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This study examined science teachers’ conceptions of creativity in science education, pedagogical ideas, and contextual factors perceived as constraints on teaching for creativity and any differences in the conceptions of teachers from South Korea and the United States. Participants in the study consisted of 44 South Korean and 21 US secondary science teachers. Data was collected from open-ended and Likert-type questionnaires. Results indicated that each individual teacher’s conception was considerably limited, but the teachers’ conceptions of creativity as a whole group were consistent with the literature. In terms of teaching methods for creativity, the teachers commonly emphasized problem-based or project-based inquiry which was consistent with the literature. The South Korean teachers tended to consider ethics as a more important criterion for judging creativity than the US teachers and emphasized providing thinking opportunity for fostering creativity, while the US teachers emphasized environmental or emotional support. Possible sources of these differences were discussed. The commonly mentioned constraints included pressure of content coverage for high-stakes tests, difficulties in assessing creativity, and class size. Suggestions for professional development of teachers and further research questions were made based on the findings.  相似文献   

This article reports survey findings related to the current status and future trends of blended learning in workplace learning settings from diverse cultures. This particular survey was conducted of 674 training and human resource development professionals from five different countries, mostly from the Asia-Pacific region (i.e., China, South Korea, Taiwan, United States, and the United Kingdom). The results show that blended learning will become a popular delivery method in the future of workplace learning not only in Western countries but also in Asian countries. Still, the respondents indicated that there were several barriers to blended learning; one of the most noticeable issues was their lack of understanding of blended learning. There is a pressing need, therefore, to provide practitioners with guidance on how to implement blended learning in their organizations. Additionally, among the countries surveyed, the results of the present study revealed that there were significant differences in the current level of adoption of blended learning, the respondents’ attitudes toward and perceptions of blended learning, and the content areas taught by blended learning. Respondents’ predictions related to emerging instructional strategies, technologies, and evaluation techniques for blended learning are also reported.  相似文献   


While professional development has been emphasised in many countries, few comparative studies have examined the degree of teachers’ participation in professional development and its effect on teachers. Using the TIMSS 2007 data, this study analyses to what extent teachers participated in professional development in 50 TIMSS countries and examines the relationship among high-quality teachers’ professional development, teachers’ beliefs, attitudes and job satisfaction. The study found that the extent to which teachers have participated in professional developmental activities was surprisingly low. In particular, teachers in 47 countries have rarely participated in active learning. The study also found that high-quality teacher professional development was significantly associated with greater job satisfaction, higher expectations for student performance and more positive attitudes in teachers concerning their implementing the school’s curriculum. Policy implications for professional development are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines how teachers’ collective efficacy (TCE), job stress, and the cultural dimension of collectivism are associated with job satisfaction for 500 teachers from Canada, Korea (South Korea or Republic of Korea), and the United States. Multigroup path analysis revealed that TCE predicted job satisfaction across settings. Job stress was negatively related to job satisfaction for North American teachers (i.e., teachers from Canada and the United States), whereas the cultural dimension of collectivism was significantly related to job satisfaction for the Korean, but not for North American teachers. For motivation theorists, the results from this study provide evidence that cultural context influences how motivation beliefs are understood and expressed in diverse settings. For educators, this study underlines the importance of collective motivation as a source of individual job satisfaction.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of between-school differences in participative school climate, time and money as learning supports, frequency of teacher appraisal, school SES, and number of teachers on individual teacher's collegial interaction. Nationally representative data for 8869 teachers in 551 lower secondary schools in England, Finland, South Korea, and the USA were analyzed. In all four countries, a participative school climate was positively associated with teacher collegial interaction, while support in the form of extra compensation did not have a significant effect on teacher collegial interaction. The influence of other school-level features was not consistent across countries.  相似文献   

The current study investigates gender differences in behavioral regulation in four societies: the United States, Taiwan, South Korea, and China. Directly assessed individual behavioral regulation (Head–Toes–Knees–Shoulders, HTKS), teacher-rated classroom behavioral regulation (Child Behavior Rating Scale, CBRS) and a battery of school readiness assessments (mathematics, vocabulary, and early literacy) were used with 814 young children (ages 3–6 years). Results showed that girls in the United States had significantly higher individual behavioral regulation than boys, but there were no significant gender differences in any Asian societies. In contrast, teachers in Taiwan, South Korea, as well as the United States rated girls as significantly higher than boys on classroom behavioral regulation. In addition, for both genders, individual and classroom behavioral regulation were related to many aspects of school readiness in all societies for girls and boys. Universal and culturally specific findings and their implications are discussed.  相似文献   

1997年12月建立的朝鲜半岛问题四方会谈机制,前后共进行了六轮会谈。参加会谈的朝、韩、中、美四国围绕着驻韩美军、朝鲜半岛南北关系以及朝美关系等问题展开了激烈的较量,在许多问题上达成了共识。尽管在朝鲜半岛和平解决问题上未能取得实质性进展,但目前仍不失为“缓和半岛紧张局势并实现永久性和平的最切实可行的途径”。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the specific factors teachers consider when assigning students’ report card grades. Data were gathered from 943 K-12 teachers from five school districts in a southeastern state in the United States who completed the Teachers’ Grading Practices Survey. Analyses focused on how teachers weigh different factors in determining report card grades, and if these factors and weights differ among teachers who teach at different grade levels and have different amounts of classroom experience. Results revealed statistically significant differences among teachers at different grade levels but no differences associated with teachers’ years of experience and no interaction effect. Differences by grade level were evident in teachers’ consideration of both cognitive and non-cognitive factors of students’ performance. Implications are discussed for improving grading policies and practices, teacher education and teacher professional development.  相似文献   

赵凌 《成人教育》2022,43(2):71-76
基于职业教育质量保障与提升的需要,南非、美国、英联邦及欧洲职业培训发展中心等国家或组织近年来相继推出特色各异的职教教师专业标准框架,有力地促进了相关国家与地区职业教育的发展。随着职业教育实践的推进,国外职教教师专业标准的发展出现了强调职业素养、重视管理素养、突出教学素养、彰显质量保证素养、关注教师确立与维护内外部人际关系网的素养等新的态势,对我国高职教师专业标准的研制具有参考与借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Six observation scales for measuring the skills of teachers and 1 scale for measuring student engagement, assessed in South Korea and The Netherlands, are sufficiently reliable and offer sufficient predictive value for student engagement. A multigroup confirmatory factor analysis shows that the factor loadings and intercepts of the scales are the same, within acceptable boundaries, in both countries. Therefore, we can compare the average scores of teachers in both countries in a reliable and valid way. The 289 Dutch teachers score significantly better on “creating a safe and stimulating learning climate” and “intensive and activating teaching” and almost significantly on “efficient classroom management”. We find no significant differences in “clear and structured instruction”. The 375 South Korean teachers perform significantly better than the Dutch teachers on “teaching learning strategies” and almost significantly on “differentiating instruction”. Furthermore, we find better student engagement in South Korea.  相似文献   

美国教师专业发展的几种模式及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着教师专业化的发展,美国对教师专业发展采用不同层次的发展模式,主要有教师专业发展学校;学习型组织与团队学习;教师个人专业发展计划与自我教学实践反思等。将教师的职前培养,初任教师的过渡,在职教师的继续教育一体化,促进教师的专业成长。其成功的经验可以为我国教师专业发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This article discusses teachers' views of their own learning. Two groups of teachers attending graduate programmes in Seattle, Washington in the United States of America (USA) and Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom (UK), participated in a project that encouraged them to discuss examples of effective professional development. The teachers from the UK were enrolled on a Masters degree course for staff working with pupils with autism. The teachers from the USA were enrolled on a Masters degree course specifically focused upon working with children who have moderate to severe difficulties. Both groups of teachers were working, at least for a portion of their timetables, with pupils who had low incidence disabilities. Phyllis Jones, of the University of South Florida, Elizabeth West, from the Department of Special Education at Boise State University, and Dana Stevens, who is working on her PhD in special education at the University of Washington, analysed the critical moments of professional development identified by the teachers in both contexts. Four themes emerged: seeing the relationship between theory and practice, the role of the professor or lecturer in mediating learning, learning from others and reflecting in action. In this article, the authors analyse the themes in relation to the subtle differences that occurred within, and across, the two contexts. This analysis will assist in the design of quality professional development opportunities that reflect teachers' voices. Teachers make meaning of their learning in highly personal ways and, although it is possible to nurture formalised learning opportunities, teacher educators need to be constantly aware of the contextual and personal meaning making that is at play.  相似文献   

20世纪70年代,美国为了摆脱越南战争的泥潭以及由此带来的与苏联对抗中处于下风的不利局面,开始全球性战略收缩。在东北亚地区,美国抛出了旨在减轻美国对日、韩战略负担的交叉承认方案,其核心是谋求在朝鲜半岛制造南北朝鲜被由美日韩构成的"南三角"和由中朝苏组成的"北三角"分别承认的局面。交叉承认的本质是在冷战时代背景下的国家集团间外交。依据国际形势的发展变化以及各当事国对朝韩两国态度的变化,交叉承认问题的变迁分为南北三角对峙、"北三角"分化和后交叉承认三个时期。交叉承认未能实现其初衷的根本原因在于美国的全球战略及其在东北亚地区的战略利益。目前,随着朝核问题由于美国和朝鲜在朝鲜先弃核还是美国先同朝鲜实现关系正常化这一问题上僵持不下,重提交叉承认以促使美国承认朝鲜、给予朝鲜安全感未尝不是解决朝鲜半岛问题的一个选项。  相似文献   

初任教师的专业标准实际上就是新教师的入职门槛,对教师教育具有重要的导向作用。各国的初任教师专业标准既有共同性,都注重专业知识、专业实践、专业责任、持续学习诸方面,又各有特色:美国《InTASC示范核心教学标准》重视发展性、加拿大安大略省《专业实践基础》重视实践性、《澳大利亚初任教师教育项目认证:标准和程序》则具体而易操作。以上三国的初任教师专业标准,对中国教师专业标准的制定以及职前教师教育培养目标的完善有积极的启示作用。  相似文献   

本研究基于TALIS 2013调查数据,构建多水平数据模型,实证东亚地区中国上海、日本、新加坡和韩国的教师环境满意度和职业满意度及其影响因素。研究发现:教师有效专业发展和教师合作对中国上海、日本、新加坡和韩国的教师工作满意度有显著正向预测作用;学校层面的相互尊重氛围对中国上海、日本、新加坡的教师工作满意度有显著正向预测作用。设计有效的专业发展活动,开展多种形式的教师合作,并营造相互尊重的人际关系氛围,是提升教师工作满意度的路径。  相似文献   

Technology use in schools has great potential to improve student learning outcomes. However, it is imperative that teachers possess a set of technical skills required to implement high‐quality technologies in the classroom. Research conducted during the late 1990s and the early 2000s had pointed to the existence of a digital divide that existed in schools within the United States of America (USA), with higher‐needs schools typically having less access to technology than their lower needs counterparts. The purpose of this paper is to examine whether there is any indication of current differences in technology access, skills and classroom integration practices as reported by teachers participating in an online professional development initiative. The researchers found that, while significant differences existed between teachers in high need and non‐high need schools in the USA, context is a vital component of considering any persisting digital divides.  相似文献   

在朝鲜导弹战力日益增强的背景下,为了达到制衡朝鲜的目的,韩国向美国提出了修改《韩美导弹协定》延长导弹射程的要求,并得到了美国的同意。韩国导弹射程的延长打破了东北亚地区导弹领域的相对均势,增加了该地区国家间不信任与猜疑,使东北亚局势更加不稳。本文将围绕2012年韩美修改《韩美导弹协定》的背景及其过程进行分析,并探讨修改《导弹协定》提高韩国导弹射程的意图及影响。  相似文献   

In this study, conducted in the United States, the authors examined the motivational characteristics of teachers in the context of a large-scale performance assessment program. Teachers received professional development through their participation in the assessment program by writing items, reviewing items, and reviewing scoring criteria. An expectancy-value theory framework and embedded mixed-methods design were used to examine teachers’ (n = 119) motivations, ability beliefs, and values related to their professional development. Survey results showed that teachers generally had a high degree of intrinsic motivation for and associated social and pedagogical utility value with the professional development. Teachers reported positive ability beliefs, a high degree of usefulness, importance, and interest associated with the professional development, and positive changes to instruction and assessment. Results of multiple regression analyses showed teachers’ intrinsic motivations and ability beliefs predicted changes to instruction and assessments. Interview results illustrated the ways in which knowledge gained from involvement in the assessment program translated to practice. Results provided insight into the complexity of participants’ values, identifying factors that enabled or constrained changes to instruction and assessments.  相似文献   

This article is an exploration of the emerging narratives on learning and teacher education in the United States and Hong Kong, as found in official policy statements and curriculum documents. Particular attention is given to Hong Kong's initiative in implementing an interdisciplinary liberal studies curriculum, and the continued professional development of teachers for this proposed change. This recent trend is used to illustrate the possibilities for a broader vision of creating and substantiating knowledge and learning in teacher education programs in the United States.  相似文献   

The authors aimed to investigate learning culture in classrooms at schools to understand education in Finland and South Korea. For this, Finnish and South Korean university students made observations on classrooms in partner countries and reflected on both education systems based on their own previous experiences (2011–2014). Afterwards, researchers from both countries categorized and thematized the experiences of the participants, and interpreted the main themes to figure out the learning culture in Finland and South Korea. As a result, the learning culture in both countries were characterized into six themes: teacher's autonomy in teaching, authenticity in learning, relationships between teachers and students, learning assessment, student engagement, and student well-being. Noteworthy features of high-performing education were recognized through the observation on the learning culture in both countries.  相似文献   

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