters for economic growth because it relates to increases in innovation, productivity and the like. The impact of public funding on the creation of new firms has received less attention in this literature despite theoretical constructs that support such association. In the present paper we study whether indeed there is a relationship between public research funds and local firm births in the context of the U.S. biotechnology industry. In doing so, we introduce a number of changes that strengthen the robustness of our findings when compared with existing literature. These changes include a direct measure of research expenditures and a considerably lengthier longitudinal dataset which allows us to capture a structural relationship and not a chance event. We empirically demonstrate that increases in the level of research funding from the National Institutes of Health towards biotechnology associate with increases in the number of biotechnology firm births at the Metropolitan Statistical Area level. Further, we reveal that public funds towards established firms associate with local firm births considerably more strongly when compared with funds towards universities and research institutes/hospitals. We conclude the paper with academic and policy implications of the present work that highlight the complexity of factors that underlie the creation of local firms in high technology industries.  相似文献   

This essay analyzes how academic institutions, government agencies, and the nascent biotech industry contested the legal ownership of recombinant DNA technology in the name of the public interest. It reconstructs the way a small but influential group of government officials and university research administrators introduced a new framework for the commercialization of academic research in the context of a national debate over scientific research's contributions to American economic prosperity and public health. They claimed that private ownership of inventions arising from public support would provide a powerful means to liberate biomedical discoveries for public benefit. This articulation of the causal link between private ownership and the public interest, it is argued, justified a new set of expectations about the use of research results arising from government or public support, in which commercialization became a new public obligation for academic researchers. By highlighting the broader economic and legal shifts that prompted the reconfiguration of the ownership of public knowledge in late twentieth-century American capitalism, the essay examines the threads of policy-informed legal ideas that came together to affirm private ownership of biomedical knowledge as germane to the public interest in the coming of age of biotechnology and genetic medicine.  相似文献   

文章以全国众创空间政策为研究对象,建立了众创空间政策“供给-需求”分析评估模型,并采取政策工具量化分析手段,研究政策工具供给结构的有效性,并以全国6959家众创空间统计数据为基础,运用SPSS层次回归模型,从价值发现、企业初创、成长创造、财务绩效四个方面对中国众创空间政策效果进行实证分析。研究结果发现,政策工具供给覆盖面较广,但政府介入力度较强的政策工具偏多,部分有效的政策工具使用不足,自由放任型、部分参与型、策略引导型和政府主导型四类政策工具,对价值发现、企业初创、成长创造和财务绩效发挥不同的作用效果,有些政策工具甚至产生抑制作用。文章提出如下建议:应不断优化众创空间政策供给体系,建立政策效果跟踪反馈机制,完善众创空间政策实施保障体系。  相似文献   

【目的/意义】本文提出了借助知识图谱的知识互联和可视化分析等功能,为公共危机事件智能治理提供知 识支撑的观点。【方法/过程】以“港独”为例,从新华网、人民网、中国新闻网等“港独”新闻语料中抽取实体,构建公 共危机事件知识图谱模型。从知识图谱本体构建和实体数据填充两个方面,对“港独”知识图谱的实体抽取、关系 抽取、知识融合、知识加工和知识推理等构建环节进行重点论述和实践,最后,利用Neo4j数据库实现知识存储,生 成的“港独”知识图谱。【结果/结论】通过Cypher语句对“港独”知识图谱进行查询,能够呈现可视化语义网结构图, 利于知识隐重发现。【创新/局限】本文的创新之处在于把知识图谱技术应用于公共危机事件治理中,为其智能查 询和决策分析提供数据支持。在今后实践中,数据源的选取不必局限于网络新闻语料,还可以适当对“港独”人员 的微博、微信、论坛中的信息进行采集和抽取,以此扩大知识关联,从而更为全面、高效地进行公共危机事件智能 治理。  相似文献   

作为旅游危机管理的参与主体,旅游者对于危机的认知以及由此引发的行动深刻影响政府旅游危机管理的效能。分析旅游者公众理性的有限性以及认知框架等结构特征,探讨基于旅游者危机认知的危机信息传播模型,剖析传统旅游危机信息管理机制的缺陷,提出建立旅游者本位的旅游危机信息管理机制,这是保证旅游危机管理能取得较好效果的前提条件。  相似文献   

Research into the public understanding of science has revealed that the effect of scientific knowledge on attitudes toward science is contextualized by gender; however there has not yet been an account of how gender contextualizes knowledge. This paper investigates how gender identification affects attitudes toward science, and tempers the effects of scientific knowledge on attitudes toward science. Utilizing data from the Eurobarometer 52.1, it is predicted that when males perceive a threat to their masculinity (as measured by a perceived threat to their financial security) they will become more likely to be aversive to biotechnology, and that increased levels of perceived threat will reduce the effects of knowledge on attitudes toward biotechnology. Moreover, it is predicted that these effects will be smaller than their female counterparts. All predictions are affirmed.  相似文献   

This paper explores links between the development of innovation theory since the late 1970s, and the evolution of innovation policy ideas, primarily in the 1990s. The argument is that there is a close connection between theory and policy, so that theory and policy learning can be seen as an integrated, co-evolving and interactive process. We analyse the theory-policy learning link in terms of two phases. We suggest that the complex economic crisis of the 1970s created an opening for rival analyses of events. During the 1980s, the development of evolutionary theories (pioneered by Nelson and Winter) and of empirically-based theories of the innovation process (pioneered by Nathan Rosenberg) created a framework in which policy agencies could consider heterodox ideas concerning objectives and instruments of public policy. By the early 1990s policy-makers, particularly in Europe, came to see RTD and innovation policies not just as important arenas of action in themselves, but as instruments towards more wide ranging policy objectives. The policy agencies involved, though hierarchical, were characterised by relatively open structures that permitted a degree of intellectual diversity: so organisations like the OECD and the European Commission played a central role, whereas the World Bank, for example, did not. Increasing policy interest stimulated a second phase of research in the 1990s, sponsored both nationally and by various EU programmes, in which expanding the innovation-oriented knowledge base became a significant objective for policy-makers. The paper argues that the theory-policy link has been central to the intellectual development of this field, which would have been impossible within the constraints of existing disciplinary structures and university funding systems. At the same time the analytical achievements have permitted a wide expansion in the conceptualization of policy targets and in the design of instruments available to policy-makers. In a sense, this is itself an evolutionary story: of a crisis and a conjunctural niche that permitted the creation and (so far) survival of a set of diverse and certainly non-conventional ideas.  相似文献   

闫盛枫 《情报科学》2021,39(9):146-154
【目的/意义】探测特定领域政策文本语义主题,揭示我国政策部署领域与未来发展趋势。【方法/过程】提出 一种融合词向量语义增强和DTM模型的公共政策文本时序建模与可视化方法,采用DTM模型实现政策文本的时 序切割和主题建模,利用深度学习Word2vec算法中Skip-gram词嵌入技术可以对上下文词汇进行有效预测,增强 其语义表达性和政策解释性,以更为准确地揭示我国公共政策的部署重点。【结果/结论】实验表明本文提出的方法 对于公共政策主题识别和政策文本量化具有更好的知识抽取和语义表达能力,对我国公共政策挖掘和信息揭示具 有良好的揭示。【创新/局限】提出融合词向量语义增强和DTM模型的公共政策文本时序建模方法,一定程度上提 升了政策文本的主题语义表达,未来考虑利用深度学习技术如LSTM算法、BERT模型等识别政策中的领域知识单 元和语法结构。  相似文献   

Spatial collocation and venture capital in the US biotechnology industry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Biotechnology firms operate in a high-risk and high-reward environment and are in a constant race to secure venture capital (VC) funds. Previous contributions to the literature show that the VC firms tend to invest locally in order to monitor their investments and to provide operating assistance to their target firms. Further, biotechnology is a knowledge-based industry that tends to exhibit spatial clusters, and the firms in such industries may collocate to benefit from gaining access to local markets for specialized inputs (e.g., skilled researchers) and from local knowledge spillovers and network externalities. If such gains exist, we expect that the collocated firms should exhibit positively correlated performance, including in their ability to attract venture capital funds. The purpose of this paper is to empirically measure the strength and spatial extent of the relationships among the amount of funds raised by proximate biotechnology firms. We model these relationships with a spatial autoregression (SAR) model, and we control for characteristics of the biotechnology firms and the VC firms that provide their funds as well as site-specific factors. Based on our fitted SAR model, we find that the amount of venture capital raised by a particular biotechnology firm is significantly influenced by the number of VC firms and the VC funding levels raised by biotechnology firms located within a 10-mile radius, but these relationships are not statistically significant beyond this range.  相似文献   

技术风险的主观不确定性主要来源于相关主体不同的利益或价值追求。前沿生物技术较高的主观不确定性在其社会扩散过程中容易被级联放大,进而埋下风险隐患。对此,文章基于Oxitec公司转基因伊蚊技术环境释放试验的案例研究,探究了前沿生物技术主观不确定性风险产生的源头与过程。研究发现:(1)技术本身的不确定性是风险争议产生的起点,主要通过科学家之间的相互博弈产生;(2)技术研发机构是技术不确定性向社会扩散的过渡点,焦点机构与其他主体之间由于价值追求的冲突而产生相关争议;(3)制度环境决定着技术不确定性扩散的方向,不完善的制度设计与制度执行容易导致对各主体利益保护的失衡。文章拓展并丰富了技术风险管理的理论研究,对实践中前沿生物技术的风险防范也具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

韦丽  李小敏  覃春霖 《大众科技》2013,(11):190-191,194
文章利用公共政策学中的危机生命周期理论对此次镉污染事件进行分析理解,并就危机生命周期阶段地方政府危机管理策略进行分析。  相似文献   

In the decade before the 2008 economic crisis, the US biotechnology industry was booming. In a 2006 book, Science Business: The Promise, the Reality, and the Future of Biotech, Gary Pisano implies that, given the 10-20 year time-frame for developing biotech products and the lack of profitability of the industry as a whole, the US biotech boom should not have happened. Yet the biotech industry has received substantial funding from venture-capital firms as well as from established companies through R&D alliances. Why would money from venture capitalists and big pharma flow into an industry in which profits are so hard to come by? The purpose of this article is to work toward a solution of what might be called the “Pisano puzzle”, and in the process to provide a basis for analyzing the industrial and institutional conditions under which the growth of the US biopharmaceutical (BP) industry is sustainable. One part of the answer has been the willingness of stock-market investors to absorb the initial public offerings (IPOs) of a BP venture that has not yet generated a commercial product, and indeed may never do so. The other part of the answer is that the knowledge base that BP companies can tap to develop products comes much more from government investments and spending than from business finance. Indeed, we show that, through stock buybacks and dividends, established corporations in the BP industry have been distributing substantial sums of cash to shareholders that may be at the expense of R&D. We use the framework that we have developed for analyzing the sustainability of the US BP business model to pose a number of key areas for future research and policy, with an emphasis on the implications of the financialization of this business model for the generation of safe and affordable BP drugs as well as the need for a theory of innovative enterprise.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(1):104662
This study examines the impact of public subsidies, and specifically, Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) awards on university spinoff companies. Using unique data for a population of University of California spinoffs, we find pronounced differences between companies commercializing digital technologies (software and hardware), and those that focus on other product spaces. For digital spinoffs, receiving an SBIR award has a negative impact on raising venture capital and no impact on IPOs, exits or first sales. Conversely, for non-digital firms (e.g., biotechnology, energy), receiving an SBIR award has a positive effect on raising venture capital and performance outcomes. We reason that digital technologies are subject to faster cycle times and higher market uncertainty, relative to technological uncertainty. Digital firms may therefore benefit less from subsidies designed to support technology development, and private investors may view the need of digital companies to obtain such subsidies as a negative certification. Our findings inform policy by suggesting that the industrial domain may be an important boundary condition for the effectiveness of SBIR-type subsidies for university spinoffs.  相似文献   

The dynamics of national innovation systems (NISs) are a source of considerable academic and policy interest, especially when to address new competitive challenges they involve changing institutions and relationships within successful systems. This paper examines the case of Taiwan which is embarking on a new phase in its approach to building its national innovative capacity through creating the infrastructure for a biotechnology industry. By examining the process and mechanisms by which new biotechnology innovation networks are being created, and contrasting their development with existing networks, we analyse the dynamics of Taiwan's NIS. The paper reviews the prospects for this new phase in Taiwan's transition from ‘imitation’ to ‘innovation’. The paper aims to add to the understanding of how innovation systems evolve. It is concerned with the contributors, processes and challenges of NIS evolution and the form and meaning of its dynamic changes.  相似文献   

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