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Recent education reform in China reflects the global trend of education policy borrowing from Anglophone countries such as the USA. The reform in China essentially advocates shifting from knowledge reproduction and didacticism to knowledge construction by students through a learner-centredness approach. Aware of the trend of borrowing policy from ‘Western’ countries, some educators in China use the proverb ‘the West wind has overpowered the East wind’ to describe this phenomenon. This paper examines the cultural factors that influence education policy borrowing in China by drawing upon Johnson’s metaphors of the ‘politics of selling’ and the ‘politics of gelling’. This paper argues that there exist fundamental cultural differences between Western and Chinese perspectives on the nature and transmission of knowledge that make education policy transfer in China challenging. This paper further proposes that China borrow education policy judiciously by integrating foreign and indigenous sources of knowledge, teaching and learning.  相似文献   

This article aims at a comprehensive examination of the Chinese model of teacher education by critically revisiting the developmental trajectory of the teacher education system in China over the past century, with a particular focus on policy trends since the 1990s. It interrogates the Chinese model of teacher education with two macro lenses: the historical and the comparative. The historical lens looks deeply into the Chinese way of reform with a catch-up mentality in various stages, while the comparative lens locates the Chinese model of teacher education in an international context. The paper begins with a comprehensive review of the related literature, surveys the historical pathway of China’s modern teacher education system since its birth in 1897, presents an overview of the current provisions of the system, and examines recent policy trends in the landscape of China’s teacher education. Finally, the article concludes that the Chinese model consists of a hybrid system of teacher education provided by normal schools, normal colleges and universities, with the participation of comprehensive universities and internet-based higher education institutions, and accompanied by a consistent licensing system for the teaching profession. With such core features as independence, openness, adaptability and diversity based on Confucian epistemology and pragmatism, the Chinese model of teacher education is likely to illuminate new paths for the development of education and the pursuit of excellence in the global community.  相似文献   

高川  王彤 《中国考试》2021,(5):25-32
作为我国高等教育制度的有机组成部分,高等教育自学考试始终在中国共产党的正确领导下发展壮大。40年来,天津自考取得了巨大的发展成就。以重大历史事件为分界,将天津自考的发展历程划分为肇基建制、蓬勃发展、综合改革和内涵转变4个时期,对每个时期的课程体系建设、考试组织管理、政策制度创新等核心工作进行系统梳理。在此基础上,总结天津自考40年的主要发展经验及存在的短板和问题,对天津自考未来发展提出4点建议:(1)着力优化专业课程体系;(2)着力提升考试组织管理水平;(3)着力构建智慧学习生态系统;(4)着力强化自身职能建设。  相似文献   

"教育多元化"的时代发展趋势,对当今的中国音乐教育改革来说,赋予了我们有别于西方人的特殊含义、独特的时代要求和历史的使命。二十世纪后中国基础音乐教育到底是欧洲化的音乐教育,还是民族化的欧洲音乐教育?文章就我国音乐教育中的多元化、欧洲化、民族化进行了辨析。  相似文献   

Recent integration discourses in Europe locate problems of equality, gender, and sexuality among migrant youth. Educating and testing the values of future citizens is supposed to guarantee their conformity with ‘western’ and ‘modern’ values. By analyzing educational reform discourses in multicultural Luxembourg, the paper aims to challenge these contemporary narratives in two ways: (1) In a historical analysis, the paper traces conservative reform resistance in the case of sex education which is often overlooked due to the focus on migrants; (2) In placing sex education’s reform legitimation and resistance within (a) broader educational reform discourses of inequality and citizenship and (b) contemporary narrations of the reforms and their taboos, the paper reconstructs how liberals and conservatives join an alliance over sexuality education of ‘the Other’. The sociological–historical discourse analysis critically questions the ethnicization of sexuality by disclosing its homogenizing use to cover conservative resistance within the citizen’s community.  相似文献   

用“中国话语”构建本土工程伦理教育体系是传统科技思想价值反映的重要方面。“以道驭术”科技思想的价值可以由当代工程伦理教育的需求决定。“价值映射”为建立“需求”和“价值”间的决定性关系提供指向性表征。定义“以道驭术”思想元素构成的“供给集”以及工程伦理教育需求元素构成的“需求集”,分析“道德跃迁”对应法则,验证了两集合之间“价值映射”关系的合理性。“价值映射”的作用在于将“个人品德修养、共同体间关系协调、人与自然和谐相处”的“中华传统元素”融入当代中国工程伦理教育,发挥工程伦理教育在中国话语体系下的显性功能,即立足优秀传统思想和中国实际,使中国高校工程伦理教育为有效解决中国本土问题提供人才支持。  相似文献   

新中国成立以来,我国劳动教育政策经历了渐进性制度转换、探索性制度置换、建构性制度微调等三个阶段。基于历史制度主义的分析视角可以发现,政府决策和社会市场需求等宏观性因素影响着我国劳动教育政策的变迁,学习效应、协调效应、适应效应及高昂的运行成本等阻碍性因素使劳动教育政策变迁产生路径依赖。劳动教育政策变迁的内在动力来源于政府、市场、学校三方的权力博弈。如何抓住制度创新的重要契机,不断突破路径依赖,是我国劳动教育改革和发展的重要研究课题。  相似文献   

This paper revisits the Chinese experience of liberation struggle, from the 1920s to the 1940s. It begins by justifying an examination of the learning dimension of the Chinese liberation struggle. The early rural political and educational work of the Chinese Communists is then described. The next section of the paper examines the approach to political education that emerged in the Chinese Communist army. The educational process that developed during land reform is then discussed in some detail. The final section of the paper assesses the contemporary significance of the Chinese experience of political education. It is argued that the period of liberation war and land reform in China constituted a ‘democratic moment’, in which a dialectic of cadres (educators) and people (learners) created a participatory and creative process of learning in social action. The elements of this process included: specific, materialist analysis of learners’ culture and social context; strategic and reflective analysis; experiential education; and direct instruction.  相似文献   

《保育所保育指针》是日本保育工作中必须遵循的重要法规。截止到2018年4月,日本对《保育所保育指针》已进行了四次修订,它的每一次修订都反映了所处历史时期日本保育政策改革的新方向。从历史的视角分析《保育所保育指针》四次修订过程,梳理五十年来日本保育政策改革的特点,特别是以第四次的修订内容为核心,考察日本保育政策改革的新进展,可以发现其特征主要包括:为保障全体幼儿入学前的基本素质,制定了幼儿期应培养的核心素质与能力的目标;启动0~3岁婴幼儿教育,实现0~6岁全程"幼小衔接"的教育变革;为全面提升社区婴幼儿的保教质量,发挥保育所在社区育儿中的支援功能;完善职员研修制度,促进保育士的专业化发展。  相似文献   

价值观念变迁中的中国德育改革与反思   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国主流价值观及其德育范式的改革历程大致可划分为四个阶段:中国传统主流价值观念的形成与儒家德育范式的建构阶段;“西学东渐”与传统德育的近代转型阶段;价值观念的深层变革与现代德育的兴起阶段;“改革开放”国策下回归本体的当代德育阶段。当代多元价值激荡下,中国德育面临着许多亟需解决的深层问题。转型时期的中国德育要致力于培养具有世界眼光的“中国现代人”,积极参与全球伦理构建,树立全景式的大德育理念。  相似文献   

国科大未来技术学院在新一轮科技革命到来之际应时而生.对其近五年的发展进行系统研究发现,学院以孕育未来技术、培养具备交叉学科背景人才为目标,通过组织制度创新建设跨学科组织和未来技术研发平台;通过人才培养体系重构,初步建立了以学生为中心的培养模式,在课程体系、教学组织、个性化培养、创新实践等方面都进行了有益探索;通过科教融...  相似文献   

新中国70周年华诞之际卫兴华先生被授予"人民教育家"国家荣誉称号。卫兴华先生教育成就卓著,是马克思主义经济学教育事业的"最美奋斗者"。在新时代中国特色社会主义建设新征程中,经济学界要学习卫兴华先生以信仰为根基、以人民为中心、以真理为准绳、以问题为导向的思想,培养学生树立坚定的马克思主义理想信念,肩负社会责任和历史使命,秉承治学的科学性和严肃性,努力培养学生成为中国特色社会主义接班人和建设者。  相似文献   

Yun You 《比较教育学》2019,55(1):97-115

Inspired by the ‘advanced’ Western experience, China has implemented the New Curriculum Reform promoting learner-centred education since 2001. The OECD has identified this reform as a key feature contributing to Shanghai’s ‘PISA success’, worthy in turn of re-imitation by the West. Drawing upon official documents and interview data, this article shows that learner-centred education has been well accepted in rhetoric, which has led to more time being given to pupil activities. However, in reality, teaching and learning practices have continued to reflect what Confucian scholars have persistently advocated. Moreover, this article illustrates that the ‘round trip’ of learner-centred education between the East and the West has only taken place on the surface. The Chinese government has relied on the transformed Western concept for policy legitimacy, while international policy agencies have nevertheless deployed the case of China as an ideal exemplar to justify this Western concept as a global ‘best practice’.  相似文献   

This paper examines the shifting relations between the family and the state in Indian education policy. It charts how family resources, responsibility, and participation have been variously called upon by the state across three historical conjunctures of education reform: the decades of post-independence planning for school expansion and nation-building after 1947; the global development era of economic liberalisation and decentralisation in the 1990s and early 2000s; and the present turn to a rights-based approach in the context of intensified educational marketisation, as marked by the 2009 Right to Education Act (RTE). Across these periods, we identify an enduring paternalism of welfare governance alongside strategies for devolving state responsibility in matters of school education. The analysis situates the conditions of family responsibility for education under the contemporary RTE, in which parents are expected to be ‘morally’ compelled to meet the state's education goals. Through this analysis, we bring to the fore the politics of family governance in education policy, a politics that is largely overlooked by, despite being central to, research on education and international development.  相似文献   

论教师教育研究的发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师教育研究是当代中国教育改革研究中的热门话题,也是世界教育改革中的重要课题。我国自20世纪80年代以来倡导“教师教育”的概念替代原来的“师范教育”,然而,与教师教育改革实践相适应,未来教师教育研究的需要关注课程改革等诸多方面。  相似文献   

This article reflects on the desire to defend and claim public education amidst the educational policy effects of contemporary neoliberal politics. The defence of public education, from schools to higher education, undoubtedly provides a powerful counter-veiling weight to the neoliberal policy logic of education-as-individual-value-accrual. At a time of intense global policy reform centred on marketisation in education, the public education institutions of the post-war welfare state are often characterised as being lost, attacked, encroached upon and dismantled. In this paper, I contend it is important to avoid mobilising a memory of public educational pasts that do not account for their failings and inequalities. Turning to a historical engagement with the emergence of neoliberal politics, the paper explores how challenges and contestations surrounding ‘the public’ from multiple standpoints converged in the rise of neoliberalism. Recognition of these convergences and contestations, I suggest, assists to provide a more nuanced account of the relationship between neoliberal reform and the welfare state, and thus of the complex task of imagining, claiming and working towards a just and equitable public education.  相似文献   

中国教育人类学是中国人类学学科群中活动最频繁、发展最迅速的分支学科之一,但是长期以来它被看成是改革开放以来的产物,认为其学科史极其短暂,可以叙述但无须研究。陈学金的《中国教育人类学简史》挑战了上述传统观点,不仅开展了较为深入和系统的"中国教育人类学的历史研究",而且提出和论说了若从1905年王国维提出"教育的人类学"的术语和内涵算起,教育人类学在中国已有上百年学科史的新锐观点。从历史和现实相交织的视角出发清晰和准确地界定何谓教育人类学,是分析和论述教育人类学存在与发展的合法性的基本前提,因而在未来的教育人类学的发展进程中,这本学科史的先驱性著作是"绕不开的研究",必将占有重要的学术地位。  相似文献   

Critical policy scholars have increasingly turned their attention to: (1) the work of policy actors engaged in globalised and globalising processes of policy formation, (2) the global flows or movements of education policies across multifaceted, hybrid networks of public–private agencies, and (3) the complex politics of global–national policy translation and enactment in local school contexts. Scholars have emphasised firstly, the economic turn in education reform policies, a shift from a social democratic education orientation and secondly, policy convergence towards a dominant neoliberal political agenda. This paper suggests that Bernstein’s concepts of the totally pedagogised society (TPS) and the pedagogic device, as the ensemble of rules for the production, recontextualisation and evaluation of pedagogic discourses may add to this corpus of critical policy scholarship. It does this by firstly reviewing the take up of Bernstein’s concept of the TPS in the critical policy sociology literature, arguing that this interpretation presents a largely dystopian account of globalising educational policies. In contrast, the paper argues for and presents an alternative open-ended reading and projection of Bernstein’s concept of the TPS and pedagogic device for thinking about globalised processes and devices of the pedagogic communication of knowledge(s).  相似文献   

中国特殊教育演进历程及启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
特殊教育在我国有着悠久的历史文化渊源,其发展经历了萌芽、诞生和发展等阶段。新中国成立尤其是改革开放后,特殊教育在我国取得了长足发展。随着教育改革的深入和教育民主化的推进,更应致力于构建中国特色的特殊教育,为障碍者和残疾者提供满足其需要的教育。  相似文献   


In recent times, there have been a number of critiques of Marxist and neo‐Marxist analyses of the state and education policy. These have drawn on postmodernist, ‘quasi‐postmodernist’ and state autonomy perspectives. While the postmodernist and ‘quasi‐postmodernist’ approaches have attracted critical response, to date, the state autonomy perspective has, to our knowledge, gone unchallenged. To address this theoretical lacuna, this paper analyses one writer's attempt, via an historical case study, to uphold state autonomy theory by detailing the ongoing relationship between one quasi‐state agency and the practice of ‘race’ education in initial teacher education. We argue that there are serious conceptual weaknesses in this latest attempt to apply state autonomy theory to educational policy analysis. The arguments in the case study under consideration are seriously compromised by a basically flawed hypothesis, a misrepresentation of contemporary (neo‐) Marxist education policy analysis and by a failure to look at ‘the big picture’.  相似文献   

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