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中国古典诗歌的主观性阐释大体分为两种:历史原因造成的主观性阐释和个人原因造成的主观性阐释。前者比较常见,人们也无法克服;后者比较复杂,从公共产权、借杯浇臆、赏奇析疑等三个方面进行了说明,并做简要评价。主观性阐释在客观上起到了充分调动阐释者积极性的作用,但阐释时也容易因忽视作者与文本而造成对诗歌本意的曲解与僭越。  相似文献   

比兴作为中国古典诗歌的一种独特的修辞方法,源于原始先民的缘象比附的原始思维。比兴修辞是原始思维形式在文学上的残存物,是中国古人诗性智慧的结晶。另外,在比兴的阐释史上,有一种共同的以美刺解释比兴的偏向,即大多赋予比兴以美刺的政治功用。以美刺释比兴的阐释模式也是原始法术思维模式积淀的结果。  相似文献   

改编者对原著的阐释是文学作品改编的核心问题。文学作品的阐释有主观性的一面,同时也有客观性的一面。不同改编者的阐释方式和角度,常常差异明显,这就导致了名著改编类型的巨大差异。  相似文献   

“象喻”是中国古代诗学解释学提出的一种重要而独特的诗性阐释方式,这种阐释方式最根本的特点就在于解释者借助一些生动具体、含蓄隽永的自然美的意象或意境来喻示解释对象的内在风神和整体韵味,因此它与作为解释对象的诗性文本有着更为内在的契合,它从直观感悟角度对作品整体风神韵味的玩赏和把握,在内容的丰富性、生动性和精微性上,都远胜于西方解释学那种细密繁琐的纯理性解说。本文通过对“象喻”的诗性阐释方式的形成过程、诗性特征及其文化成因的深入分析,旨在揭示中国古代文论所蕴涵的极为丰富、极有特色的诗学解释学思想。  相似文献   

象似性是现今认知语言学的研究热点,反映了语言的所指与能指之间的一种自然关系。语言的这种象似性被当做一种修辞手段,不仅运用于文学作品,还大量运用于演讲这一类特殊体裁中。本文将从距离象似性、数量象似性、顺序象似性及标记象似性四个主要的句法象似性原则入手,探讨句法象似性在英语演讲中的修辞效果。通过对各类英语演讲文本的解析发现,句法象似性原则的使用能够增强演讲文本的感染力与表现力,是一种有效的修辞手段。  相似文献   

这如同苏格拉底说“美是难的”一样,阐释也是难的。因为,只要一开始阐释,便无可挽回地陷入阐释的客观性与阐释的主观性的二元对立之中。阐释的客观性要求阐释的准确性与文本意义的原初性,阐释的主观性给予读者自身选择的权利,而且每个人都是以当下的现实体验与传统积淀来展开阐释的。这就是现代阐释学与所有的阅读行为无法回避的困境。本文将把对曾点境界的阐释置入这个困境之中,目的不是要探索一条消除这个困境的道路,而是旨在更为明朗地展现这种困境,与这种困境所促成的阐释的丰富性。  相似文献   

教学文本是一种内含价值的符号系统,教学阐释、理解主体基于自身的经验接受文本意义或生成意义。这决定了教学中的文本阐释始终处于两难,这种两难就是解释学发展史上所谓的理解的主观性与客观性、理解的趋同性与创造性以及:意义的确定性与多元性的“解释学冲突”。在化解这种冲突,解答新课程教学出现所谓的“预设”与“生成”的困惑等方面,儒家经典的文本阐释智慧能给人有益的启发。  相似文献   

中国美学范畴有其独特性;从符号形态看,具有象喻性;从逻辑意旨看,具有浑化性;从动态演化看,具有衍生性;从理论旨归看,具有衍生性;从理论旨归看,具有功能性。这种“范畴特性”典型地展示了中华民族审美思维和艺术把握的独特方式。  相似文献   

历史与形而上学的歧途——王国维与常州词派之一   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王国维与常州词派在文学阐释上存在差异,常州词派继承中国古代诗学传统,以"比兴寄托"为旨,力图通过重建诗歌与历史的关系来阐发作品的思想意义,他们的文学批评是政治性和道德性的。而王国维则站在西方近代美学非政治和非道德的立场上,依据诗歌与形而上学的关系来阐发作品的思想意义。这两种阐释方式折射出中西两种不同的宇宙观。论文还同时揭示了王国维在走出中国古代诗学"阐释共同体",进入西方诗学"阐释共同体"的过程中所发生的犹疑和矛盾,而产生这种矛盾的根源,正是被王国维在理论上一度唾弃的历史本身。  相似文献   

博喻主要存在于并用来建构文学语篇尤其是诗歌文体。博喻的系统性能使借自同一语域的隐喻词汇围绕相关的目标域在语篇内进行有序的演绎推进,由此形成文本中的延伸式博喻;而平行式博喻则能从多侧面对文本主题进行描述,这一变项的多棱性阐释实属一种向日式的聚焦映射。作为一个事件结构,博喻的完形性在文本中表现为一个完整的言语事件所具有的系统性和整体性。博喻就是以其以上语义特性承载着语篇深层的语义生成和对博喻性文本的完形建构。  相似文献   

民间故事早有习以为常的书写方式,这些方式表面看似一成不变,内里却始终蕴含着月异日新的生机与魅力.在诸多生机因素和魅力因子中,阅读群体的自主与灵动尤为显而易见.况且,在民间故事的范畴内,文本书写与读者接受,势必又会因为文化与风俗的不同,而衍生出意料之外的各种异曲同工.  相似文献   

图像时代文学作品的影像化倾向,为中国现当代文学教学提供了可兹利用的丰富资源,但在一定程度上也造成了对文学文本意义丰富性的消解与遮蔽。明确影像的效用及其限度,把握好相关影像资源与文学文本之间的关系,化解图文的矛盾,才能把影像资源作为文学教学有益的补充。  相似文献   

“知人论世”是高中语文文学类文本解读的传统方法,基于社会一历史视域的解读,“知人论世”有其合理性与历史意义。但在现行教学实践中存在种种弊端。加之课程与教学语境下“文本细读”的提倡与实践,更有利于完成“学生、教师、教科书编者、文本之间的多重对话”。因此,以“知人论世”为切入点,在继承“文本细读”重视文本、语言价值的基础上,提出“循着文本的层次突围”的解读方法,旨在达到丰富文本内涵、指向学生个体阅读的目的。  相似文献   

“期待视野”是接受美学的核心概念,影响着读者对文本的理解和鹇释,决定了译文的实际效果。读者的“期待视野”被文本融合的程度越高,评价就越高;否则,就不会获得读者的认可。在商务文本翻译的活动中只有充分考虑目的语读者的语言习惯、文化心理、审芙情趣等诸多因素,译者才能实现译文和目的语读者之间的视野融合。  相似文献   

解构主义对于文学文本以及作者思想的解构没有确定的文本要意,主张文本读者从不同的生存环境、文化习俗、历史背景、思维模式、生活习惯、宗教信仰等多个角度对于文本进行阅读以及理解。因此,解构主义语境的文学翻译中,译者可以通过自己对于文本的阅读以及理解角度有多种文化阐释。本文主要从解构主义语境对于文学翻译的文化差异进行分析论述。  相似文献   

Interpreting unfamiliar graphs: A generative, activity theoretic model   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Research on graphing presents its results as if knowing and understanding were something stored in peoples' minds independent of the situation that they find themselves in. Thus, there are no models that situate interview responses to graphing tasks. How, then, we question, are the interview texts produced? How do respondents begin and end utterances? And, what is the relation between words and gestures used as part of the communication? Based on a database developed in two studies with research scientists (N = 37), we developed a theoretical framework using cultural-historical activity theory for understanding the texts produced during interviews. Our framework addresses three major findings, whose implications are discussed in the paper. First, the interview text is the contingent and situated product of the entire activity system, including interviewer and other aspects of the setting; the interview text can therefore not be reduced to the cognitive properties of the individual interviewee. Second, the interpretation unfolds in time, shaping the way the graph itself is perceived; unlike a written text that accompanies a graph, the verbally produced interview text therefore has to be analyzed through a moving interpretive window without recourse to subsequently produced talk. Third, gestures, speech, and the perceptual aspects of the graph currently salient to the interviewee, have to be understood as expressions that are irreducible to one another, requiring comprehensive research reports to present all modes of concurrent expression.  相似文献   

In this study, young, middle-aged, and elderly adults read two different history texts. In the knowledge advantage condition, readers read a history text about an event that was well-known to readers of all ages but most familiar to elderly adults. In the no advantage condition, readers read a history text about a political situation of a country that no age groups knew much about. After reading the text, readers recalled and interpreted the texts. Comparison of the recall and the interpretation performance showed that while recall was best in the young group and declined with age, interpretation did not. The middle-aged and elderly adults generated interpretations that were equally deep and more synthetic than those of the young adults. They also generated interpretations with more diverse rationale statements. As for the effect of knowledge advantage its effect on text recall was straightforward: although not significant, age-group differences in recall were smaller in the knowledge advantage condition than in the no advantage condition, suggesting that age-related decline in recall can be moderated by older adults' knowledge advantage. The effect of knowledge advantage on text interpretation was less clear-cut. While knowledge facilitated interpretations, the facilitation was not uniform across different measures of interpretations, suggesting a complex interaction between text interpretation and knowledge.  相似文献   

Epistemic dialogues, involving explanation and argumentation, have been recognized as potential vehicles for conceptual understanding. Although the role of dialogue in learning has received much attention, the problem of creating situations in which students engage in epistemic dialogue has only begun to be addressed. This article highlights the set of factors that must be taken into account in designing a computer-supported collaborative learning situation that encourages students to discuss scientific notions. These factors include the choice of the domain issue, the activities proposed to students, and the role of technology. We describe the design of CONNECT, an integrated environment and task sequence for the collaborative confrontation, negotiation, and construction of text. Results are then presented from a study in which students individually wrote an interpretation of a sound phenomenon, were matched in dyads so as to maximize semantic differences between their texts, and then collaboratively discussed and wrote common texts across the network using CONNECT. We show how careful engineering of the CONNECT environment favors the occurrence of epistemic dialogue and creates opportunities for conceptual understanding. The discussion centers on why these opportunities might be missed, as well as on the conditions required for students to exploit them.  相似文献   

学本批评的逻辑定性,基原于批评与欣赏展开的化论域。不同的化论域。导致了批评原则、基准、视角的差异。批评活动中无法剔除的主观性及历史性使批评无法成为客观的科学。批评的非科学化为本的多义性提供了历史的合理性根据。于是本始终以期待形式向未来的批评视域敞开。  相似文献   

接受美学认为,读者是使作品价值得以实现的关键一维因素,读者的阅读是文学再创作的动力源泉。读者对文本的解读,会因作品的创作方式、主体的修养与经历的不同主要表现为“正解”和“误读”两种情况。这两种情况及其出现的原因都应是我们研究与关注的重点。  相似文献   

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