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关于速滑蹬冰中伸膝压踝技术的研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
陈民盛  覃晓红  刘波 《体育科学》2002,22(6):124-126,139
通过对蹬冰过程中肢关节角,角速度及关节点的分析,阐述了速滑蹬冰中伸膝压踝技术的特点及重要意义,结果认为,伸膝压踝是蹬冰技术中的关键环节之一,是正确技术的反映,应引起足够的重视,所谓伸膝压踝是蹬冰过程中伴随着膝关节的伸展,踝关节主动背屈的技术动作,伸膝压踝技术的作用效果是:一方面小腿主动前倾,重心前移,致使由蹬伸动作而产生的速度矢量方向更趋于侧前方,另一方面改变了膝关节点的运动轨迹,使之呈现前下方运动,避免由于髋、膝关节伸展而造成的重心上抬问题,提高了蹬冰作用的实效性。  相似文献   

运用高速摄影对8名优秀散打运动员后鞭腿动作进行解析分析。研究表明:各关节曲线中,髋关节速度较小且变化不大;膝关节、踝关节和脚尖的速度曲线变化明显;膝关节较早达到速度峰值,然后减速,接着在踢中目标瞬间踝和脚尖几乎同时达到速度最大值。  相似文献   

文章探讨了后蹬腿动作的力学原理,就如何提高后蹬腿速度进行了分析。结论是:各关节曲线中,髋关节速度较小且变化不大;膝关节、踝关节和脚尖的速度曲线变化明显;膝关节较早达到速度峰值,然后减速,接着在踢中目标瞬间膝和脚几乎同时达到速度最大值。  相似文献   

一、最后用力过程中左腿工作的意义 优秀运动员左脚落地大都是以指内侧着地,并很快的过渡到全脚掌着地。落地后左脚与投掷方向成40度左右角度。这样不仅能保证左膝左髋的方向,而且控制了髋、漆、踝三个关节的活动范围。限制了髋、膝、踝三个关节沿横轴运动,如果沿着横轴运动,使左腿造成过大的弯曲,不能快速蹬伸和配合推球动作,就影响了右腿的转蹬动作,并使压紧的肌群过早的打开而影响最后用力的效果。通过人体解剖学分析认为,这种方法有很大的优越性,因为左脚落地与投掷方向形成与左脚尖站在一条线上。  相似文献   

一、铲子腿招法单练:1、踢骨法(1)左门预备。(2)左腿向前下铲击,脚腕钩起,脚尖向右,脚掌向下,脚棱向前,位高同胫(图4-1)。2、踢膝法(1)左门预备。(2)左腿向前下铲击,脚腕钩起,脚尖向右,脚掌向下,脚棱向前,位高同膝(图4-2)。  相似文献   

男子跆拳道运动员横踢技术动作生物力学特征分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
采用4台数码摄像机对10名山东省男子跆拳道运动员横踢动作进行同步拍摄,并用德国SIMI motion 录像解析系统对测试结果进行三维图像解析,旨在揭示男子跆拳道运动员横踢技术特点,以及髋、膝、踝等各个关节、角度运动学特征.结果显示:1)男子运动员在横踢动作中,提膝转髋、踢击、收腿三个阶段所占时间比例分别为35%、20%、45%.2)在横踢过程中运动员Z轴重心位移起伏较大,数值升高变化特征明显,可有效提高踢击效果.3)在横踢动作中,未发现跆拳道运动员的左支撑脚内旋达180°.4)跆拳道运动员左支撑腿位置并非是固定不变的,而是根据踢击目标的需要,不断调节支撑脚的滑动位置.  相似文献   

跆拳道横踢动作的运动学分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘云峰 《浙江体育科学》2001,23(4):51-53,62
探讨了横踢动作的力学原理,就如何提高檄竭速度进行了分析。结论是:各关节速度曲线中,髋关节速度较小并且变化不大;膝关节、踝关节和脚尖的速度曲线变化明显;膝关节较早达到速度峰值,然后3dL速,接着在场中目标瞬间踝和脚尖几乎同时达到速度最大住。  相似文献   

目的:考察击剑运动员后腿膝、踝关节在向前弓步刺中的关节力矩、角度和角速度生物力学参数表现,寻找影响弓步速度的主要因素.方法:通过对12名击剑运动员后腿在测力台上进行原地向前弓步刺动作的三维捕捉,运用VISUAL 3D分析软件计算运动员动作过程中重心最大水平速度,后腿膝、踝关节峰值力矩及最大关节角速度,动作启动时的后腿膝、踝关节角度,并对影响重心最大水平速度的各因素进行关联度分析.结果:各个因素对运动员向前弓步刺重心最大水平速度的影响程度大小依次是:踝峰值力矩>膝角>膝峰值力矩>踝角>踝角速度>膝角速度.结论:在后腿的训练中优先发展肌肉力量对于提高击剑运动员弓步速度具有重要意义,在平时训练时要加强击剑运动员后腿股四头肌群力量、趾屈肌向心收缩力量、踝关节肌肉快速力量训练以及在实战中基本姿势的训练.  相似文献   

运用CYBEX NORM等速测力系统,对两名健将级女子速滑运动员左、右腿髋、膝、踝三关节的屈、伸肌群进行了向心运动形式的肌力测试,并根据需要对左、右腿膝关节还进行了等速离心测试,以便找出两人运动学差异的内在动力学原因,为改进技术提供动力学依据。同时描述了速滑运动员髋关节、膝关节和踝关节的力矩曲线特性,进行深入探讨。测试结果:两名运动员的髋关节肌力发展不平衡;快速运动中,二人膝屈肌的肌力水平较差;二人踝关节伸肌群在适应较快速度收缩能力方面较差。  相似文献   

采用4台摄像机对10名山东省男子跆拳道运动员下劈技术动作进行同步拍摄,并用德国SIMI motion 录像解析系统对测试结果进行三维图像解析,旨在揭示男子跆拳道运动员下劈技术的运动学特征.结果显示:1)男子运动员在下劈动作中,起动、提膝、踢靶、收腿四个阶段中,所用时间分别为0.22±0.02 s、0.12 ±0.02 s、0.10±0.02 s、0.29±0.05 s其中收腿过程时间最长,其次为起动阶段.2)在下劈过程中,髋关节角度变化减少,对稳定运动员动作的完成,起到重要作用.而膝关节角度变化幅度,将带动踝关节和脚部位产生较大打击速度和力量.3)下劈动作过程中,运动员左支撑脚有明显旋转,同时并沿劈击腿的方向产生一定的滑动距离.4)左支撑腿蹬地过程中,伸膝速度、足跖屈速度与身体重心速度表现出较大的相关性,是提高身体重心速度的关键因素.  相似文献   

Many important notions in Life Sciences are linked with the idea of cycles, periodicity, fluctuations and transitions. The aim of this paper is to use spectral analysis in a unique way to study and quantify whole body coordination during gait. A participant walked at 3 km/h and ran at 15 km/h on a treadmill for 2 minutes. Position of the approximate center of rotation of the toe, ankle, knee, hip, shoulder, elbow and wrist, heel, PSIS and head were collected (CODAmotion; 100 Hz). Fast Fourier Transform was performed on x-coordinate data of the 1) knee marker; 2) 4 markers attached to the free lower limb (toe, ankle, heel and knee); 3) left and right free lower limbs; 4) whole body (all markers). Gait is described by a largely harmonic and resonant oscillator that operates unilateral free limbs at the stride frequency, and axial regions at the step frequency. Running is described by a more harmonic and resonant oscillating structure than walking, with a 3 times higher Q factor and 47% lower Inharmonicity Index. This method is presented as a way to capture global dynamics of our complex multi-segment system, and presents a novel application of spectral analysis to study coordination.  相似文献   

目的:确定运动员在落地后即刻启动完成侧切变向(LSC)动作的下肢踝、膝和髋三关节矢状面的运动学和动力学特点,并与平地跑动侧切变向(SC)对比分析、探讨这些差异对下肢关节造成的影响。方法:以14名高水平足球运动员为背景的大学生完成落地侧切和平跑侧切动作时的下肢运动学和动力学数据进行采集与分析。结果:LSC动作的踝、膝关节ROM和关节角速度显著增加,髋关节ROM则呈相反趋势(P<0.05或P<0.01);LSC的踝、膝和髋关节力矩峰值,踝、髋关节功率峰值呈现显著大于SC(P<0.01),膝关节功率峰值小于SC(P<0.05);LSC在水平向后、垂直向上地反峰值及峰值加载率有明显的增加(P<0.01),水平向右地反无明显差异(P>0.05)。结论:LSC虽然略降低了膝关节功率峰值,但其余所有运动学、动力学及GRF都预示其下肢关节所承受的损伤风险更高,尤其是踝关节和膝关节。踝关节的高功率和跖屈肌的持续紧张、伸膝力矩和三维地反的显著升高,使得该动作比公认高损伤风险的平跑侧切损伤风险几率更大。  相似文献   

目的:对辽宁省排球队女运动员下肢急停纵跳落地时的力矩和最大关节角度进行研究,以期对有膝关节损伤的排球运动员进行科学训练提供参考。方法:以14名辽宁省排球队女运动员为研究对象,将运动员分为两组,其中无伤组8人,损伤组6人,采用三维测力平台和红外光电运动捕捉系统,记录受试者在完成急停纵跳动作落地时的髋关节、膝关节、踝关节的力矩以及最大关节角度数据。结果:在急停纵跳落地时,损伤膝关节的旋转、收展力矩大于无伤组,屈伸力矩小于无伤组,损伤组的髋关节的屈伸、收展、旋转力矩均大于无伤组;损伤组的踝关节旋转力矩小于无伤组,收展力矩和屈伸力矩大于无伤组。损伤组的踝关节在屈伸、收展和旋转时的最大关节角度大于无伤组;损伤组的膝关节在屈伸和收展时的最大关节角度大于无伤组,旋转时小于无伤组;损伤的髋关节屈伸和收展时的最大关节角度大于无伤组,髋关节旋转时的最大关节角度左侧小于无伤组,右侧大于无伤组。结论:膝关节损伤的运动员完成急停纵跳动作落地时,通过代偿性改变增大髋关节力矩、增加膝关节旋转和收展力矩,增大踝关节收展和屈伸力矩,增加膝关节和髋关节在屈伸和收展时活动角度,增加膝关节屈伸和收展时活动角度来完成动作。  相似文献   

Artificial turf advances have enabled surfaces to behave like natural grass, however, debate remains as to whether artificial turf is as safe as natural grass. To reduce injury risk, sport surfaces should have low rotational traction with artificial surfaces having a potential advantage as components can be manipulated to change surface properties and traction. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence that different components of artificial turf have on rotational traction and athlete lower extremity joint loading. Twelve surfaces underwent mechanical testing to determine the influence of fibre density, fibre length, infill composition and compaction on rotational traction. Following mechanical testing, Control, Low and High Traction surfaces were selected for biomechanical analysis, where sixteen athletes performed maximum effort v-cuts while kinematic/kinetic data were recorded on each surface. Mechanically, fibre density, type of infill and compaction of the surface each independently influenced traction. The traction differences were substantial enough to alter the athlete kinematics and kinetics. Low traction surfaces reduced ankle and knee loading, while high traction surfaces increased ankle and knee loading . Reducing the rotational traction of sport surfaces is possible through alterations of individual components, which may reduce the joint loading at the knee and ankle joint.  相似文献   

The energy contribution of the lower extremity joints to vertical jumping and long jumping from a standing position has previously been investigated. However, the resultant joint moment contributions to vertical and long jumps performed with a running approach are unknown. metatarsophalangeal joint to these activities has not been investigated. The objective of this study was to determine the mechanical energy contributions of the hip, knee, ankle and metatarsophalangeal joints to running long jumps and running vertical jumps. A sagittal plane analysis was performed on five male university basketball players while performing running vertical jumps and four male long jumpers while performing running long jumps. The resultant joint moment and power patterns at the ankle, knee and hip were similar to those reported in the literature for standing jumps. It appears that the movement pattern of the jumps is not influenced by an increase in horizontal velocity before take-off. The metatarsophalangeal joint was a large energy absorber and generated only a minimal amount of energy at take-off. The ankle joint was the largest energy generator and absorber for both jumps; however, it played a smaller relative role during long jumping as the energy contribution of the hip increased.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to establish the characteristics of the movement patterns common to flutter kicking of skilled swimmers and to determine how the movement patterns of swimmers at different levels of a "learn-to-swim" programme differ from those of skilled swimmers. Also, the nature of the skill afforded the opportunity to investigate learning of a cyclical multi-joint task from a motor control perspective. The underwater motion of nine children representing three levels of a "learn-to-swim" programme and 10 skilled swimmers were video-recorded while performing nine cycles of prone flutter kicking. Kinematics including joint angular motion and coordination of joint actions were calculated. Fourier analysis was applied to determine the frequency composition of the vertical undulations of the hip, knee, and ankle and to calculate the velocity of the body wave travelling caudally from hip to ankle. Fourier analysis also enabled investigation of biological noise, as distinct from variability. The results indicated the desired joint angles and coordination towards which learners could be guided. An index based on the ratio of hip - knee and knee - ankle body wave velocities showed that the inter-joint coordination of most learners was not appropriate for effective flutter kicking. There was strong evidence to suggest that skilled performance in flutter kicking is characterized by sequencing of joint actions to produce a single sinusoidal body wave moving caudally with not decreasing and preferably increasing velocity, low biological noise, and small variability.  相似文献   

目的:了解在常规力量训练基础附加核心力量训练及振动训练方法对国家女子篮球队18名运动员腰背、膝关节、踝关节等速肌力的影响。方法:采用Pneu VIBE振动训练台对国家女子篮球运动员进行振动刺激力量训练,振动频率为25~40 Hz,同时进行核心区肌力训练。经过12周系统的力量训练,应用IsoMed 2000等速测试训练仪器对女子篮球运动员腰腹、膝、踝关节屈伸肌群进行等速力量测试分析。结果:经过12周综合力量训练,女子篮球运动员腰背等速肌力明显上升,屈肌峰力矩(PT)增加了14.35%,背伸肌力量增加了15.65%,差异具有显著性。而下肢力量膝关节峰力矩、屈伸肌峰力矩比率(H/Q)无显著变化。踝关节研究发现,左踝背屈峰力矩训练后稍有减弱,跖屈肌峰力矩以及跖屈/背屈比无显著变化。结论:在常规力量训练中增加先进的核心区训练可有效增加女子篮球运动员腰腹肌力,而振动训练以提高踝、膝关节肌力的方法的有效性需要进一步研究。  相似文献   

我国优秀女子竞走运动员技术特征研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用高速摄影机定点拍摄了2000年全国竞走锦标赛女子20 km竞走比赛前7名运动员的技术影片,并采用"TYF-2"型影片分析系统对影片进行解析,对运动员在比赛中程(10 km)的一个单步的各个阶段和各个技术环节进行了定量和定性的分析和研究.揭示了当今我国优秀女子竞走运动员的共性技术特征.结论我国优秀女子竞走运动员腾空时间为(48.8±9.8) ms;重心上下起伏距离为(6.0±1.3) cm,7名运动员身体重心的最高点均出现在支撑腿脚尖离地时,身体重心的最低点出现在垂直支撑时;前腿在触地瞬时的膝角为181.0°±2.0°,垂直支撑时膝角为185.7°±3.4°, 并保持157.0 ms的膝关节完全伸直状态,直至过渡到身体重心垂直面;优秀运动员均采用"足踵触地、踝关节背屈"滚动式着地技术,以及后蹬腿脚尖离地技术,符合当今世界竞走运动发展趋势.  相似文献   

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