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对欧洲"大区域"大学联盟建立的背景和溯源、联盟管理的组织架构、联盟成员合作的实践探索的研究发现:建立面向区域经济的大学联盟,首先要立足区域情境、确立与区域经济发展相容的联盟目标;其次要善选合作伙伴,有效推进深度的资源整合;最后,要建立特色的高等教育品牌,带动区域发展。  相似文献   

美国高等教育跨州区域协作的一个重要途径是建立高等教育州际协作组织,借助这些组织的活动来达成。美国高等教育州际协作组织在高等教育机会扩大、信息资源建设和共享、政策研究和实施、特殊教育需求满足等领域开展了一系列州际协作活动,期望通过这些活动来充分利用教育资源,降低高等教育成本,提高教育服务质量。美国高等教育州际协作组织之所以能够建立并有效运行,既源于其具有适宜的制度环境,也在于有大量范例可借鉴和专业的研究机构提供指导。高素质的组织人员和成熟的工作机制,也为高等教育州际协作组织有效运行奠定了组织基础。  相似文献   

高等教育区域集群发展是指高等教育机构在特定空间领域内的聚集发展现象,是高等教育与区域社会发展之间互动关系的产物。高等教育区域集群发展可以有效地整合社会资源和教育资源,促进高等教育快速发展;又可影响区域社会自身发展,最终实现区域和高等教育的双赢。美国高等教育区域集群发展不仅出现时间较早,而且运作较为成功,其发展经验对我国具有较高的参考价值。  相似文献   

高等教育区域集群发展是指高等教育机构在特定空间领域内的聚集发展现象,是高等教育与区域社会发展之间互动关系的产物。高等教育区域集群发展可以有效地整合社会资源和教育资源,促进高等教育快速发展;又可影响区域社会自身发展,最终实现区域和高等教育的双赢。美国高等教育区域集群发展不仅出现时间较早,而且运作较为成功,其发展经验对我国具有较高的参考价值。  相似文献   

州际高等教育协定和州际学费互惠协议,是美国州际高等教育协调与合作机制的两种主要形式。其作用主要包括实现区域高等教育合作和资源共享,解决州际高等教育矛盾和争端,帮助制定和实施区域性高等教育政策,扩大高等教育入学机会。美国的做法对我国建立区域高等教育协调与合作机制具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

我国高等教育已经形成了区域集群分布的初步格局,并且面临重大的发展机遇。在这样的背景下,区域高等教育应合理定位,寻找动力,确定中央政府、地方政府与高校和谐自主的发展政策,即中央政府要宏观调控,发挥其对高等教育的提供者、保护者、协调者和指导者的作用;地方政府要与大学联盟发展,对地方政府而言,要转变观念,积极扶持,以提高大学的竞争力;对高校而言则要改革管理制度,加快建设人本竞争的大学。  相似文献   

随着我国高等教育大众化进程的不断加快和高校竞争与合作的加剧,高校战略联盟作为高校间、高校与其他社会组织之间的一种有效的竞争合作方式,已经成为高等教育优化结构、提高效益,增强核心竞争力和科技创新能力的战略选择.这既是高校加快自身发展的内在需求,也是大众化条件下高等教育发展的必然选择.笔者结合辽宁实际提出了高校战略联盟的基本模式及加强法规建设,建立财政金融引导保护配套政策,充分发挥政府的引导与组织作用,鼓励社会中介组织积极参与等构建区域高校战略联盟若干策略.  相似文献   

满足社会需求是高等教育存在的合法性基础,科技革命与经济社会发展促进高等教育与现代化建设的联姻。自1776年独立后,美国就开始不遗余力地进行高等教育与现代化建设。尤其是19世纪,美国高等教育的快速发展,为其经济强国的崛起发挥了关键性的发动机功能。二战后,美国已跃居世界领先地位并引领20世纪科技革命。美国高等教育与现代化建设实践,对我国高等教育与区域现代化建设具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

满足社会需求是高等教育存在的合法性基础,科技革命与经济社会发展促进高等教育与现代化建设的联姻。自1776年独立后,美国就开始不遗余力地进行高等教育与现代化建设。尤其是19世纪,美国高等教育的快速发展,为其经济强国的崛起发挥了关键性的发动机功能。二战后,美国已跃居世界领先地位并引领20世纪科技革命。美国高等教育与现代化建设实践,对我国高等教育与区域现代化建设具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

"区域现代化与高等教育发展"中英学术研讨会主要在区域现代化对高等教育改革发展的新要求、区域发展和高等教育良性互动等方面形成了共识,并就区域高等教育体系和高等院校联盟的建设,高等院校、科研院所和企业合作的构建、创新、协同的体系,以及国际协同创新的发展等方面介绍交流了研究成果和实践案例。此次研讨会进一步加深了中英双方对彼此高等教育发展背景、近期高等教育政策重要发展变化的了解,推进和深化了中英两国高等教育合作交流。  相似文献   

This article describes strategies and techniques used in the evaluation of consortia in higher education. The author describes‐ his work in this field paying attention to constraints, purposes and methods used. The context within which the evaluation took place is seen as a strong influence on purpose and methods. Attention is drawn to differences and similarities between the evaluation of single institutions and consortia.  相似文献   

In order to plan appropriate cooperative programs for particular higher education consortia, it is necessary to identify the characteristics of these organizations. The spatial configuration technique was used to illustrate the impact of eleven variables of the member institutions in differentiating among four consortia. Six of the variables — Control, Highest Degree Awarded, Percentage of Males, Math SAT Scores, Conventional Orientation, Scientific Orientation, and Endowment — were found to be significant in differentiating among the consortia. It was concluded that the spatial configuration technique was an effective way of visually comparing those consortia composed of member institutions, which as groups had similar and dissimilar characteristics.  相似文献   

Chinese traditional fermented foods have a very long history dating back thousands of years and have become an indispensable part of Chinese dietary culture. A plethora of research has been conducted to unravel the composition and dynamics of microbial consortia associated with Chinese traditional fermented foods using culturedependent as well as culture-independent methods, like different high-throughput sequencing (HTS) techniques. These HTS techniques enable us to understand the relationship between a food product and its microbes to a greater extent than ever before. Considering the importance of Chinese traditional fermented products, the objective of this paper is to review the diversity and dynamics of microbiota in Chinese traditional fermented foods revealed by HTS approaches.  相似文献   

近年来,公共图书馆积极推广全民阅读活动,取得了一定成果,然而全民阅读率低、全民阅读活动效果不佳、全民阅读宣传方式被动等问题凸显。图书馆联盟是全民阅读活动的倡导者、组织者和实施者,为成员馆提供交流平台,促进协作,谋求共同发展。基于图书馆联盟的公共图书馆全民阅读推广应成立联盟阅读推广委员会,制定联盟阅读计划,建立联盟阅读推广长效机制,开展持续高效的全民阅读推广活动。  相似文献   

As a response to processes of globalisation and regional integration, internationalisation activities in universities have changed. Flows have become more massive, the range of activities has broadened, and internationalisation has shifted from a marginal activity to a central institutional issue with strategic importance (van der Wende 2001, European Journal of Education 36(4), 431–441). These shifts can also be observed in international cooperation among universities. One of the manifestations of this shift is the increase and change of inter-organisational arrangements in higher education. One type of such arrangements – higher education consortia – are analysed in detail in the study. This analysis takes inter-organisational diversity as a starting point (Parkhe 1991, Journal of International Business Studies 22(4), 579–601). The basic thesis is that partners need to be similar, yet different, or in other words, there needs to be sufficient complementarity as well as sufficient compatibility among the participating universities. The article also explores the ways in which the management of consortia can improve the levels of complementarity and compatibility and thus the success of such consortia. Eric Beerkens is a postdoctoral research fellow at the School of Policy & Practice, Faculty of Education and Social Work at the University of Sydney. In 2004 he completed his PhD at CHEPS on the study reported in this article. Marijk van der Wende is professor at CHEPS.  相似文献   

刘朝武 《煤炭高等教育》2009,27(3):61-62,69
近年来,高教园区作为我国高等教育改革的成果之一正显示其强大的生命力。合理配置高教园区的教育资源对发挥园区整体优势、培养复合型人才和提高办学质量等具有十分重要的意义。本文从人力、物力、财力等资源入手,对淮安高教因区发展中的教育资源配置的现状、成因进行分析和提出建议。  相似文献   

高校成本回收及社会消费水平的提高引发的社会公正问题已成为近年社会关注的热点、焦点。高校成本回收对学生接受高等教育机会均等,学生选择高校、专业的均等和对高等教育公共资源分配公平等问题都有影响。高校成本回收与社会公平均衡选择必须采取切实可行的调节对策。  相似文献   

Many e-learning service systems fail. This is particularly true for those sponsored by joint industry/university consortia where substantial economic investments are required up-front. This article provides an industry/university consortia reference model validated through experiences with the 8-year-old Teradata University Network. The reference model addresses basic and advanced sustainability capabilities that integrate partner, application, faculty, student, and e-learning service system issues. Our validation of the reference model includes a mapping to the literature regarding recent advances in e-learning service system infrastructures and supported capabilities. One outcome of that validation step is a comprehensive set of capability assessment questions to be used by consortia.  相似文献   

关于加大中外合作办学改革力度的思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
中外合作办学是指外国教育机构同中国教育机构在中国境内合作举办以中国公民为主要招生对象的教育机构的活动,其核心在于引进国外优质的教育资源,迅速提升我国高等教育的水平和档次。在短短10多年中,中外合作办学发展迅速,成绩斐然,然而也存在不少急待解决的问题,必须加大力度,深化中外合作办学的改革:一是解放思想,更新观念;二是开展多种形式合作办学,实质性地引进国外优质教育资源;三是消除影响外资投入的政策性障碍,积极推行“教育股份合作制”的新机制;四是“引进来”、“走出去”,拓展国际国内教育市场;五是应当允许世界知名大学来华独立举办分校,把世界知名大学“搬”到中国来。  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》2001,14(3):249-259
In this article, internationalisation of higher education is analysed as a response to globalisation. A distinction is made between two paradigms in internationalisation: competition and cooperation. The different approaches to internationalisation in the Anglo-Saxon countries on the one hand and in continental Europe on the other are analysed along the lines of these two paradigms. With respect to the role and position of continental Europe in the global higher education market the following questions are explored. Is there a real higher education market in Europe and if so for whom? Should and can European higher education actually compete internationally, and if so, is cooperation the right strategy to do so? It will be concluded that the effectiveness of cooperation and especially that of international university consortia in international competition is largely still hidden in the future. Furthermore, many questions still remain to be answered in order to improve our understanding of the international higher education market in terms of its segmentation and the related diversification of the higher education sector and its functions.  相似文献   

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