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Over the past decade the neuromarketing of educational products has become increasingly common. Researchers have however expressed concern about the misapplication of neuroscience to education marketing, fearing that consumers may be deceived into investing in apparently “brain‐based” products under the misapprehension that they will be more effective. This study provides the first demonstration that these fears are justified. We presented 180 participants with one of four advertisements for an identical educational program, named either “Right Brain” or “Right Start” Training; the advertisements either did, or did not, include an MRI brain image in one corner. Results demonstrated that “Right Brain” training was deemed more interesting, educationally valuable, and scientifically strong than an identical product named “Right Start” training. Advertisements including an unrelated brain image enhanced ratings of scientific rationale. These results confirm that by implying a strong scientific basis, “brain‐based” product names are remarkably effective in implicitly manipulating consumer opinion.  相似文献   

Two important educational goals are helping students master new concepts, principles, and skills, and helping them become effective thinkers and learners on their own. The books to be reviewed here are relevant to both of these goals. Mental Leaps, by Keith Holyoak and Paul Thagard offers a number of implications for educators in the discussion of the cognitive functions of analogy. The second book, Engines for Education by Roger Schank and Chip Cleary, is more directly aimed at educators in its proposals about effective uses of educational software. After summarizing the two books, I will consider their implications and value for educators attempting to facilitate conceptual change and the development of thinking skills in students.  相似文献   

教育思维方式的展开和构成   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
教育思维是客观存在的,它是教育工作者进行教育创造的文化心理基础。教育思维的性质、状况,制约着教育者教育行为的方式和质量。解决问题的教育思维和为达到目标而努力的教育思维,其展开方式是不同的;构成教育思维方式的要素有:知识要素、智力要素、观念要素和思维习惯要素。  相似文献   

主要研究通过运用内容管理平台(XOOPS),Wiki,Blog,RSS等开源技术构建一个网络教育平台。通过这些信息服务的使用,教育者可以在基于其教学目标的基础上建立学习协作群体。学生也可构建一个协助学习群体。通过这些在线群体,师生之间,学生之间可以相互学习,并且可以在不拘于时间空间的情况下实现相互交互,相互支持,相互启发。  相似文献   

Public educators of adults, because of their locally based programs, are strategically positioned to facilitate the learning of large numbers of older people. Little is known, however, about how these educators view the learning needs of elders who live in their communities. We conducted a telephone interview survey, using fixed‐response and open‐ended questions, with 30 directors of public adult education programs in Maine. The instrument assessed how important particular educational goals were for these directors at the time of the interview and how important each should be in the future. We examined both outcome and process variables. Health education was the outcome factor with the largest discrepancy between present and future program goals. Outreach to elders not presently participating in adult education programs was the process factor with the largest discrepancy. We discuss implications of this research for adult education and for potential partnerships between local educators and gerontologists.  相似文献   

传统用户体验量化均采用主观评分的方法,对不同的评估对象采用相同的评价标准,并未考虑维度间不同权重因素带来的影响,缺乏客观性、针对性。文章从用户体验目标入手,在尼尔森可用性准则的基础上提出了基于核心体验目标的用户体验量化方法,与现有用户体验更关注产品缺陷与不足不同,该方法采用根据评估对象核心任务确定量化标准的逆向过程,不仅使量化结果更加直接、客观,也使其评估目标聚焦于产品用户体验的改善。其特点在于通过量化检测产品内部更迭版本和同类产品的用户体验,辅助决策评估对象的用户体验提升发展方向并指定产品策略。  相似文献   

在音乐课堂创设“以学生为主体”的教学环境   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
主体性问题涉及教育目标,也涉及教育方法,是素质教育的核心问题。在音乐教学中,教育者创设良好的艺术与教育氛围,激发学生积极主动地、全身心地参与音乐实践活动,让音乐课成为学生愉悦的学习乐园。学生主体地位得到充分落实,其兴趣、才智就会得到充分发展,我们的教育教学质量就会逐步提高。  相似文献   

In this article, we present the characteristics and the design of a modular personalized multimedia testing tool based fully on XML learning specifications. Personalization is based on the characteristics of the individual learners, thus the testing paths are tailored to their needs and goals. The system maintains learner profiles rich in content from which diverse information can be elicited and presented to educators to help them understand their learners. At the end of the article, specific use cases are discussed and the educational advantages are discussed on the basis of an evaluative study.  相似文献   

This report provides an overview of neuroscience research that is applicable for science educators. It first offers a brief analysis of empirical studies in educational neuroscience literature, followed by six science concept learning constructs based on the whole brain theory: gaining an understanding of brain function; pattern recognition and consciousness; mind maps, mnemonics and other learning devices; concrete multisensory experience; higher-order creative reasoning via a multimedia-infused environment and positive emotion in educational settings. It is vital to the future of results-based education that discoveries regarding the cognitive learning process are taken into consideration when designing instruction. This research offers science educators neuroscience-backed information as a foundation to develop results-oriented curricula and teaching methods. Future research could further extend an empirically driven education system.  相似文献   

The propositions advanced and defended in this article are: (1) that it is more urgent for educators to reach agreement on their general purposes and goals than to specify in detail the outcomes they seek; (2) that insistance on detailed statements of educational objectives is questionable; (3) that teachers should be more concerned with developing a pupil's cognitive resources than with changing his behavior; (4) that criterion-referenced measures should supplement, not supplant norm-referenced measures; and (5) that conventional test statistics are appropriate for criterion-referenced tests if they are based on appropriate test responses.  相似文献   

In post-Bologna Europe, there has been a noticeable increase in English-medium instruction. In this article we take the case of Sweden as an illustrative example of the wider disciplinary issues involved in changing the teaching language in this way. By 2008 the use of English in Swedish higher education had risen to such an extent that it had to be regulated at the governmental level and through university language policies. Such policies have attempted to provide generalised pragmatic guidelines for language use across educational programmes. In this paper we argue that such general policies fail to take into consideration fundamental disciplinary differences and their potential impact on language use. We present a theoretical argument about the knowledge structures of disciplines, relating these to the disciplinary literacy goals of educational programmes. We then illustrate our argument using data from an extensive survey carried out at a major Swedish university. We conclude that the disciplinary variation in the use of English can be seen as a product of different knowledge-making practices and educational goals. This conclusion problematises “one-size-fits-all” language policies which only deal with general features of language use and do not allow for discipline-specific adjustments.  相似文献   

教育辅导简论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教育辅导是教育对受教育提供的一种生活指导和生存帮助,其目的是使其生存能量充分发挥出来,过着与自然、社会等相适应的生活。各种类型的学校教育辅导有不同的内容和目标追求。为践行这些内容与目标要求,教育必须掌握一定的辅导方法。  相似文献   

The Exploring Florida Science project goals were: (1) increasing content knowledge of secondary science teachers, specifically in topics that are important to the future of the state, and (2) providing secondary science students with digital media for use in project-based learning. A team of instructional designers, educators, scientists, web designers and teacher educators designed an online professional development environment. Needs analysis included identification of the high incidence topics on the state science achievement test and topics of socio-scientific importance in the state. Development followed tenets of design-based research, and was guided by E-Learning for Educators standards and evaluated for content, pedagogy and usability using rubrics based on established guidelines. This paper details design, development, and evaluation frameworks, and summarizes pilot testing outcomes.  相似文献   

This article compares the results of a nationwide survey of gerontological counseling experts and a sample of executive directors of Area Agencies on Aging identifying, confirming, and rank ordering the goals and roles of gerontological counselors. The data indicate that a wide gap exists between gerontological counselor educators and administrators of social service programs for the elderly in the priority they ascribe to the goals and roles of counselors of older persons. Social service program administrators, however, indicate that counseling can be readily incorporated into the aging services network as it presently exists.  相似文献   

高校校长选拔体制沿用党政干部选拔体制的做法,没有体现出高校作为高级人才培养和知识创造机构的固有特征,难以使高校成为教育家们实现教育理想的舞台。阻碍教育家们进入高校领导领域的主要原因,是人们对于高校性质、宗旨及职责的模糊或浅显认识。以聘任制代替任命制,既不会违背党管干部的原则,又是高校校长成为教育家的理想途径。  相似文献   


In this paper we consider that, to a great degree, educational quality is insured through successful educational and social-relationship strategies developed among educators and their older adult students. Proposals to improve educational quality should be considered within the unique context of each university's mission and goals. Otherwise, the same measures used in different institutions may lead either to progress or to educational and social regression. Much depends on the conditions under which programs are implemented, and the way they are perceived by participants in the educational process.  相似文献   

Action research as an educational strategy suggests that educators engage in an intentional, collaborative cycle of observing, reflecting, planning, and acting. This approach deliberately attempts to bring theory and practice together in praxis. Action research may be helpful for religious educators who wish to improve their educational practice. This article focuses on ways in which action research might be employed by congregationally based educators.  相似文献   

如何做好市场定位   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
产品或服务的市场定位是整个营销过程的起点。有效而准确的市场定位是每个企业产品研发及投入市场所必须做好的基础工作。市场定位的实质是更好地满足消费者需求、实现企业目标市场的竞争优势。在激烈的竞争中,企业只有采取科学、准确的市场定位策略,才能有效、顺利地实施整体营销活动,最终赢得市场,实现企业的目标。  相似文献   

技术视角下的教育范式变革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面对21世纪全球化以及技术革命的挑战,教育范式转变已是大势所趋。教育的全球化、信息化、个性化、多元化是教育范式变革的出发点,只有以此"四重化"教育范式指导下的教育系统才能真正实现教育"面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来",才能培养出具有创新精神的个性化人才,也才能使我国的教育取得突破性的进展。技术是教育范式转变的必要条件,为教育资源的全球化共建共享、信息技术与学习环境的全面融合、创新型人才的个性化发展,以及多元化的教与学方式提供了有力支撑。  相似文献   

21世纪课程目标:向后现代教育过渡   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
后现代教育作为一种教育理论 ,具有“全民教育”、“终身教育”、“主体教育”、“通识教育”等本质特征。 2 1世纪基础教育的课程目标建设在共识的课程观的基础上 ,应该更加强调教育的全面性和基础性、终身学习 ;更加强调个性、创造精神、创新能力和综合能力的培养 ;更加强调人文精神、课程的开展性目标及表现性目标、师生之间的交流与合作。在探讨 2 1世纪基础教育课程目标时必须处理好后现代教育与素质教育、主体教育的关系 ,弄清我国现行课程目标与理想课程目标的差距  相似文献   

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