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铜是人类最早认识和使用的金属,数千年的文明发展史在很大程度上与人类对铜的开发和利用密切联系,铜的采冶和铸造技术伴随着人类社会的进步而不断发展,成为科技创新和时代前进的重要见证。青铜器的使用已被历史与考古学家们公认是与文字发明、城市出现、礼仪性建筑兴建齐名  相似文献   

阿特伍德于2019年凭借新书《证言》(Testaments)二次摘得布克奖的桂冠,在这本书中,她将年龄、经验和叙述结合成一种见证文学的形式,既解答了三十五年前在《使女的故事》中设下的谜团,又展现出女性成长之路的复杂与艰深。通过想象建构而成的基列国隐喻出诸多真实苦难,而作为证词的个体记忆则是一种见证,让我们在历史浪潮的起伏中得以窥见真相。阿特伍德诗意的文字兼具求真品质和审美形式,是过去的倒影,也是证人的眼睛,展现出她对历史的深思以及对人类命运的关怀之情。  相似文献   

早在有记载的历史以前,牛奶就是人类的主要食品之一。而且,只要有牛供奶,牛奶将一直是人类的食品。“牛奶”一词源自梵文——人类最古老的语言之一。人类发现的有关挤奶的最早的古画绘于五千多年前。在古代,人们饮用的牛奶来自自家饲养的牛。而现在,新的发明使牛奶工业成为了重  相似文献   

杨文 《成才之路》2013,(10):58-58
人有思想活动,人类发明了语言文字来表达自身的思想,交流相互之间的感情,这是人类的神经系统的活动与其他动物相互区别的本质特点之一。所以,人一生下来,首先就要学习语言。无论哪种语言的学习都是从学习单词开始。英语词汇极其丰富,从结构上来说,英语单词是由词素组成。从意义上来说,有的单词同音异形、异义。如:flower和flour。有的一词多义,一词多形。有的词在句中的位置,与相邻单词的关系,及单  相似文献   

人类的发展史就是人类语言的进化史。起初简单客观的肢体语言逐渐演变成复杂多样的文字语言;没有语言的诞生就谈不上人类的文明;语言带给了人类光明和未来;语言记载了人类的兴盛衰落的千古历史;传承了民族宝贵的物质精神价值;语言是人类进化史当中最伟大的发明;语言与人类的社会、生活紧密相连,缺一不可。  相似文献   

汽车的发明是人类历史上的一大进步,曾有人把它的出现和蒸汽机的发明相提并论,可见意义的重大。如今,汽车在生活中扮演着不可或缺的角色。而  相似文献   

英国《卫报》近来评出“人类最糟糕的发明”,塑料袋不幸“荣获”这一称号———因为我们现在居住的地球似乎已经变成了“塑料星球”,土地、河流、高山、海洋……塑料袋无所不在。直到有一天,我们都已离去,这些家伙仍然占据着地球,因为它们是“永生”的。该报称,蟑螂曾被誉为顽强生命力的象征,但是自从塑料袋出现后,它甚至超越了蟑螂,将成为人类文明的最后一个见证——相信它会带着人类历史进入下一个冰河时期。塑料“诞生”于20世纪30年代,从70年代起,塑料袋垄断了欧美超市购物袋的市场。现在仅英国每年就要使用80亿个塑…  相似文献   

一、问题的提出“借词”也叫“外来语”,是和本民族语对待而说的。世界上任何一种民族语在其历史发展过程中必然地会与他种语言相接触,由于民族间相互交际的需要,由于物品的一种特殊交换过程,在较长时期的影响下,从他种语言中借用了一些命名新事物表达新概念的证词,成为本民族语词汇的组成部分,这些从与本民族语言具有某种历史接触,历史影响的语言中借来的词对本民族语说叫做“借词”或“外来语”。尽管我们对于借词涵义的了解已经十分明确,但绝不等于在汉语词汇的组成部分——借词——的具体研究工作上已经没有问题。目前,我国语言学界一直还没有一本专  相似文献   

王婷 《考试周刊》2011,(35):25-26
语言是人类特有也是人类最重要的交际工具,而词是语言的直接组成成分。在千百年的时代变迁中,人类文明使词系统得到了不间断的更新,社会改变也使词系统得到了多方的丰富。随着社会的发展,一部分的词被淘汰出整个语言系统,但另一方面越来越多的新词新语在不断地出现。它们从网络、方言、英语等不同的方面演变而来,而且被赋予了各种各样的特点。在这些新新词类中,有些词的应用并不广泛且受用时间也不长,有些词却被大量运用并随着人类文明传承下去。  相似文献   

古诗词作为历史文化的产物,不仅象征着中国民族曾经色彩斑斓的文化,也是我国我们历史发展的见证。古诗词言简意赅,字数寥寥,却包含着丰富的韵味。古诗词在用词上简单凝练,而且富有韵律美。把古诗词教学融入小学的学习课程中,不仅能够培养学生的语言鉴赏能力,而且可以促进他们情感上的升华。  相似文献   

一位教授给学生们考试,在收卷的时候他发现有一个学生夹了100美元和一张字条在卷子里,字条写着“一分一美元”。  相似文献   

In this paper I draw an overview of a new model to analyse conceptual evolution in the classroom, based on the notion of Conceptual Profile. This model differs from conceptual change models in suggesting that it is possible to use different ways of thinking in different domains and that a new concept does not necessarily replace previous and alternative ideas. According to this model, learning science is to change a conceptual profile and become conscious of the different zones of the profile, which includes commonsense and scientific ideas.To exemplify how the Conceptual Profile notion can help to understand the evolution of conceptions in the classroom I shall determine the different zones that constitute the epistemological and ontological profile of the concepts of the atom and of physical states of matter.  相似文献   

Engaging change     
This paper examines the role of reflexivity in supporting middle managers in understanding and facilitating large-scale change management projects in their organisations. Utilising an example from a UK university, it is argued that the development of a conceptual model to fit local circumstances enables deeper understanding and better informed decision-making. The cultural and practical difficulties of applying industry-derived management models to higher education institutions are noted. A more nuanced approach is advocated instead, recognising the need for university managers to conceptualise their own circumstances by taking account of local organisational norms and culture to better understand and therefore manage challenging change projects. In conclusion, practical theorising can (re-)structure a complex situation and support the middle manager through the emotional and political challenges of organisational change.  相似文献   

This paper reports the activity of three secondary school mathematics departments in England in self-initiated states of change that led to overall improvements in students’ achievements when compared to previous cohorts. This took place without intervention and without their participation in external projects. They provide examples of departments that can work effectively on their own development, and hence, their work adds to our knowledge of the potential for development through collaboration. The departments were monitored over 3 years, and data were analysed using the lens of activity theory. In contrast to departments in many studies, these departments worked overtly on mathematics pedagogy through the shared production and discussion of resources, shared planning and task design. Also in contrast to several other studies, they developed distinct ways to handle differences of subject knowledge among the teachers in the department. Their focus changed during the study from developing resource banks to supporting students’ learning through hybrid teaching.  相似文献   

The nature of project management is change. Even though all knowledge areas in the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) are rooted in controlling change, none of these areas specifically addresses the human elements of change. There is a significant distinction between directly controlling change relative to the nonhuman aspects of a project ( change control) and effecting change in the human dimensions of a project through leadership ( change leadership). This article characterizes the distinctive activities of change leadership and change control and their interrelationship throughout the project life cycle. Although distinct, change control and change leadership are interdependent and mutually supporting—both are needed to support project success.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship between Principal Change Leadership Competencies, Teacher Change Beliefs and Teacher Attitudes toward Change. A total of 936 teachers from 47 High Performing Secondary Schools in Malaysia completed the survey. Structural equation modelling was applied to test the models. Firstly, the results showed that Principal Change Leadership Competencies was significantly related to Teacher Change Beliefs and implied that if school principals equipped themselves with sufficient Principal Change Leadership Competencies, Teacher Change Beliefs can certainly be enhanced. Secondly, Teacher Change Beliefs was significantly related to Teacher Attitudes toward Change whereby the stronger the Teacher Change Beliefs, the greater the enhancement of Teacher Attitudes toward Change. Thirdly, Teacher Change Beliefs was indeed a total mediator in the relationship of Principal Change Leadership Competencies and Teacher Attitudes toward Change. Put simply, via Teacher Change Beliefs, the impact of Principal Change Leadership Competencies on Teacher Attitudes toward Change was relatively strong as Teacher Change Beliefs greatly facilitated the influence of Principal Change Leadership Competencies on Teacher Attitudes toward Change. Thus, in-depth enhancing Teacher Change Beliefs is one of the effective ways to increase the likelihood of teachers to embrace change. Fourthly, Principal Change Leadership Competencies was more influential than teachers’ self-influence in enhancing Teacher Attitudes toward Change. Therefore, concerted effort must be given to prioritize the continuous development of principal change leadership in effective change management. The study encourages a fresh look at change leadership development and ultimately alters the traditional approach of school principals in managing change.  相似文献   

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