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采用文献资料法、调查法、逻辑分析法等研究方法,根据目前我国农村体育的现状,分析了农家书屋促进我国农村体育和谐发展的主要因素:以农家书屋为活动中心,建立农村体育协会,培养农村体育骨干队伍;以农家书屋为平台,组织骨干队伍宣传、指导农村体育,改变农民的体育价值观念;丰富农家书屋"体育类"图书;农家书屋与体育协会联合,定期开展乡土体育活动;借助农家书屋,积极发展农村经济、增加农民收入;加强书屋管理员人才队伍建设。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、对比分析法研究本土大众体育动漫的现状和趋势,寻找本土大众体育动漫的崛起之路。虽然中国体育动漫的类型趋于多样化,但在题材突破点上有一定缺陷,发展方向不平衡,受外来体育动漫的影响,模仿过重,偏向娱乐。针对上述问题提出建议。  相似文献   

In contrast with the Netherlands’ status as a sports nation, academic articles on Dutch sports history are scarce. In this paper, we would like to establish a ‘textual’ basis for further research. By means of a large-scale digital analysis, we have been able to depict important phases in the Dutch ‘sportification process’. Sport gradually infiltrated Dutch society: first it was mentioned as an English word in bilingual dictionaries, translated literature and ego documents. Then, English sports were described in recreational education books. Indeed, from 1845 onwards, English teachers at Dutch elite schools played an important role in the actual practising of English sports such as cricket, hockey and football. Together with the founding of sports clubs, specific sports manuals were published. Finally, via the introduction of sports sections in general newspapers, sport (as term) was widely diffused in society. Hence, in 1910, Luitje Van Der Wal was the first to translate the English word sport as ‘sport’ in K. Ten Bruggencate’s Engelsch Woordenboek. To be sure, this sportification process did not please everyone. There were warnings about the negative aspects that the adoption of English sports would create. Nonetheless, even traditional Dutch activities became sportified in a modern way.  相似文献   

身体是福柯研究的一大领域,对身体为载体的体育运动研究中,借助了福柯概念系统。福柯视角下,体育运动过程中包含权力关系转移,在体育的话语结构下,所表现出的身体形态以及权力结构。本文通过简述福柯身体研究,呈现福柯思想对体育社会学思想的启发,话语建构下的体育运动,健身考古学的研究,以及西方体育研究者运用福柯思想的研究的相关研究,旨在呈现福柯身体研究的思想对体育社会学的启示。  相似文献   

竞争平衡作为团体职业运动经济学的基本理论,一直被认为是职业体育良性运行与否的重要标准。运用经济社会学研究思路,采用历史与比较分析法,将职业体育竞争平衡放在特定社会过程和社会结构网络中进行分析。认为:职业体育竞争平衡缘起于职业体育全球化前的经验性总结,带有明显的单一联赛考察视角和片面的经济性目标追求,并依托其考察对象的高水平,成为西方职业体育运行的重要理论基础,而当今职业体育全球化(信息化)发展、竞赛结构的拓展以及收入来源变化,对该理论提出了巨大的挑战。此外,作为先发强势职业体育经验积累产物的竞争平衡理论对后发职业体育运行模式的适用差。因此,结合我国职业体育实际状况,应强化我国职业体育的发展性,提倡非均衡发展战略以谋求超越发展。  相似文献   


This article concerns the use of sport as an asset of knowledge in academia. The background to this is sport’s neglected role and isolation in academia, save for in sundry sports sciences. By mapping the academic use of philosopher Michel Serres’ sport metaphors, a new perspective of the relationship between sport and science is explored. A mixed-methods approach was chosen to review the literature using Serres’ concept of the ‘quasi-object’. The findings show that the concept appeals to a wide array of disciplines within the social sciences and the humanities. The article suggests that there exists a parallel sport science in academia that flies under the radar of regular sport disciplines, a sort of ‘sport AS humanities’. This proposed ‘sportive science’ focuses on other aspects of sport than its already existing sport study counterparts. Thus, sport qua science acknowledges its topic as an asset of knowledge, not as a mirror of society.  相似文献   

Within the context of yoga’s increasing popularity, the prevailing view that yoga is ‘good for everyone’ is often perpetuated by participants. This view is derived from popular media portrayals and activities, as well as scientific research purporting yoga’s health benefits for all citizens. This paper accordingly investigates these dominant claims reproduced about yoga practise in the United States using a qualitative study involving five practitioners. We specifically invoke Michel Foucault’s concepts of discourse and governmentality to interrogate how yogic ‘truths’ are negotiated, taken up, and reproduced by several participants in the San Francisco area. Five in depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with a diverse demographic sample of yoga participants. Our findings suggest that these various individuals invested in and reproduced the ideals of social inclusion and multicultural diversity with the accompanying view that yoga operated as a community or ‘family’. The practitioners subsequently acknowledged specific barriers and instances of exclusive practises within yoga and its communities. Yet, in some cases the participants countered that these perceptions of exclusion and barriers to practise could be overcome by individual choice-making; this latter view implicates a specific mode of neo-liberal self-governance. Our analysis therefore suggests that the yoga participants invested in and reproduced ideals of individualism and meritocracy relative to normative neo-liberal yoga discourses.  相似文献   

The Brit Maccabim Atid sport club was founded by immigrants from Germany who came to Palestine during the 1930s. The circumstances surrounding this organisation’s establishment differed from those of the sports organisations operating in Palestine until then. We consider sports culture as a tool for analysing immigrant absorption processes. Our discussion is based on the claim that sports served as a means of social integration for German Jews. In Palestine, sports served as an arena of conflict between the political camps in the Jewish settlement. In response to this political reality, immigrants from Central Europe began organising to establish separate sports clubs along political and ethnic lines, thus responding to the needs of immigrants identifying with German cultural circles. Brit Maccabim Atid constitutes a test case for the social and cultural changes in the meaning of sports in the move from one country to another. The paper describes two sociological models, each of which examines the impact of involvement in sports on the extent to which immigrants become integrated into society. Our findings indicate that sports participation in an immigrant society can be a unifying and assimilative factor and at the same time a segregating factor.  相似文献   

肖永杰  张鲲 《湖北体育科技》2012,31(5):541-542,552
运用调查、文献资料综述等研究方法,对中国竞技体育优势项目与其技术创新关系进行分析,结果表明:中国优势项目之所以一直在世界竞技比赛中取优异的成绩,与其技术创新有着密不可分的联系。一些竞技体育项目在发展历程中处于世界领先水平,逐步实现了从学习借鉴的拿来主义向技术创新的转变,这对中国相对滞后的其他竞技项目有着良好的启示。  相似文献   

我国青少年体育竞赛发展现状与焦点问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在透析青少年体育竞赛社会地位的基础上,对青少年体育竞赛发展现状进行剖析发现:青少年体育竞赛的内容不能真正满足学生的健康需求,趋于形式化,与学生体质健康标准脱节,与学校体育改革不配套,产生"唯金牌论"等焦点问题。从人本主义视角研究,加强过程监督,营造健康氛围,融入文化元素,成为当前发展的主要目的,提高青少年体质和和谐社会品质培养成为发展的本源诉求。  相似文献   

体育场地设施是体育运动得以顺利开展的基础保障.随着“十一五”规划的顺利谢幕,我国体育事业取得了突飞猛进的发展,体育场地设施的建设得到前瞻性的拓展.由于西部地区具有地域辽阔,资源丰富,民族众多,人口稀少等特征,铸就其体育场地设施建设与发展具有一定的特殊性.文章采用文献资料法、逻辑推理等研究方法对西部地区的学校场馆设备、城市社区体育场地设施及农村村寨体育场地设施的建设及法制化进程进行系统研究和深入剖析,并提出一系列具有可行性的对策,为西部地区体育场地设施更科学合理的建设及其法制化发展提供理论基础.  相似文献   

体育风险控制在我国刚刚起步,有待深入硏究。通过文献资料法、逻辑分析法,对我国体育保险现状、体育保险产业的误区与原则、健全体育保险体系进行了全面地分析与探究,为我国体育保险业的健康发展提供借鉴。结论认为:更多融入市场机制,是体育保险发展壮大的根本要素,让政府职能部门减少参与,改变角色为规则指定者,以符合市场竞争体系决定体育保险领域发展方向,这符合体育保险健康发展的需要。  相似文献   


Globalization has led to the increased sportization of parkour, one of the world’s newest lifestyle sports. This paper investigates the parkour scene in New Zealand, where attempts to develop and support parkour have resulted in the formation of a national governing body (NGB). Parkour NZ, formed in 2011 by local practitioners and the first NGB for parkour to be registered as a charity, is undergoing increased sportization in both traditional and unique ways. We examine the motivations that inspired its formation, registration as a charity and some of the ways it has negotiated the sportization process while accounting for New Zealand parkour community values. Our case study adds to understandings of glocalization and sportization of informal lifestyle sports, and highlights how parkour practitioner values are negotiated within new organizational spaces.  相似文献   

第七届亚冬会在哈萨克斯坦落下帷幕,最终收获11金10银14铜的中国代表团不敌日、韩和东道主,在亚冬会历史上首次被挤出前三行列。本文对第七届哈萨克斯坦亚亚冬会中国代表团的成绩同日本、韩国、哈萨克斯坦等亚洲冰雪强国的成绩进行比较,分析中国冰雪运动各项目的现状。同时就中国冰雪运动未来发展方向提出了建议,使中国冬季体育运动项目达到世界冰雪项目永续强国水平。  相似文献   

近年来,由于奥林匹克运动会和冬奥会等一系列重大的国际运动会在中国的成功举办,我国的体育产业蒸蒸日上,达到了前所未有的空前旷世,中国成为令人瞩目的体育大国是指日可待的。新世纪的中国体育与二十世纪有着较大的区别,当代体育不仅仅是体能上的竞技,作为一种体育发展事业,它已经成为一种势不可挡的发展趋势。  相似文献   

体育事业的转型决定着中国体育的可持续发展目标的实现。运用文献资料法、历史分析法和数理统计法来分析影响中国体育事业转型发展的因素。通过研究发现,北京奥运会后,随着中国经济发展方式的转型,国家的系统化政策支持和政府投入的规范化,体育事业的发展迎来了新的机遇。但也面临一些重要的问题,主要是体育投入的不均衡、群众体育发展的严重落后、体育产业结构的不合理、竞技体育可持续发展受到局限。要解决这些问题,必须推动体育功能的转型、体育发展方式的转型以及体育管理方式的转型。为此,必须以需求为导向,从政治体育向生活体育转变;转变体育供给结构,从竞技体育的供给向群众体育的供给转变;转变投入方式,从数量投入向质量投入转变;转变价值导向,从效率导向向公平导向转型。  相似文献   

孙锋 《湖北体育科技》2012,31(4):402-403,407
以江苏省农村为调查对象,通过文献资料、问卷调查、访谈、数理统计等研究方法进行深入研究,分析江苏农村公共体育服务现状、公共体育服务体系构建、具体实施策略为政府或体育行政部门提供决策参考。  相似文献   

提升我国体育企业国际竞争力的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以文献分析和调查访问等方法对我国体育企业国际竞争力的提升进行研究。结果表明:加入WTO后,我国体育企业面临一系列的严峻挑战;现阶段,影响我国体育企业竞争力的主要问题包括技术创新、企业管理、产业组织和市场环境问题等等。建议体育企业要从解决自身问题出发,继而通过优化产业组织、改善市场环境提升竞争力。  相似文献   

上海竞技体育可持续发展之路:引进?还是培养?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
缪佳 《体育科研》2012,33(4):1-4
上海作为中国经济发达的大城市,曾为中国的竞技体育培养了不少优秀运动员。但随着上海经济发展,上海竞技体育后备人才面临着危机,上海不得不为实现全运会目标而大量引进外省市运动员,这一举措虽然缓解了上海后备人才匮乏的矛盾,但也带来了诸多问题:上海原有的输送系统受到阻塞,上海业余训练经费支出和业余训练人数减少,引进运动员退役后如何在上海生存等等。上海要兼顾国际大都市的建设和竞技体育的可持续发展,就要以城市化发展的特点和上海本身的经验,改变固有的竞技体育发展思路,打造有世界影响力的竞技体育。  相似文献   

What are the myths and realities of the Scandinavian sport model? The author analyses four constituents of the Scandinavian sport model, using Norwegian football as an example. For adult football, there is clear discrepancy between conceptions and realities, while the current model describes the realities of children’s and youth football fairly accurately. The author reports and analyses interviews with leaders of an elite sports club and a sport-for-all club, as well as the results of a survey of 155 coaches of children’s and youth football. The survey and interviews reveal that Norwegian football is a divided house, possibly signalling future trends in Scandinavian sport as a whole. Whether the distinguishing features of Scandinavian sport will continue is an open question.  相似文献   

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