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I Have the Right to Remain Silent我有权利保持沉默On the first day of an American class,the professor assigned five chapters on civil rights.The next day,he asked one of my classmates to name ten of those rights.When the student made no response,the professor said,"All right,name five."Still the student said nothing.Finally,the irritated professor begged,"Just name one right you have as a civilian."  相似文献   

The college had va very good football team,and it’s best player was the student who always made trouble in school Then one day the dean(校长)of the college said that the player would have to leave because he cheated at an exam The football coach(教练)immediately went to a dean to try to persuade him not to let the student stay in school.Th dean showed him two answer paper. "This one is Susan's pape She is the best student in the class,"he said. "And this one' s your football player' s. They…  相似文献   

"Columbus Kristof!" There was an oral History Exam in a university. The professor had put forward three questions to a student, but he failed all of them. In order to give him a chance to pass, the professor asked him another very easy one.  相似文献   

A teacher it is said is compared to god who Hew a Breath into nostrita of a day and the day Began to Breathe.A good teacher is a good Book of a student.  相似文献   

One day,two students of the teacher Chang Hu came to his house.They sat down at the table.Chang Hu put a golden cup in front of one of his students,and in front of the other student,he put an old and 1)cracked jar.Both the cup and the jar were filled with water. "Help yourself," Chang Hu said.  相似文献   

“you are denying me my right,"Yuan Yuan said, her eyes shining under the thin film of moisture that was growing thicker as her emotions pumped brine into the little windows of her soul. "You are stupid to talk of rights.There are no rights.No one has rights.Rights are an empty word used by the weak to try and win sympathy or whatever else..., "answered Yuan Yuan's superior whose signature alone could release her from the public university and enable her to pursue her dream. Yuan Yuan,an English teacher hoped to move to Shanghai,where her boyfriend lived.She wanted to leave the stifling,unbearably conservative confines of a small Anhui town.  相似文献   

No Trouble     
Mr Day was a teacher at a school in a bigcity in the north of England.He usually went toFrance or Germany for a few weeks during hissummer holidays,and he spoke French andGerman quite well. But one day Mr Day said to one of hisfriends,“I'm going to have a holiday in Athens  相似文献   

Trying to do the "right" thing by drinking eight full glasses of water a day may do little more than make a person run to the bathroom, a researcher said. Newspaper articles, health and beauty magazines  相似文献   

I.Three Deaf MenThree rather deaf old friends met one day in the street."Windy, isn't it?"said one."No, it's Thursday,"said the second."So am I,"said the third. "Let's go and have a cup of tea."  相似文献   

(一) In Chinese class, the headteacher said to the whole class, "Remember, everybody! Rome could't have been founded within one day! " Certainly his words are quite reasonable. That's to say, all the students should study harder. However, what is interesting is that the next class is a history lesson. By the middle of  相似文献   

Our village carpenter,Alf Winn,came one day and made a kitchencupboard for my wife.He made it just the right size to fill the uselessspace between the cooker and the door.When I got home that even-ing,Alf was drinking a cup of tea and making out his bill for the job.My wife said to me quietly,‘That's his ninth cup of tea today.’But  相似文献   

Having been a student for 13 years, I have had manyteachers, but the one I respect most is my English teacher.She is a young and slim woman,with a pair of glasses,andshe is very pretty. She made a deep impression on us in the first class.That day,when the bell rang, she came into the classroom,walking briskly.Then she looked about and said,“Boys andgirls,a new term has come.I hope all of you begin a newlife.”  相似文献   

A long time ago,there was a boy called Kong Rong.He was loved by all the members of the family because he was clever and polite to everyone.One day,his father bought some pears and put some on the table in a plate.He asked all his children to come around the table and said,"Here are some pears. Each of you can have one,any one you like."  相似文献   

In the class, the teacher asked a student, "Do you know what words are used most in the world?" The student thought quite a long time, and at last, he said," I don't know." The teacher was glad and said, " Very good, you're right. These three words (I, don't, know) are used most in the world."Have They Different Mothers?With the help of her friend, a young mother took her very young twins who were exactly alike to the doctor. Since the waiting area was full, the two  相似文献   

Foker and Humor     
1.A Dollar Per Point◆中南财经政法大学2000级行政管理系李晶晶 A professor was giving a big test one day tohis students.He handed out all of the tests andwent back to his desk to wait.Onee the test wasover,the students all handed in the tests.Theprofessor noticed that one of the students hadattached(附上)a (?) 100 bill to his test with anote saying,“A dollar per point.”The next classthe professor handed the tests back.This studentgot back his test and (?)64 change.  相似文献   

Tit for TatA good story is told in Edinburgh about Professor Blackie.One day,the professor being prevented from lecturing,a notice was posted on the classroom door to his effect:"Professor Blackie regrets he is unable today to meet his classes."A waggish student,spying this,scraped out the initial letter of the last word of the sentence,and made it appear as if the professor was regretful at his inability to meet his lasses.But the keen-eyed old man,notic-ing the prank that had been played on him,quietly erased another letter,and left the following:"Professor Blackie regrets he is unable today to meet his asses!"  相似文献   

There are many factors influence the level of students' achievement in education. Studies show that one of these factors is "learning approach of a student". Research findings generally have identified two approaches of learning: deep and surface. When a student uses the deep approach, he/she has an intrinsic interest in subject matter and is interested in ideas and conclusions to understand the subject matter. When a student employs the surface approach, he/she merely memorizes knowledge to pass any exam in school. The aim of this study is to determine learning approaches of science student teachers and to examine the relationships among the variables, such as level of students' class and gender. The sample of this study consists of 108 student teachers from the Science Education Program at Department of Primary Science Education in Karadeniz Technical University. Approaches to learning of science student teachers are assessed using the Revised Two-factor Study Process Questionnaire (R-SPQ-2F), a scale developed by Biggs, et al (2001) consisting of 20 items on a 5 point Likert Scale. According to findings, science student teachers generally have deep learning approaches. Moreover, learning approaches of science student teachers have not changed related to gender.  相似文献   

Who Is Who?     
Tony was a policeman,andhis younger brother,Bill,was acollege student(大学生).One day the two brotherswent into a restaurant(餐馆)tohave their supper.When theysat down at a table,Bill said toTony,“Oh,three of my class-mates are here having theirsupper.”He pointed to a tablein the corner.Three young menwere sitting at that table talking.“They are Slick,Smiley andMug.”“But who is who,Bill?”said Tony.“My guess(猜测)isthat the one smoking the cigar(雪茄烟)is Smiley,the onewearing the …  相似文献   

"Oh,Father! " said a little frog to the big one sitting by the side of a pool. "I have seen such a terrible monster (怪物) I It was as big as a  相似文献   

Five hundred ducksOne day, a gentleman teacher talked to the two annoying girl students,"Two women are one thousand ducks."After a while, the teacher's wife came to the school to see him. One of the two girl students said to their teacher, "Five hundred ducks are looking for you out of the door, sir."  相似文献   

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