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This paper arises from a wider research project focussed on Portuguese gilded altarpieces and sculptures of the Baroque period, which also involved research into contemporary documents and into historical context, as well as into the history of use of materials and practices in gilding technology. It focuses on the results from analyses of historical samples and samples from archaeological reconstructions of gessoes and gilded surfaces. Analytical and experimental research shed light on diverse aspects of the technology of gilding grounds, such as range and composition of materials within historical objects, methods of production of gilding materials, gilding practices, actual performance of materials and gilded surfaces, and the science underlying the artists’ empirical choice of materials and practices. The documentary research (discussed in Part 1) elucidated the analytical and experimental research presented here, and vice-versa, resulting in a richer and more balanced understanding of the gessoes and of the motives of the people involved in their production. It is hoped that the results will inform future technological studies and conservation decisions.  相似文献   

自甲午战争以来,日本曾先后发动或参与了四次对华侵略战争,并趁机进行文化侵略,尤其是对我国图书文献资源进行了大肆破坏与掠夺,使我国近代图书馆事业遭受了巨大损失。近年来,学界对涉及这一主题的新闻报道、统计资料、公私档案等第一手资料进行深入挖掘、整理和研究,对日本在华掠夺图书文献的政策、事件、机构、方式、数量与影响等进行归纳与分析,建立了日本对华图书文献劫掠史的基本脉络。本文分五个议题对相关研究进行梳理和总结:1时间和地域,2组织机构,3劫掠方式,4图书损失数量,5文献保存活动。利用日方史料和第三方史料开展日本对华图书文献劫掠史研究,是未来研究的重点。表3。参考文献51。  相似文献   

Archivists have long tried to understand users from the viewpoint of their archival collections. Such an approach misses important perspectives about use in, and users of, archives; how they perform research and develop knowledge while using archives. This study aims to comprehend the use of archival materials in research from the users’ perspective. It attempts to understand users’ perceptions of the impact of archival collections on their research, how and when archival materials are involved in the research process and how much weight they grant those materials in support of their thesis, from an actual research topic, the No Gun Ri massacre. The case of the No Gun Ri incident provides a good example of how archival materials play a role in historical discussions and an opportunity to look at archival contributions. No Gun Ri researchers acknowledged that archival documents were essential source materials for details about the incident and a major player in stimulating controversies and, consequently, provided the impetus for further publications. General recordkeeping situations also provided a circumstantial context of the incident. However, No Gun Ri researchers agreed that oral history was the most valuable and influential evidence for their major ideas and used archival documents to provide hard facts about the details of oral history. There are some unique research patterns of No Gun Ri researchers identified in this study which are different from the typical assumptions of archivists.  相似文献   

近年来中西比较方法越来越多地运用于中国古代书籍史研究,但迄今为止极少对这一方法进行系统的回顾、梳理和反思。本研究通过梳理以中西比较方法开展中国古代书籍史研究的若干主要论题,回顾中西书籍史比较研究的重要成就,从理论层面对中西书籍史比较研究进行剖析,将相关研究区分为参照对象、观察视角、研究领域、分支学科四个层次,认为开展中西比较研究具有开阔研究视野、发现和提出问题、破除西方中心论等意义与功用,同时也需要规避简单移植西方书籍史理论、不对等比较、本土意识欠缺等陷阱和误区,书籍史领域的中西会通与真正意义上的全球书籍史的书写,有赖于书籍史比较研究的深入开展。  相似文献   

刘洪权 《出版科学》2007,15(3):93-96
《中国旧书业百年》为一部创造性总结中国百年旧书业的宏篇巨制,所写20世纪旧书业历史沿革、地域分布、文人学者与旧书业等内容,填补了20世纪中国出版史研究的一块空白.无论从学术史的个案,还是20世纪学人的群体叙述中,都可以看出,旧书业构成了20世纪中国文化、学术生态环境的一个要素.  相似文献   

口述历史-图书馆史研究的新途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍国外利用口述历史从事图书馆史研究的情况,以及图书馆开展口述历史工作的方法,意在为我国图书馆史的研究和史料的收集提供一种新的途径。  相似文献   


The significance of historical periodizations is explored for the purpose of collection development. As historians often rely upon utilizing historical periods for discussion and research in their scholarship, an understanding of the nature of historical periods as a collection perspective and approach can be useful for the subject librarian engaged in or responsible for the history of science collections. An examination of the last 20 years of ISIS bibliographies using historical periods as a chronological tool provides useful framework and knowledge for research, scholarship, and collection management, especially selection for library collections, of the history of science. Data revealed periodizations and their emphases, evolution over time, and possible scholarly directions, pertinent for collection purposes. Informed knowledge of periodizations and how they may affect collections, acquisitions, and instruction enables librarians to effectively interact with the specialists in the history of science.  相似文献   

The surviving gilded and polychrome altarpieces and sculptures in Portuguese churches, and the historical documents relating to them, offer an opportunity for understanding material and technological choices regarding gesso grounds. This paper focuses on the historical documentary research about gessoes — one aspect of a wider research project which also involved investigation of physical/chemical evidence, and archaeological reconstructions of gilded gesso grounds. Documentary research sheds light on the meaning of the terms used in historical documents, and on artists’ choice of materials and practices, production, and trade patterns of materials. It informs technological investigations and conservation decisions. The paper also stresses the importance of the evidence gained by using the historical and archaeological methodology applied in material culture studies, in which documentary, analytical, and experimental information complement and/or elucidate each other, leading to a comprehensive understanding of this technology.  相似文献   

日本的图书馆史研究在概念辨析、研究方法、研究视野方面颇具特色。本文通过对庆应大学所藏图书馆史文献进行系统梳理,总结日本图书馆史研究的特点。在理论方面,注重方法论的探讨与研究领域的划分,如关于图书馆史、图书馆学史和图书馆思想史的认识,以及对日本图书馆史研究分野的概括等;在内容方面,由图书馆史研究分化为图书馆学史研究、图书馆思想史研究,后来细化为运动史、服务史、藏书史、人物传记等各个主题;在研究基础方面,日本图书馆史有教材、史料和工具书;在组织方面,1982年成立专门研究图书馆史的组织图书馆史研究会,1995年后改名为日本图书馆文化史研究会,通过召开专门会议与发行刊物进行研究交流,开展学术批评;在研究视野上,秉承了日本受容文化的特色,研究视野宽广,并不限于日本,对世界图书馆史,以及中美德英俄等各主要国家的图书馆史都有较为深入的研究,形成了翻译著作多、国际研究著作多的特点。日本图书馆史研究的这些成果和特点可为我国同类研究提供借鉴。参考文献23。  相似文献   

胡应麟第一次比较全面系统地总结和研究了中国古代图书事业史的发展历程,初步确立起这一学术领域研究的基本格局,成为中国古代图书事业史研究的奠基人。  相似文献   

孙勇 《出版与印刷》2021,31(4):62-69
会计口述历史是会计史学研究中的新兴研究范式,口述历史类书籍的出版对编辑来说是一项陌生而又复杂的业务。文章以立信会计出版社《会计口述历史(第一辑)》的编辑过程为例,从方言口语问题、口述者逻辑跳跃问题、广泛而复杂的背景问题、不同口述者内容冲突问题的处理等角度,阐述口述史料出版中编辑应如何守责与把关,建议在审稿和编辑加工过程中安排多元化背景的编辑审稿,以及建立人物信息表并交叉核对以充分发现问题,在处理问题时利用线上线下等多渠道查证。  相似文献   

《书乡漫录》一书以常熟地方藏书史与常熟地方文化为研究对象,系统总结了常熟地方文献历史,深入发掘了常熟地方文献史料并着力彰显了常熟地方文化。  相似文献   

Many uses exist for the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) in performing social science research. Depending upon a user's interest and imagination, SSCI can be effectively used to ascertain a scholar's influence in the published research record. By utilizing the citation section of SSCI a researcher can map the scholarly influence a scholar exercises in his/her field. Braudel's influence in the Annales school of historical research and his impact upon the social sciences was mapped by examining SSCI for 1980-1989. This approach can serve as a template for other disciplines and is valuable for scholar and subject bibliographer.  相似文献   


Documents reflect the historical contexts of their creation, and in doing so, become information objects. The serial novel is a type of information object, but due to re-editioning, reversioning, and digitization, most readers have lost touch with its historical significance. This analysis of Charles Dickens’ David Copperfield (1849–1850) uses the lens of information theory, in relation to literary criticism, historiography, and the history of the book, to grasp the serial novel as an information object, arguing that doing so requires intimate familiarity with the physical nature of the book in parts and the historical context of its production.  相似文献   


In the past fifty years, legal history has turned from a concentration on legal texts to a broader view of the social, political, and economic conditions that affected a particular legal system at a given time in the history of a nation. To assist scholars in realizing the potential of these new methodologies, law librarians who work with historical materials must have a firm grasp of the developing trends in legal historiography. This article outlines the information sources that a librarian may use to become familiar with the literature in legal historiography and, using practices at the Harvard Law School Library as examples, suggests ways that a library can form collections of non-traditional genres of research materials that support these new approaches to legal history.  相似文献   

[目的 /意义]历史修复遗存是古籍的组成部分,是新的古籍修复周期处理的对象,研究古籍历史修复遗存不仅能丰富古籍修复技术,更能提高古籍修复质量.[方法/过程]分别运用归纳法和案例法研究古籍历史修复遗存的形式及处理措施.[结果/结论]古籍历史修复遗存形式包括修复材料、修复方法及其印记等.古籍历史修复遗存处理应依据具体情况分...  相似文献   

How does what we remember about history relate to true historical understanding, and how can the museum become a location for these conversations? During the summer of 2011, the National Museum of American History challenged audiences to consider issues of historical memory and national history through the performance of an interactive museum theater program, The Time Trial of John Brown. Using the Time Trial approach as a case study, this article reveals that interactive theater in museums can provide a platform from which audiences assert their own historical understanding while learning firsthand about their role in creating a shared knowledge of American history. As the role of museums evolves in the twenty‐first century, new attention must be paid to this personal process of examining and creating history and memory through performance. It is through performance and participation that history and memory are both examined and created by the audience.  相似文献   

孙迎春 《图书馆杂志》2004,23(10):69-72
明代方志,在方志编纂理论研究的深度与广度方面,较之前都达到了新的水平;特别是其史料价值极高,包含了明之前不同领域、不同层面的丰富资料,加之随着时间的椎移及客观因素的影响,明代方志流传下来的也极为稀少,就更显得弥足珍贵了。有其广阔的开发与研究前景。笔者仅就馆藏流传极少的几种稀见明代志书,作些披露与研究,其原始史料价值、文献版本价值,以望对明史研究、明代方志的整理、开发与研究等有所裨益。  相似文献   

王琳 《档案学研究》2019,33(4):84-90
德国纳粹对犹太人的大屠杀是20世纪人类历史上的一次重大创伤,而关于大屠杀见证者的口述历史是否可以纳入历史书写中的问题,一直以来都是史学界争论的焦点。本文认为,口述历史不仅可以对文献史料进行翔实的补充和细致的阐述,同时更具备完整性和生动性,因而应该成为大屠杀历史书写的重要组成部分。与此同时,口述历史还可以最大程度地还原大屠杀的真相,并帮助人们从关注单纯的历史事件转向关注见证者历史意识。  相似文献   

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