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点击精妙:1.《九月九日忆山东兄弟》扣住“忆”字,转换文体,书信形式更觉情真意切。2.追忆亲情,乡情;追忆苦读,仕途。3.今日登高,物是人非,把感情推向高潮。  相似文献   

考上高中,面对新环境,有“恋旧情结”,这是适应期的正 常反应。如果过分地“恋旧”,对学习就会产生不利的影响。要 排解“恋旧情结”,可从以下“三新”作尝试: 一、调整心态,用心感受新生活。三年的初中学习生活,在 脑海中留下了许多美好的记忆,但是,它毕竟已经是过去的事 情,终日沉湎于追忆中,势必影响学习。因此,需要调整心态,在 学习上设立适当的目标,从每天、每节课、每一次作业做起,在 新环境中主动寻找感兴趣的东西,通过全身心的投入,鼓起进取的风帆,以新排旧,有意淡化“恋旧情结”。 …  相似文献   

文无定法,大体须有。学写散文,应从最基本的练起。 (一)由写“往事琐忆”起步,掌握构思回忆性散文的基本要领。读鲁迅的《从百草园到三味书屋》、吴伯箫的《菜园小记》、唐弢的《琐忆》,从中体会散文取材“散”、线索“明”、笔法“活”的特点,以及构思的一般规律。然后,努力追忆童年、少年或青年时代的生活,撷  相似文献   

白俊兰 《宁夏教育》2013,(11):73-73
掩卷回眸,往事成追忆 静思遐想,书魂永长存 曾忆否 那一声为中华之崛起而读书的呐喊 唤醒万千华夏儿女沉睡的灵魂  相似文献   

《忆孩时》是杨绛先生102岁高龄时写下的一组回忆性散文,既有对自己的母亲、姐姐、太先生的追忆,也写到了我们所熟知的历史大事件“五四运动”和“张勋复辟”。历经百年沧桑,先生笔下的文字冲淡平和、举重若轻。认真品味,不仅能看到百年风云中那生动的流光剪影,而且将一路收获“绚烂之极归于平淡”的美。  相似文献   

张炜近作《能不忆蜀葵》成功塑造了淳于阳立这个忙碌于农村与城市、艺术与利益之间的复杂人物形象。文中频繁出现对于乡村生活尤其是“蜀葵”这一意象的描写,寄寓着主人公物质与精神双重层面上的流浪和回归,表现出浓郁的“还乡”情结。  相似文献   

追忆情结、故乡情结、草根情结和死亡情结等内在心理空间的各种错综复杂的情结筑就了何述强独特的精神特质,从而形成了他独特的散文风格。何述强负载着这种独特的精神特质和话语风格行走在记忆的洪荒旷野。  相似文献   

公元1186年4月5日艳阳天我心怀景仰之情,重访诸葛丞相祠堂。轻踏苔痕上阶绿,逼人山色入眼帘。这里有绿树红花,这里有风铃古钟。触摸案牍之轻尘,思绪万千;倾听幽幽风铃声,心境空灵。此刻,颇有“斯是陋室,惟吾德馨”之感。远处的百灵鸟吟唱着丞相的功绩,脚下的青草舞动着今日的追忆。忆三顾草庐、忆草船借箭、忆三尺瑶琴退雄兵、忆六出祁山……遥想今日北方边疆的战事,情不自禁地吟出:“出师一表真名世,千古谁堪伯仲间。”公元1192年11月4日风雨夜白发三千丈,缘愁似个长。如今,我身虽羸弱,心依旧惦念北方的战事。眼见北方告急,我却无力上阵杀…  相似文献   

“记”与“忆” 学习过程中,有的学生记得很快,考试时却想不起来。便以为是自己的记忆不好。其实。“记”和“忆”是两码事。  相似文献   

《城南旧事》的“淡淡的哀愁,沉沉的相思”,引起人们见仁见智的诠释。本文试从“中华文化”角度.解读文本中蕴含的故园情结、故国情结、人本情结及由此融合而成的“中华文化情结”。  相似文献   

所有权保留买卖在我国的应用越来越广泛,本文结合其他国家或地区的相关理论和立法对所有权保留买卖中出卖人取回权的法律性质进行探讨。认为出卖人取回权的性质取决于对所有权保留性质的认识,因为出卖人保留的是完整的所有权,所以取回权是所有权的权能。在此基础上,区分取回权和取回,取回的法律性质应当是附法定条件解除合同。  相似文献   

The author reviews research on working memory and short-term memory abilities of deaf individuals, delineating strengths and weaknesses. Among the areas of weakness that are reviewed are sequential recall, processing speed, attention, and memory load. Areas of strengths include free recall, visuospatial recall, imagery, and dual encoding. Phonological encoding and rehearsal appear to be strengths when these strategies are employed. The implications of the strengths and weaknesses for language learning and educational achievement are discussed. Research questions are posed, and remedial and compensatory classroom applications are suggested.  相似文献   

Research on teachers' beliefs has provided useful insights into understanding processes of teaching. However, no research has explored teachers' beliefs as a system nor have researchers investigated the substance of interactions between teachers' beliefs, practices and context. Therefore, the author adopts complexity theory to explore the features of the teachers' belief system and how interactions between different components of the teachers' belief system contribute to complex features of their beliefs. The author illustrates this application by using a case study example of a language teacher in a Chinese secondary school. The study used the methods of semi-structured interviews, observations and stimulated recall interviews. It revealed the co-existence of different types of beliefs. The interaction of these beliefs determined the relationship between the teacher's beliefs and practice. Moreover, the practices of “token adoption” and eclectic approach were noted as the non-linear features of the teacher's belief system at the time of curriculum reform.  相似文献   

The present study explores the relationship between sentence recall and reading and language skills in a group of 7–11-year-old children with learning difficulties. While recent studies have found that performance on sentence recall tasks plays a role in learning, it is possible that this contribution is a reflection of shared resources with working memory. In order to investigate whether sentence recall was uniquely associated with reading and language skills, differences associated with IQ and working memory capacity were statistically controlled. A sample of 72 children was tested on measures of verbal complex memory, verbal short-term memory, sentence recall, expressive vocabulary, verbal and performance IQ, reading and language skills. Both sentence recall and verbal complex memory shared unique links with reading skill, and sentence recall was uniquely associated with language skills. This finding indicates that resources in long-term memory also play an important diagnostic role in reading and language abilities. The implications for educational practice are discussed.  相似文献   

本文结合物理教学实际,从注重培养学生的想象能力着手,就回想、联想、猜想三种挖掘想象潜力的手段进行了论证。  相似文献   

《苏轼黄州代表词赋导读与审美》是一部关于赏析苏轼黄州代表作的文作,在本文里作者主要介绍了创作该著作的初衷,为读者怀古、览胜、赏文提供方便。  相似文献   

认知语言学研究是一门语言学新兴学科,借助认知理论,尤其是图示理论深化外语教学取得了显著的成果.不可否认,图示理论在英语阅读理解中有积极作用,但也存在着局限性.我们应该借鉴图式理论推动新形势下高职高专的英语教学改革.  相似文献   

This article examines the predictive value of the cognitive variables of developmental level, mental capacity, cognitive style, short-term storage space, and numerical inductive reasoning for student achievement in college science. Achievement was analyzed for each of the categories of pure recall, computational, complex items, and total score of a midterm exam as well as for the composite score on a final exam. The sample for this study consisted of a class of 32 nonscience majors enrolled in Physical Science I at the University of Southern Mississippi. The results showed that developmental level was the single best predictor of achievement. Short-term storage space and mental capacity were significant predictors of achievement for computational and complex items, but, as expected from theoretical considerations, not for pure recall items. The degree of field dependence did not well predict performance on pure recall or computational items. The results also indicate that mental capacity and field dependence do not contribute significantly to the variance if developmental level is held constant. The pattern of the predictive power of numerical inductive reasoning parallels, in magnitude, that of mental capacity. The results of this study and its implications indicate that the construct of short-term storage space has great potential to guide classroom practice and the development of instructional materials. A strategy is outlined that would guide curriculum planners and classroom teachers in the development of materials which would allow students to develop complex problem-solving behaviors.  相似文献   

高建群的《大平原》是一部家族史,是以作者自己的家族为原型的,小说中渭河平原上高氏家族的主要人物的原型都是作者的亲人。在这部平原史和家族史中,作者使用了大量的陕西方言。值得注意的是,作者在不同的章节对方言的使用带有明显的倾向性,在讲述这一家族的时代变迁和命运沉浮的部分,作者选择以承载特定情感的方言来书写;而在其余的部分,作者则极少甚至完全不使用方言书写,尤其在一些典型人物形象的塑造以及追忆往事的章节中,这种倾向性尤为突出。这种倾向性可以看作是一种艺术的返乡,在思想情感的驱动下,作者将浓厚的乡土情感以"本色"化的语言书写,使小说具有独特的艺术价值。借助着方言元素来讲故事,作者于乡土化的表达方式中也完成了一场对精神家园的探寻。  相似文献   

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