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张宝玺先生主编《甘肃佛教石刻造像》一书 ,已由甘肃人民出版社于 2 0 0 1年 3月出版。该书是继 1 994年《甘肃石窟艺术·雕塑编》和 1 997年《甘肃石窟艺术·壁画编》之后的续编。书中精选甘肃北凉至明代不同时期的石刻造像、铭记图片 2 90余幅 ,具有很高的佛教艺术价值 ,尤其众多铭文题记 ,多具书法价值 ,其内容更是珍贵的文史资料。书中还有张宝玺先生对甘肃历代石造像的翔实考证以及殷光明先生对河西地区佛塔造型之源流的论述 ,并附有造像的详细说明和铭文记录。该书不但图录具有丰富的史料性 ,而且论述具有较高的学术水平《甘肃佛教石…  相似文献   

针对拉达克地区8—12世纪的一批佛教石刻造像,在系统整理造像遗存的基础上,结合造像题记、地理位置及历史文献,对石刻造像的赞助人、造像题材、开凿意图、造像功能及其背后所呈现的阿里三围对吐蕃王朝遗产的承续关系进行讨论。拉达克地区石刻造像是在藏族人主导下所建的,其时间从吐蕃王朝中后期持续到阿里三围初期,石刻造像传统的延续反映出两代不同政权之间的文化接续;吐蕃王朝时期石刻造像题材以大日如来佛为主,阿里三围初期石刻造像则更流行菩萨题材,石刻造像题材的转变与政权更迭后的宗教政策有关;造像题记所载人物皆为王公贵族,造像所处地理位置与文献记载的政治军事活动相契合,展现出石刻造像始终承载的军政象征等多重历史意涵。  相似文献   

摩崖石刻是远古时代文字记事、石刻、造像的一种方式,也是体现当时社会文化、艺术发展的一种艺术行为。摩崖石刻的种类包括山崖石壁上所刻的图案、造像、书法或者岩画,在中国北朝时期开始盛行,以后一直延续到隋、唐以及宋、元、明、清及近代,具有丰富的历史文化内涵和艺术考古价值。摩崖石刻许多是依据描摹不同时期文化名人所题的书法艺术所刻,或体现天然之意趣,或体量巨大、气势恢弘,字体包括篆、隶、楷、行、草等;其他的摩崖石刻形式还包括石刻造像、石刻浮雕造像、岩画等,是对当时社会各个方面的文字、图形的一种记录形式,或者是一种具有原始图腾崇拜的礼仪,也成为现代社会研究当时社会历史、文化、艺术考古的一个重要参考资料。对辽宁摩崖石刻的分布状况进行研究,是对辽宁地区摩崖石刻古遗址的一种艺术考察和考古研究,也是对辽宁地区摩崖石刻古遗址文化、艺术、考古研究内容的丰富。  相似文献   

<正>药王山位于关中北部的铜川市耀州区(古称耀县),以唐代的医药学家孙思邈而得名,在县城东1.5公里处,海拔812米,山势高而不险,卑而不夷,自隋唐以来,以祭祀药王孙思邈并收藏大量碑石造像闻名于世,积时日久,蔚为大观。药王山碑林地势开阔,碑林内两侧建有碑廊,廊中陈列众多造像碑,这里陈列的北魏、西魏、北周、隋、唐造像碑有200余通,皆系耀州境内搜集,存量仅次于西安碑林,北朝造像碑是国内收藏最多之地。其中,《魏文朗造像碑》《姚伯多兄弟造像碑》《仇臣生造像碑》《蒙文庆造像  相似文献   

《牛橛造像题记》,全名《丘穆陵亮夫人尉迟为亡息牛橛造像题记》.龙门二十品之一,高65厘米,宽34厘米,题记7行,行16字,碑文字体端庄整肃.《牛橛造像》体势峻拔方整,用笔精进挺峭,字形趋扁,结体茂密而左右舒展,神态宽博旷达,意境高古,情趣活跃,整篇笔触自然一致,在北魏楷书中属精品力作.  相似文献   

通天岩,作为赣南地区重要的佛教石窟造像群,对于研究宋代以来宗教、世俗生活状态具有重要意义。通天岩摩崖石刻造像题记作为人文景观,是传统文化的有效载体,具备重要的文献价值。自有宋以来,通天岩人文荟萃,旅虔或游历者不可胜数,他们在通天岩或饮酒赋诗,或吟哦题记,构成了重要的文化品格。就宋代以来通天岩摩崖题记进行校勘考证,并实地考察,标明摩崖石刻题记具体位置,还原历史的本来面貌,在此基础上,对通天岩摩崖题记背后的文化现象作出分析研究,探明"禅隐文化"向"阳明文化"的转变与互通之径,兼及书风丕变,以时代的广角析理,以期相对全面地阐释近千年来通天岩的发展变迁。  相似文献   

位于四川省南充市高坪区的青居山,佛教文化兴盛,唐代即开始建寺凿窟,创建药师道场,明代又有昇皓禅师在此弘法传道,创立牧牛道场。据调查,青居山目前遗留有较为丰富的佛教文化遗存,现有石窟造像12龛,唐、宋、明、清碑刻题记11通,造像题材主要有药师佛、横三世佛、释迦佛、观音、天龙八部等,石刻题记以造像记、妆修记、游记等为主。这为我们研究青居山佛教文化提供了宝贵资料。  相似文献   

洛阳龙门石窟造像凝聚了我国古代石刻艺术的经典,达到了我国石刻艺术的巅峰。从洛阳龙门石窟的造像及其造型特点进行分析,通过对洛阳龙门石窟造像造型艺术应用价值的剖析,挖掘其在洛阳唐三彩造型设计发展方面的应用价值,从而从中汲取其造型艺术的精华元素,改变洛阳唐三彩造型单一的局面,推动洛阳唐三彩再创辉煌。  相似文献   

北朝关中地区出土的造像碑比较多,且比较集中.造像题记书法形成的“长安书体”, 以“结体宽博,横平竖直,有着隶书遗法,书风端正疏朗、纯厚优雅,简朴超逸之美”等特征在魏碑书体中占有重要地位,它的形成有多种因素.通过对民族关系、刻工、汉画像石的继承、多人合作的二次艺术等方面的分析,旨在说明“长安书体”的形成与北方各少数民族的融合和智慧有密切关系,这些少数民族对中国书法史的发展也具有-定贡献.  相似文献   

五峰山东魏一百三十四人造像碑座自清代就被发现和著录,但至今研究甚少.该碑座题记所列像主、维那等职,反映了北朝时期泰山地区民间的邑义造像组织结构及其活动特点.根据其它地区同时代佛教石刻造像分析,该造像碑原佚造像的主要特征为舟形背光上刻飞天拱卫宝塔的佛与菩萨造像组合.该碑座之僧图体现的是罗睺罗奉献释迦欢喜丸情节.  相似文献   

It is worthy of noting that, whilst Crookston Castle witnessed the earlier and happier portion of Mary's variegated life,  相似文献   

一、吃和喝吃苹果 eat an apple, 吃药 take medicine,吃糖 have some sweets,吃饭 have one's meals,吃馆子 dine out,吃惊 be surprised/  相似文献   

Many college freshmen arrive woefully unprepared to do college work, and as disadvantaged populations continue to grow, the share of the American work force that has made it through college is expected to plummet. Many experts blame that educational failure not just on high schools but also on colleges. School & College, a special report by The Chronicle, looks at efforts to fix the system. What reforms would better prepare students for college? What should schools and colleges be doing differently? How should state and federal officials help?  相似文献   

The communication of people partially is the communication of cultures. Culture has a direct effect on international commercial activities in all aspects. Different conceptions about time, space, equality, law and the like, lead people to deal with things in different ways. So to know cultures of the counterpart is to facil-itate our enterprises so as to have a smooth and successful communication in commercial activity.  相似文献   

There are numbers of crossroads on our long and unpredictable life journey where we totally have no idea about which direction to choose. No matter what our decision is, we should not turn back, but face the music and go ahead instead. I am this kind of girl who always does try without regretting, one example is how I dealt with my love.  相似文献   

王菲 《华章》2007,(12):273-273
Migration occurs behind a variety of reasons and has a great effect on the whole world. People may migrate in order to improve their economic situation, or in order to escape civil strife, persecution, and environmental disasters. The impact of migration is complex, bringing both benefits anddisadvantages. This paper briefly talks about the causes of migration, the allocation of benefits, and the ways in which individual countries and the international community deal with this important subject.  相似文献   

Rosco and I wait for the fishermen to return.I sit at a wooden bench near the store at Mt.Baker Resort and watch the clouds change shape. Rosco has my belt around his neck and an eight foot tow chain hooked to a tree. Dogs must be on a leash. Ducks and rabbits are loose.  相似文献   

Given a graph G,a subgraph C is called a clique of G if C is a complete subgraph of G maximal under inclusion and |C|≥2. A clique-transversal set S of G is a set of vertices of G such that S meets all cliques of G. The clique-transversal number, denoted as TC (G), is the minimum cardinality of a clique-transversal set in G. The clique-graph of G, denoted as K (G), is the graph obtained by taking the cliques of G as vertices, and two vertices are adjacent if and only if the corresponding cliques in G have nonempty intersection. Let F be a class of graphs G such that F={G|K(G) is a tree}. In this paper the graphs in F having independent clique-transversal sets are shown and thus TC (G)/|G|≤1/2 for all G ∈ F.  相似文献   

裴水妹 《华章》2007,(11):196
Sister Carrie is one of the most controversial characters in American literature.Thought as a "fallen woman" firstly,she was defined as a "new woman" by some critics later. However, by digging into the motivaton behind the whole process of Carrie's "success", the relationship between Carrie and her creator (the author), the social conditions of then American, it can be found that Carrie has never been free-standing on her thought and she has never found her real-sdf even after becoming a famous actress. In a society dominated by mass consumerism Carrie is only an adherent of her own desires. She also is a representative of all those country girls flooded into cities, a symbol and a sacrifice of the urbanization of America in a time countryside was overcome by cities.  相似文献   

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