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曹丕改长安、谯、许昌、邺、洛阳为五都大有深意。若检索曹魏兴起之历史,则五都仿如曹魏走过的五个脚印。一言蔽之,谯乃曹操兴起之都,许昌乃汉亡之都,邺乃魏兴之都,长安乃稳定关中、凉州,防范蜀汉之都,洛阳乃混一区宇之都。  相似文献   

“都”的语义分合及解释规则   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
蒋静忠  潘海华 《中国语文》2013,(1):38-50,96
本文对潘海华(2006)所提出"都"的语义解释规则"话题规则"(P1)和"焦点规则"(P2)进行了修订,并在一个"都"表示全称量化的大前提下,把"都"的用法细分为两个次类:"都1"和"都2"。尽管它们都表全称量化义,但是"都1"的量化域中的成员无等级差别,而"都2"的量化域中的成员有等级差别。同时,"都1"和"都2"根据语义解释规则的不同又各分出两个小类:"都1a"、"都1b"和"都2a"、"都2b"。"都1a"和"都2a"适用于左向量化的P1规则,无排他性,"都1b"和"都2b"适用于右向量化的P2规则,有排他性。修订后的规则能够解释更多的例句,并且更加符合人们的语感。  相似文献   

我相信每一朵花里都蕴藏着果实,相信任何姻缘都包含着甜美的隐私,也相信各种各样的梦呓都有成为现实的可能。人生在世,很苦很累,但也是很美好的。所以每个人都不会满足,每个人都不可能真正地心如止水,与世无求无争。谁都希望自己手中的  相似文献   

我们的皮肤不一样,我们的头发不一样,我们的微笑都一样,我们的歌声都一样。同在一个蓝天下,都是地球村的小太阳,都是我们的语言不一样,我们的家乡不一样,我们的爱好都一样,我们的心灵都一样。  相似文献   

孔乙己和范进都是受封建科举制度毒害的读书人,都处于穷困潦倒的地位,对社会的摆布都软弱无力,都空虚麻木、迂腐至极,都不会"营生",都没有一个正常人应有的感性自我,都是封建科举制度的牺牲品。这两个人物有很多相似之处,通过比较,我们可以加深对课文内容的理解和对人物形象的印象。  相似文献   

汉代都试内容为演习射御、御骑、战阵,并测试骑士、材官、楼船高下。都试分为中央都试与地方都试,建武六年罢郡国都尉,由郡太守和都尉主持的地方都试随之废止,中央都试则与貔刘礼演练军阵、习射御的内容重合,成为貔刘礼的一部份。汉简中所见秋射为边郡都试,在候官所在地举行,根据每人成绩赐劳或者夺劳,性质上等同于都试,但在制度上和内郡存在差异。汉代“三时不讲”,都试惟在秋季。中央都试与狂刘礼在立秋日举行,地方都试和秋射则略晚,七、八、九三个月份均有可能,通常应在十月上计前完成。  相似文献   

罗华明 《父母必读》2014,(3):115-115
宝宝怎么什么都想碰,什么都敢碰。紧张得妈妈一步都不敢离开。  相似文献   

父母对待孩子无外乎三种情况:一是事事管、时时管,做了很多事,效果却不好;二是什么都不管,什么都不做,放任自流,不闻不问,结果更不好;三是也管但不全管,做得不多,但都切中要害,孩子成长一帆风顺。显然,什么都做和什么都不做都过于极端,失之偏颇,并不可取。杰出的父母从来都选择有所为有所不为,更明确地说,只做三件事。  相似文献   

任何可以使力放大的工具都可称为机械。你所使用的大多数机械都很简单,以至于你可能都没有意识到它们是机械。门把手、铁锤、开罐头器和车轮都可算是机械。  相似文献   

IF和WHEN是朋友。每周他们都要见见面,一起吃顿午饭。他们的交谈通常都集中在他们想要做的那些事情上。他们俩都有许多梦想,也都非常喜欢谈论这些梦想。  相似文献   

When we were young, we had dreams and expectations. We imagine things, we keep thinking about what we want to be, what we want to do, what makes us proud and happy and what we will become. We grew up, and things seemed like having its own way. We accept our success or failures and we move on. The rapid change, the need to do the urgent things, the works, the pressures and the failures, all kill part of our visions. Things have changed, but they cannot really take away the dreams. We still have to dream on, to visualize our desires, our wants, our vision of our future, even when we are considered too old for such things.  相似文献   

Maybe it is true that we do not know what we have got until we lose it, but it is also true that we do not know what we have been missing until it arrives.  相似文献   

不要忘记,在人生的路上,要想做成什么事,我们必须持之以恒。如果我们在学校里想要学好功课,就必须得勤奋,任何时候遇到难题都不要放弃。  相似文献   

无论走到哪,想起故乡,总会有一股温柔萦绕在心间.故乡有自己的父老乡亲,有自己的童年.故乡给予我们的既有痛苦的东西,也有快乐的东西.每每回味故乡,便是对自己的人生进行一次次洗礼.  相似文献   

Our central argument is that if we are to understand who we are as educators in the present as well as who we hope to become in the future, then we must examine and critique how we have collectively represented who we have been. To present our conviction that understanding our history as adult educators is central to understanding our current educational practice, we develop three theses. First, we argue that the purpose of history is to help us understand how we have created our current educational practices from our historical experiences. Second, we draw upon Williams’ notion of a ‘selective tradition’ to show how our current practices are selectively, and often hegemonically, constructed from past practices. Finally, in hopes of moving us toward illuminating our future, we argue that the purpose of history is to help us analyze those selective cultural traditions that inform our current educational practices in order to expose prejudices and illusions. We thus propose the ‘doing’ of history as a counterhegemonic strategy of ‘remembering’ the past in order to critique the present so that as educators we can reveal our historically‐copntinuing limitations and open us to expanding possibilities of Hberatory practice.  相似文献   

本文从一类特殊的箭图出发构造项链李代数.首先证明其项链字均为C类元,接着寻找它的一个理想,使得由这个理想得到的商代数是交换的,从而是幂零的.最后,我们从P和H出发,构造出一个正合序列.  相似文献   

预设与批判性思维所要求的清晰性、准确性、精确性以及深度有密切关系。对于预设的分析要弄清楚语用预设和语义预设的联系和区别,要逐层进行分析,要以最大限度保证思维的清晰性、准确性、精确性以及深度为原则,把握好分析的程度,要谨慎对待复杂问语。运用预设时,要端正态度,对自己的预设和别人的预设的态度应有所区别。  相似文献   

当前教育观念的解构与泛化倾向,致使人们在教育实践中常常出现观念的空白与迷茫。我们只能以已有的教育观念为逻辑起点建构新的教育观念。重新思考教育培养什么样的人;为什么要培养这样的人;怎样看待教育中的人;如何看待学校在个体发展中的文化使命以及如何审视教育的时空形式等。  相似文献   

The Feeling of Thinking in Professional Self‐study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Studying one's own professional work is no straightforward matter and adopting the reflective mode is not simply a cerebral activity. As we study our teaching, we are studying the images we hold of ourselves as teachers. Where these established self‐images are challenged, questioned and perhaps threatened in the learning process we may experience feelings of instability, anxiety, negativity, even depression. This is especially so if the ‘self we come to see in self‐study is not the “self we think we are, or the ‘self we would like to be. Thinking about our work In self‐evaluation can thus be a highly charged emotional experience, one from which we may be tempted to retreat, thus endangering further learning. If, on the other hand, we have the support of caring, sensitive and interested critical friends to help us through these potentially dangerous processes of self‐evaluation, we are more likely to remain open to further learning and professional development. The company we keep and the circumstances under which we enter into self‐study may have a significant effect, for better or worse, on our professional learning. These issues are illustrated by the experience of two award‐seeking teacher action researchers who used video in their classrooms to aid their self‐study. The paper argues for greater attention to be given to the nature of the learning climate in which self‐study, self‐evaluation and developmental self‐appraisal take place. If the learning climate is not ‘right’, self‐study may become self‐defeating.  相似文献   

科学与人文教育的融合是现代大学的教育理念。促进大学教育科学与人文教育的融合,一方面要充分认识科学与人文教育的内涵;另一方面,要积极探索科学教育与人文教育融合的有效途径。首要的问题是培养和提高大学教师的人文与科学素养;在学校重构课程体系,促进“文理兼容;”在教学设计和实施过程中落实科学与人文教育的融合;强化班级和校园文化建设;营造科学与人文教育融合的学术氛围和校园环境。  相似文献   

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