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长期以来,分配正义范式几乎是解决教育不公正问题的唯一方案,但是教育分配正义并不能矫正微观教育活动以及教育活动中的不公正行为,也无法消除人格蔑视、尊严羞辱、身份拒绝、价值歧视等教育不公现象。本文用承认正义理论审视这些教育不公正现象,以推进教育正义从"分配"向"承认"的价值转向,实现教育的公平正义。  相似文献   

正义的共同体与未来世代——代际正义的可能性及其限度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如何将正义的共同体从当代扩展到未来世代,建立代际正义,是当代正义理论研究中的重要问题。在当前的研究中,至少有三种扩展正义共同体边界到未来世代的理论主张,分别是社群主义者扩展道德与文化共同体的主张、权利论者扩展权利共同体的主张,和社会契约论者扩展原初状态各方共同体的主张。本文将围绕这三种主张展开,探究它们为代际正义的实现提供了哪些理论可能,同时又具有哪些自身无法克服的局限。  相似文献   

变革时代的教育公平问题及其政策治理的背后,隐藏着深刻的值得反思的社会正义问题。当代正义理论的发展,为从"制度伦理"视角反思教育政策正义性提供了思想资源。以当代正义理论的分配、承认与代表权的三重维度,"先验制度主义"和"现实比较主义"的两种进路为基础,建构一种多维的教育正义观,反思教育政策设计的程序正义,为教育制度"正义"构想的价值辩护,并倡导对日常教育生活中"不正义"的积极消除。  相似文献   

知识不是命题与人之间的关系,而是与语境相关的。知识主张的适当性也是随着语境的特征而不断变化的。语境主义认识论是基于科学实践解释学的一种知识分析框架,是在具体情境中对知识进行解释学阐释。语境主义正义观运用系统化的方式将情境与原则相勾连,它并不是要建构一种综合性的正义理论,而是寻求与特定情境相契合的特定正义原则。沃尔泽认为,没有任何一种道德哲学或道德实践是系统规制的,道德需要选择,需要阐释,正义也是如此。  相似文献   

教育正义,是一个附着在现代人身上无法摆脱的"咒符",已然成为现代人的一种"命运"。教育正义经历了由"正义教育化"向"教育正义化"的转变。教育正义的这种"古今之变"背后隐匿着激烈的"古今之争"。然而在现代社会中,教育正义只是一个并不高贵的谎言而已。  相似文献   

罗尔斯认为,不平等并不意味着不正义,只要它符合两个正义原则。罗尔斯的第一个正义原则适用于保障公民基本权利的领域;第二个正义原则适用于调节经济和社会的不平等。目前我国教育领域的不公平问题主要是教育资源分配不平衡,属于“经济和社会的不平等”,因而解析这一问题主要是应用第二个原则。罗尔斯的第二个正义原则认为不平等的分配必须以提高弱者的利益为目的,只有建立在这一基础上的不平等分配才是正义的。按照这一原则,在教育领域里处理公平与效率的正义方式就是允许教育资源的不平均分配,但前提是这种分配有利于弱势群体利益的提升。应用这一理论可以解析目前教育领域里存在的3种较为突出的不平等现象。  相似文献   

《理想国》中的正义思想   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
正义观念在古希腊首先是一种宇宙的原则,随着古希腊的思想家们把思考的重心从宇宙转向人类社会,正义观念也就逐渐地实现了从天道到人事的转变,正义成为维持社会秩序的最高原则。柏拉图不仅继承了古希腊早期的正义观念,而且他又在现实中探求实现正义的途径。本文就《理想国》中正义问题的提出以及正义和理想国家的关系进行分析,说明柏拉图正义思想。  相似文献   

近期,关于小学教师课堂冷暴力行为的报道频繁出现在公众的视野里.教师冷暴力不仅危害着学生的身心发展,还有悖教育正义原则.罗尔斯的正义论思想主张的正义原则,为我们在思考教育正义方面的问题时带来了新的思考视角,提供了新的启示.从两个正义原则出发,进一步阐释教育正义的涵义,并试图从教师自身层面来寻找缓解课堂冷暴力的策略,有利于...  相似文献   

阿克塞尔·霍耐特的承认理论与正义之间具有高度的内在耦合性。自我与他者的双向承认构筑起正义的核心价值。承认也在很大程度上契合了教育正义所坚持的价值宗旨,并担负起教育正义的哲学线索与伦理原则的使命。教育正义无疑是当下我国最迫切需要建构的教育语境,然而检视教育现场,承认稀缺造成的教育非正义以及缘此而生的教育人际蔑视现象已经酿成积弊深刻的教育难题。基于承认来建构教育正义无论在学理上还是实践理性上都是可行的解困路径。  相似文献   

社群主义理论为我们在中国语境下审视教育政策的正义性提供了新的视角。在社群主义的理论视野里,正义的教育政策既要保障教育资源的自主与公平分配,还要引导社群走向公共的善。正义是社群成员的共识,公民积极参与政策制定是正义的教育政策生成的必由之路。  相似文献   

This article considers the ways in which three alternative education sites in Australia support socially just education for their students and how injustice is addressed within these schools. The article begins with recognition of the importance of Nancy Fraser’s work to understandings of social justice. It then goes on to argue that her framework is insufficient for understanding the particularly complex set of injustices that are faced by many highly marginalised young people who have rejected or been rejected by mainstream education systems. We argue here for the need to consider the importance of ‘affective’ and ‘contributive’ aspects of justice in schools. Using interview data from the alternative schools, we highlight issues of affective justice raised by students in relation to their educational journeys, as well as foregrounding teachers’ affective work in schools. We also consider curricular choices and pedagogical practices in respect of matters of contributive justice. Our contention is that the affective and contributive fields are central to the achievement of social justice for the young people attending these sites. Whilst mainstream schools are not the focus of this article, we suggest that the lessons here have salience for all forms of schooling.  相似文献   


The term “social justice” cuts across disciplines and theoretical orientations. Critical theory underpinned the study reported on in this article. Many South African schools, particularly in poverty stricken communities, still experience insurmountable economic and social injustices despite progress since the apartheid regime. The injustices manifest in poverty, inequalities and unequal distribution of educational resources, impacting on the achievement gap. While social justice is a concern in the literature, South African literature has little on how to apply the concept of a learning organisation to reclaim a commitment to social justice. The article argues that schools perceived as learning organisations are sites of social and political struggle that can promote and encourage human rights to fundamental freedoms for all, without discrimination. This requires progressive teachers and critical thinking by students to transform dehumanising social milieus into communities of participation embodying the values of progress and human emancipation.  相似文献   

针对高职生的组织公平感进行问卷调查。结果显示,公平感问卷具有良好的信度;学生组织公平感相对比较满意;学生的地位与组织公平感有较大的相关;其余背景变量与组织公平感无显著相关;学生最不满意的事项集中于分配和人际公平两个维度上;高职学生处理不公平事件的方法比较被动。  相似文献   

沃尔泽主张任何事物的正确的规范原则都取决于那种事物的性质,分配正义预设了一个有边界的世界,不同的边界会以不同的方式产生作用,应该根据相关于不同情境的不同边界来讨论多重正义。这是对罗尔斯主义的一种适当终结。设定正义边界的三种代表性观点:合作实践、政治强制与普遍认同,都没有给出分配正义原则适用的充分必要条件。社会正义是一个复合型的概念,理想类型的民族国家是其最有效的整合者,可以实现这三种观点的有效整合,也是正义最强的边界形式;但在全球化背景下,民族国家的这种整合作用正在受到挑战,新的正义边界形式正在形成,我们需要发展新的全球正义理论。  相似文献   

What pedagogical routines and rhythms can teachers in Christian institutions of higher education adopt to teach for justice? The article explores this question by detailing efforts to incorporate the practice of lament into the learning routines of a survey course on global poverty. Drawing on recent scholarship on practice-oriented pedagogies and lament theology, the discussion articulates a lament pedagogy that aims to deepen students' empathetic engagement with the voices of suffering they encounter in the course and to engender a performative response to injustices they confront beyond the classroom. In particular, the article details how the use of literary accounts written by non-Western authors who explore themes of disruptive social change, poverty, and injustice in their works intersects with an overarching practice of lament to foster enduring processes of dispositional formation in students. A closing discussion considers how the pedagogical routines developed in a global poverty course might be adapted to and implemented in courses across the liberal arts curriculum. The article makes the case that educators in Christian colleges and universities are critical in the ongoing public recovery of a practice of prayer and worship that is fundamental to one's engagement with suffering in the world.  相似文献   

Social justice leadership has become a popular topic and catchphrase in the field of educational leadership. However, most scholarly and empirical contributions have ignored the inherent tensions, challenges and dilemmas associated with the practice of school leadership and the realities principals confront on a daily basis. This is partly because researchers have tended to ignore multiple facets of justice in their empirical investigations as well as how larger forces outside the school associated with historical, political, social and economic injustices marginalize students and communities. This article explores three cases of challenging school–community contexts that confound and partially subdue the efforts of well-intentioned principals. Each case highlights a dedicated principal committed to their school and community, and documents the significant progress made in addressing particular social justice issues, but also how they confronted justice dilemmas that they believed required them to prioritize certain social justice issues over others. These findings have important implications for how principals view their communities and engage in critical reflection about the leadership decisions and actions they take on a daily basis. This article concludes with implications for future research and a discussion of how aspiring principals can be better prepared to lead for social justice and effectively address justice dilemmas without ignoring or putting off other injustices.  相似文献   

教育公平问题作为现代社会公平价值的体现以及当今中国社会诸多社会问题之一,而今已成为社会和教育界关注的热点。目前我国的教育公平问题研究已经积累了很多认识和实践的经验,但是教育公平问题的依然热门说明当前教育公平的现状与人们所追求的所期望的状态还有很大的差距,如何在深入研究作为价值前提的正义理论基础上于认识论层面形成全面正确的和谐性教育公平观是当今亟待解决并具有重要现实意义的一步。  相似文献   


In light of societal pluralism, diverse visions exist for social justice. In this sense, uncertainty is a marker of social justice education and research. This article shares insights into how we came to ask a question about teaching for social justice through cross-cultural collaborative self-study. Eight New Zealand pre-service teachers participated in semi-structured interviews in which they reflected on their six-week social studies methods course. Drawing on pedagogical moments that the pre-service teachers saw as being significant, this article explores the generative and ambiguous ways in which the course ‘muddied the waters’ of their unfolding conceptions and practices of social justice education. The article describes how coming to know ‘teaching for social justice’ through the eyes of these pre-service teachers provided a reflexive surface for our self-study and has shaped its trajectory. In contrast to our initial desire for greater certainty, placing the uncertainties of social justice at the forefront of our practice has become central to our inquiry.  相似文献   


What do teacher educators need to know and do in order to move from espousing to enacting social justice in their own teacher educating practice? This article addresses this question by examining scholarship that focuses on the preparation of preservice teachers for social justice. Using five knowledge domains for teaching (personal, contextual, pedagogical, sociological, social) as an analytic lens, the authors examined teacher education literature published between 2010 and 2016 in three international journals from Australia, the U.K. and the U.S. The study reveals that teacher educators in different contexts seem to highlight personal and contextual knowledge in their preparation of equity-minded preservice teachers and provides insight into how they conceptualise educational equity and social justice. The study illuminates what is likely in place in initial teacher education programmes, and what may be needed or missing if teacher educators are to prepare teachers for today’s diverse classrooms.

Abbreviation ITE: Initial Teacher Education ITE  相似文献   

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