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随着开放教育资源(OER)运动持续开展,国际图联鼓励全球图书馆在支持OER建设与发展中发挥关键作用。以美国高校图书馆参与OER运动为切入点,分析美国高校图书馆在OER运动中的举措与作用,并提出国内高校图书馆高质量参与OER建设的角色定位和参与路径建议。  相似文献   

高校校友就业信息资源的开发与利用   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
就业工作是高校的生命线.高校校友是高校就业工作可持续性开发与利用的重要资源.校友可为日趋激烈的高校毕业生就业竞争提供可靠的可持续性的就业需求信息,维护和扩展高校最稳定的就业信息资源阵地.高校在就业工作中应高度重视、充分发挥校友的特殊作用,加强母校与校友、校友与校友之间的联系与沟通,积极开发、利用校友就业信息资源.  相似文献   

美国高校和社区教育资源融合的典型策略分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王晓波 《教育探索》2009,(2):137-138
美国在推进高校和社区的融合发展上具有鲜明的特点.其成功的经验体现在:建立在法律和政府基础上的公共支持系统、联结学校和社区的基金会模式、高校融合计划、人员全面参与体系以及多元化合作形式等.借鉴美国的经验,构建我国高校与社区教育良性互动的机制,应着力构建学校和社区教育资源的整合机制、资金保障机制和人员参与机制,推动区域各类教育资源的有效整合和利用.  相似文献   

随着社会的发展和经济水平的提高,大学生的运动参与意识正在增强,我国高校体育事业也在逐渐成熟,尽管如此与西方高校大学生的运动参与情况对比还是存在着明显的差异,当然在众多大学生中女大学生的运动参与情况对于数据的统计和整个大学生体育事业的推动起着非常重要的作用.本文主要以天津师范大学和克莱姆森大学的在校女生为例,分析两国女大学生运动参与的不同点,做出了相关的思索和建议.  相似文献   

新课程标准的实施,对高校体育舞蹈的教学产生了较大影响,为了让高校体育舞蹈教学更好地适应新课程标准提出的相应目标与要求,通过文献资料研究法解析了高校体育舞蹈教学的功能,结合新课程标注提出了从运动参与、运动技能、身体健康、心理健康以及社会适应五个维度提出的相应目标,对高校体育舞蹈教学的改革提出了对应措施,以期让高校体育舞蹈教学水准在新课程标准的推动下,有所提升,教学方法更加科学。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、问卷调查法和数理统计法,对广东省10所高校排球运动开展现状进行了调查。通过对大学生参与排球运动的频次情况、动机情况、从排球课中获取知识情况、排球课开设情况以及场地设施情况等方面的对比分析,发现其中存在的问题,并提出发展对策,以期推动广东省高校排球运动的发展。  相似文献   

高校社区参与分类是美国卡内基高校基本分类在大学社会服务方面的重要补充和拓展.由于分类 目的和研究对象的特殊性,加之外部整体教育环境的变化和主管机构的更替,该分类自诞生以来就不断调整和更新.2020年的分类与前几轮相比出现了一些新动向:在分类过程方面,申请准入机制逐渐放开,分类框架进一步扩展,分类项目走向国际;在分类结果方面,高校申请分类的具体情况和通过率、社区参与型高校的基本分类特征都发生了变化.这些变化在推动美国大学参与社区发展、促进高等教育进步以及提高国际高等教育水平等方面具有重要作用.对中国的启示:要加强大学与社会的联系,推进大学发展社会服务职能,为此要尊重不同大学的办学特点和履行社会服务职能的客观规律,构建合理有效的分类评价系统,促进大学实现社会服务功能的多样性与丰富性.  相似文献   

美国的西进运动系指从北美独立战争到19世纪末,美国由东向西不断扩展,移民和开发大西部的群众性拓殖运动。本质上是一场经济开发运动,而在经济开发过程中,首先是以农业为起点的,西部大开发推动了美国农业的发展,形成了各具特色的专业经济区,使美国农业实现了机械化生产,促进了美国农业的现代化进程,奠定了美国的世界经济强国地位。  相似文献   

跆拳道运动在我国开展以来,在短短数年中得到了迅速的发展。本文从河南省高校跆拳道运动的教学与开展现状入手,通过运用文献资料、问卷调查、数理统计、专家访谈等方法对河南省高校跆拳道运动的开展情况,大学生参与跆拳道运动的兴趣与动机、锻炼的效果、发展的趋向、选项课教学情况以及场地器材和师资队伍等进行分析与研究,探讨河南省高校跆拳道运动在现阶段所存在的问题,使跆拳道运动在我省高校中能够更好的发展。  相似文献   

美国工商职业伦理规范一般通过价值理念声明、公司信条、道德规范三种形式来进行明确表达。在长期的工商职业活动中,美国工商职业伦理形成了企业与员工之间、企业与顾客之间、企业与供应商之间、企业与竞争者之间、企业与政府和社区之间行之有效的行为规范和准则。长期以来,美国十分重视工商职业伦理实践机制的建设,其中包括推动工商企业组织道德管理机制的完善、发挥行业协会职业伦理规范的引导和监督功能、制度性支持职业伦理规范和法规的制定、借助以宗教为基础的工商职业伦理功能、重视全球性工商职业伦理运动的参与和影响、参与全球性工商职业伦理运动、推动企业道德伦理职业资格认证。美国工商职业伦理的建设经验,可以为中国的工商职业伦理建设提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

Since the early 1990s, there has been discussion about the need for the curriculum of universities to provide students with understanding about the environment. Over the decade this discussion has evolved from thinking about how to green the university curriculum, through to proposals for our students to be environmentally literate and to receive education for sustainability (or sustainability education). Internationally, there have been many instances of universities taking this discussion seriously and introducing curriculum change. A variety of declarations and action plans have enabled universities to share ideas and support this change. Given a dearth of information about the degree to which universities in Australia were part of this discussion and change, we sought to gain an understanding of the status of sustainability education in these institutions. Responses from approximately a quarter of these institutions indicated that a handful of universities are engaged in this education for a wide range of their students, and in some universities more students of particular disciplines are gaining the exposure. However, there are clear barriers to the introduction and expansion of sustainability education.  相似文献   

Since the mid 1970s, a series of international declarations that recognize the critical link between environmental sustainability and higher education have been endorsed and signed by universities around the world. While academic initiatives in sustainability are blossoming, higher education lacks a comprehensive evaluation framework that is specifically tailored to the challenges of assessing sustainability programs. The article elaborates a novel framework for assessing the diverse set of higher-education curricular, research, and community-outreach programs devoted to sustainability based on critical review of quantitative- and qualitative-evaluation methods and on lessons drawn from experience in international development. The proposed multidimensional evaluation framework links process, outputs, outcomes, impacts, and continuous programmatic improvement based on sustained, contextually relevant observations. It engages three core purposes: management evaluation, capacity- and capability-development evaluation, and sustainability evaluation. Embedded in these purposes are key evaluation criteria adapted from an assessment of UNDP contributions to national development: long-term outcomes and impacts; evidence of cross-disciplinary and cross-institutional synergy; and resource mobilization for program enhancement. Along with practical examples of evaluation approaches used by universities in Europe, Japan, and the United States and the lessons that academic sustainability evaluators can draw from these practices, competencies required of graduates from sustainability programs are identified. The specific evaluative questions and methods presented offer universities a useful, conceptually grounded framework for adaptation and application in academic-sustainability assessments.  相似文献   


Many universities have signed international and national declarations that have publicly committed them to embed sustainability within education, research, outreach and management operations. To date, research has focused on examples of good practice and case studies. Little research exists that has looked at the change process itself. This paper is based on a doctoral study conducted at the University of Southampton in which a doctoral student was engaged as a facilitator and critical friend for a period of more than one and a half years working with a group of staff and students trying to embed sustainability within the institution. In this paper, evidence is provided on the impact and contributions made by the critical friend and facilitator role, and reflections presented on the challenges and opportunities the doctoral researcher encountered during the research.  相似文献   

历经近一个世纪的发展,美国大学在开展国际理解教育方面取得了显著的成就。其经验可概括为:明确的人才培养目标,具有国际素养的学生素质结构,多类型的国际理解教育课程,具备国际理解教育素养的教师队伍,多元的校园文化。这些经验对我国大学开展国际理解教育有一定启示意义。  相似文献   

美国大学的公民教育已经经历了200多年曲折的发展历程。在信息全球化的推动下,美国大学的公民教育又重新被列入核心地位。20世纪90年代以来,中美学者对"美国大学公民教育"问题进行了诸多的理论研究,并取得了各自的一些研究成果。  相似文献   

世界一流贡献,始终是研究型大学取得世界一流地位的唯一标志。从全球视野来看,欧美成功的研究型大学在争取世界一流贡献时在策略上往往具有高度的一致性和守恒性。21世纪,我国研究型大学在创建世界一流大学的过程中应积极借鉴欧美著名研究型大学贡献的基本方略,努力将其转化为自身建设的财富。  相似文献   

中美顶尖大学科技产出比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文选取中美各9所顶尖大学作为考察对象,对中美顶尖大学在2006~2009年间科技产出进行了比较分析。结果表明:(1)我国顶尖高校发表SCI论文数逐年增加,与美国顶尖高校差距在逐步缩小;(2)我国顶尖高校发表的SCI论文影响力在逐年提高,但与美国顶尖高校相比差距在扩大;(3)我国顶尖高校严重缺乏重大的原创性基础研究成果;(4)中国顶尖高校国际三大授权专利数逐年增加,与美国顶尖高校的差距在逐步缩小。  相似文献   

The paper starts by emphasising that final year engineering projects are regarded important in the training and education of professional engineers in Australia and Europe. The sources of projects available to students were also mentioned. Some Australian universities insist on individual projects but some not, each with their own reasons. However, it can be argued that all European universities run individual projects. In most cases, whether it is in Australia or Europe, the total load for final year engineering projects is about 6.25% of the load of engineering programmes. Assessment methods were also described. They were all different whether in Australia or Europe but not very significant. It was discovered that literature reviews, oral presentations and written reports or dissertations were important elements in the assessment schemes. Many university staff, in both continents, encouraged students to publish their work in international conferences and journals if the originality of the projects was high. It can be argued that the individual project is most effective in learning outcome; however, the cost involved is also very high and its sustainability in smaller universities in Australia is in doubt.  相似文献   

The article describes institutional change in the Spanish higher education system over the past two decades. It singles out four variables in explaining this change: (i) demography, (ii) economic environment (the so-called knowledge society), (iii) the role and interests of academics and politicians, and (iv) the supranational stimulus to converge (Bologna Process).
Although after Franquism each of these factors had notable consequences on tertiary education, at least initially it seems that supply-side factors were very important in sustaining institutional change in Spanish universities. Above all, politicians and regional governments boosted democratisation by opening new universities (which since 1980s have increased in number from 32 to 70), by lowering entrance requirements, and by keeping fees low. At the end of the 1990s, European declarations (Sorbonne, Bologna) increased the significance of Europe, with a twofold effect: they induced governments to introduce change in higher education systems (convergence), but they also highlighted the difficulty of combining the role of the state (as signatory to international declarations) and peripheral institutions ( Comunidades autónomas and autonomous universities).  相似文献   

内部管理机构全面评估与再规划(APR)作为一种综合运用多种手段来持续改进高校内部管理部门工作的管理工具,已受到众多美国高校的重视,波士顿学院便是其中之一。不同于传统的评估与规划,APR直接面向高等学校的管理事务、以部门为中心、以内向型为表征,它汲取了院校研究的成果,体现了高等教育管理的新思维,并形成了一套较为成熟的做法,可为我国高校借鉴和采用。  相似文献   

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