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中国的中小学英语教学改革对师资培养提出了新要求。根据地方性院校的特点和英语教育专业教学的必达标准,提出并试行了适应地方性大学的培养目标的新型的教学模式。包括优化课程设置,通过英语基础教育能力模块、英语教育技能模块、英语实践运用能力模块的设计达到培养目标;改进教学方法,综合运用多种教学方法和现代教育技术手段;改革评估方式,采用"英语语音等级证书"考试等。这一新的教学模式培养出来的英语教师将能更好地服务地方基础教育和地方经济。  相似文献   

Numerous educational reforms have been initiated in Serbia since 2000. The aim of this study was to examine education policymaking in Serbia in order to provide policymakers and stakeholders with recommendations on how to minimize pitfalls and increase success of future educational endeavors. In the study, we utilized the education policy cycle heuristic to analyze formation, implementation, and evaluation of three major education policies in Serbia: in-service training of teachers (INSET), school development planning (SDP), and inclusive education (IE). Examining three reforms simultaneously enabled us to identify major characteristics of Serbian policymaking, regardless of the reform content. We also relied on educational change literature, so that we could assess complex contexts of reforms. Finally, considering the importance of school staff during implementation, we examined education policymaking in Serbia through the eyes of over 1,800 teachers, counselors, and principals. The results point out to dissatisfaction of school staff with all aspects of the policymaking in Serbia and with the social and education context. Reforms appear to be undertaken in a similar pattern across different reforms. The findings imply that a thorough examination of both the policymaking in Serbia and communication, organization, and administration within the education system itself is in order.  相似文献   

新一轮基础教育课程改革把“对话理论”引进语文教学中,被广泛应用于语文教学特别是语文阅读教学中。对话理论奠定了当代阅读学的理论基础,创新了阅读教学的基本理念,带来了阅读教学策略的系列变革。  相似文献   

对话教学:创新的温床   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
人类正在步入一个对话的时代,对话教学也正成为一种新的教学理念。社会的发展急需创新型人才的大量投入,创新教育刺不容缓。对话教学与创新教育作为同一时代的产物,并不是冰与火不可通融。相反,二之间有着密切的关系。对话中孕育着创新的契机,创新教育需要对话教学的参与。  相似文献   

This paper describes student‐level findings of the first large‐scale comprehensive school effectiveness study of the primary education in Serbia. Twenty‐five student‐level variables were examined in a three‐level HLM model using a study sample of almost 5000 students, over 250 classrooms and over 100 schools. Differences between the students were in large part responsible for differences in achievement scores in mathematics and Serbian language. Parental education, Roma minority status, developmental or family problems, gender, student motivation, parental involvement in student work and homework were some of the factors associated with student achievement. Serbian policy‐makers are alerted to possible actions in order to improve mathematics and Serbian language achievement.  相似文献   

课程思政是高校落实立德树人根本任务的重要举措,推进课程思政建设就是要把思想政治教育贯穿人才培养体系始终,发挥好每门课程的育人作用。从根本上说,课程思政建设是一场课程体系、教学内容和教学方法的综合改革,终极目标指向课程教学质量和人才培养质量提升。高校应紧扣课程思政导向推动课程体系革新,围绕课程思政要求优化课程教学内容和教学方法,立足课程思政施行需要补齐课程建设的制度短板,使课程全面反映新时代人才培养质量新内涵和新要求;在深化课程认知与优化教学过程中、在遵循课程教学规律和坚守质量底线基础上、在发挥教师主体的能动作用中提升教学质量,对关于课程教学质量的质疑声作出正面回应,形成课程思政建设的良好氛围与推进课程思政和课程教学的耦合共进。  相似文献   

This study explores the political impact on English-language education in the historical context of Vietnam in the 1980–1990 period. Based on data collected from three participants’ narratives concerning their experience of learning English, the study indicates that English-language education, at that time, embraced a wide range of political dimensions specific to the geopolitics of Vietnam. The political factors include learners’ family background, mainstream concepts in the local community, materials for teaching and learning, ideologies of language teaching, historical events and socio-political discourses. These factors constituted three layers of politics embedded in English-language education in Vietnam. The findings of the study provide new insights into the themes pertaining to politics in English-language education, which are often associated with the spread of English as a global language. From an educational history perspective, the study makes a contribution to understanding and developing second-language education in relation to local geopolitics.  相似文献   

当前,“工学结合”人才培养模式的不断推进对高职商贸类专业思想政治教育工作提出了更高的要求。高职商贸类专业思想政治教育工作要与时俱进,根据“工学结合”人才培养模式的特点和商科人才的特质,创新教育理念,以职业为导向,以企业文化为载体,延伸和拓展课堂教学,校企共同构建、共同实施思想政治教育新途径。  相似文献   

This article explores whether using reflective dialogue in action learning sets on a foundation degree (FD) in educational support can develop the capacity for reflective practice of the students. Developing a reflective stance in relation to professional practice is a central theme of the programme, which is reinforced by the work‐based learning module providing a space for reflective dialogue and the inclusion of an employer's perspective for establishing links between university and work. By adopting a case‐study approach, this study focuses on 24 female students who work as teaching assistants or higher level teaching assistants (TAs/HLTAs) in state primary and secondary schools, and reports findings from their and their tutors' perspectives. In view of the rapidly changing educational landscape, apparent in the implementation and development of Integrated Children's Services, the Schools Remodelling Agenda and Workforce Agreement are in effect one policy. Such a programme is essential in creating appropriate opportunities for the continuing professional development of the new workforce. Given the non‐traditional background of the majority of the students and the perceived ambiguity surrounding their roles as teaching assistants within schools, such a programme poses considerable challenges to higher education institutions in terms of appropriateness of content and mode of delivery.  相似文献   

高校思想政治工作要坚决落实新时代立德树人根本任务,贯穿教育教学全过程。在“大思政”的背景下,思想政治教育不仅局限于理论课程教育,更要与其他专业课程、社会实践等内容相结合,从而发挥思想政治教育的合力。将志愿服务理念、活动融入大学生学习生活,实现课堂教学和实践教学、学校教育和社会教育、校园学习和终身学习的有机结合,是实践“立德树人”教育理念和“三全育人”的有效途径。因此,需要发挥志愿服务活动的思想政治教育功能,完善地方高校志愿服务体系,以构建“大思政”的育人格局。  相似文献   

论大学生思想政治课对话教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对话教学是新课程改革中突显的一种新的教学形态和教育理念,它强调主体间交互式的对话、理解与体验、意义创生和回归生活,它对我国大学生思想政治课具有一定的适切性,也是当前改进大学生思想政治课的现实需求。在具体的推行过程中,要对教学中的“对话”有比较清醒、全面、正确的认识,要建立平等、开放、发展的师生关系,教学模式要由单一走向多元。  相似文献   

This paper considers both how the mandatory introduction of student evaluation of teaching surveys (SETs) fits into the social and political context of tertiary education in Japan, and the assumptions about teaching underlying SETs. Through interviews with English teachers, a technical–rational perspective whereby teaching is a profession only to the extent that it involves applying theoretical knowledge to the pursuit of educational ends is discussed. Teachers’ capacities to make complex judgments are not recognized so that teaching becomes indistinguishable from technical expertise. Quantitative evaluation as a measurement of effectiveness and efficiency leads to teacher exclusion from dialogue on how teaching might be improved.  相似文献   

When the legislation on higher education in Serbia was enacted in the summer of 2005, Serbian universities started a reform process, which has still not been completed. Since the new law leaves room for any institution to organize itself within the given framework, it is hard to predict the final shape the universities are going to adopt. Consequently, this paper focuses on the existing practice in recruitment policy indicating the eventual pitfalls that threaten the institution in the reform process. In order to allow for a better understanding of the environment in which recruitment is taking place, the first part of the paper outlines the existing environment in terms of the institutional structure, financing and management. The second part concentrates on the recruitment policy.  相似文献   

This case study looks at the lessons learned from the ultimately successful implementation of the Blackboard Managed Learning Environment at Northumbria University and explores how these are now being applied to the matching implementation at a local further education college, which we are supporting. The study identifies key aspects that emerged from Northumbria's experience—the application of models of innovation from both educational and business worlds, the need to take account of the impact of cultural change, the need for effective staff development for all stakeholders, the need for a ‘road map’ for the development, and the need for ongoing dialogue with clients (staff) and customers (students). It reflects upon how Northumbria's approach has led to the emergence of a learning organisation that is adaptive and responsive and how a business approach can be applied to higher and further education innovations.  相似文献   

An analysis is presented of the problems that have existed for over 20 years in the moral education curriculum in primary schools of China. These include the separation of moral education from children's lives, the moralizing and memorization used as the basic methods of teaching and learning, and the overlaps between courses on society and ideological moral character. The paper then introduces the main innovations in the contemporary reform of the primary moral education curriculum, including lifelong moral education as its theoretical foundation and making the development of children's morality relate to life, with ‘real’ everyday life events as source materials for textbooks. Embodied in the textbooks are some new ideas behind the revised educational objectives, such as putting oneself in another's position, ecological interdependence, ‘win‐win’, dialogue, sharing and diversity. As the curriculum is child centred so the textbooks use a dialogical pedagogy. In conclusion the paper considers ongoing and new challenges for moral education in primary schools to be faced by the curriculum reform.  相似文献   

Ruth Hayhoe 《Compare》2001,31(3):329-345
This paper might be described as a case study, depicting the process of vision development for a new institution of teacher education, established in a time of political transition for Hong Kong. The focus is on issues of cultural identity, and the first part of the article lays out a framework for civilizational dialogue in the post Cold War period. Next the context of educational development is analysed, including the emergence of this new institution, and the demands placed upon it to support a range of educational reforms after Hong Kong's return to China in 1997. The third part of the paper describes the process of developing a vision statement, and the ideas that informed it. The fourth part provides a careful look at four of the nine guiding values chosen for the Institute, showing the particular shape they give to the development of the vision, and the ways in which they are linked to the dialogue of civilizations.  相似文献   

2020年5月教育部颁布的《高等学校课程思政建设指导纲要》明确高校工作以立德树人为根本任务,要将价值观引导融入知识传授和能力培养之中,构建全员全程全方位育人之大格局,全面推进课程思政建设。在此背景下,高校外语教育应将思想政治教育贯穿其人才培养体系,发挥好课程的育人作用。本文基于作者课程思政教学实践,探析外国文学教学中融入课程思政的路径与方法,探索实现语言能力、学科专业、课程思政三位一体的外语教学的可行方案,构建新形势下外国文学教学新模态。  相似文献   

阐释马丁·布伯的对话哲学是对人生和世界的二重性划分、强调关系的重要性、真正的对话是"我—你"的相遇。提出透过对话视野可以改变传统的思想政治教育过程,建立起新的对话模式的思想政治教育过程,并注意在具体实施中将面临的一些现实问题。  相似文献   

论台湾的乡土教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本是作赴台湾为期一个多月研究的结果,中回顾了台湾乡土教育发展的历史,考察了乡土教育目标、内容和教学模式的演变过程,着重分析了近十多年来围绕乡土教育问题开展的讨论,以及政治势力尤其是台独势力利用乡土教育培育“台湾意识”和塑造所谓“新台湾人”的政治倾向。  相似文献   

明确五年制高职商务英语专业建设的方向和目标,是提高教育质量、培养人才的前提。针对五年制高职教育的对象,其专业建设研究应科学地从疏理整合专业定位、课程设置,创新教学观念和开发模块实训入手,找准培养目标,确立就业方向,以实践为主导,突出行业引领、能力本位的高职特色。  相似文献   

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