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It is generally accepted that art and design related disciplines attract a higher proportion of students with dyslexia than traditional academic counterparts. Combined with this is a prevalent perception that dyslexia predominantly affects students’ writing and linguistic ability and it is this, as well as an increased visual‐spatial sensibility, that attracts students to art and design disciplines. This article examines these ideas through the experience of fine art students on a degree course with a mandatory written element. Drawing on focus groups and interviews with students, it argues that the studio component, in terms of its learning environment and teaching methods, presents an equally challenging context for students with dyslexia and that the written element or lecture‐based studies can provide students with a valuable counterpoint to their studio practice.  相似文献   

高校学生管理工作是维护学校正常教学秩序、保障学生健康成长的基础性工作,"以人为本"是科学发展观的核心,也是适应未来大学管理和发展趋势的科学理念。以人为本,在高校就是以学生为主体,从根本上说,就是促进大学生自由、全面、可持续的发展,就是强调集教育、管理、服务于一体的学生工作在高校全局工作中的基础性地位,这就要求高校管理者树立以学生为本的工作理念,改进工作作风,强化服务意识,抓好学生管理团队建设,建立高效的工作体制,真正为学生办实事,办好事。  相似文献   

坚持以人为本,加强学生工作师生"双向互动",推进大学生"三自"管理,是当前创新学生管理模式的有效途径.本文从当前我院学生工作管理现状出发,认为要创新学生管理模式,必须确立学生政工干部与学生双向互动的教育管理思想,通过在实践中推进"三自"管理,才能充分调动广大学生的积极性和主动性,挖掘学生潜能,做好学生工作,培养出更多适应社会的应用型人才.  相似文献   

以驻保高校537名大学生为调查对象,调查当前大学生微博使用状况。结果显示,微博的大学生用户呈日益扩大的趋势,使用微博对大学生身心和行为的影响益弊并存,有必要加强对大学生使用微博的引导与规范,加强网络信息的监管工作,加强舆情信息检测,引导大学生树立正确的微博使用理念。  相似文献   

彭悦 《海外英语》2012,(14):100-102,126
该研究旨在探索学习风格和多元智能之间的相关性。研究通过对广州美术学院205名学生的问卷调查,经SPSS分析,发现美术专业的学生在学习过程中所偏好的学习风格多为动手型,而所擅长的智能类型多为自我认识型和视觉/空间型,其学习风格和多元智能中多项呈正相关关系。研究希望能通过对这些美术专业学生的调查和分析,加深对他们特性的了解,从而得到外语教学上的启发,并应用更合理的教学策略,帮助他们在英语学习上取得更大的进步。  相似文献   

高师学生的人格发展现状剖析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文为探讨社会情境变迁中高等师范大学生的人格发展及有效的人格教育策略,用EPQ-REC人格问卷调查460名师范大学生.结果显示:男生的精神质和稳定性显著高于常模,女生的掩饰性极显著高于全国女生常模.学业较差的学生精神性、掩饰性高于一般及较好的学生;男生在精神性高于女生;城市生源稳定性高于乡村生源;经常上网掩饰性低于偶尔上网学生;是否学生干部在精神性、外向性都有显著性差异.调查结果提示教育管理者要密切关注社会情境的变化作针对性的教育,同时在职业教育中渗透人格教育,发挥人格的能动力量塑造健全新型的人格模式.  相似文献   

目前我国教学表现出明显的知性化倾向.从本质上说,在知性化教学中,学生所形成的知识、技能和思想是外在知识、技能和思想符合于学生内在观念的直接结果;学生所获得的知识、技能和思想是外在知识、技能和思想在学生主体头脑中形成的虚幻影像;学生主体的超越性是指作为主体的学生在外在知识、技能和思想面前自主地位的无限拔高以及运用其知性化认识能力对外在知识、技能和思想的肆意宰制;学生主体对作为客体的外在知识、技能和思想的霸主式统治必然使学生无意识地坠落回被自己所统治的客体中从而导致其自身人性的异化.  相似文献   

张鹏 《成才之路》2020,(10):128-129
农村学校的学困生转化工作应得到重视,否则学困生与学优生的差距越来越大。目前数学学困生的转化工作还存在教学方法单一、教师重视不够、学困生基础薄弱且缺乏家长管理等问题。教师要从关注学困生本身和教学方法两个方面积极开展农村数学学困生的转化工作,让每个学生都不掉队。  相似文献   

This qualitative study investigated the achievement goal orientations of a group of all male pre-med students attending a small, urban undergraduate college. Semi-structured interviews examined under what circumstances students adopted extrinsic goals, mastery goals, or a mixture of the two. Findings indicated that while nearly all students possessed an underlying or baseline extrinsic goal orientation, a sizable number of students (32%) were primarily mastery oriented and only a small percent (13%) were primarily extrinsically oriented. A large number of students did not fit either category, with many best described as being mastery oriented within certain subject areas and extrinsically oriented within others. Furthermore, this study found that social comparison (performance) goals were rarely mentioned spontaneously by students. The study concluded that the goal orientations of many students could best be described as complicated and conflicted with students experiencing a strong tension between a desire to learn and a desire to get good grades.  相似文献   

本文旨在探讨独立学院大学生自我同一性与心理健康的关系,为高等学校独立学院的大学生心理健康教育提供依据和参考。研究方法主要采用SCL-90和同一性状况量表,对498名独立学院大学生进行问卷调查。研究发现,独立学院大学生的同一性存在显著差异,在SCL-90测试中9项因子有5项得分均值高于全国常模;独立学院大学生的自我同一性发展水平对其心理健康具有预测作用,需参照其自我同一性和心理健康的相关度,采取相应措施进行心理辅导与干预。  相似文献   

通过对某高职院校工科系150学生入学时和一学年后的症状自评量表(SCL-90)、抑郁自评量表(SDS)、焦虑自评量表(SAS)、人际关系综合诊断量表、自我和谐量表(SCCS)五个量表的前后测试,并通过T检验统计前后测,研究发现,大学生群体男生占优势对男女生心理素质没有显著性影响。但对占优势的男生心理素质略有一定的负面影响,对女生则略有一定的正面影响,同时男女生都存在同异性朋友交往能力的下降。因此,在大学生群体男生占优势的高校中要注重男生的心理健康辅导,并需更加注重男女生异性朋友交往的辅导。  相似文献   

目前大学生在心理素质教育上存在着以下几方面的缺失:一是缺乏明显有效的针对学生不良心理的长效应对机制,二是在指导学生的过程中缺乏对学校、社会、家庭全方位的观照系统,三是缺乏提高学生心理素质的超前意识.该文对以上缺失提出了相应的弥补策略.  相似文献   

大学贫困生自我和谐与社会支持的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究以391名大学贫困生为对象,以484名普通大学生为参照群体,采用自我和谐量表与社会支持量表为测量工具,研究大学贫困生的自我和谐状况及其与社会支持的关系。本次调查显示,贫困生自我和谐的水平与非贫困生并没有显著差别。这与国家、高校新的资助政策下,贫困生社会支持的提高有一定的关联。为了构建社会主义和谐社会,维护贫困生自我和谐的良性发展,应进一步提高贫困生的社会支持程度与水平。  相似文献   

纪律处分是高校依法循章对违纪学生实施制裁的手段,它在构建和稳定学校办学秩序方面发挥着重要作用。然而,在实际工作中由于存在民主意识淡漠、缺乏与学生沟通等原因。导致学生与学校对簿公堂的事例时有发生。为维护学校声誉,也为了尊重学生的人权,变“事后救济”为“事前预防”,一些高校已着手“学生处分听证制度”方面的有益探索。但学生处分听证制度尚属新生事物,还处于讨论与浅实践阶段,还有待进一步规范。  相似文献   


This article analyses the perspectives of faculty members on disability in higher education. Their testimonies give value to the attitudes and qualities of university students with disabilities and show how they influence their professional and personal development. We carried out a qualitative study, through interviews with 119 faculty members of different fields from 10 Spanish universities, who were nominated by students with disabilities for developing inclusive pedagogy. We conducted a progressive analysis of the data using a system of categories and codes. The results describe the motivations that drove the participants to respond to the needs of students with disabilities, the personal and professional impact posed by the challenge of adjusting the teaching and learning processes, and the perceptions of the faculty members toward the contributions of these students to the university. In the conclusions section, we delve into the need of universities to embrace inclusivity. The data provided by this study reveal that disability can be a valuable asset in a university context that dissociates from the deficit lens and acknowledges that all students are important and able to learn when the attitudes and conditions are appropriate.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the effects of the flipped classroom method on the academic achievement of medical students in the Good Medical Practice Program, collect data on the students’ opinions of this method, and offer solutions to some of the most commonly cited problems in the literature regarding its use. The research design of the study involves a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest design with a control group, and the qualitative research method for answers to follow-up questions. Participants in the study were 38 first-year students from the Faculty of Medicine of Hacettepe University. An academic achievement test and a semi-structured interview form were used as data collection instruments. Findings of the study show that the students taught using the flipped classroom model have higher levels of achievement compared with the students taught using the traditional method. Interviews conducted with the experimental group showed that these students had positive views regarding the flipped classroom method, and it was concluded that solutions offered to deal with the problems, commonly viewed as the disadvantages of the method, were effective.  相似文献   

Research has shown that high expectations of teachers about their students’ academic development have a positive influence on how these students actually develop. Therefore, when aiming to improve students’ learning results it is essential to know how teachers think about their students’ abilities. The present study was meant to investigate what perceptions primary school teachers in special education have of their students’ potential in mathematics and what possibilities they see to reveal this potential. Data were collected through an online questionnaire. Surprisingly, the responses showed that, although the teachers teach students with low achievement scores in mathematics, most of the teachers were positive about the mathematical potential of their students. The teachers often attributed unused potential to causes outside the student and they underpinned this view with observations from school practice. The article concludes with discussing the consequences of these findings for the professional development of teachers.  相似文献   

章认为,运用比较教学法能有效地解决音乐教育专业学生的钢琴集体课教学问题。钢琴集体课教学不仅不会影响、限制学生的个体发展,相反,更有利于学生通过比较,发现自身本质上的一些素质差异,并通过集体的智慧和力量,不断地改善与提高自身的学习素质,从而更好地发挥学生的学习主动性,提高集体课的教学质量。  相似文献   

This contribution reviews research that links students’ and teachers’ ethnic background to students’ perceptions of teacher interpersonal behavior, teacher treatment of individual students, and student achievement and subject-related attitudes. The review mainly includes studies from the United States, Australia and the Netherlands and a few Asian countries (Singapore, Brunei and Taiwan). The literature revealed that ethnicity is consistently associated with students’ perceptions of their teachers, that the way teachers communicate varies according to the ethnicity of their students and that teacher interpersonal behavior may be more important for immigrant minority students’ outcomes than for their indigenous peers. The article finishes off by offering suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

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