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This tutorial draws together research on the impacts of climate change on children and youth, and suggests how parents, and parenting researchers, educators, and professionals, can engage with climate change. We start with an overview of the science of climate change and highlight the urgency of action to restore a safe climate for future generations. Then we discuss three major types of impact of climate change on children and youth: first, their greater vulnerability to its impacts on health and well-being due to physiological immaturity and dependency, a vulnerability that is greatly exacerbated for children in disadvantaged circumstances; second, evidence of widespread worry about climate change among children and youth, and their need for support and empowerment to respond adaptively to these anxieties; and third, the need to prepare the next generation for demands for massive changes in lifestyles as the world transitions to a low-carbon economy. We follow with a review of evidence about how parents can support their children through actively engaging with the issue themselves and through communication and other strategies that help build children’s hope, efficacy, resilience, and engagement. We then discuss the multiple important roles that parenting researchers and professionals can play in addressing climate change, concluding that those of us with responsibility for future generations need to recognize climate change as an urgent challenge.  相似文献   

In this article, the author develops a critique of new managerialism and of its implications for the professional work of scholars and teachers. She then critiques 'evidence-based practice' as it is being developed for schools. She argues that it is only possible to make sense of the policies and practices of the evidence-based practice movement within the framework of new managerialism. She also explores some of the tensions and contradictions between managerialism and gender reform in educational contexts. She ends with a challenge to begin the work of generating the collective story through which we can dismantle the hegemony of new managerialism and engage in the transformative work that will afford us a different future.  相似文献   

In recent years attempts to improve the management of cases of child abuse have concentrated on structural procedures for achieving better coordination between agencies, at the expense of attention to less tangible factors which may impede treatment. This paper, based on a small study which analysed retrospectively cases which had resulted in the serious injury or death of a child, identifies some of these factors. The evidence suggests that the manifest level of concern for the safety of the child changes markedly in treatment, but does not correspond with the objective reality portrayed in the case material. Some underlying factors influencing this lack of congruence are: (1) formulation of the presenting problem creates a bias which becomes more pronounced through time; (2) focus on strengths and progress conceals areas of malfunctioning in the family; (3) attention to an individual masks risk to siblings; (4) concentration of attention on one adult as possible aggressor obscures contribution of others; (5) influence of any changes in family composition is not sufficiently considered. The paper discusses these findings and suggests the hypothesis that the use of a properly constructed “Index of Concern” could provide a means of counterbalancing such factors.  相似文献   

Youth who share a school and neighborhood often show similar levels of academic achievement, but some studies find all or most of this correlation is due to sorting (not causation). We analyze the National Education Longitudinal Survey (NELS) in three ways to decompose sorting versus causality: We first control for much richer measures of family background than other analysts have used. We next use characteristics of the students’ future high school as an instrument for family background (as future high school quality is correlated with unobserved family background but cannot cause junior high test scores). Finally, we use regression and semi-nonparametric matching methods to look at changes in test score when youth change schools. The results create a collage of evidence that a significant fraction of the correlation is causal.  相似文献   

This paper critically reviews historical and contemporary debates around the study of youth transitions and social change in the sociology of education and elsewhere. It argues that current accounts of recent social change of the 'post' variety tend to both over state and simplify the character of these changes. The paper suggests that it is more appropriate to think of change in terms of the reconfiguration of relationships between 'inflexibility' and 'flexibility', independence and dependency, and the public and the private. Substantively, these things can be studied through the 'intergenerational transfer' of 'assets' of various kinds within kin networks. On this basis, the paper argues for a shift away from a narrower focus upon parents that has been the basis for some recent useful and relevant work on educational decision-making in sociology of education in the UK. These issues about decision-making are related to the developing debate around Rational Action Theory and culturalist vs structural approaches. It is suggested that recent work in the areas of stratification and class formation theory would prove of value to these, and other, concerns in the sociology of education.  相似文献   

Nearly everyone recognizes the fact of deep pluralism: it is hard to deny that contemporary America is characterized by widespread diversity of beliefs, practices, and values. We disagree, not on this reality, but on the way we should respond to the pluralism around us. In this paper, Emily G. Wenneborg discusses one of the most common responses to pluralism in contemporary philosophy of education: autonomy-based liberalism. She praises liberalism for its attempt to navigate certain tensions that accompany its approach to pluralism. At the same time, she raises several critiques of liberalism as a response to pluralism, particularly with regard to religious communities and belief systems. She suggests that trust provides a better framework than autonomy for educating in and for deep pluralism.  相似文献   

BackgroundMaltreated youth are at an elevated risk for the development of problem behaviors. Coping with the death of a family member or close friend during adolescence, referred to as bereavement, is a stressful event that could potentiate risk linked to maltreatment. However, developmental research suggests that youth adjustment is a product of multiple risk and protective factors. Although maltreated youth who experience loss may be particularly vulnerable to behavior problems, personal and contextual factors may attenuate or exacerbate youths’ risk for internalizing and externalizing psychopathology.ObjectiveThe overarching goal of this study is to examine individual, family, and community-level protective factors for maltreated youth who experience bereavement. Specifically, we aim to examine the effect of age 12 bereavement on age 16 internalizing and externalizing psychopathology, and to investigate the moderating role of multi-level protective factors at ages 14 and 16.MethodsThe study consisted of a sample of 800 youth (52.4% female, 45.1% African-American) drawn from the Longitudinal Studies of Child Abuse and Neglect (LONGSCAN), collected from 1998 to 2011.ResultsMaltreated youth who experienced significant loss were at increased risk for externalizing symptoms, compared to non-bereaved maltreated youth (β = 0.085, p < .05). Individual future orientation (β = 0.103, p < .05) family future orientation (β = −0.120, p < .05), parental monitoring (β = −0.123, p< .01), and neighborhood collective efficacy (β = −0.126, p < .01) each significantly moderated the association between bereavement and externalizing symptoms.ConclusionsThese results have implications for future interventions aimed towards reducing problem behaviors in adolescents with a history of child maltreatment and who experience bereavement.  相似文献   

‘Partnership between parents and teachers’ is a taken-for-granted feature of the philosophy and practice of early childhood education. Yet, the literature suggests this rhetoric belies a more complex and problematic reality for teachers. Making connections with the families and communities they will serve may help teacher education students confront understandings of the realities of family lives and assist them to prepare for their professional responsibilities. Teacher education literature suggests that supported field experiences may assist student teachers to examine their beliefs and reflect on their practices with families. This paper reports on the experiences of student teachers who undertook a community placement in order to interact with children and families outside their normal range of teaching practice experience. Three themes of changes in student learning are discussed: (1) beliefs about partnerships; (2) notions of complexities within diversity; and (3) developing relationships with diverse families. The paper argues that the change in placement setting prompted student reflection in relation to these themes and shifts in beliefs, towards more authentic and complex understandings of partnership.  相似文献   

Rita Jordan, Professor in Autism Studies at the School of Education, University of Birmingham, gave last year's Gulliford Lecture at the University of Birmingham on 4 October 2007. This article is based upon that lecture. In it, Professor Jordan discusses the role of education in the lives of people with autistic spectrum disorders. She traces the growth in our knowledge about autistic spectrum disorders and the development of a variety of ways of responding to autism, from the highly specialised, and frequently strictly segregated, to the explicitly inclusive. She uses her analysis to draw distinctions between 'therapeutic' models of education and education as 'entitlement'– and identifies problems with either paradigm. Professor Jordan closes her article by setting out her vision for a future in which there is greater flexibility and diversity and in which specialisation has a key role to play in making inclusion a working reality. The challenge of teaching pupils with autistic spectrum disorders will, argues Professor Jordan, help us all to imagine a truly inclusive model for education in which equity is achieved by treating all learners differently.  相似文献   


Changes in the social structuring of of the life‐phase ‘youth’ and high rates of youth unemployment during the eighties have opened discussion over posited shifts in young people's work orientations and a weakening of the gender‐specificity of youth transitions. Using data from The Netherlands, this paper argues that changes in educational participation, patterns of family life, and work orientations have certainly taken place, but that these cannot be straightforwardly interpreted in terms of individualisation processes and their consequences. Young people remain firmly attached to paid work as a central component of their identities and life plans, and this is increasingly so for young women. Nevertheless, youth transitions remain highly gendered in character, frames of meaning, and implications for the course of adult life.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of economic recession and high unemployment on teenage girls’ subcultures in Australia. It is argued that the tensions between domestic roles and economic roles, which are experienced by young women, have been exacerbated by recent changes in the economic context. A number of general cultural responses to this context are then discussed, followed by a more specific focus on the issue of teenage ‘welfare mothers’.

It is argued that both economic and cultural factors shape young working‐class women's life experience and reinforce dependency, through marriage or welfare. Education and youth policies have failed to benefit these young women, who are still disadvantaged in the labour market. Currently there is evidence that they are more likely than ever to be leading lonely, isolated and dependent lives, and without policies which specifically meet the needs of young working‐class women there is unlikely to be much change in the future.  相似文献   

陈曦 《闽江学院学报》2005,26(6):130-134
21世纪,以高新知识、网络技术为基础,以创新为核心的网络时代已经来临。高校思想政治教育工作者应从“青年代表着国家的未来”的高度出发,以现实的立场、前瞻的视角、科学的态度分析网络化语境下大学生异化的问题,掌握网络的制动权,加强和改进高校思想政治工作,用正确、健康的思想文化占领网络阵地。本文主要针对网络的特点来探讨网络化语境下大学生异化的可能性分析其成因,同时也提出了一些相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

While all children deserve a stable living environment, national data illustrate that many states struggle to achieve placement stability for youth in the child welfare system as a significant number of children in foster care continue to experience multiple placements while in state custody. Prior research has not considered the impact of youth protective factors or strengths on the frequency of placement changes that youth experience while in the child welfare system. This study examined the association between strengths measured at multiple levels (i.e., individual, family, and community) and placement stability among 4022 minority youth (aged 10–18) using administrative and clinical data from the Illinois child welfare system. Negative binomial regressions at the family level revealed that youth with at least one loving and supportive family member experienced 16% fewer placement changes than youth without family strengths. At the community level, youth attending schools that work to create an environment that meets its students’ needs experienced 13% fewer placement changes than youth without educational supports. These findings can inform the quality of treatment and services provided to minority youth in the child welfare system.  相似文献   

堀辰雄是日本昭和时代新心理主义派的代表作家。他的作品秉承了日本文学历来对"生"与"死"这个主题的讨论。作家擅长用细腻的手法刻画人物,从主人公的心理描写入手,讨论人物对于生死的选择转变。在作家致力终身的代表作《菜穗子》中,他用鲜明的对比成功地描写了三村、黑川两家两代人的不同命运,成功地塑造了女主人公——菜穗子——这个旧时代的知识女性形象。在小说当中,菜穗子的生死选择几经变化。她也曾逃避现实,选择孤寂落寞的避世生活。然而童年玩伴的人生悲剧和丈夫的转变最终使她选择了勇敢地面对现实。她对于"新生"的追求犹如凤凰涅槃,冲破了小说中现实环境的桎梏,展示了堀氏小说主题从"死"到"生"的新变化。  相似文献   

家庭的出现是以生产力发展和社会发展作为基础的,随着人类社会由农业经济,工业经济而迈入知识经济时代,家庭也必然随之发生一系列相应的变化,如果我们将家庭的出现看做是人类人际关系发展史上的一次革命,在家庭出现以后直到工业经济时代行将结束的漫长人类历史发展中,家庭的发展都只是在同一轨道上不断地进行着量变,当这种量变积累到一定程度,当人类社会发展到一定阶段,家庭的发展必然会产生质的飞跃,家庭的革命是不可避免的,在工业经济和知识经济的交替过程中,我们已经可以清楚地看到家庭革命的出现;家庭形式多样化,家庭功能社会化,家庭内涵感情化,将这些变化与传统的家庭进行对照,我们可以明确地感到,家庭的第二次革命已经走向我们,走向人类,在未来,在知识经济时代,家庭将通过第二次革命走向其终结阶段,恩格斯曾经预言,家庭在人类社会的未来将走向消亡,知识经济正在引导家庭向这一目标前进。  相似文献   

The rapid advances made in information technologies over the past few years and the belief that technological change is neither additive nor subtractive to our state of affairs but that it generates total change, suggests that it is timely to consider the implications of these technologies for teaching, research, and professional activity. The task of trying to understand the future influence of information technologies is a challenging one because technology is shaped by an array of forces that includes tradition, politics, economic interests, history, philosophy, and competing technologies. The paper addresses the influence of technology under the following general topics: (a) Promise or peril? Two views on information technology; (b) The difficulty of accurately predicting the future role of information technology; (c) An overview of technological advances and some predictions; and (d) Aspects of special interest—virtual reality, Information Highway, thinking “better” with computers, and devaluation of the body.  相似文献   

This essay sets out to place the transition from youth to adulthood, represented as the process whereby, until recently, the majority of young people entered their full‐time wage‐earning lives soon after leaving school, in some kind of modern historical perspective. An attempt is made to look at the changing relationship of adolescent youth to the world of work, as a result of urbanization and industrialization, with reference to variations in the social mechanics of transition between Germany and Britain. “Critical modernization” and “developmental” theories of transition and occupational choice are assessed but social structure, available opportunities and historical change are still seen as crucial determinants. The transitional process, it is concluded, varies markedly in Europe and elsewhere according to family, class, gender, ethnicity and race, factors which are as important today as in past centuries.


In this discussion paper, Suzanne Mackenzie, senior lecturer with responsibility for the special educational needs BA and MA programmes at the University of East London, reviews previous research in order to identify changes in the role of the special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCo) in schools in the UK. She provides an overview of the SENCo role from an historical perspective and discusses the diverse and challenging nature of the SENCo's work. She notes a marked lack of consistency, over time and across contexts, in interpretations of the SENCo role and examines variation in workload, status and position within school hierarchies. Suzanne Mackenzie highlights the gaps in current research on the work of SENCos and makes suggestions for future developments in the role. She focuses, in particular, on the ways in which SENCo 'effectiveness' can be determined.  相似文献   

We present an update of our 1984 chapter on organizational interventions in educational settings. Our view of the organizational change process is described, followed by a discussion of the gap between current theory and practice. We describe several examples of promising organizational change initiatives, followed by our observations of future directions for the field. We suggest that there will continue to be dramatic changes in our nation's educational institutions and that the primary question is whether planned change efforts will allow us to have some control over these changes and how they transpire.  相似文献   

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