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传统的理科教学多采用讲授法,不能有效地促进学生学习和能力发展。现代认知学习理论的研究提倡使用"学习循环模式"。美国大学理科新教学方式的实践表明,"学习循环模式"促进了学生学习和科学思维能力的形成。本文介绍了美国大学理科教学的现状、新教学方法的理论依据和实践以及对我国大学理科教学的启示。  相似文献   

学习故事是一种对儿童学习与发展进行的叙事性评价方式,对教师理解儿童和帮助儿童进一步学习具有积极的意义。基于幼儿个体认知发展、学习共同体、学习环境等视角,学习故事都蕴含着"儿童中心"的理念,具有很高的实践价值。借鉴学习故事必须进行本土化探索,教师在将理念付诸实践的过程中要把握课程内涵并熟知儿童学习轨迹。  相似文献   

建构主义学习理论认为儿童同伴合作学习的关键价值在于促进儿童的认知改变.而同伴合作学习之所以能促进儿童认知改变是由于两个重要因素,即"同伴间的差异"和"积极的语言交流".因此,为了促进儿童同伴合作学习的有效开展,教师应确定适宜的合作学习任务,合理组建合作学习小组,提高儿童语言交流能力.  相似文献   

杨彦捷 《幼儿教育》2012,(Z6):92-96
加拿大政府重视早期教育。安大略省和不列颠哥伦比亚省近年颁布的早期学习框架均强调儿童是天生的学习者,儿童的发展既有连续性又有差异性,还会受到环境和成人的影响。在教育原则上,两省的早期学习框架均强调教师与家庭和社区的合作,重视教师的回应与反馈,重视游戏的作用,尊重儿童的多元文化背景。两省的早期学习框架均对社会性、情感、语言、认知和身体运动等提出了明确的发展目标。  相似文献   

叶妮 《教育教学论坛》2012,(Z1):226-228
学习不良是教育界和心理学界持续关心的问题,本文从对父母评价的认知、教养态度和文化程度三方面分析父母因素对学习不良儿童的影响,提出可操作性的建议,以促进学习不良儿童的发展。  相似文献   

一、了解儿童心理需求儿童学习数学不同于成人,要想创造孩子喜欢的课堂,就要谙熟儿童心理,了解儿童需求,把握儿童认知规律,形成良好的儿童数学教育观。"儿童教育心理学"可以帮助教育者有目的、有意识的了解儿童独特的心理世界,进而正确地处理教学中的各种矛盾和突发事件,保护儿童幼稚的心灵;"儿童教育心理学"还能帮助教育者认识学习的内在过程、特点和规律,探索影响儿童学习的内  相似文献   

为超越认知心理学的局限,深度学习研究从狭义走向广义成为必然.复杂科学为广义深度学习研究提供了全新视角,学习科学为学习系统简化提供了合理依据,以此可重新审视深度学习的缘起、内涵、机制及过程.研究结合人工智能历史演变,指出深度学习缘起于认知心理学的重塑、课程与教学论的变革以及教育技术学的突破;基于对既有内涵的梳理,认为深度学习是学习科学视阈下对信息深度加工过程、教师深度引导过程、技术深度支持过程三者的最优整合;依托影响因素分析,点明深度学习的发生机制以知识内容为客观载体、以真实情境为客观条件、以心理机能为主观意识;从纵向优化和横向整合两个方面建立了深度学习的一般过程模型,其间三个"深度过程"和"三维机制"不断趋于最优整合,共同促进学习者深度学习.  相似文献   

为超越认知心理学的局限,深度学习研究从狭义走向广义成为必然.复杂科学为广义深度学习研究提供了全新视角,学习科学为学习系统简化提供了合理依据,以此可重新审视深度学习的缘起、内涵、机制及过程.研究结合人工智能历史演变,指出深度学习缘起于认知心理学的重塑、课程与教学论的变革以及教育技术学的突破;基于对既有内涵的梳理,认为深度学习是学习科学视阈下对信息深度加工过程、教师深度引导过程、技术深度支持过程三者的最优整合;依托影响因素分析,点明深度学习的发生机制以知识内容为客观载体、以真实情境为客观条件、以心理机能为主观意识;从纵向优化和横向整合两个方面建立了深度学习的一般过程模型,其间三个"深度过程"和"三维机制"不断趋于最优整合,共同促进学习者深度学习.  相似文献   

理科教学中长期存在的教学效率低、学业成绩低、学生理科学习兴趣不高等问题一直没有得到有效的解决,其根本原因在于对理科学习困难的成因和现状缺乏深入的、系统的分析。对辽宁、北京和河南三个省(市)的高中师生展开的学习困难量化研究显示,师生对高中理科学习困难的原因认识存在显著性差异,都是客体因素排在第一,而将涉及自己的因素排在最后。指标的细化研究表明,师生认为导致理科学习困难的最重要因素是"生活实践"、"学习方法",最不重要的因素是"学习基础",而关于"情感态度"的认识则差异较大。  相似文献   

为探究儿童快乐、高效学习和全面发展的路径,李吉林在民族文化的导引下,历经30多年,建构了中国式的儿童情境学习范式。从"意境说"中概括出"真、美、情、思",并将此列为儿童情境学习的四大核心元素。让儿童认识一个真实的世界,让符号学习与生活连接;用美的愉悦唤起情感,在熏陶感染中促进儿童主动发展;用情感生成内驱力,让情感伴随儿童的认知活动;在广远的意境中,通过想象开发儿童潜在智慧。"情感与认知结合"是儿童情境学习的核心理念。择美构境,境美生情,以情启智,把情感活动与认知活动结合起来,引导儿童在情境中学、思、行、冶的儿童情境学习范式,显示了民族文化的独特优势。  相似文献   

This study examined elementary school children's beliefs about learning and assessed the influences of such beliefs on their understanding of science texts. Eighty-three children, 46 from Grade 4 and 37 from Grade 6, were administered a questionnaire on children's implicit notions of learning. Children were also asked to read a science text and complete several tasks that assessed their understanding of text information. Results indicated that older children were more likely to hold constructivist views of learning, and they also performed better than younger children on the text-processing tasks. As well, children's views of learning were significantly related to depth of text understanding when age effects were controlled. This study extends current research on epistemological beliefs of university and high school students. Implications of children's beliefs about learning and their roles in knowledge construction are discussed. Copyright 2001 Academic Press.  相似文献   

幼儿园科学教育作为针对幼儿实施的科学启蒙教育,不应采取唯科学知识至上的价值取向,而应追求求真、扬善、达美的完美统一.其中求真是最基本的科学精神与态度,教师不仅要保证所传授知识的准确性,更应给予幼儿科学探究的机会,耐心等待幼儿自己解决遇到的科学问题,鼓励和支持幼儿因坚持自己的主张而增加的探究过程,而且在科学活动的设计上要全面考虑活动本身的探究价值,能够真正激发幼儿的探究需要;扬善是最重要的科学内核与价值追求,科学只有用于善的目的才能真正造福人类.幼儿科学教育必须渗透情感教育,努力培养幼儿热爱自然、善待生命、关爱环境的情感与意识;达美是科学追求的自在自为境界,幼儿科学教育必须融合审美教育,让幼儿在审美愉悦中更深刻地体验到生命与自然的美好,更坚定地维护科学扬善的价值追求与求真的精神态度.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the extent to which research experience could enhance pre-service teachers' understanding of children's knowledge of mathematical concepts. A group of five pre-service teachers designed and conducted a study of children's understanding of fractions. As participant-observers throughout their study we gathered evidence of change in pre-service teachers' representations of children's knowledge of fractions. The focus of our observations was on the conflicts generated by the gaps between the pre-service teachers' research findings and their representations of the children's knowledge of fractions. Results indicate that research experience is fruitful in developing an inquisitive disposition in pre-service teachers and in sensitizing future teachers to children's knowledge of a mathematical concept. Pre-service teachers became familiar with the research literature regarding children's understanding of fractions, they questioned the typical instructional sequence of teaching fractions and they scrutinized methods of assessing children's knowledge of mathematical topics.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study of children learning science through investigations. Because many skill-type performances depend upon knowing and understanding the relevant content, this paper addresses both the children's understanding of scientific ideas and their performance of the science process skills. Twenty-four written records of investigations conducted by Hong Kong primary school children were studied to explore children's cognitive processes in scientific investigations. The paper concludes with a model that provides useful information about aspects of children's cognitive understanding and the practical processes that are necessary for scientific investigation.  相似文献   

In 1990, a large proportion of third year primary trainee teachers at Victoria College had observed or taught very few or no science lessons during the first two years of their course. The students felt that a lack of content knowledge, a crowded school curriculum, and problems associated with managing resources and equipment, were the main factors contributing to the low level of science being taught in schools. By the end of their third year significantly more students had taught science than after the second year. There was also a change in approach to teaching science with more practical activities being included than previously. The science method unit taught to the students in the third year of their course contributed to this increase. The students considered the hands-on activities in class to have been the most effective aspect of the unit in their preparation for the teaching of primary science. Specializations: children's learning in science, primary teacher education. Specializations: student understanding of biology, evaluation of formal and informal educational settings. Specializations: gender, science and technology, environmental education. Specializations: children's learning in science, language and science.  相似文献   

In 2 studies, we address young children's understanding of the origin and representational relations of imagination, a fictional mental state, and contrast this with their understanding of knowledge, an epistemic mental state. In the first study, 54 3- and 4-year-old children received 2 tasks to assess their understanding of origins, and 4 stories to assess their understanding of representational relations. Children of both ages understood that, whereas perception is necessary for knowledge, it is irrelevant for imagination. Results for children's understanding of representational relations revealed intriguing developmental differences. Although children understood that knowledge represents reality more truthfully than imagination, 3-year-olds often claimed that imagination reflected reality. The second study provided additional evidence that younger 3-year-olds judge that imaginary representations truthfully reflect reality. We propose that children's responses indicate an early understanding of the distinction between mental states and the world, but also a confusion regarding the extent to which mental contents represent the physical world.  相似文献   

This pilot study set out to ascertain whether the level of dependence on resource material is related to teaching experience, existing understanding in mechanics, and perceived self confidence in science and technology. Details of teaching experience and qualifications were obtained from 11 experienced teachers and 10 initial teacher trainees, and understanding of mechanics was assessed by a written test. Each teacher worked through one commercially produced inservice pack about levers, pulleys or gears, and then prepared a 30 minute session for 4 ten year old children. Videos of the sessions were analysed with respect to the extent to which the pack was the sole focus; the amount of integration with other teaching aids and approaches; and the extent individual children's needs were satisfied. Although science qualifications influenced teacher confidence, they were not accurate predictors of relevant knowledge and teaching competence. As the majority of teachers followed pack instructions closely, the children's needs were not always well matched. Specializations: primary science and technology, teacher education. Specialisations: science education.  相似文献   

Derek Hodson 《Interchange》1993,24(1-2):41-52
This study sought to establish whether teachers' views about the nature of science and scientific inquiry are reflected in their choice and design of learning experiences and, therefore, are significant influences on children's understanding of science. Even those teachers who hold clear and coherent views about science do not plan laboratory-based activities consistently in relation to those views, concentrating instead on the immediate concerns of classroom management and on concept acquisition and development.  相似文献   

论化学教师的PCK结构及其建构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师专业发展的核心问题就是发展他们的PCK。化学教师的PCK主要包括基于化学科学理解的化学学科知识、关于学生理解化学的知识、关于化学课程的知识和化学特定课题的教学策略及表征的知识。教师的PCK是在实践中建构和发展的。PCK的发展是一个非线性的、螺旋发展的动态的过程。化学教师PCK建构的基本策略是:形成促进PCK发展的教学思维方式,提升对化学科学的理解水平,关注学生对于化学的理解,发展化学课程知识,提高整合转化能力,多渠道丰富PCK资源库。  相似文献   

Our goal was to explore how children's understanding of gender as a social category relates to their acquisition of sex-typed knowledge and preferences. Children's gender concepts, sex-typed preferences, and stereotyped knowledge were measured in 61 boys and girls (3-5 years). Gender concept measures included ability to identify and to discriminate the sexes, understanding gender group membership, temporal stability of gender, and gender consistency over situational changes. Children improved with age on most of the measures except gender consistency. With the exception of consistency, measures of gender concept understanding were found to be related to children's stereotyped toy and clothing knowledge and/or to their sex-typed toy preferences (with age controlled). It was shown that only rudimentary gender understanding is needed prior to children learning about sex stereotypes and prior to showing strong sex-typed preferences for peers or toys. The roles of gender identity, stability, consistency, and group membership in the sex-typing process are discussed.  相似文献   

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