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侦查客体是侦查主体实施侦查行为,进行侦查活动所指向的对象.客体的基本规律和基本特征,决定着侦查人员对某一案件的具体侦破方法,对案件侦破活动具有重要意义.失火案、消防责任事故案是公安消防机构负责侦查的两类案件,如何正确充分履行法律赋予的侦查职能,高速有效的办理这两类刑事案件,已成为各级公安消防机构面临的重要课题.“七何”要素作为一种刑事案件的分析方法,从七个方面,对消防刑事案件侦查客体进行分析,总结出消防刑事案件侦查客体的特征,以便为公安消防机构更加有效的侦查失火案件、消防责任事故案件,提供一定的理论依据和方法.  相似文献   

This explorative case study longitudinally examines teacher orchestration of an inquiry learning process in a technology-enhanced elementary classroom. A 13-month investigative study on cultural artifacts was conducted on 32 fourth grade students who progressed to the fifth grade during the project. The activities were mediated and documented using Knowledge Forum, a technology-enhanced collaborative environment. Data were gathered from video recordings of whole-class sessions and the teacher’s reflective diary entries. The coding scheme for the video analysis focused on identifying the various orchestration events, while drawing on theory and data-driven qualitative content analysis. Six types of orchestration events effectively maintained the process during whole-class sessions. These events supported the advancement of knowledge, reflection on inquiry, and pragmatic organization of inquiry. The study also adopted CORTDRA diagrams that highlighted temporal aspects of the orchestration events throughout the project. Knowledge Forum enabled the longitudinal advancement of the project.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the ways in which students' activities during project work are influenced by their images of science, e.g. their views about the purposes of science, the nature of scientific knowledge and the role of social processes in scientific activity. We also investigate the kinds of project activities which promote the development of students' images of science. We draw on case studies of 11 science students' experiences of investigative project work in their final year at university. For one of these students naive views about the epistemology of science constrain her project activities. We suggest that the concept of 'epistemic demand' may help in anticipating difficulties that students might have during project work. We also find that students' images of science are developed as a result of messages communicated both implicitly and explicitly through project work.  相似文献   

The issues related to climate change such as depletion of energy resources and continuous high oil prices,global warming,and development of clean energy are adopted and discussed as a national agenda i...  相似文献   

通过资源环境视角分析公共体育场馆公益性特征及其发展趋势,探讨由此引发对公共体育场馆可持续发展挑战等问题。从发展角度看,公共体育场馆公益性需求急速增长,运营机制不断完善,项目设置始终以健身项目为主,表现出公益性趋势的特征。体育资源公益性特征与趋势对公共体育场馆可持续发展提出了系列挑战,如公共服务功能引致场馆功能分化,有效体育消费需求不足,公益性受关注度不强等。提出构建可持续发展公益环境,强化政府服务职能,创新运营模式,大力培育公益品牌等对策。  相似文献   

既有公共建筑在建筑围护结构、冷热源、输配系统、末端系统、电气系统、照明及办公设备、管理环节方面等存在不合理因素,导致建筑能耗偏高。通过实际既有建筑的调研,建立典型中央空调类办公建筑模型,采用全年动态能耗模拟的方法评价改造技术方案。结合市场价格,通过回收期的比较,推荐改造的优选方案。  相似文献   

加强示范性案例教学,积极推进科研成果进课堂和研究型教学模式改革,是提高课程内容学术水平、培养高素质创新型人才的重要举措。结合"无线通信"系列课程建设和研究生一流课程建设的实践,有针对性地提出了以科研成果为基础的案例教学建设思路,围绕如何推进研究型教学模式改革、强化创新能力培养进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

The purpose this study was to explore how a veteran first-grade teacher collaboratively negotiated the implementation of a project with her students while, at the same time, addressed grade-level standards. Researchers investigated the teacher’s strategies for integrating the district’s standards into project topics, investigative activities, and final presentations. They also examined the teacher’s strategies for promoting students’ participation in project planning and independent problem-solving. Data sources included field notes, teacher interviews, videotaped observations, and transcribed teacher, and student interviews. As an extension to teacher-directed approaches to implementing the project approach, the results of this study revealed a collaborative approach to implementing projects that allowed the teacher and the students to work together for project planning and learning. The teacher felt successful with meeting grade level learning needs, and the students were given the opportunity to fuel their learning by expressing their natural interests and curiosities, and become problem solvers.  相似文献   

数据挖掘技术与建筑工程之间的知识跨度较大,将两者完美融合起来存在一定难度,实际工程中也缺乏相关案例,因此在建筑工程中应用数据挖掘技术挖掘相关信息,为大型公共建筑用电能耗预测提供参考依据,是建筑领域一种新的发展趋势。基于对公共建筑用电能耗特性的分析,可利用Python构建BP神经网络建筑能耗预测模型,再将某公共建筑作为研究对象,确定影响建筑用电能耗的关键因素,并将其作为网络的输入参数进行学习训练得出预测值。研究结果表明:预测模型在不同参数下,当隐含层个数为8时,误差平方和最小,为0.000 139 6,此时BP神经网络能够较精确地预测公共建筑用电能耗值。  相似文献   

为了提高行政效率,中国政府在公共服务方面进行改革,逐步推行公共服务外包并取得一定的成效。不过市场充满高度不确定性与危机,这可能使政府公共服务外包偏离预期的轨道,政府公共管理外包管理受到极大的挑战。政府需要转变理念,树立风险规制的意识。本文提出风险规制主要包括风险评估、风险控制和风险沟通三个环节。政府公共服务可以外包的项目、外包合同招标与签约、外包企业的执行过程监督到最终的绩效评估,每个环节都要有相应的约束机制,这也是有效实施公共服务外包的重要保障。  相似文献   

This project evaluated the effect of collaboration via email links on the quality of 10–11 year old students’ science investigative skills in six primary rural schools. After a joint planning meeting, sixty children collected, identified and shared information via email about moths in their area, in order to produce a joint booklet. All email traffic was monitored throughout the project. Indepth structured observations and interviews were carried out at the schools. Children completed daily diaries. The children demonstrated a variety of science skills, particularly observation and recording. Their competence and confidence in using computers, handling email and in manipulating a data base developed during the project. The project identified a number of important issues relating to teacher inservice training requirements, the importance of a suitable progression of IT experiences throughout the school, development in cooperative groupwork for children, and software design.  相似文献   

个性化大学物理实验教学的探索与实践   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
个性特征是创新能力的一个基本因素,个性化物理实验是在一般物理实验上的拓展,涵盖基础性、综合性、设计性或研究性实验各个层次。介绍了个性化物理实验的项目、教学组织与管理,并列举了2个实例反映学生的学习体会。探索个性化大学物理实验教学,有利于对大学生创新能力培养。  相似文献   

In 1998, the Government introduced the National Literacy Strategy (NLS) in all primary schools in England in a bid to raise literacy standards. The first cohort of primary schools in the northern Local Education Authority ( n = 19) implemented the project in January 1997, the second cohort ( n = 20) began in September 1997. Each cohort consisted of three different year groups (Year 2, Year 4 and Year 6). The aim of this project was to focus upon exam results from these schools and thereby identify possible predictors of success (e.g. socio-economic status, age of pupils, teaching and learning style). We looked at differences within and between each cohort. We also carried out in-depth case studies of three northern schools. Each case-study involved interviews with key staff. The wider implications of the findings for the implementation of the NLS and for the training needs of teachers are considered.  相似文献   

税费改革后,“一事一议”虽然作为乡村公共产品供给的一种重要制度确立下来,但是在现实操作中却存在低效率的现象。通过调查,以湖北省QD村的道路维修作为案例,分析在经济理性约束下,“一事一议”供给乡村公共产品失效的原因。与此形成对比的是,对于诸如一个子这样小范围内、受益感较强的公共产品的提供则是有效率的。反思“一事一议”供给乡村公共产品的制度,对当前我们正在进行的新农村建设十分必要。  相似文献   

This paper explores the spatial and environmental conditions for democratic education in an interreligious project. The interreligious project provides a case for applying Dewey's concepts of experience and environment. Four kinds of experiences are presented: invited places-being a guest, common meeting points-shaping an interreligious “we”, nomadic places-sharing everyday life and school as a secular public place-acting in public. It is concluded that educational experience is shaped by acting in a variety of environments. However, dimensions of power are also present in the context of civil life and should be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

This article focuses on coordination between governance actors in higher education. The object of the study is a department at a public university, seen as a multi-project environment. The purpose of this article is to illustrate and analyze project governance as a tool that allows departmental management to coordinate with the authorities, the board and the management at different levels at the university. The importance of project governance as a coordination tool relates to the expected function of project governance to coordinate with governance actors and to project governance implementation, which affects relationships between actors. Another finding of the case study is the importance of accountability both for functionality and for the implementation of project governance, and, by extension, for coordination with governance actors.  相似文献   

特殊侦查措施主要包括技术侦查和秘密侦查这两种措施。特殊侦查措施在有效打击犯罪、提高办案的效率和质量的同时,也更容易侵犯犯罪嫌疑人权利,构成对程序正义的伤害。当前,特殊侦查措施运行中存在的主要问题是技术侦查措施的具体种类和适用程序不明确、监督救济程序不明细。特殊侦查措施的正当化需要明确特殊侦查措施适用的人权保障原则、程序法定原则、相关性原则、比例性原则,实行司法审查或令状主义,加强监督与救济程序。  相似文献   

辅助学习工具费用是学生在校期间,因学习需要而购买辅助性学习用品所支出的费用,是高校学生学习必不可少的开支。笔者对高校学生(以江西师范大学为例)的辅助学习工具费用支出现状进行了调查与分析,对大学生存在的消费误区提出了相应的解决策略:加强大学生思想道德教育;培养大学生正确的消费观,树立科学的节俭意识;在高校开设消费道德教育和消费心理教育课程;重视加强对大学生消费心理和行为的调查研究;指导大学生解决实际消费问题,提高大学生的理财能力;高校学生应学会合理消费,做到俭而有度;培养大学生良好的消费心理和行为要与校园文化建设紧密结合;积极营造健康的消费环境;父母应为子女的消费把关;社会舆论对大学生的消费行为应予以正面引导等。  相似文献   

This study is an investigation of the impact of collaborative teaching by student‐teachers and classroom teachers on children’s enjoyment and learning of science. The paper describes findings from a project in which undergraduate science specialist student‐teachers were placed in primary schools where they ‘co‐taught’ investigative science and technology with primary teachers. Almost six months after the student placement, a survey of children’s attitudes to school science revealed that these children enjoyed science lessons more and showed fewer gender or age differences in their attitudes to science than children who had not been involved in the project. The authors discuss how this model of collaborative planning, teaching and evaluation can both enhance teacher education and improve children’s experience of science.  相似文献   

Restricting public employees' free exercise rights or the State to maintain neutrality toward religion has been longstanding precedent in the United States. It has certainly been the case in US public schools beginning in the 1940s and affirmed through the courts over and again through much of the 20th century. The aftermath of 2 recent Supreme Court decisions challenges this long-held precedent, however, as it has led to several instances in which public employees have requested religious exemptions from their professional obligations (e.g., Kentucky court clerk Kim Davis' refusal to grant marriage certificates to same-sex couples). This article provides a foundational framework for exploring the recent reconceptualization of religious freedom and its possible implications for public schools and the larger project of advancing a liberal, pluralist democracy were teachers to refuse to fulfill central elements of their job on the basis of religious objections.  相似文献   

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