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论刘勰的文质观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中国文学批评史上,刘勰第一次全面、系统地提出了文质关系的理论。刘勰关于“文”与“质”、“情”与“采”即内容与形式关系问题的理论表现在三个方面:内容和形式互相依存,不可或缺;在内容和形式的关系中,内容起决定作用;形式对内容具有反作用。对刘勰文质观的历史渊源、理论内涵及其影响进行探析具有重要意义。  相似文献   

祁彪佳是明末著名戏曲思想家,其戏曲情感观体现出新旧并存、情理相依的丰富性和复杂性。本文基于历史背景、个性特征、古籍文献,运用多维视角,从情采关系、表达方式上具体阐述了祁彪佳的戏曲情感观,试图对其文质并重、自然婉转等特点作一个初步探寻。  相似文献   

在文学活动中,沈约对文学的认识和理解是沿着陆机"诗缘情而绮靡,赋体物而浏亮"这一诗学思路的,他把情感和审美形式看作文学的本质属性而又更侧重于情感表现形式上的审美要求.在沈约的文学观念里,其所强调的"情"是作家内心丰富的自然真切的各类情感、意绪、志趣,是反映作家独特才性的情感、思想,是凭借文采、音韵等审美要素审美化了的情感.而词采、音律等审美要素则又应当是本于情感之自然抒发的词采、音律.  相似文献   

"情采"论是《文心雕龙》文学理论体系的基本观点之一,它集中体现于《情采》篇的论述之中,但全书的论文思想都以其为贯穿。学界有观点认为"情采"关系等于文学的内容与形式关系,这种理解与《情采》篇内容有一定偏离。按《情采》篇本文,刘勰依"情采"论文,是以阐明作家创作的真诚为文、以情驭辞为主旨。刘勰提出作家应怀有真诚的情感,反对竞逐新奇地夸饰文辞,这是"原道"和"宗经"思想在创作论中的具体体现。"情采"在《文心雕龙》中是贯通全书的一条主线,具有创作原则和批评标准的双重意义,刘勰通过"情采"关系的论述,意在矫正文坛上浮艳的风气,建立朴实刚健的文风。  相似文献   

《文心雕龙》以“情采”为中心,形成了体大思精的理论体系,《情采》篇作为刘勰专门论述“情”“采”的文章,主要论述的就是文学作品的创作问题,其中包括“情经辞纬”说、“为情造文”说和“联辞结采”说三方面,分别论述情与采的辩证统一关系、“蓄愤郁陶”“述志为本”和“约而写真”的情的创作要求以及“贲象穷白”“控引情理”的采的创作要求。这三个方面相互联系,相互补充,共同构成了刘勰独有的文学创作观,即以情为本,情采兼备,文质并重。  相似文献   

本文认为,《文心雕龙·情采》篇论述的"情采"关系,并不等于文学的内容与形式的关系,而是作家创作情感的"诚伪"与作品文辞的"华实"二者的关系。作者提出的创作主张是"以情驭辞",要求作家的创作要怀有真诚的情感来自然为文,反对竞逐新奇地夸饰文辞。作者通过"情采"关系的论述,意在矫正文坛上浮丽的风气,建立朴实刚健的文风。  相似文献   

《文心雕龙》的文学语言观建立在杂文学观念的基础之上。刘勰认为文学语言起源于人的创造而具有社会性,“文”、“笔”之中的语言只要情志充实而可信、言辞巧妙而有文采就是文学语言;文学语言要求在内容传达上要有风骨、在运用形式上要有“三文”之美,是质和文、情和采的统一体。  相似文献   

人的道德行为是“知、情、意、行”的统一。教育工作必须以知识为载体,以知明理,以理激情,以情促行。为使学生自觉维护民族团结和国家统一,就必须培养学生积极、深厚的民族情感。这就要求教师在授课时,要做到“知、情”并重,把培养民族情感和爱国主义精神作为教学的重要目的,增进学生的民族大团结意识。我们在地理教学中积极发掘民族团结教育素材,注意情感渗透,树立学生正确的地理观,培养学生的民族情感。每个国家,每个民族都有自己的居住地,都在一定的地域上生存和发展;如果失去了生存的地域环境,也就没有了国家、民族的发展与繁荣。因此,…  相似文献   

关于诗文的文与质、情与采的看法 ,构成中国古典美学和诗学研究的一个重要方面 ,历来是古典诗歌创作和诗学研究所重视的一个问题 ,对此 ,明清之际的王夫之曾通过对“文与质”这一传统哲学和诗学命题的重新阐释 ,并结合古典诗歌史的发展实践 ,对“情与采”这对美学范畴也提出了新颖精到的独特看法 ,提出了一个“本色”与“绮丽”兼美的诗学命题 ,从而把中国古典诗学的文质观与情采观研究提高到了一个带有总结意义的新阶段。  相似文献   

《文心雕龙》“物以情观”说   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为中华古代文化的重要组成部分的文学及其观念,最初是以情志为本的,与西方的以事件为本大异其趣。在刘勰的《文心雕龙》中,"情"的范畴被反复提出讨论。首先,刘勰突出提出"情"的问题具有现实针对性,在古典与新声中徘徊,反映出他的折中主义思想倾向。其次,刘勰全面揭示了情感在文学创作中的运动,"情以物兴"是情感从外物移出到作家的内心的过程,"物以情观"则是情感从作家内心移入到对象的过程。从"物感"论到"情观"论,恰好构成了诗人在创作中的情感全部运动。长期以来人们忽略了中华古文论中"情观"论,因此我们应对刘勰的"物以情观"的理论以更多的关注。再次,中华古代诗歌作为情的表现,需要把情客观化,因此在诗歌创作实践中就不自觉地创造出赋比兴三种抒发情感的方式,刘勰对"兴"特别重视,且认为兴才是诗的本质所在,汉代以来的辞赋家重视"比"而不重视"兴",是"习小而弃大"。总之,中国古代对于诗歌或整个文学的规定有三个序列,第一序列是"道",第二序列是"情志",第三序列是"辞采","情志"作为第二序列中心,上可推及到"道",下可联系到"辞采"。因此,"情志"在中国古代文学观念中很重要,属于本体性的规定。  相似文献   

Mark Flynn 《Interchange》1995,26(4):365-381
In this paper I analyse the concept of emotion on Jean Piaget's theory of development and Alfred North Whitehead's theory of growth. For Piaget, emotion is the motivating force of action emanating from outside the individual in the form of sensations emitted by objects. His view is rooted in the Newtonian conception of a universe comprised of isolated objects requiring an emotive force to initiate a series of mechanistic interactions between objects. Piaget reduces all conscious human experience to a cognitive formulation of these causal relations. His abstract concept of emotion as force fails to explain the relationship between bodily feelings, emotions, and higher forms of consciousness in human beings. Conversely, Whitehead explains that emotions are the crucial mediating factors between the welter of awareness of these feelings in higher organisms. His view is consistent with the new physics and its emphasis on indeterminacy, energy, and the organic relationship among events. Whitehead's concrete concept of emotion gives insight into the experience of bodily feelings and their relationship to the growth and learning of human beings. The implications of these conflicting views of emotion for psychology and education are clear. Psychologists must avoid the reductionist tendencies illustrated in Piaget's theory if they hope to understand the subtleties of human experience. Failing to do this will lead them to a concept of human growth and learning in which ideas have no internal relationship with the experience of the knower. Such a conception distorts our understanding of human beings and ignores the joy of knowing.  相似文献   

张岱散文作品中有着极为丰富的情感表现,根据不同的形态,可以分为精一、深情、痴癖三种不同的情感品质。张岱的情感观,是对中国传统文化语境中重视个体情感品质构建的继承。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of science education courses on a group of Taiwanese inservice and preservice teachers’ views toward the nature of science. There were two science education courses in the study; one was for 36 inservice teachers, while the other one was for 32 preservice teachers. Both of the courses included the philosophy of science, the instruction about student alternative conceptions and theories of conceptual change, and some classroom activities for science education. The data sources were based upon these teachers’ questionnaires, written responses to open-ended questions and interviews. The findings derived from this study revealed that both inservice and preservice teachers, to a certain extent, changed their views toward the nature of science when completing the courses. Many of them might reinterpret and reconstruct their views about science during the courses, and their views had progressed toward more constructivist-oriented. This study also suggested that the instruction about student alternative conceptions and conceptual change theories was more helpful than direct instruction about the philosophy of science in changing teachers’ views about science.  相似文献   

This study investigated the immediate and delayed attitudinal effects of presenting ninth-grade students with career information and role models in two media forms, slide/tape and print. On an immediate measure, both the slide/tape and print treatments had a significant positive effect on student attitudes toward the suitability of nontraditional careers for both men and women. Students also had more positive attitudes toward nontraditional careers included in their treatment than toward those not included. Attitudes of the print and slide/tape groups did not differ significantly from each other. None of the significant differences were sustained on a delayed test administered 8 days later. Several interactions related to gender of student and job were found. More comprehensive programs involving multiple role models and other career-related activities are recommended to increase the probability of long-term changes in attitudes toward the appropriateness of nontraditional careers.  相似文献   

Stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination against the elderly (ageism) may manifest themselves in children at an early age. However, the factors influencing this phenomenon are not well known. Using both explicit and open-ended questions, this study analyzed the influence of personal and familial parameters on the views of 1,151 seven- to sixteen-year-old Belgian children and adolescents on the elderly. Four factors were found to affect these views: gender (girls had slightly more positive views than boys), age (ageism was lowest in 10- to 12-year-old, reminiscent of other forms of stereotypes and cognitive developmental theories), grandparents’ health, and most importantly, quality of contact with grandparents (very good and good contacts correlated with more favorable feelings toward the elderly, especially in children with frequent contacts).  相似文献   

在汲取西方机能主义心理学成果基础上,叶圣陶提出富有个性特点的"习惯观".科学知识是促进习惯形成的有效基础."立诚"使得叶圣陶的"习惯观"和"知识观"具备了"开放的性格".从而三者最终达到了知情意的良好统一.  相似文献   

We adopted a trans-contextual model of motivation to examine the processes by which school students' perceived autonomy support (defined as students' perceptions that their teachers' support their autonomous or self-determined motivation) and autonomous forms of motivation (defined as motivation to act out of a sense of choice, ownership, and personal agency) toward mathematics activities in an educational context predict autonomous motivation and intentions toward mathematics homework, and actual mathematics homework behavior and attainment, as measured by homework grades, in an out-of-school context. A three-wave prospective study design was adopted. High-school students (N = 216) completed self-report measures of perceived autonomy support and autonomous forms of motivation toward mathematics activities in school in the first wave of data collection. One-week later, participants completed measures of autonomous forms of motivation, attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, and intentions with respect to mathematics homework outside school. Students' self-reported homework behavior and homework grades from students' class teachers were collected 5-weeks later. A structural equation model supported model hypotheses. Perceived autonomy support and autonomous forms of motivation toward mathematics activities in school were related to autonomous forms of motivation toward mathematics homework outside of school. Autonomous forms of motivation toward mathematics homework predicted intentions to do mathematics homework mediated by attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control. Intentions predicted self-reported mathematics homework behavior and mathematics homework grades. Perceived autonomy support and autonomous forms of motivation toward mathematics in school had statistically significant indirect effects on mathematics homework intentions mediated by the motivational sequence of the model. Results provide preliminary support for the model and evidence that autonomous motivation toward mathematics activities in the classroom is linked with autonomous motivation, intention, behavior and actual attainment in mathematics homework outside of school.  相似文献   

Objective. This study investigated how parents’ perceptions of, feelings toward, and anticipated responses to children’s emotions relate to parents’ meta-emotion philosophy and attachment. Design. Parents (112 mothers and 95 fathers) completed an online research study where they viewed photographs of unfamiliar girls and boys (aged 10–14 years) displaying varying intensities of happiness, sadness, fear, anger, and neutral expressions. Parents labeled the emotion, identified the emotion’s intensity, and reported their mirrored emotion and responses. They also completed measures assessing their meta-emotion philosophy and attachment. Results. Meta-emotion philosophy predicted parents’ responses to children’s negative emotion, in that greater emotion-coaching predicted greater accuracy in labeling emotions (boys only), a greater likelihood to interact with children, and for mothers to be further from the mean in either direction in their mirrored emotion. Attachment also predicted parents’ responses to children’s negative emotions: Parents higher in anxiety reported more mirrored emotion, and those higher in avoidance reported less mirrored emotion, lower intensity, and less willingness to interact (boys only). In exploratory models for positive emotion, parents’ meta-emotion philosophy did not predict their responses, but parents higher in attachment avoidance rated girls’ positive emotions as less intense, reported less mirrored emotion, less willingness to interact, and less supportive responses, and those higher in anxiety showed the opposite pattern. Conclusion. Despite methodological limitations, results offer new evidence that parents’ ratings on a standardized emotion perception task as well as their anticipated responses toward children’s emotion displays are predicted by individual differences in their attachment and meta-emotion philosophy.  相似文献   

A more humanistic approach toward dissection has emerged. However, student attitudes toward this approach are unknown and the influences on such attitudes are little understood. One hundred and fifty-six first-year medical students participated in a study examining firstly, attitudes toward the process of dissection and the personhood of the cadaver and secondly, the extent to which gender, anxiety, exposure to dissection, bereavement and prior experience of a dead body influenced these attitudes. Attitudes toward dissection were assessed by of levels of agreement toward eleven statements and by selection of adjectives describing possible feelings toward dissection. Students were asked about recent bereavement, whether they had seen a dead body prior to starting their course and exposure to dissection when completing the questionnaire. Validated instruments were used to measure disposition toward generalized anxiety (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale) and toward death anxiety (Collett-Lester Death Anxiety Scale). Between 60% and 94% of students held positive attitudes toward the process of dissection and over 70% of students selected 2 or fewer negative adjectives. Students' attitudes toward the personhood of the cadaver were more disparate. Disposition toward anxiety (particularly death anxiety), and exposure to dissection, influenced attitudes. Female gender and recent bereavement exerted a negative influence. Students with higher levels of anxiety experienced more negative feelings and those recently bereaved were less enthusiastic about dissection. Anticipation of dissection may be worse than reality. Sensitive preparation of students prior to entering the dissecting room for the first time may be beneficial.  相似文献   

Children's understanding of moral emotions   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
4-8-year-old children's attributions of emotion to a story figure who violated a moral rule were studied in a series of experiments. Most 4-year-olds judged a wrongdoer to experience positive emotions, focusing their justifications on the successful outcome of his action, whereas almost all 8-year-olds attributed negative feelings, focusing on the moral value of the wrongdoer's action. A developmental trend from outcome-oriented toward morally oriented emotion attributions was also observed in children's judgments of the feelings of a story character who had resisted temptation. When morally evaluating a wrongdoer, only children above the age of 6 years took emotional reactions into account, judging a "happy" wrongdoer to be worse than a "sorry" one. 4- and 5-year-olds attributed positive emotions to a wrongdoer even if his transgression was severe and if he did not gain any material profit from it. However, they did not expect a person (even an ill-motivated one) to feel good if he or she unintentionally harmed another person or merely observed someone being hurt. These results are discussed in relation to recent research on children's developing conceptions of emotion and on the early development of moral understanding.  相似文献   

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