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It is circle time at the Happy Baby Childcare Center. Little three-year-old Susanne is sharing with her class her latest visit to the zoo. “Well, Mama said that monkeys are smarter than us and Mommy said that they are very friendly.” The teacher pauses and then asks, “Susanne, did you go to the zoo with your mother and grandmother?” Susanne says, “No, I went to the zoo with Mama and Mommy!” The teacher is clearly bewildered and would like to clarify for herself who Mama and Mommy are, but the rest of the children in the group are becoming restless. She leaves her questions for another time.  相似文献   

“Gerry, I'm really stuck for a sitter. Would you be willing to take care of Philip and Annie for me?” an anxious mother asks her neighbor on the phone. “I don't know. My kids like them. I guess I could for a while,” replies the helpful Mrs. Delysle.  相似文献   

Teachers are often asked to fill out progress reports that include check marks indicating if a child has met certain criteria. While this document offers a superficial glance at knowing a child, it is often the only kind of “assessment” a parent receives. The authors, a daycare teacher and a parent of Rosa, “the mean girl” in the daycare, show how the teacher's daily, unvarnished observations of Rosa and her daycare peers are written and shared publicly in a way that not only helps Rosa's mother gain profound new understandings of her daughter but also helps create a trusting community.  相似文献   

One morning, two-year-old Jennifer impressed her mother with the rather sophisticated exclamation, “Daddy went bye-bye,” as her father left for work. In fact, Jennifer's mother encouraged her to repeat the phrase so that it could be audiotaped and preserved for posterity. Sadly, Jennifer was more interested in commenting on the turning wheels of the recorder than in performing as her mother requested. The mother's repeated, probing inquiry, “Where did Daddy go, Jennifer?” was all that was audible on the tape.  相似文献   

The man is a blue collar worker. He tells the story of his nine year old daughter. She said that the only thing she really wanted for Christmas was a pair of Vidal Sassoon Jeans. He explained to her that they really weren't wealthy enough to afford $40 jeans. Maybe Levis would do. “Forget it,” she said. “If I can't have what I want, I don't want anything.”

The man said that they saved up and got her the Sassoon jeans for Christmas. “But you know,” he mused, “she judges the others in her class on what kind of designer jeans they have. They form cliques based on their clothes. It's their way of being somebody, being acceptable, being ‘in’.”  相似文献   

“Keep the sand low, Mike, so it doesn't accidentally get in someone's eyes. That would hurt. Yes, like that — you and Jonathan are building some very long roads. Would a little water help you pack them smoothly?” This teacher's tone of voice is accepting, and her words show understanding of the lifelong learning process.  相似文献   

女儿出生时,我们给她取名叫迈尔斯,和我深爱的已过世的父亲同一个名字,尽管家人提醒这个名字太男性化了。 几年以后,我觉得迈尔斯已经长大,能够理解了。我对她解释说:“你的名字很特别。我给你取了一个和我爸爸一样的名字,因为我非常爱他。我相信他会为你而深感自豪的。”  相似文献   

A bright year 7 student was going through the usual steps that lead to the concept of density and its values for wood and brass and aluminium. After mensurating the volumes of cuboids of these materials he was observing the volume of liquid they displaced in a measuring cylinder. As he carefully pushed the wooden cuboid below the surface, I asked him, “Why do you have to push the wood down?” “Because it floats otherwise”, he replied. “Why didn't you have to push the aluminium down?” “Because there was not enough water to make it float”. “Tell me more”, I said. “Well, sir, you must have seen metal ships floating on the sea. If there's enough water, metal will float, but not in a little bit like this”. Just after describing for me how liquid acetone evaporated if it is placed on your skin, a first year university chemistry student with good test results was unable to give me any examples of a liquified gas. When pressed he muttered “Solids, liquids, gases” (A strangely immutable sequence that has neither evolutionary nor biblical support.) and said he thought the cO in a cylinder was probably liquid. Gases could be liquified by lowering the temperature, he said. On being asked to describe what would happen if he steadily cooled down the air in a space, he began by quoting, “Air molecules, being particles moving very rapidly with energy proportional to temperature”. As he cooled them down in thought, he held out his hands and slowed down the vibration of his fingers about a point in space. Finally, his fingers stopped and he said, “It's nothing”. “What do you mean, has it disappeared?” I said. “No”, he replied, but it's no longer a gas, and it's not a liquid or a solid. They are all just there suspended in space. It's no-thing”.  相似文献   

《周易》卦爻辞中有许多关于中国古代法律的资料,例如“刑”、“狱”、“幽人”、“讼”、“寇”等等。研究这些资料对于理解《周易》哲学与中国古代法律,都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

吃鱼 肖童正在姑姑家吃午饭,姑姑为她做鱼。 肖童边吃边说:“这鱼真好吃,要是不放刺就更好了。”  相似文献   

“越洋专递”闪亮登场,来自全国各地的信函、伊妹儿纷至沓来,小读者们渴望结交异国笔友、展示真我风采的热切之情跃然纸上:老编小编们油然慨叹:青春真是一种令人感动的力量。(呜呜——)感动之余要告诉大家,经过多方筹措,  相似文献   

李清照以她独特的女性视角加上丰富的情感经历和细腻的生活触觉,写出了太多让人潸然泪下的词作,抒发了太多令人心痛的愁情。她的一生坎坷跌宕,堪称为"愁"的化身。而在这位登峰造极的言愁高手的笔下,有迤俪清新的少女闲适之愁,有闲适慵懒的相思之愁,更有思乡忧国的切肤之愁。李清照更以自己独立的女性人格矗立于封建的男权统治之下,用笔下的愁情抒写爱情之痛、家国之痛、女权抗争之痛。  相似文献   

美国当代女性诗人西尔维娅·普拉斯的"母性诗歌系列"通过歌颂母性,开创了20世纪中后期美国女性诗人的重要流派,即"母亲诗人"。普拉斯的"母性诗歌系列"主要由两部分组成:第一部分,以她自己的儿女为创作对象和创作灵感来源的诗歌;第二部分,注重思考和探索母性体验与创作力之间关系的诗歌。从女性主义视角解读"母性诗歌",旨在揭示诗人创作"母性诗歌"的重要意义,即诗人通过书写母性来确定自己的诗人身份、实现自我的转变,试图从自身的"三重困境"中走出。  相似文献   

Joey and Mary, along with three other children and the teacher, are seated at one of several tables having their snack. Mary's plate has no crackers. Giggling, Mary begins poking at Joey's plate, which still has crackers, as if she intends to snatch one. The teacher asks, “Mary, would you like more crackers?” Mary continues the poking action during the interchange and responds, “Yes.” The teacher directs Mary, saying, “Get a package of crackers from the supply table and see if other tables need additional crackers. If you would like more, then get three crackers for yourself”.  相似文献   

我骑.故我在。——匿名亲密、友谊、感情:养马就要做到这些。——伯特兰·雷克莱马是上帝赐予人类的礼物。——古阿拉伯谚语给我看看你的马.我就知道你是谁。——古英语谚语狗仰视人类.猫蔑视人类。而谦良的马平视人类。  相似文献   

当天气转冷时,不仅棉T恤和纱裙会显得太薄,脸上只擦一薄层润肤露也是不够的。Beberly Hills美容院的美容师索耶.达克建议:“天气变冷的时候应该换用偏油性的洗面奶和保湿水。”堪萨斯大学药学院皮肤学临床副讲师奥黛丽.G.库尼认为:“如果你等皮肤皲裂或者出现过敏反应再保护的话,就很难再改善皮肤的状况了。”定期做去死皮处理能够帮助改善干燥的皮肤,这不仅可以防止皮肤起皮,还可以使保湿水更充分地沁入皮肤深层。  相似文献   

I recall a teacher who helped an apprehensive boy become adjusted to his classroom without his mother. His teacher enumerated the various body parts that he had brought to school that day—“his arms, legs, eyes, ears” and so on. He watched with anticipation for a while, then looked up wearily at her and said, “I know I'm all here. Butwhy am I here?”  相似文献   

Comrade Editor: Hi! I'm a college girl, and reading Jin Bo's article brought forth intense emotions in me, so I wrote this article which can be seen as expressing long-accumulated thoughts in my mind as well as the feelings of many of our female compatriots. I hope you will publish this article. All of us women will thank you for doing so.  相似文献   

Recalling her experience as an exchange teacher in Birmingham, England, in 1938–39, in the midst of the Great Depression, Oregon teacher Mary Kelly, wrote: When I witnessed the first‘leaving’day … in one of the Birmingham schools and learned that as soon as the majority of the English children were fourteen they were through with regular schooling forever, I almost shed tears. “Do you mean that those girls will never go to high school?” I asked. “Yes it is true.” ”Will they have jobs or will they be idle?” “The Education Department will place most of them in positions in homes, shops or factories ….” There were no graduation exercises, no lovely new dresses, no parents or relatives invited. I thought of my high‐school graduation, which possibly would never have been if education was not free, because the means were limited. Still another graduation after going through college on nothing a year permitted me to take up teaching ….To me, at that moment, there was nothing more precious than democracy and I mean the American way.1  相似文献   

Hannah Arendt's essays about the 1957 crisis over efforts of a group of youth, the “Little Rock Nine,” to desegregate a high school in Little Rock, Arkansas, reveal a tension in her vision of the “public.” In this article Aaron Schutz and Marie Sandy look closely at the experiences of the youth desegregating the school, especially those of Elizabeth Eckford, drawing upon them to trace a continuum of forms of public engagement in Arendt's work. This ranges from arenas of “deliberative friendship,” where unique individuals collaborate on common efforts, to a more conflictual “public stage,” where groups act in solidarity to change aspects of the public world. While Arendt famously asserted in her essay “The Crisis in Education” that political capacities should not be taught in schools, it makes more sense to see this argument as focused on what she sometimes called the conflictual “public stage,” reflecting the experience of the Little Rock Nine. In contrast, Schutz and Sandy argue that Arendt's own work implies that “deliberative friendship,” as described in her essay “Philosophy and Politics” and elsewhere, should be part of everyday practices in classrooms and schools.  相似文献   

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