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The concept of an “information space” provides a powerful metaphor for guiding the design of interactive retrieval systems. We present a case study of related article search, a browsing tool designed to help users navigate the information space defined by results of the PubMed® search engine. This feature leverages content-similarity links that tie MEDLINE® citations together in a vast document network. We examine the effectiveness of related article search from two perspectives: a topological analysis of networks generated from information needs represented in the TREC 2005 genomics track and a query log analysis of real PubMed users. Together, data suggest that related article search is a useful feature and that browsing related articles has become an integral part of how users interact with PubMed.  相似文献   

余军 《现代情报》2006,26(1):162-163
医院文化是多科文化的综合体,在医院文化建设过程中展现医院管理文化,医学科技文化,医院图书馆的所有服务,要紧贴医院文化建设任务,开展图书信息服务。  相似文献   

传统OA系统虽然具有信息发布、公文转发等通用办公所需的功能,但不能满足不同行业个性化的需求。为适应医院信息化建设的发展,根据某三甲医院个性化需求的业务流程,在传统OA系统的基础上,设计和实现了电子病历解锁申请、临时用药采购申请、临时抗菌药物采购申请模块。这进一步实现了医院内部行政办公无纸化,减少医务人员往返各科室时间,为全面提高该医院信息化水平奠定坚实的基础。  相似文献   

随着HIS、LIS、PACS电子病历等系统作为医院医疗活动的基础信息技术架构,进而改变了医院部分医疗活动管理流程。随着IT技术在我院应用水平的不断提高,我院信息化建设正从以收费为核心的医院管理向以电子病历为核心的临床信息管理转变,是超越纸质病历的病历管理模式,也是我院信息化建设的核心。  相似文献   

基于能值分析的农田生态系统服务评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马凤娇  刘金铜 《资源科学》2014,36(9):1949-1957
农田从供给、调节和支持三个方面为人类提供生态系统服务的同时也消耗着其他系统和人类经济社会对其投入的资源,并且农田还提供了很多无益甚至有害的负服务。本文构建了基于能值分析框架的农田生态系统服务评估体系,以河北省栾城县为代表的农田生态系统为研究对象,从其消耗的资源、生态系统正服务、负服务产出3个方面分析农田生态系统的投入和产出情况;并构建基于生态服务的综合评价指标来探究农田生态系统的可持续发展情况。结果表明:农田消耗了大量的资源(2.75×1020sej),其中人类的不可更新工业辅助能最大(2.52×1020sej);农田提供的正服务(6.40×1020sej)主要是供给服务(3.70×1020sej),负服务供给中(2.02×1020sej),调节负服务比重最大(1.83×1020sej);能值可持续发展指数远小于1,且逐渐降低,综合评价农田属于严重的消费型系统。  相似文献   

医院科研档案管理的现状及应对策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
医院科研档案是开展医学研究的重要载体,其中所蕴藏的大量科研成果、科技专利、高新技术以及学科建设等创新性科研思想等科研信息能为临床科研提供重要的参考价值。而加强对科研档案的充分收集和规范化管理则能有效促进医院科研管理水平的提高。本文针对目前医院科研档案的现状以及存在的问题进行了深入细致的分析,并实践中总结经验提出了加强和改进医院科研档案管理的应对策略。  相似文献   

The Spanish health care system has undergone important changes with regard to the development of new homecare services known as “Hospital in the Home”. This paper investigates the approaches that hospital in the home units (HHUs) have used to update physician/patient knowledge and the technology knowledge of their members and relates them to an unlearning context and improvement in the quality of health services. These relationships are examined through an empirical investigation of 55 doctors and 62 nurses belonging to 44 HHUs. The research findings suggest that the key benefits of an unlearning context in HHUs are clear: it enables them to identify and replace poor practices and also avoids the reinvention of the wheel; it enables cost reduction by minimizing unnecessary work caused by the use of poor methods; and it enables improvements in services to patients.  相似文献   

通过对传统职称申报方式的利弊分析,阐述无纸化申报的必要性,介绍无纸化申报的系统结构、硬件要求、软件功能及申报过程中出现的问题,提出解决措施及需改进的方面。  相似文献   

【目的/意义】从理论层面探究面向医院管理的数据驱动决策过程,深化医疗数据应用,拓宽情报学的问题 域,为跨学科情报学理论发展提供新的增长点。【方法/过程】通过对数据驱动决策相关研究的回顾,在新技术环境 下信息链理论、BASM模型等相关理论指导下,深入分析数据到决策的驱动路径,突出医院管理场景下的决策特征, 构建面向医院管理的数据驱动决策过程模型,最后以J医院的日间手术管理实践为案例进行了分析验证。【结果/结 论】面向医院管理的数据驱动决策模型以驱动要素、需求要素和支持要素为结构基础,协同面向医院管理决策的数 据处理过程和数据驱动的医院管理决策制定过程,实现面向医院管理的决策支持功能。【创新/局限】提出了面向医 院管理的数据驱动决策过程模型,融合了数据和决策的处理过程,并提出了支持要素。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the use of the critical path method (CPM) and CRIT, a computerized CPM program, as a tool for reporting and developing management information systems for hospital decision making. A CPM analysis was applied at the Microbiology Department of Deaconess Hospital to coordinate and synchronize the various tasks for efficient management. Its numerous benefits are cited. The CPM model can facilitate planning, decision making and managerial control by providing management information.  相似文献   

Research into free and open source software development projects has so far largely focused on how the major tasks of software development are organized and motivated. But a complete project requires the execution of “mundane but necessary” tasks as well. In this paper, we explore how the mundane but necessary task of field support is organized in the case of Apache web server software, and why some project participants are motivated to provide this service gratis to others. We find that the Apache field support system functions effectively. We also find that, when we partition the help system into its component tasks, 98% of the effort expended by information providers in fact returns direct learning benefits to those providers. This finding considerably reduces the puzzle of why information providers are willing to perform this task “for free.” Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

李群 《科教文汇》2011,(15):129-130
在新医改的形势下,医疗市场的竞争日益激烈,医院管理效能的提升和可持续发展日益受到医院管理者的重视,而文化竞争力成为推动医院可持续发展的重要力量。随着医学模式的转变,病人的需求与医院服务的理念也在不断发生变化,这就要求我们充分认识医院文化建设的作用,不断赋予医院文化新的内容,以先进的文化引领医院的发展。近年来,江苏省苏北人民医院注重医院文化的培育和建设,取得了一些成效。  相似文献   

数字化医院软件框架设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数字化医院的首要任务先是医疗信息的全面数字化,然后是提供区域性广泛的医疗信息共享服务。通过分析数字化医院软件研发的问题及其特性,以电子病历为基础数据平台,设计了数字化医院的整体性软件框架。  相似文献   

The problem of adaptive stabilization of a class of continuous-time and time-varying nonlinear plants is treated in this paper. The control scheme guarantees that the state of the plant, with bounded time-varying parameters, asymptotically converges to zero. For the nonlinear case with n2+n unknown parameters (n time-varying and n2 constant), when the control matrix B is unknown the controller has to adjust n2+1 parameters providing only local stability results. On the contrary, when the control matrix B is known only one parameter has to be adjusted and the proposed scheme provides global stability results. The general methodology is particularized for the linear case with 2n2 unknown parameters (n2 time-varying and n2 constant), adjusting n2+1 parameters when the control matrix B is unknown and guarantees only local stability results, whereas in the case when the control matrix B is known only one parameter has to be adjusted and the proposed scheme provides global stability results.  相似文献   

Twenty-first century's advancement in information technologies and the emergence of online communities have considerably influenced the online communication channels between patients and health service providers. Online health communities are now popular venues for health information sharing, yet little is known about the benefits in developing countries such as Iran. The aim of this case is to investigate on online health communities in Iran and to have a better understanding of consumer's behaviour using health services. The case integrates social support theory and social media concepts with traditional consumer behaviour theory, notably satisfaction. Using a content analysis of three online health communities indicates the value of social media in developing service quality in health industry.  相似文献   

We present PublicationHarvester, an open-source software tool for gathering publication information on individual life scientists. The software interfaces with MEDLINE, and allows the end-user to specify up to four MEDLINE-formatted names for each researcher. Using these names along with a user-specified search query, PublicationHarvester generates yearly publication counts, optionally weighted by Journal Impact Factors. These counts are further broken-down by order on the authorship list (first, last, second, next-to-last, middle) and by publication type (clinical trials, regular journal articles, reviews, letters/editorials, etc.) The software also generates a keywords report at the scientist-year level, using the medical subject headings (MeSH) assigned by the National Library of Medicine to each publication indexed by MEDLINE. The software, source code, and user manual can be downloaded at http://www.stellman-greene.com/PublicationHarvester/.  相似文献   

This article seeks to analyse the migration trajectory from commercial off-the-shelf and closed source software to open source software in order to establish the critical success/resistance factors associated with the replacement of the extant Microsoft Office with Open Office software in a private Brazilian company. The bibliographical review of this work addresses adoption/resistance to information systems, which is the theoretical framework adopted to explain the data collected. The single case study method was then applied and data was collected via documentation analysis, interviews, questionnaires, and direct and participant observation. Data analysis was then conducted by means of content analysis and non-parametric statistics. Based on that, three types of user behaviour were identified with respect to the intention to use open source software, namely adopters, partial adopters, and non-adopters. Finally, the reasons for such behaviour were set forth and discussed in order to make the implications of the study clear.  相似文献   

顾天阳  赵旺  曹林 《情报科学》2022,40(3):40-44
【目的/意义】医疗健康大数据为智慧医疗提供了前所未有的机遇。然而“数据烟囱”“信息孤岛”和低效的 知识服务方法严重阻碍医疗健康服务模式创新。如何通过医疗健康大数据深度聚合和动态知识服务,实现面向全 方位全周期智慧医疗服务的知识管理创新成为当前医疗信息资源管理领域的重要问题。【方法/过程】介绍了一种 面向大规模多源异构医疗健康数据安全共享的联邦学习机制和深度聚合方法,提出了人机协同的医疗案例库构建 方法和基于杰卡德距离算法的医疗案例知识推理方法。【结果/结论】该方法为智慧诊疗、临床教学和辅助科研提供 了一体化知识管理服务框架。【创新/局限】该方法不仅为智慧医疗与精准健康管理提供了一种数据管理方法体系, 还为5P智慧医疗服务新模式构建提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

在“节约型社会”的话语背景下,一种理解医疗组织与能源、资源关系的新的医疗组织运营范式——“节约型医院”呼之欲出。实施积极的成本控制措施是“节约型医院”构建的根本所在。医院成本控制的四重历史境遇乃是:节约型社会、医疗资源困境、医疗保障制度和医院生存与发展。对医院成本控制的境遇进行有效地分析,是选择成本控制路径的基本前提。  相似文献   

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