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本文分析残疾儿童家长面临的心理危机及其干预现状,提出应构建“健全与落实残疾人制度为保障,提高残疾儿童家长康复教育水平及心理干预技术为支持,构建残疾儿童家长支持性关系网络为补充”的残疾儿童家长心理危机干预体系,从而帮助残疾儿童家长缓解压力,走出危机境地,以更好的心理状态投入到生活和对残疾儿童的康复教育中.  相似文献   

残疾儿童基础教育不健全的教育是失败的教育。我们要客观地认识西部贫困地区残疾儿童基础教育存在的问题:残疾儿童受教育总体水平较低、残疾儿童在基础教育中处于不公平地位、适龄儿童就学率偏低、城乡差距大、残疾儿童基础教育水平不高等问题;积极探索提升西部贫困地区残疾儿童基础教育的途径:多渠道筹集残疾儿童基础教育专项经费,提高残疾儿童基础教育普及率,加强特教教师队伍建设、形成特教的教学方法,不断完善特教体系,构建德、智、体、心理等多位一体的特教课程体系,提升西部地区残疾儿童基础教育水平。  相似文献   

李玲玲 《考试周刊》2014,(40):50-50
残疾儿童的教育问题一直是特教老师关注的问题。本文通过分析聋生作文水平的现状,从聋生的学习语言特点出发,分析在实际教学过程中如何培养聋生的写作能力及依据必要的写作指导等进行训练,从而达到良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

行为控制是影响学习过程的重要因素,具有保持学习动机,维护学习意向,增强学习者自我效能的作用。本文从心理层面分析了行为控制的运作机制,对学习中的行为控制策略进行了归类,探讨了影响学习者使用行为控制策略的因素,并就提高行为控制策略运用能力的具体训练步骤进行了介绍。  相似文献   

自1994年以来,上海市有条件的托幼机构遵循原国家教育委员会颁布的《关于开展残疾儿童少年随班就读工作的施行办法》的精神,开始有意识地对中轻度残疾儿童进行融合保教。我们兰溪路幼儿园就是兼有特殊教育任务的上海市12所幼儿园中的一所。针对幼儿园中的听障儿童和智障儿童,我们于1996年开设了听障儿童启音班和智障儿童启智班,将特殊儿童独立编班进行教育和训练。在日常教育中,我们发现:(1)特殊儿童在日常生活中往往不会运用  相似文献   

深受社会负能量、教育功利主义、极端个人主义等影响,大学生异常行为问题日益突出,必须正确认识和分析大学生异常行为产生根源,革新干预防控策略和方法,从社会学、心理学、教育学等角度分析大学生异常行为,以大学生心理健康、价值评判为核心教育,开展大学生挫折训练、有效监控大学生异常行为群体、关注重点时期,建立危机干预应急预案。  相似文献   

教育公平可分为教育机会、教育过程、教育结果的公平,我国残疾儿童教育在上述三方面均存在令人担忧的问题。在教育机会上,与普通儿童相比,残疾儿童义务教育入学率、学前教育入学率相对较低,辍学率则高于普通儿童;在残疾儿童内部,不同残疾类型、不同性别、不同经济发展水平地区的残疾儿童之间也存在受教育机会不均衡的现象。在教育过程上,残疾儿童随班就读质量较低,残疾儿童教育师资比较薄弱,残疾儿童受教育质量难以保障。在教育结果上,六年级以后残疾儿童在校生人数急剧下降,残疾儿童职业教育发展非常薄弱,造成了教育与就业之间的断层。所以说我国残疾儿童教育公平事业还面临诸多挑战,任重道远。  相似文献   

建构危机管理系统是高校应对大学生突发事件的重要常规性工作之一。根据危机事件发生的时间序列,高校心理服务机构需要在危机前、危机中、危机后,以适当方式介入。如危机前,应注重普及危机健康教育,建立有效预警机制;危机中,应以参与危机管理系统联动,提供及时心理危机干预为主;危机后,应及时建立关注档案并持续跟踪,对于精神疾病患者建立定期反馈机制等。  相似文献   

尹海 《考试周刊》2014,(92):114-114
特殊教育是针对残疾儿童开展的一项教育活动,然而针对这些残疾儿童更注重的是健康,也就是体育教育的力度要加大,本文对河北省特殊教育学校的体育教育现状展开调查,运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法、数理统计法等研究方法对河北省特殊教育学校体育教育的开展进行调查。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展与进步,社会上残疾儿童的教育问题深刻引起了社会的广泛关注.我国残疾儿童学前受教育的机会率远远低于普通儿童,为残疾儿童提供教育的特殊教育机构也严重匮乏,远不能满足残疾儿童的入学需求.本文主要从关注残疾儿童的重要性和残疾儿童受教育的意义的角度来评述.  相似文献   

Challenging student behaviors are a prominent factor in the development of teacher stress and burnout. When classroom-based teachers of preschool children with disabilities were surveyed to identify their training needs in one North Carolina county, the most frequent request was how to address behavior challenges of preschool children with disabilities. This study examined how instructional support to teachers of preschool children with disabilities and challenging behaviors affected three teachers’ classroom practices. The teachers received training and mentoring in classroom behavior management strategies and engaged in an online community of learners discussion group. Interviews and interactions from an online learning community were used to disclose whether the participants had implemented effective intervention strategies in their classrooms following the training. Teachers felt more competent in managing challenging behaviors after the online interaction with their colleagues. Teachers’ online interactions were a highly effective way to impact teacher efficacy. Therefore, special education preschool programs should consider providing more opportunities for the teachers to build their own learning communities to interact and support one another.  相似文献   

Young children with disabilities acquire behavior problems as a result of many factors. When planning interventions, it is important to remember that all children may display stages of inappropriate behaviors at various times during their early development. In most cases, the problems are short-lived and typically improve with guidance and age. There are children with continuing or increasing problem behaviors that result in injury to self or others or that cause damage to the environment; interfere with development, learning, and acquisition of new skills; or socially isolate the child. We discuss interventions and prevention strategies for young children with persistent and consistent behavior problems and present directions for future research.  相似文献   

正向行为支持法干预孤独症儿童问题行为的个案研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究应用正向行为支持法,对一名孤独症儿童表现出的两种带有刻板和自伤性质的问题行为进行了干预,旨在验证该方法对干预孤独症儿童问题行为的有效性,并对干预的过程进行实践探讨。治疗小组基于前期行为分析的结果,制定针对性的干预计划,运用了前提控制、消退、区分强化等行为矫正策略,进行为期约三个月的干预。总的研究过程包括行为功能分析和干预实施等五个阶段,每个阶段都通过问卷和观察等形式收集数据,最终通过数据对比得出结论,认为:对孤独症儿童的行为问题,应注重外部因素也就是从环境因素中寻找其原因;采用正向行为支持法的策略来分析和处理孤独症儿童行为问题是有效的;在孤独症儿童干预中应关注其身心特征,采取有针对性的教学训练策略。  相似文献   

对学习障碍儿童的社会性发展进行研究,是教育、矫治学习障碍儿童过程中的重要部分.其社会性发展不良主要体现在社会认知不良、社会交往不良、社会行为不良三个方面.文章还从个人因素、环境因素探讨了学习障碍儿童社会性发展不良的原因,并提出了教育对策,以期促进这类儿童的健康全面发展.  相似文献   

采用Achenbach儿童行为量表对儿童行为进行问卷测评。对学习障碍与学习优秀儿童的行为问题进行了对比分析,寻求儿童学习障碍的行为制约因素。结果显示(1)学习障碍男童在多动和违纪两个因子上评分显著高于学习优秀男童;在社交退缩和攻击两个因子上,两组儿童得分的差异接近显著水平;学习障碍女童在多动、违纪和攻击因子上的得分显著高于学习优秀女童;在抑郁和社交退缩两项因子上得分的差异接近显著水平。(2)多动与攻击、违纪等多个问题行为存在显著的相关。由此得出结论:学习障碍儿童存在较多的行为问题,这些问题行为都是影响他们学习成绩的因素。其中,多动是导致儿童学习障碍的重要原因之一。对此,可采用无条件积极关注,改变认知等措施来帮助学习障碍儿童矫正不良行为。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a teacher training program on teacher outcomes. The teachers’ knowledge and attitudes regarding inclusion, classroom management strategies, and their relationships with children both with and without disabilities were evaluated using self-report instruments. In addition, their classroom behaviors were evaluated by independent observers. The teacher education program included a variety of topics related to inclusion and effective strategies for inclusive classrooms. The data were collected prior to the education, after the completion of the program, and 6 months afterwards. The results indicated that the teacher program seemed to have moderate-to-large effects on all teacher outcomes, but the changes in their classroom behaviors were minimal.  相似文献   

A comprehensive research base exists concerning the congruence between parents’ and teachers’ ratings of the behavior of typically developing young children. However, little research has been conducted regarding the degree to which parents’ and teachers’ behavioral ratings of young children with disabilities are congruent. Additionally, previous research has not always correctly proportioned the variance to that between and within classrooms. The purpose of this study was to examine congruence (using hierarchical linear modeling) at the classroom level, rather than the individual student-level, between parents’ and teachers’ ratings of young children's social skills and problem behaviors. We also examined the potential impact of selected family and child demographic variables, including disability, on this congruence. Consistent with other researchers, we found moderate levels of congruence for children's social skills (as framed by strengths-based statements) and low levels of congruence for problem behaviors (as described using deficit-based terminology). Parents’ and teachers’ congruence was higher when rating the social skills of young children with disabilities as compared to young children without disabilities.  相似文献   

Students with developmental disabilities have been found to exhibit higher rates of problem behavior in the classroom than their typically developing peers. Effectively addressing these students’ behavior concerns requires the identification of interventions that can be implemented in an educational setting. Furthermore, matching intervention strategies to the function of a student's problem behavior may increase its effectiveness. There are data to suggest that students with disabilities exhibit escape‐maintained problem behavior in the classroom twice as frequently as problem behavior maintained by other consequences such as attention or access to tangibles. Thus, the purpose of this systematic review was to identify school‐based intervention strategies that have been used to reduce the disruptive behavior of students with developmental disabilities. In total, 12 articles met search criteria, with escape extinction, curricular modification, and noncontingent escape serving as the most frequently employed intervention strategies. Limitations and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

Children with learning disabilities in four types of special education settings were compared in terms of social acceptance, number of friends, quality of relationship with best friends, self‐concept, loneliness, depression, social skills, and problem behaviors. Two of the placements (In‐Class Support and Resource Room) were for children with mild to moderate learning disabilities and involved between 30 and 90 minutes of special education per school day. The other two placements (Inclusion Class and Self‐Contained Special Education Class) were designated for children with severe learning disabilities and involved at least a half‐day of special education. Children in the more inclusive placements had more positive social and emotional functioning. Children receiving In‐Class Support were more accepted by peers, had higher self‐perceptions of mathematics competence, and fewer problem behaviors than children receiving Resource Room Support. Children in Inclusion Classes had more satisfying relationships with their best school friends, were less lonely, and had fewer problem behaviors than children in Self‐Contained Special Education Classes.  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,对于特殊儿童的关注度不断提高,越来越重视特殊儿童教育.智障儿童是特殊的儿童群体之一,由于大脑出现器质性的损伤,大脑发展不全,在认知、心理、运动以及社会交往中都存在一定的障碍,从而影响儿童之后的健康成长.而这些障碍其实可以通过采用不同的感觉统合训练加以改善,帮助儿童过上正常的生活.本文就感觉统合训练对智障...  相似文献   

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