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刘梅 《海外英语》2005,(1):46-48
1.sell someone down to the river出卖朋友A:How dare you do this to me?你怎么竟敢这么做?B:Why do you use such bad language?Did I do anything wrong?你说话怎么这么难听?我做错了什么吗?A:Don’t try to pretend,you sold me down the river to my wife.You told her that I am having all affair with someone else.别装了,你在我太太面前出卖了我,你告诉她我有外遇了。B:No,I didn't do that.She must have seen her with you  相似文献   

1.get someone’s back up惹某人生气,把某人惹翻了A:What did you do to get her back up?B:I only said she was easy to take offense.A:And what else did you say?B:Well,I also said she was not even a child.A:But these remarks were enough to get her back up.A:你怎么惹她生气了?B:我只是说她爱生气。A:你还说了什么?B:我还说她连一个孩子都不如。A:这些话语就足够让她生气了。2.get the drop on sb.先发制人,抢在某人的前面A:What’s the score of the first half?B:They got the drop on us and took the lead by2to1…  相似文献   

1.(as)dry as a bone 非常干燥A:Do you like this new place? B:Oh,no,it is as dry as a bone. A:Well,you will get used to it gradually. B:I hope so. A:你喜欢这个新地方吗? B:哦,不喜欢,这里太干了。A:嗯,你会慢慢适应的。B:希望如此。2.would give one's right arm要是……该多好A:Oh,I do envy Grace so much! B:Why do you say that? A:She is beautiful,talented and wealthy.She seems to have everything! B:Oh.I would give my right arm to be like her! A:噢,我真是太嫉妒格雷丝了! B:你为什么那么说? A:她美丽富有而又多才多艺,她看起来拥有了一切! B:噢,我要是像她那样就好了! 3.It is only a question/matter of time.只是个时间问题。A:Please tell me what Alice told you. B:I am sorry,I can't.I have promised her not to tell anyone else. A:Well,I will know it some day,it is only a matter of time. B:Well,better that way. A:请告诉我爱丽丝告诉你了些什么?  相似文献   

1.um and aah支支吾吾A:Why do you always um and aah?你干吗总是支支吾吾的?B:I don’t know where she is indeed.我确实不知道她在哪儿。A:I don't believe you!我不相信你!B:Please,don't ask me again.请别再问我了。  相似文献   

TOO MANY QUESTIONSThere was this Christian lady that had to do a lot of traveling for her business so she did a lot of flying. But flying made her nervous so she always took her Bible along with her to read and it helped relax her.One time she was sitting next to a man. When he saw her pull out her Bible he gave a little chuckle (轻笑) and went back to what he was doing. After awhile he turned to her and asked “You don't really believe all that stuff in there do you? ”The lady replied “Of course I do it is the Bible. ”  相似文献   

刘权 《海外英语》2005,(1):44-45
1.You’ve got a point there.你说得挺有道理的。A:What do you think of my suggestions?你认为我的建议如何?B:I think you’ve got a point there.I will consider itcarefully.我认为你说得挺有道理的。我会仔细考虑你的建议。A:I am so glad to hear that.Thank you.我很高兴听你这么说。谢谢。B:You are Welcome.不客气。2.fall(all)over oneself竭尽所能A:Did you have a good time in your brother’s home last winter holiday?去年寒假你在你哥哥家过得愉  相似文献   

(大纲全国卷Ⅱ高考题)20.—So you gave her yourphone?—____,she said she’d return it to me when she couldafford her own.A.My pleasure B.Not exactlyC.No doubt D.All right解析:B。句意为"如此看来,你把你的手机给了她?""不完全是,她说等她有钱买了自己的手机就还给我。"既然是纠正对方刚说的话,所以用Not exactly.My pleasure(对别人  相似文献   

李春 《中学生百科》2011,(23):41-43
He met her at a party.She was so outstanding,with many boys around her,while he was so normal,with nobody paying attention to him. At the end of the party,he invited her to have coffee with him.She was surprised,but due to being polite,she agreed. They sat in a nice coffee shop.He was too nervous to say anything, and she felt uncomfortable,thinking,"Please let me go home."Suddenly he asked the waiter,"Would you please give me some salt? I’ d like to put it in my coffee."Everybody stared at him—so strange!His face turned red,but,still, he put the salt in his coffee and drank it.  相似文献   

链接一:英语对话和作文 A=Susan B=Susan’srnother A: How bitter life! The teacher said I told a lie. Just because I told her that I forgot my homework. She shouted at me. She was so angry! She said she wanted to write a note to you.  相似文献   

How to Use it     
1.You did?真的吗?A:I got a phone call from Annie yesterday.我昨天接到安妮的电话了。B:You did?What did she say?真的吗?她说什么了?A:Well,she’s coming for the holiday this weekend.她说这个周末过来度假。B:Great! I am looking forward to meet her! 太好了!我盼着能见到她。  相似文献   

51.—__me a new sweater,Daddy? Mine is worn out and you promised. —Sorry.I was too busy to remember. A.Did you buy B.Have you bought C.Had you bought D.Will you buy52.__her home.Lucy helps her mother do the housework A.As soon as she returns B.On arriving C.After she gets D.Directly she reaches  相似文献   

(编者注:本文内容取自作者参加一次市级赛课的教学设计。)教学内容A:Oh,my God!B:What’s up?A:Robert,could you do me a favor?B:What’s wrong?A:I’ve just sprained my ankle.Could you help me go to  相似文献   

At a young age,Patti Wilson was told by her doctor that she was an 1)epileptic.Her father,Jim Wilson,is a morning 2)jogger.One day,she smiled through her teenage 3)braces and said,"Daddy,what I'd really love to do is run with you every day,but I'm afraid I'll have a 4)seizure." Her father told her,"If you do,I know how to handle it,so let's start running !"  相似文献   

A young mother believed that it was very wrong to waste any food because there were so many hungry people in the world. One evening, she was giving her daughter food before putting her to bed.  相似文献   

1.琳达从哪儿来? A.Whe比15匕nda from? B.Where does Unda eome from? 2.带钳你钓带助。A .Thank you for your helP. B .Thanks for helPing me·3.这主惫不错! A .That idea soundsg以沼! B.That’5 ag“xl idea! 4.妞从事什么职业? A.What 15 she? B.What does she do? C.What’5 herjol,? 5.让我告诉你怎择去图书馆。A.肠tmetell扣uhowtogetto thel山raJ甲·B.坛t me妞11 you the way 10 the libra口. 6.她想吃些面条。A .She wants ro eat some noodles. B.She would like加eat some n仪对les. 7.个馆在公园钓后面。A.Th…  相似文献   

Jokes and Humour     
Lucky Mother A young m other be- lieved that it was very wrong to waste any food when there were so m any hungry people in the world. O ne evening,she was giving her sm all daughter her tea before putting her to bed.First she gave her a slice of fresh brown bread and butter, but the child said that she did not want it like that. She asked for som e jam on her bread as well. H er m other looked at her for a few seconds and then said, “W hen I was a sm all girl like you,Lucy,I was always giv…  相似文献   

1 Got you!骗、吓到你了吧! A:My sister just now called and said she’s moving in with us.B:What? A:Got you! A:我姐姐刚刚打电话来,说她要搬进来跟我们一块儿住。B:什么? A:上当了吧!小编闲话:如果在April Fools’Day(愚人节)那天,你成功识破朋友的诡计,你就可以对他/她说:“Haha…You didn’t get me.”  相似文献   

欢迎来到“日常用语加油站”加油。我们的口号是:让你的日常用语永远跑在最前面!新学期开学了。第一天上学,Jim在学校门口遇到了AnJim:Nice to see you again.Ann:__________.A.Nice to see you,too.B.Thank you.C.You too.Jim:How do you come here?Ann:____________.A.By foot.B.On foot.C.On bus.Jim偷偷告诉Ann一个小道消息,他们学校新来了一位音乐老师。Ann:What’s she like?Jim:_____________.A.She likes music.B.She is tall and thin.C.She likes girls.Ann:Where is she from?Jim:_____________.A.She from home.…  相似文献   

(A)Rosa liked making up stories.She was so 1 that her classmatesbelieved her from time to time.In fact,the whole class believed her!Atfirst she supposed it was 2 .Now,as she got up to3before theclass,she knew that make-believe stories had some way of coming backto make you sad.RosaBs parents were separated.Nine months out of the year,Rosalived with her mother in an apartment on Anderson Street.But whensummer4,she went to her fatherBs farm in Arizona.The farm was great!Rosa rode horses and…  相似文献   

Mrs King came from a rich family. Her father was an important official(官员), but her husband was a policeman. She always made him listen to her and the poor man had to do everything she told him to do though her opinion(意见) was wrong. Now she had three children, and they all had to agree with  相似文献   

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