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Background:?In the context of Cyprus’ accession to the European Union (2004) and a noteworthy increase in immigration towards Cyprus, the Cypriot state was called upon to build more complete and coherent policies addressing culturally diverse educational settings. Cypriot education has historically enforced the nation-building project. However, since its accession negotiations to the EU, Cyprus received calls for harmonising its intercultural education to European standards.

Purpose:?This study aims to examine the content of intercultural policies in Cyprus, which have been initiated and/or developed by the national state and particularly the Ministry of Education and Culture. Furthermore, it explores the ways in which Cypriot policies are shaped by European influences, and the implications of this process for national constructs of intercultural education.

Sources of evidence:?We collected a purposive selection of thirty policy documents regarding intercultural education that were produced by the Ministry of Education and Culture in Cyprus. In addition, six Cypriot policy-makers working in the MEC's departments were interviewee participants. They were selected purposively according to the level of their involvement in the development of Cypriot intercultural policy.

Design and methods:?Data were coded to identify groups of concepts, issues, perceptions and behaviours and interrelationships within a theoretical model. Data triangulation contributed to the development of thematic categories that emerged from the data.

Results:?The analysis of the documentary evidence in this study suggests that the language of European policy has imbued the Cypriot socio-political environment with inclusive discourses enhancing intercultural education. Analysis in this study identifies that the Cypriot Ministry of Education and Culture maintains an assimilationist orientation in its broader educational goals, despite adopting such (inclusive) discourses.

Conclusions:?This study argues on the basis of this evidence that Cypriot intercultural policy appears symbolic, indicating ‘simulated’ development and implementation processes. Arguably, there remains a high degree of ambivalence towards the process of transformation needed to Europeanise intercultural policy in Cyprus.  相似文献   

The structure of the Australian national curriculum encompasses engagement with ‘intercultural education’. Significantly, the context from which the curriculum was developed was heavily influenced by a multiculturalist ideology in which notions of cohesion and harmony were dominant. Therefore, those working with the curriculum need to understand the limited ways in which ideas of ‘diverse’ culture might be constructed. As a cultural text this curriculum is a place of encounter between teachers and the various influences on the curriculum document itself. We assert that the perpetuation of ideographs in the context and text of the curriculum, underpin how ‘intercultural understanding’ is positioned in the Australian Curriculum, and limit the narrative possibility of this encounter. It is essential to identify and interrogate such ideographs if we are to be cognisant of the complex politics of national curriculums and opportunities to ‘re-open’ the place for encounter.  相似文献   

This article explores the ways in which a group of primary school teachers in Cyprus interprets the relationship between religious and citizenship education. The contextualisation of the meaning of religious education shows the extent to which social, historical and political elements shape teachers’ perceptions about the entanglements between religious and citizenship education. In particular, the present study reveals two important findings – one concerning the conceptualisation of each school subject and their perceived relationship and the other concerning the contextualisation of this relationship in the cultural and political contexts of Cyprus. The findings also reveal important constraints and political dilemmas for the possible trajectories of ‘religious citizenship education’ in Cyprus. The article discusses the implications for curriculum and policy deliberations, as well as further research on ‘religious citizenship education’ in specific cultural and political settings.  相似文献   

This article aims to investigate how the discourse on national identity is approached in the new Taiwanese citizenship curriculum. The differing opinions on Taiwan’s relationship with China and the constant threat from this rising superpower have deterred the explicit promotion of either a Taiwanese or Chinese identity. The new curriculum follows a strategy of ‘intentional ambiguity’, where neither identity is mentioned. In this ‘polysemous’ form, the curriculum has been criticized for staying silent on the question of cultivating a national identity. However, the curriculum developers interviewed for this paper suggested that parents and pupils who examine the new curriculum can find support for whichever national identity they favor since it is designed in such an inclusive manner. They can then simultaneously reflect on the multiple, divergent or competing meanings behind the ‘polysemous texts’ and this ‘hermeneutic’ process of reasoning can then facilitate the choice of national identity with maximum acceptance.  相似文献   

To varying degrees, education policy reforms around the world are driven by educational discourses relating to globalisation. At the same time, national and local histories, cultures and politics mediate the effects of globalisation discourses. This paper employs methods of analysis that draw on the concepts of ‘vernacular globalization’ and ‘policy archaeology’ in order to examine the ways in which the effects of globalisation on National Curriculum policy reform are mediated by conditions and priorities that are specific to national contexts. The enquiry focuses on three curriculum policy problems that are associated with the English school curriculum and have recently been identified as requiring reform: inappropriate curriculum knowledge, the skills deficit and the one-size-fits-all curriculum. The paper concludes by summarising the results of the analysis, identifying some curriculum issues arising from it and offering reflections on the methodological approach it has employed.  相似文献   

A number of methods have been recorded in the literature with regard to assessing intercultural competence, but extant reviews tend to focus on self-report instruments in which students' responses can be easily quantified. To address the gap, this paper provides an overview of qualitative methods used to assess students' intercultural competence in higher education research. Based on 34 studies, 25 qualitative assessment methods have been identified and captured in a newly-developed typology. Results show that (1) the majority of qualitative methods to assess intercultural competence were writing-based and ‘expressive’ in nature; (2) the assessment results were mainly analysed in a ‘thematic’ or ‘scalar’ manner; and (3) very little assessment took place among STEM majors. These results are further discussed and problematized to provide implications for developing and assessing intercultural competence in higher education research and curriculum.  相似文献   

随着高等教育一体化与"可持续发展教育"进程的不断深入,德国教师教育发展面临巨大的挑战。加之"PISA震惊"引发的基础教育课程改革,21世纪初期,德国陆续颁布出台了一系列针对职前教师改革的新政策,并积极对课程实施改革,如建立分层、贯通性本硕一体化课程体系,基于教师教育标准设置能力导向的课程目标,在课程内容中融入可持续发展与跨文化主题,开发行动能力导向的实践课程等。虽取得了明显成效,但也出现了一些实际问题。  相似文献   

This article discusses how the media and schools are used as disciplinary apparatuses to resist and work against globalisation in Singapore. Aihwa Ong calls the deployment of state ideological apparatuses, such as the media and schools, acts of ‘reassemblage’, when technocrats resort to assemble institutions, diverse Government practice and political values to engage in citizenship production. The National Education curriculum package introduced to Singapore schools is one example of ‘reassemblage’, which aims to reinvent subject‐citizens who are perceived as lacking cultural mooring and a national identity. I argue that in the context of globalisation, this cultural experimentation of constructing a national identity and creating a sense of belonging is fraught with ruptures, as ‘youthscapes’ and new communication technologies are potentially the liminal spaces where other sources of identities are up for grabs. These liminal spaces further allow youths to perform ‘elective belonging’ rather than a sense of belonging bound by the ‘national’ and ‘local’.  相似文献   


In Australia, intercultural understanding has been prioritised in education and curriculum documents at both federal and state levels. Alongside this educational priority, schools have also been encouraged to demonstrate ‘engagement’ with ‘Asia’, such as through a partnership with another school in the Asia-Pacific region. My research findings are based on an ethnographic study of Year 5 and 6 Australian children's experiences of an intercultural school partnership initiative through on-line classroom exchanges over a two-year period. Through a critical analysis of ‘complexity reduction’ I draw attention to the processes through which children made sense of perceived racial and cultural differences as part of their involvement in partnership activities and conclude with some reflections on the extent to which educational initiatives such as intercultural school partnership programmes that aim to foster intercultural understanding can do so without reinforcing unequal intercultural relations and stereotypes.  相似文献   

In this article, we: (1) offer a conceptualisation of what it means for Greek Cypriot teachers to be ‘reconciled’ with the ‘other side’ (i.e. Turkish Cypriots) in Cyprus; (2) examine Greek Cypriot teachers' emotional responses to the new educational objective of cultivating peaceful coexistence in schools; and (3) investigate how Greek Cypriot teachers' perceptions of reconciliation and emotional responses to the new educational objective of cultivating peaceful coexistence are entangled, and what implications these entanglements may have for educational reform efforts. This investigation is based on data collected in a national survey of Greek Cypriot primary and secondary teachers. The study is important not only for the Greek Cypriot educational system, but also for educational reform efforts in other conflict-ridden areas in Europe because it addresses a fundamental issue in relation to reconciliation: Can teachers, who may still carry traumatic experiences from a conflict and thus be (potentially) emotionally unready to engage in reconciliation, be convinced to put the past behind and promote peaceful coexistence in schools? The findings highlight the teachers' multiple ambivalences, yet they also identify openings for promoting reconciliation and peaceful coexistence in schools. The implications are discussed in terms of educational policymaking, curriculum development, and teacher training.  相似文献   

围绕新时期课程育人的新要求,在中山大学的整体安排和推进下,聚焦海洋科学专业课程的实际情况和具体要求,海洋科学学院实施课程思政教学改革"三步走"战略.以海洋科学专业核心课程为依托,面向专业所有学生,开发利用相关课程的思想政治教育资源,以充分发挥课程蕴含的思想政治教育功能.从"爱国主义与家国情怀""国家安全与权益维护""海...  相似文献   

This article theorizes on the role of school subjects, especially history, in multicultural and intercultural education, arguing that to ensure intercultural learning there is a need to integrate these curricular intentions in subject teaching. However, the epistemological reorganization that such integration involves will challenge both a traditional structured content knowledge, and the multicultural research focused on deconstructing these traditions. This article investigates Michael Young’s concept of ‘powerful knowledge’ as a way to incorporate knowledge in the discourses of intercultural education. While proponents of the intercultural perspective emphasise educational policies and socialisation, advocates of powerful knowledge tend to dismiss such political interference. In order to use powerful knowledge in this context the concept is reconceptualised by relating it to curriculum theory and Gert Biesta’s conceptual distinction between educational purposes. Finally, this intersection is pursued through the example of history education. When acknowledging that societal needs, policy and disciplinary boundaries are interrelated, the perspective of ‘powerful knowledge’ can bring the potential of subject knowledge to intercultural research, and thus prove useful in identifying the guidelines necessary to develop History as a contemporary relevant subject.  相似文献   

面向高等学校工科专业,深入思考和分析课程思政教育的难点与原因,结合专业课程教育教学实践,着重探究新时期高校课程思政实施的三个关键,即思想政治传递设计、德育内容的组织和施教方法的重点.通过"多视角、多内容、多手段"的课程思政教学方案设计,筑牢爱国主义、理想信念、民族团结和创新教育,不断深化、细化、优化更具特色的课程思政教...  相似文献   

This article explores the possibilities of shifting ethnocentric bias in curricula and pupils’ constructions of national and European identities using the concept of ‘Europe’ as a tool. The European dimension was conceptualized as a subtle approach, within the deeply divided society of Cyprus, to alleviate the ethnocentrism of history and geography curricula and to shift pupils’ extreme views. The study showed that there were slight yet important shifts which point towards the potential of education in providing children with a wider range of ‘tools’ with which to construct their identities. It is argued that in a context where ‘Europe’ is a ‘normativity’ and the ‘Other = Turk’ is polarized, the European dimension might be useful to hybridize a European identity so as to include the ‘Others’.  相似文献   

National curriculum and federalism: the Australian experience   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Whilst the past 35 years have seen numerous attempts at national curriculum collaboration in Australia, these have invariably failed largely due to the constitutional reality that the States have responsibility for curriculum. Federal government involvement in curriculum can only be achieved, therefore, with the consent of the States. To achieve this, in 2008 the Rudd Federal government passed the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) Act (2008) which legislated the establishment of ACARA, a national education authority which brought together, for the first time ‘the functions of curriculum, assessment and reporting at the national level’ (Julia Gillard, media release, 2008). Among its mandates, ACARA is responsible for the development of national curriculum, one of the key election platforms on which the current Rudd Federal Labor government was elected in November 2007. Whilst the ACARA Act appears on the surface to represent unprecedented intergovernmental collaboration and a transition to co‐operative federalism; cracks in this co‐operative veneer are starting to appear. In this article I draw on critical theory to examine three varied forms of Federal–State relations spanning three different eras, as they relate to issues of national curriculum – those of corporate federalism, coercive federalism and co‐operative federalism. Specifically, I will argue that the ACARA Act is not an instrument of co‐operative federalism but rather a euphemism for a continued reliance on a new, more subtle form of coercive federalism as a means to ‘deliver’ national curriculum in Australia.  相似文献   

Extended Review     
In this paper, the author treats curriculum reform in Taiwan as a kind of nationalistic curriculum reform, and discusses the issue of the Chinese-ization of the social studies curriculum as a form of ‘national spirit’ or nationalistic education in Taiwan. Then the author analyses the hidden mechanisms of this curriculum reform, in particular with respect to the planning of the reform, the ideological content, the process of curriculum development, the approach to curriculum dissemination and the approach to curriculum evaluation.  相似文献   

In the past, environmental education in Korea was not effective, in part at least, because it was not dealt with as an independent subject. However, in the Sixth Curriculum for schools in Korea, which will take effect from 1995, ‘Environment’ subject is included as an optional course for junior high school students. This paper gives details of the curriculum of ‘Environment’ subject and describes the development of the course textbook which focuses on values and attitude change. The paper also discusses Ministry of Education plans for teacher education and training courses for teachers of the new subject. Despite the current lack of qualified teachers for the subject and the fact that it is not mandatory, the introduction of the ‘Environment’ subject in the national curriculum is seen to be of great significance. With rapidly increasing national concern about environmental issues, and with an increasing number of schools teaching ‘Environment’ subject, it is expected that environmental education in Korea will move more efficiently and profoundly towards realizing its ultimate purpose.  相似文献   


This research study focuses on the ways in which teachers’ professional identity is being shaped and influenced in ‘super-diverse’ school settings. For the purposes of this research, we used the Cyprus educational system as our case study to investigate how teachers experience the enactment of intercultural education at the school level. To this end, 20 interviews were carried out along with 11 female and 9 male teachers of 10 primary schools, which presented diverse profiles of their student populations. Research data revealed that teachers’ professional identity and its underpinning constructs such as emotions, job satisfaction, professional commitment, autonomy and confidence were constantly challenged and negotiated within the changing educational setting. Contextual and professional factors such as work intensification, lack of training and resources, lack of respect and negligence of teachers’ previous experiences, ideologies, values and beliefs were found to affect teachers’ identity and consequently intercultural policy enactment. Therefore, the case is made that the complexity of professional identity needs to be taken into account by policymakers because teachers are the ones who embrace, reinterpret and develop the curriculum. The way and degree to which teachers understand, adjust, perceive and enact on educational policies are affected by the extent to which these policies interact with and challenge existing identities.  相似文献   

The ‘intercultural’ is now omnipresent in most departments of teacher education in Europe and elsewhere. It can be implemented under the guise of, amongst others, multicultural, transcultural, global and/or development education. In this paper, I problematise post-intercultural teacher education. The context of this study is that of Finnish education. Famed worldwide for its ‘miraculous’ educational system, Finland is rarely talked about for dealing with diversities in education. In this article, I explore the impact of a course on ‘multicultural education’ given to a cohort of ‘local’ and international student teachers studying to become Newly Qualified Teachers. I taught the course myself and decided that since only 8?h would be devoted to the issue of interculturality, the course would have to help the students to learn to develop quickly critical competences towards the many and varied approaches to diversities that are ‘available on the market’. The methodology rests on the use of a documentary on ‘extreme’ intercultural dialogue that the students discussed at the end of the course. Set in Israel, the documentary follows a class in a multicultural school in Tel Aviv during the second Gaza War in 2008–2009. I hypothesise that the documentary, which is often conflictual, would help me to evaluate the students’ learning and how they discuss and problematise such a case of ‘intercultural dialogue’ in education and relate it to their future practice.  相似文献   

全方位育人是培养担当民族复兴大任时代新人的内在要求,是坚持用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想铸魂育人、形成"三全育人"新格局的重要组成部分。文章研究分析了全方位育人与"课程思政"教育的关系,介绍了食品保藏与加工工艺学课程开展"课程思政"教育的探索与实践,旨在为工科课程开展"课程思政"教育提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

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