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Happ Together     
我型我SHOW两届十人的阵势,从采访明星以来还是第一次,几乎出动了娱乐部所有的人来应对。一抬头,君君在旁边搞笑,过道上是薛之谦在唱歌,那厢刘维又跳起了舞,还有因为迷了路,而急忙打电话来的张杰……,这所有的一切,仿佛就像是一场圣诞节的家庭聚会。虽然拍照真的很累,但却真的很幸福,因为知道此刻的他们是快乐,因为知道这将是一场快乐的相聚。  相似文献   

Doing things together makes us feel less lonely. Here are some poems to read together.Follow the directions at the left.  相似文献   

Doing things together makes us feel less lonely. Here is a poem to read together. It is about a plane. Follow the directions at the left.  相似文献   

来到摄影棚时已是晚上10点,一天的工作让张杰看上去稍显疲惫。但是很快,张杰便进入了认真工作的状态,刚开始时,害羞的张杰有些放不开,但是在迈克尔·杰克逊的背景音乐下,我们慢慢走近了这个经历了很多,却依然坚持自己梦想的张杰。  相似文献   

Al Green 《考试》2013,(2):59
全球许多传媒实况报道了奥巴马第二任就职大典的过程,包括祷告会、宣誓就职、检阅仪仗队、午餐、就职庆祝游行、晚餐以及舞会。在整个就职大典中,舞会扮演了十分重要的角色。在今年的舞会上,奥巴马夫妇跳了第一支舞,由著名演员、歌唱家詹妮弗·哈德森(Jennifer Hudson)伴唱,歌曲是"让我们在一起"(Let’s Stay Together),这是一首七十年代的当红流行曲,被列入美国五百首最了不起歌曲排行榜的第六十名。春节、情人节,一中一西两个节日,总是让整个虽然还春寒料峭的2月天都洋溢着温暖甜蜜的气氛,这首歌很是应景呢。  相似文献   

情人节loading…与心仪的她相识在《梦幻西游》的缤纷圣诞,堆雪人、打雪仗,浪漫如飘临的雪花。情人节到了,你用什么新鲜花样真情告白?不如迈入奇幻无限的网游阵营,与她在《梦幻西游》里逍遥游!要给她全新惊喜,感受另类浪漫,无论是新新人类,还是网游老手,我们现在就出发!  相似文献   

一直以来,她都认为自己无疑会成为一名歌星。她就是Mariah Carey(玛利亚·凯莉)。1970年出生于纽约的她,歌唱天斌从小就得到了很好的开发。在Mariah还不到19岁的时候,她就发布了她的首张专辑。后来,这张专辑产生了四首冠军歌曲,这都是因为Mariah那充满浪漫色彩的抒情音色。  相似文献   

The drastic increase in the birthrate of twins and multiples makes the education of these children an important issue for parents and educators. Many educators and parents disagree on whether it is better for these children to be educated in the same classroom or apart. After conducting research, one can analyze the feelings of parents and educators on the education of twins and multiples. In addition to research, additional interviews were also analyzed to assess the feelings of twins and multiples on being educated together or apart from one’s siblings. The children interviewed offered the most insight into the implications involved in separating twins and multiples in the classroom versus keeping them in the same classroom. While both separation and keeping children together has its pros and cons, one can conclude that the children involved should have the most say in their own education. Twins and multiples themselves may be the best source of information when rendering a decision about whether or not to educate them in the same classroom.  相似文献   

Pre-mobile infants and caregivers spontaneously engage in a sequence of contingent facial expressions and vocalizations that researchers have referred to as a social “dance.” Does this dance continue when both partners are free to move across the floor? Locomotor synchrony was assessed in 13- to 19-month-old infant–mother dyads (N = 30) by tracking each partner’s step-to-step location during free play. Although infants moved more than mothers, dyads spontaneously synchronized their locomotor activity. For 27 dyads, the spatiotemporal path of one partner uniquely identified the path of the other. Clustering analyses revealed two patterns of synchrony (mother-follow and yo-yo), and infants were more likely than mothers to lead the dance. Like face-to-face synchrony, locomotor synchrony scaffolds infants’ interactions with the outside world.  相似文献   

As the use of project-based learning becomes more frequent in the K-12 science classroom, and in chemistry classrooms in particular, teachers have begun to identify practical questions about implementation that should be addressed empirically. One such question concerns whether there is an ideal group size that fosters individual student achievement. The current project was designed to assess how group size might impact student chemistry content learning in a project-based learning environment, and how well students are prepared to transfer this new knowledge to other relevant areas. The results indicated that particular conditions (e.g. advanced classrooms) interact with group size (a seemingly superficial feature) to differentially influence the depth and level of student learning related to the unit and student’s ability to transfer his/her knowledge outside of the context of a project-based learning unit.  相似文献   

Some 7400 schools belong to the global network of UNESCO’s Associated School Project Network. They are committed to promoting ideals such as human rights, intercultural understanding, peace and environmental protection. This study is based on an extensive review undertaken in 2003. It discusses the origins and analyzes the achievements of the Associated School Project Network in bringing change to schools, communities and national policy. The analysis employs a variety of models of educational innovation and reform in order to assess the horizontal and vertical impact of the Associated School Project Network. It draws general conclusions on the usefulness of such networks for intercultural learning and educational and social change. Key issues include the commitment of stakeholders; the treatment of culturally sensitive issues; cultural interpretations of certain subjects; the value of horizontal networks; and the difficulty of achieving vertical impact on national policy-making.
Zusammenfassung LERNEN, ZUSAMMEN ZU LEBEN: EINE ÜBERPRÜFUNG DES ASSOCIATED SCHOOLS PROJECT NETWORK DER UNESCO – Ungefähr 7400 Schulen gehören dem weltweiten Netzwerk des Associated Schools Project Network der UNESCO an. Sie widmen sich der Förderung von Idealen wie Menschenrechten, interkulturellem Verständnis, Frieden und Umweltschutz. Diese Studie basiert auf einer ausführlichen Überprüfung, die im Jahre 2003 durchgeführt wurde. Sie diskutiert die Ursprünge und analysiert die Errungenschaften des Associated Schools Project Network im Herbeiführen von Veränderungen an Schulen, Gemeinden und nationaler Politik. Die Analyse bedient sich einer Vielzahl von Beispielen erzieherischer Erneuerung und Reform, um die horizontalen und vertikalen Auswirkungen des Associated Schools Project Network einzuschätzen. Sie zieht allgemeine Schlüsse bezüglich des Nutzens derartiger Netzwerke für interkulturelles Lernen und erzieherischen sowie gesellschaftlichen Wandel. Schlüsselthemen sind das Engagement der verantwortlichen Personen, die Behandlung kulturell sensibler Themen, kulturelle Interpretationen bestimmter Gegenstände, der Wert breit gestreuter Netzwerke und die Schwierigkeit, tief greifenden Einfluß auf die Gestaltung nationaler Politik zu gewinnen.

Resumen APRENDER A CONVIVIR: UNA PRESENTACIÓN GENERAL DE LA RED DEL PROYECTO DE ESCUELAS ASOCIADAS A LA UNESCO – La Red del Proyecto de Escuelas Asociadas a la UNESCO está integrada por unas 7.400 escuelas que se han comprometido a promover ideales tales como derechos humanos, entendimiento intercultural, convivencia pacífica y protección ambiental. Este trabajo está basado en una extensa investigación realizada en el año 2003. El estudio enfoca los orígenes y analiza los resultados obtenidos por la Red del Proyecto de Escuelas Asociadas en cuanto a los cambios que ha ocasionado en las escuelas, comunidades y políticas nacionales. El análisis emplea una serie de modelos de innovación y reforma educativa para evaluar el impacto horizontal y vertical de la Red del Proyecto de Escuelas Asociadas, esbozando conclusiones generales sobre la utilidad que tienen estas redes para el aprendizaje intercultural y el cambio educativo y social. Algunos de los aspectos esenciales del trabajo son la participación comprometida de individuos y grupos implicados (stakeholders), el tratamiento de temas culturalmente sensibles, las interpretaciones culturales de determinados asuntos, el valor de las redes horizontales y la dificultad de conseguir un impacto vertical sobre la elaboración de políticas a nivel nacional.

Résumé APPRENDRE À VIVRE ENSEMBLE : COMPTE RENDU DU RÉSEAU DU PROJET DES COLES ASSOCIÉÉES DE L’UNESCO – Quelques 7400 écoles appartiennent au réseau global du Réseau du Projet des Écoles Associées de l’UNESCO. Elles ont le devoir de promouvoir des idéaux tels que les droits de l’Homme, la compréhension interculturelle, la paix et la protection de l’environnement. Cette étude est basée sur un vaste compte rendu entrepris en 2003. Elle délibère des origines et analyse les acquis du Réseau du Projet des Écoles Associées par rapport à ce qu’il a apporté comme changements au sein des écoles, des communautés et de la politique nationale. L’analyse utilise une variété de modèles d’innovation et de réforme éducative afin d’évaluer l’impact horizontal et vertical du Réseau du Projet des Écoles Associées. Elle en tire des conclusions générales quant à l’utilité de ce genre de réseaux pour l’apprentissage interculturel et le changement éducatif et social. Les thèmes clés comprennent l’engagement des intéressés, le traitement des débouchés sensibles sur le plan culturel ; les interprétations culturelles de certains sujets ; la valeur de réseaux horizontaux ; et la difficulté d’acquérir un impact vertical sur l’élaboration de la politique nationale.

This paper reports the results of research into parental experiences of the Somerset (UK) “Time Together” home visiting intervention, with regards to its impact on the parent-child relationship. The research was carried out using an Attachment Theory lens in order to understand the qualitative experiences of seven parents of children in the early years who were identified as being socially isolated and/or having difficulties relating to their child. The key findings were that parents experienced a change within their notion of self, seeing their child as a separate self and seeing the world more through their child’s eyes. They experienced a wider range of play activities which brought about greater levels of attunement and enjoyment. The parent and home visitor relationship served to empower parents. A flow diagram was created to illustrate the processes of the research interactions and outcomes. This provides a model of how parents can be supported to experience greater enjoyment within their relationship with their child, and increase their level of social engagement.  相似文献   

In 1994, South Africa moved away from its cruel and divided past to a future where its citizens would learn together, work together and grow together. In short we had to learn what it meant to live together by unlearning the ideas introduced by apartheid that permeated every aspect of our society. This required a new Constitution, brave and exemplary leadership by Nelson Mandela and others and a Truth and Reconciliation Commission led by Desmond Tutu.
None of these efforts, as important as they may have been, could ever be sufficient to sustain change. Ordinary people who have no positional authority are those who will sustain change. Roughly one quarter of the South African population is at school and these are people who will take the message of reconciliation into the future.
In this article we describe attempts to redefine what is good. In particular what kind of teacher, learner and curriculum we will need to form the basis of a transformed and admirable society, one in which we will know how to live together.  相似文献   

Edward was one of 58 children studied by workers and parents as part of a study on Well‐being and Resilience at the Pen Green Nursery. Within the larger study, eight children were studied in greater depth in order to explore connections between cognitive and emotional development. Schematic theory and attachment theory were used as frameworks for analysing the observations. Video observations were made over a period of 18 months. These were viewed and analysed by a researcher, Edward’s mother and Edward’s Key Person in the nursery. Edward found separating from his mother extremely painful and repeatedly used his play with objects to explore ‘separation’ and ‘connection’. It is argued that children’s repeated actions may be prompted by current emotional needs and that links can be made between children’s schemata (repeated patterns of action) and emotional development by drawing on psychoanalytic theory. The author also acknowledges the novelty of this approach for her, as a teacher, although these kinds of interpretation are common within the fields of play therapy and psychotherapy and are used increasingly in education.  相似文献   

Journal of Science Education and Technology - Although hands-on laboratory experiments are traditionally used in schools, virtual laboratories have entered today’s classrooms, due to their...  相似文献   

文静 《海外英语》2011,(13):262-263
How to deal with the relations between roles and actors is the core question of the performance,and there are two opposite performance theories to this question:"Expressionism"and "Experimentalism".Can these two different performance styles coexist harmoniously? The film Happy Together directed by Karwai Wong has provided a very good answer.  相似文献   

Effects of joint attention were addressed on 3- to 4-year-olds’ performance in a verbal false-Belief Test (FBT), featuring the experimenter as co-watcher rather than narrator. In two experiments, children (N = 183) watched a filmed-FBT jointly with a test leader, disjointed from a test leader, or alone. Children attending jointly with a test leader were more likely to pass the FBT compared with normative data and to spontaneously recall information indicating false-belief understanding, suggesting that joint attention strengthens the plausibility of the FBT and renders plot-critical information more salient. In a third experiment (N = 59), results were replicated using a typical, image-based FBT. Overall findings highlight the profound impact of experimenter as social context in verbal FBTs, and link recall of specific story features to false-belief understanding.  相似文献   

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