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This article is based on a cultural practice that has developed in the context of the interaction between Eldoret-based audiences of European football with the television medium through which they access this football. It is a practice that I will refer to here as the oral narrative extension of media. I describe and interpret it in the light of two conceptual frames; media practice theory and oral narrative performance. Two main arguments are developed. First, that the electronic reconfiguration of Eldoret-based fans of European fans of European football is not a closed event of mediation but rather an open-ended practice that provokes the artistic figuration and re-viewing and metaphoric coherence that constitutes extended narratives which create a mediaworld. Secondly, that this narratively performed mediaworld demonstrates the artistic process of individual performers and dynamic contexts (in)forming their performances.  相似文献   

This essay catalogues the variety of printed material that circulates among fans. In addition to the traditional newspapers available at newsstands, free papers are given away at the stadium. The images of football players are an essential part of the fan experience as they are posted on the walls of fan clubs. Mass distributed print media is social media; it educates fans, it fuels conversations between strangers and it is used by fans to decorate their clubhouse walls. Smaller scale, fan-produced media is used to proclaim and solidify group identity and to recruit new members. Though print media may seem outdated, it is still an essential social media, as evidenced by the uses and reuses of print by football fans.  相似文献   

Historically, sports journalists have been the ones who predominately shape and define dominant narrative discourse of local and global sports. But, with the advent of social media and internet technologies, this is no longer the case. The digital media technologies now allow athletes, fans and sports organizations to impose their own narrative frames on sporting events in the real time. This has changed the tenor and tone of sport communication. With Shooting Stars Sports club of Ibadan, a legendary and pacesetter football club in Nigeria, as its case study, this paper examines why and how football clubs are appropriating social media and web technologies for information dissemination and live match commentaries in the Nigerian context.  相似文献   


The Super Bowl has played a central role in the diffusion of American football in Germany, as interviews with the ‘founding fathers’ of ‘gridiron’ football clubs and analysis of German media accounts reveal. American football and the Super Bowl have also played an important role in the construction of traditional German Amerikabilder – images, ideas, and symbols associated with America. German media rarely covered American football until the late 1970s. At that time, brief highlight shows of the Super Bowl on German television and broadcasts on the American Forces Network significantly contributed to the diffusion of American football and the emergence of an American football league in Germany in the late 1970s. In the process of covering the Super Bowl, German journalists reproduced Germany’s double-headed Amerikabild: America as a model of modernity on the one hand, and as a violent, cultureless society on the other. The press further invoked historical clashes between German Kultur and the dreaded Zivilisation of the West. This exploration of the social processes surrounding the reception of the Super Bowl in Germany employs the theories of cultural globalization, migration, and electronic mediation developed by the anthropologist Arjun Appadurai to explain the complexities of contemporary global cultural flows.  相似文献   


The ultras have become the most spectacular form of football fandom in the early twenty-first century. Thanks to global media, social media and increased travel, fans view, engage and interact with a range of fans from across the globe and bring various local dimensions to their fandom. This volume brings together a range of articles into the ultras style of football fandom. Whilst the ultras phenomenon began in Italy, then spread across Southern Europe into Northern Europe, it has now become truly global. This volume is designed to be an introduction; a first account of ultras for the uninitiated. What follows are analyses and accounts of ultras in Italy, France, Germany, Poland, Turkey, Israel, North America, Australia, Indonesia and Croatia. Not only does this demonstrate the prevalence of the ultras style of fandom across the globe, it shows how football becomes an important cultural arena to see the intersections of globalisation and localism.  相似文献   

我国足球迷队伍的成因及其发展分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
球迷现象作为一种社会文化现象已经逐渐被人们所认识,足球迷队伍的兴衰将直接影响足球运动的发展。运用文献资料法对我国足球迷队伍的形成和发展过程进行了分析。我国足球迷队伍经历了一个由个体逐步发展至群体,从自在走向自为的演化过程。经济问题是其发展的主要因素。体育法制化和球迷队伍组织化、俱乐部化、科学化促进其健康发展,球迷的兴旺将推动我国足球事业的发展。  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2014,17(2):190-204
Previous analysis of fan motivation suggests a number of differences exist in the sport spectatorship of female and male fans, however discrepancies are present in the collective findings. We extend the literature by drawing on sport economic demand research, testing how specific game characteristics influence consumption patterns for each gender. Through the examination of NCAA football game broadcasts, our results support the importance of female pre-game viewership to establish fan status. By contrast, among the many variables tested, gendered-differences in the impact on game viewership are evident only with respect to income and local team participation. Moreover, we do not find differences related to anticipated or actual game competitiveness. We conclude that within game viewership patterns are essentially similar for female and male fans and offer thoughts regarding the practical implications of this research.  相似文献   

Professional sport is a highly marketable product, whereby favourite teams often become ‘overseas sweethearts’ for millions of satellite supporters and their imagined community of like-minded fans. Scandinavia has historically proven to be a fertile market for English football and is home to some of the largest supporter groups for English clubs, in particular the Liverpool FC. This article examines the origins of Scandinavian identification with the Merseyside club and how satellite supporters in the region maintain a connection with the famous brand. Scandinavian supporters highlighted the importance of the media, especially the popularity of state-run television programmes such as Tippekampen, the team’s playing style and the presence of star players in their initial support for Liverpool FC and explained how they had turned to a virtual ‘third place’ to regularly connect and engage with fellow fans and the brand in cyberspace. In a global marketplace, satellite supporters are critical for the future of many brands and this article offers a valuable case study for those who seek to exploit these markets, monetize these consumers and build equity for their team brands.  相似文献   

研究以品牌关系质量理论和消费行为理论作为逻辑起点,通过社会网络分析法(SNA)发现男性球迷和女性球迷在参与职业足球赛事品牌消费时的消费行为存在意向差异,在沿着女性球迷社会角色和文化特征为主线的情况下,整理女性球迷参与下的品牌关系质量特征,将职业足球赛事品牌关系质量划分为满意、信任、承诺3个方面,并运用路径分析构建并验证女性球迷参与下的职业足球赛事品牌关系质量与口碑传播意向间的路径关系,以探究女性球迷参与职业足球赛事品牌消费的行为意向特点。结果表明,女性球迷更倾向于通过口碑接收和传播来表达她们对赛事品牌的参与意向,并且女性球迷在职业足球赛事品牌关系中的品牌满意是影响女性球迷口碑传播意愿的关键因素。  相似文献   

The increasing use of information and communication technology, particularly social media, has extended the reach of football discourse beyond traditional boundaries determined by in-groups of administrators, other football stakeholders and legacy media gatekeepers. Privileged football information refers to football information that would otherwise be restricted to insiders and may include ongoing, real-time or proposed decisions or events by football administrators, players, and other key football stakeholders. The relative anonymity of social media provides football administrators, insider journalists, player agents and others who have access to privileged information, with a communication channel to clandestinely disseminate the information. The paper explores possible motivation of an insider, Muyiwalawal, who posted insider information on Eagles Nest, a discussion board for Nigerian football fans, before and during the 2014 World Cup. We also report on the impact of the information on members of Eagles Nest. We find that the insider in this case is motivated by identity as an insider, prestige and member appreciation. Additionally, we find that persuasive impact of the information narrative is dependent on recipient's interpretation of narrative fidelity.  相似文献   

《Sport in History》2013,33(2):217-240
This article examines how the relationship between the media and football managers has evolved over the twentieth century. In particular, it argues that before the late 1960s, the print media largely shaped perceptions of managers but after this period, television became the dominant medium in framing their image. In a wider context, this relationship has reflected changes in the media as well as mirroring football's association with it. The transformation of football managers into celebrities, for example, has reflected the so-called ‘tabloidization’ process of the media. Not only have tabloid newspapers gone ‘downmarket’ but also both quality broadsheet papers and television broadcasters have ‘dumbed down’. The article highlights not only how the changing role of the manager has been partly due to changes in the media industry but also the impact managers themselves have had on media developments.  相似文献   

Online media is a boon to fandom. It provides mountains of information for the devout follower, while it also provides the opportunity to create and share content. The internet allows fans to transcend geographical barriers to form communities that could not otherwise exist. One particular group of A.S. Roma fans show how fans can use the ‘placeless' internet to invigorate a connection to place. They use their website in conjunction with meeting at the stadium and at other places in real life. The website provides the glue to their geographically dispersed set of Romans. The web is another tool that serves the social needs of fans.  相似文献   

Material objects and football fandom are intimately linked. As a repository of emotion, memorabilia holds value as a marker of identity. For many football fans, the conception of ‘home’ is integral to their identity. Despite its centrality to football fans’ construction of identity, the notion of ‘home’ has received little attention from sports scholars. Drawing on recent work in cultural geography, this paper employs concepts of home to explore the ways in which materiality holds identity for football fans. Evidence from New Zealand-based fans of European teams displays how material objects are able to collapse distance between fans and their club, acting as palimpsests for memory and narratives for significant emotional experiences. Embedded in the New Zealand home of the fan, memorabilia resides as an emotional bridge to their football home locality, stadia and supporters.  相似文献   

女性足球球迷是现代足球运动中的新兴社会体育现象。它的出现是多方面的原因,本文主要从心理学和商业两个角度结合达尔文的“性选择”理论,对女性足球球迷产生的原因、特有的社会特征进行较深层次的探析和研究,旨在推动足球运动向前发展。  相似文献   

中国足球球迷文化探析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
中国足球球迷现象有着极其深刻的社会文化背景。经大量文献资料考证,中国足球球迷的产生、发展以及他们所发挥的功能均受到博大精深的中国传统文化之影响,在与现代足球这一外来文化的融合中所产生的中国足球球迷文化现象。从不同角度与层面进行分析,从而揭示出中国足球球迷经历了一个由个性逐步发展到群体,从自在走向自为的演化过程。足球球迷现象不是一种孤立的社会现象,它的兴盛衰落与社会的政治、经济、文化体育背景紧紧相连。  相似文献   

长期以来,校园足球联赛品牌形象的打造上始终难有起色,本文通过文献资料法和访谈法对校园足球联赛品牌的构建进行理论研究,为校园足球联赛品牌建设提供理论依据和参考模型,最终得出结论:校园足球联赛品牌构建的核心是联赛品牌文化、联赛品牌标识和优质联赛产品。校园足球联赛品牌构建离不开电视媒体、平面媒体、网络媒体、移动数字媒体、明星营销等媒体的公关与宣传以及对校园足球联赛品牌的保障。建议:各级政府应大力推进普及校园足球,解决家长和校长动力机制,改善足球教学训练环境,让更多的学校参与校园足球联赛是打造校园足球联赛组织者的当务之急;打造有效的联赛组织体系对联赛品牌进行运作和管理,形成系统的长期性的联赛体制。  相似文献   

包括足球在内的中国男子三大球项目在最近一段时间出现了滑坡现象,其中足球成绩的下滑最为明显。足球是世界第一运动,在中国的影响也很大。自媒体时代,球迷在网络上发表了诸多意见,这些意见折射出了球迷们的质疑之情。从各方面反馈的信息来看,中国足球的成绩与中国球迷的心理预期相距较远,而造成如此局面的动因并未得到彻底的清理。与董路的对话围绕本主题展开,探讨了足球在中国发展的基本规律,并认为:完善并发展中小学足球体系,构建一种更为有益、有效、有为的中国式足球青训体系是中国足球发展的唯一出路。  相似文献   

This essay focuses on the contexts away from the stadium where fans congregate, organise, develop and learn to perform their fandom. I define the concept of performance and show how it applies to fandom. I describe how, in small to medium scale, face-to-face settings, fans are able to form bonds and validate each others’ fandom. For some, fandom is an extension of playing the game as in Holland, where one might play in the amateur ranks of one of the famous professional teams. In Italy, organised fandom follows from a history of neighbourhood social clubs. I describe the Roma Club Testaccio as the epicentre of Roma fandom, and how it serves to educate fans in Roman-ness. Hardcore fan clubs support the team home and away, and I describe one of my own intense experiences travelling on the bus with some of the most notorious hardcore fans in Italy. Italians can also visit the grounds at which their beloved team practices and where they can catch a glimpse of the players up close, and connect with other devotees. As these snapshots demonstrate, the social gatherings of fans away from the football stadium are where fandom takes shape.  相似文献   

Alex Law 《Soccer & Society》2014,15(2):203-221
By the time of Euro 2012, deepening tensions of nationalism and internal social struggles were developing across Europe in worsening conditions of systemic crisis. The official football ideology of UEFA conceives Euro 2012 as a civilizing platform for mutual respect and brotherhood between competing nations. In contrast, what I call Hyper-Critical Theory conceives of football competitions like Euro 2012 as part of a de-civilising ‘sports mode of production’ that necessarily produces crisis conditions, alienation and violence on a mass scale, fostering nationalism, militarism and racism. Between these polar perspectives, the figurational sociology of sport associated with Norbert Elias proposes that major international football competitions like Euro 2012 creates and dissipates contingent tensions of ‘group charisma’ and ‘group disgrace’. Study of Euronews ‘post-national’ coverage of Euro 2012 allows their explanatory adequacy to be compared. In a competition structure like the Euros no social group – players, officials, media or fans – is able to disregard entirely the field capabilities of the ‘best minority of 11’ in the serious game of exemplifying the group charisma of nations.  相似文献   

Tom Webb 《Soccer & Society》2018,19(2):205-221
The association football/media relationship has evolved since the sport was covered in newspapers, and on radio and television. The impact of the media on association football is undeniable with increased wealth in the game directly attributable to the increasing monetary value of television deals covering the English Premier League. This has, in turn, meant that refereeing decisions are now subject to intensified scrutiny and historically this has been identified as a significant source of pressure for referees. This article has utilized semi-structured interviews with the broadcast media in the UK alongside a notational analysis of 20 live Premier League matches in the 2013–2014 season, in order to analyse the pressure exerted by the media on referees. Findings indicate that the pressure on referees is not as great as previously accepted. Interviews and notational analysis demonstrate a more considered interpretation of the role of the referee today in association football.  相似文献   

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