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《Sport in History》2013,33(1):84-109
In the wake of previous contributions by scholars like Verner Møller and Paul Dimeo, which have demonstrated the mythical nature of the accounts concerning two famous ‘doping deaths’ (the cyclists Arthur Linton and Knud Enemark Jensen), this article thoroughly examines the existing evidence (both anecdotal and scientific) concerning the much repeated claim that EPO ‘killed’ 18 Dutch and Belgian cyclists in the late 1980s and early 1990s. This examination shows that these claims almost absolutely lack empirical evidence, and that in fact the existing truly experimental and epidemiological research downplays or even rules out the existence of a casual link between EPO intake and sudden death in healthy adults. It is therefore concluded that EPO has been constructed by the expert literature and the lay press as the ‘drug of mass destruction’ of the war on drugs in sport, and that the story about the ‘EPO deaths’ is to be seen as anti-doping propaganda.  相似文献   

This paper argues that for the purposes of any sort of serious discussion about immoral conduct in sport very little is illuminated by claiming that the conduct in question is cheating. In fact, describing some behavior as cheating is typically little more than expressing strong, but thoroughly vague and imprecise, moral disapproval or condemnation of another person or institution about a wide and ill-defined range of improper advantage-seeking behavior. Such expressions of disapproval fail to distinguish cheating from many other types of immoral conduct. The discussion shows that we should set the concept aside and assess the moral disapproval implied by claims of cheating by reference to the moral and other principles that underlie the practice of sport. This allows us to consider carefully the complexity of the issues that are raised when allegations of cheating are made and not be distracted by the emotionally loaded, conversation-stopping tendency of the concept. This means that some types of disputes in sport will be messy and demand more effort to resolve, but the payoff will be better informed and more thoughtful discussions and greater awareness of the moral complexity of sport and of its principled underpinnings.  相似文献   

The article argues that international cricket has not followed the path of other transnational sporting events which, typically, are dominated by developed countries. It is a game which the non-Western countries have begun to dominate not just on the field but, more importantly, in shaping the economics and politics of the game. The article suggests that this change, that is atypical of international sport, has come about because of processes within the globalization phenomenon particularly. These are the rise of a transnational community which can support its team across frontiers, the spread of technology that provides real time coverage of the sport; and the decline of the sport in its host country, thereby allowing alternative centres of power to emerge, especially in decision making.  相似文献   

The history of team sports in the United States is still framed, almost exclusively, in terms of black/white interactions. In the case of states such as Texas, this omission leaves a gap in our historical understanding. This lacuna calls for the examination of how Mexican-Americans, like minorities elsewhere, have used sport to break down barriers and stereotypes. This article chronicles the story of the 1961 Donna Redskins and examines how success on the football field helped reshape the perception of this ethnic group. Additionally, this article also discusses the limitations of sport as a vehicle to break stereotypical constructions of minorities.  相似文献   

This paper argues that human psychological resilience is a central virtue in sport and in human life generally. Despite its importance, it is an overlooked virtue in philosophy of sport and classical and contemporary virtue theory. The phenomenon of human resilience has received a great deal of attention recently in other quarters, however. There is a large and instructive empirical psychological literature on resilience, but connections to virtue theory are rarely drawn and there is no agreement about what the concept refers to. This paper attempts to clarify the concept of resilience and explain how it fits into and supports a traditional Aristotelian conception of virtue. It shows how resilience figures centrally in sport and can extend and enrich our understanding of virtue and success in sport and of sport's internal values. The investigations into the nature of resilience in sport can also help us to understand better sport's contributions to human culture and well-being.  相似文献   

The debate about the development of sport in Ireland is a lively one and is broadening all the time as more and more historians investigate it. This essay examines the criticisms by Cronin on Finn and argues that Cronin has at best an imperfect understanding of Athleticism as an education ideology. It explores the ideology of Athleticism with a focus on two elite Irish schools and points the way for more detailed research approach in understanding the extent of Athleticism in these schools and its diffusion into wider Irish society.  相似文献   

The 2010 Quinnipiac cheerleading case raises interesting questions about the nature of both cheerleading and sport, as well as about the moral character of each. In this paper we explore some of those questions, and argue that no form of college cheerleading currently in existence deserves, from a moral point of view, to be recognized as a sport for Title IX purposes. To reach that conclusion, we evaluate cheerleading using a quasi-legal argument based on the NCAA’s definition of sport and conclude that cheerleading fails to qualify as a legitimate sport. A philosophical argument leads to the same conclusion, primarily because of the essential entertainment-aspect of cheerleading. We then examine a consequentialist moral case for making cheerleading an intercollegiate sport and argue that the balance of moral reasons is against doing so. Finally, we look at cheerleading’s newest offspring – Acrobatics and Tumbling, and STUNT – and express our moral reservations about their current claims to be worthy of Title IX recognition. While we would not claim that any single one of our arguments is decisive, we are convinced that the cumulative weight of the arguments against granting intercollegiate sport status to any of the forms of cheerleading or its derivatives is, at present, irresistible.  相似文献   

体育一词不同的人对其有着不同的理解与认识,甚至在其本质与属性上存在着很大的分歧与争论。结合相关的历史及现实研究,通过对这些争论的梳理与整理,旨在帮助人们更好地认识体育的概念、本质与属性。  相似文献   


This paper discusses three questions concerning the ethics of performance enhancement in sport. The first has to do with the improvement to policy and argues that there is a need for policy about doping to be re-constituted and to question the conceptual priority of ‘anti’ doping. It is argued that policy discussions about science in sport must recognise the broader context of sport technology and seek to develop a policy about ‘performance’, rather than ‘doping’. The second argues that a quantitative enhancement to a sporting performance has no value and is, thus, unethical, unless the motivation behind using it implies something meaningful about being human. Thus, unless the use of the technology is constitutive of our humanness, then it is not a justifiable method of altering (rather than enhancing) performance. This rules out the legitimacy of using performance enhancement to gain an advantage over other competitors, who do not have access to similar means. Finally, the third argument claims that sport ethics has had only a limited discourse and has failed to recognise broader theoretical ideas in relation to performance modification, which might be found in the philosophy of technology and bioethics. Collectively, these positions articulate important concerns about the role of science in sport and the ethical discussions arising from them.  相似文献   

Brendon Tagg 《Sport in Society》2018,21(9):1400-1415
This article examines issues of gender justice within men’s netball and mixed-gender indoor netball in New Zealand, primarily from philosophical and social policy-based perspectives. While netball has historically reflected and reinforced appropriate ideas of female physicality, in the early 1980s, the new and more radical New Zealand Men’s Netball Association (NZMNA) welcomed openly transgender female players. Although the association subsequently took a heteronormative turn, independent for-profit mixed-gender indoor netball have also provided somewhat transgender-inclusive spaces. After discussing feminist debates about mixed-gender sport including netball specifically, this article argues that there are good reasons to support mixed-gender indoor netball. It also argues, however, that this should be done while also recognising both NNZ’s defensive ‘voluntary segregation’ of women’s netball and the unfortunate decline of the early (more radical) NZMNA. The article also discusses some important criticisms of such a policy.  相似文献   

This paper argues that recent treatments of ethics in sport have accorded too much importance to the promotion and portrayal of a sport’s excellences, and too little to the consent of participants First, I consider and reject a fundamental challenge to the idea that consent should play a central role in determining the morality of action in sport – namely, Sean McAleer’s argument to the effect that consent is incapable of rendering normally impermissible actions permissible in sport. I then offer a preliminary examination of the proper relation in the moral evaluation of action in sport between considerations of consent and ‘internalist’ considerations regarding the nature and purpose of sport. Taking as my starting point J.S. Russell’s treatment of this topic, I argue that consent is the more weighty, and in many cases the more fundamental, value and that when it conflicts with internalist considerations, it is consent that takes moral priority.  相似文献   

In this paper we illustrate how ways of thinking about ethics are tied up with sport and physical education practice and introduce an alternative approach that can help to develop ethical pedagogies. We begin by locating socio-moral education in physical education within historical and contemporary pedagogical scholarship. Our argument is that the work of today's physical educators is still shaped by claims that were made about school sport in the nineteenth century and that sport scholars have long had difficulties proving these claims empirically. Rather than search for data that can confirm or refute claims of moral learning, we examine how incidents related to moral behaviour occur during physical education lessons. To do this we draw on data from an ethnographic investigation of a school in North Western Switzerland. Specifically, we present three episodes of interaction in three different physical education lessons. To make sense of these episodes, we introduce a social constructionist perspective. The main assumptions of this perspective are: (1) meanings are created through dialogue and consensus and are context-relative; (2) interactions between people are joint accomplishments; and (3) contexts affect how people interact with one another. Equipped with a constructionist framework, we then inspect the interactive episodes more closely. We include brief discussions of how constructionist understandings might inform ethics pedagogies in the future, suggesting that practitioners should be cautious of universal understandings of ethics, consider pupils as members of communities that are held together by shared practices, provide space for pupils to position themselves differently during lessons and, finally, account for contextual factors when evaluating pupils’ actions.  相似文献   

In this paper, the authors make use of narrative inquiry from the position of a story teller by using creative nonfiction to bring forward the complexities of abuse in sport. Through the use of vignettes, one female athlete’s story of how she self-managed her abuse post sport by acting out sexually is made known. As taboo stories tend to be silenced in sport literature, this research foregrounds how one athlete took back the power and control with men as a way of self-managing the physical and emotional abuse she experienced from male coaches. Although a temporary fix, the vignettes highlight how this athlete’s self-management strategies were a complex form of empowerment, a contrast to what she felt when she was the recipient of abuse. The reader is encouraged to construct their own understanding of the athlete’s stories, thinking with her story rather than about her story. This paper contributes to understandings of athlete abuse by providing insight into the lack of support an athlete received post sport and further how she was expected to fend for herself, formulating her own self-management/coping strategies. Sport managers developing interventions and strategies related to abused athletes should consider the diverse challenges that they face.  相似文献   

This essay argues that within competitive sport zero-sum logic and the theory of mutualism are compatible and complementary. Drawing on Robert Simon’s theory of mutualism and Scott Kretchmar’s argument for zero-sum logic, this article shows how athletes can strive for a clear-cut victory and shared benefits such as athletic excellence fully and wholeheartedly at the same time. This paper will also consider how acknowledgment of this dynamic could advance understandings for ethical theories for sport. It will then conclude by describing a subjective approach that will make the affinity of zero-sum logic and mutualism more accessible for sports people.  相似文献   

论体育法的调整对象   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
根据对体育关系的总体认识,将体育法的调整对象进行了理论上的分类,具体阐述了体育法对不同主体、多种内容和各类性质的体育关系调整的基本含义。认为,正确认识和自觉运用体育法对体育关系的有效调整,将保证体育系统进入规范有序的健康发展轨道。  相似文献   

现代奥林匹克奠基人顾拜旦逸事   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
熊斗寅 《体育与科学》2001,22(5):12-13,16
在我们积极准备举办2008年奥运会的时候,我们必须开展奥林匹克教育,宣传和介绍顾拜旦的生平逸事。这对于我们从不同角度认识这位伟大的体育思想家和教育改革家很有必要。本文介招以下5件逸事:1.出身望门贵族而藐视高官厚禄;2.不寻常的婚姻和享庭;3.推动人文奥运的一个范例;4.难能可贵的人民性;5.顾拜旦的历史观。  相似文献   

The nineteenth-century history of swimming has predominantly been portrayed as a history of male participation, with claims that women were marginalized from the sport and never able to be involved at the same level as men. However, this article will highlight that far from marginalizing women the unique qualities of swimming enabled it to develop into the ‘ideal’ and arguably first modern, urban sport for British women. The article will draw upon two nineteenth-century ideologies which surrounded the female body and health; firstly, the ideology of female bodily incapacity and secondly, the socially constructed ideology of correct feminine behaviour. These ideologies directly influenced perceptions about the female body and health and also curtailed the development of sport for women. Nevertheless, by analysing evidence gathered from nineteenth-century texts, newspapers and women's magazines this article will suggest that swimming was an exception. Three specific qualities enabled the promotion and tolerance of female swimming to continue virtually unchallenged. These qualities were health, safety and the aquatic environment.  相似文献   

Twenty-one years ago, Ericsson, Krampe and Tesch-Romer published their seminal work expounding the notion of deliberate practice in explaining the development of expertise. This concept has since become extremely influential in the fields of sport psychology and motor learning. This review evaluates current understanding of deliberate practice in sport skill acquisition with an emphasis on the role of deliberate practice in distinguishing expert athletes from non-experts. In particular, we re-examine the original tenets of Ericsson et al.'s framework to (a) evaluate the sport-related research supporting their claims and (b) identify remaining research questions in this area. The review highlights the overall importance of deliberate practice in the development of expert sport performers; however, our understanding is far from complete. Several directions for future research are highlighted, including the need for more rigorous research designs and statistical models that can evaluate changes in developmental and contextual factors across development. Finally, we advocate for a more thorough understanding of the implications of a ‘deliberate practice approach’ for coaching science.  相似文献   

Doosik Min 《Sport in Society》2019,22(8):1382-1395

Sport, widely believed to have a positive utility in the diplomatic arena, has been adopted by the North and South Korean governments from the early 1960s onwards. However, sport exchanges on the divided peninsula functioned as a social agent only when political reconciliation and cooperation prevailed already. Thus, the aim of this article is to understand the relationship between sport and international relations with particular reference to the cases of Korea and Germany. It seeks to critically explore the role of sport as a diplomatic vehicle in inter-Korean relations from a historical and political context, while focusing on the integration theories. This article also uses the German case to highlight how sport has played a role in the process of German reunification. Then this paper argues that sport has not been a crucial factor in promoting either reconciliation or unification, and the utmost efforts to institutionalize sport exchanges are essential.  相似文献   

Answering the legitimate call for a more transnational approach to the history of sport in Europe, we seize upon the 2012 Olympic Games as an opportunity to look back on Belgo-British contacts in sport since the Middle Ages. Contextualising this history within the wider Belgo-British political, economic and cultural contacts is, indeed, much more revealing than recounting a superficial story about the three medals the Belgian Olympic delegation actually obtained in London. We illustrate that transnational flows and contacts – crucial to the shaping and diffusion of sport – are not always reflected at the level of the Olympic Games. The cases of cycle racing and soccer demonstrate the divergent adoption and adaptation processes of specific sporting disciplines in Belgium and Britain. At the end of the paper, we also reflect on David Cameron's competitive sport policy in primary education, and raise the question whether the dissipation of public funds for elite sport – to the detriment of ‘Sport for All’ – is still defendable in times of government budgetary scarcity.  相似文献   

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