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应用心理学专业在我国高校中是开设较晚的专业,如何使这一专业的课程设置科学化、合理化、反映学科自身的内在联系,使学生系统地掌握该学科的基本知识、基本技能等,是开设这一专业的高校目前所没有解决好但都在探讨的问题。我们根据几年来的工作实践,在不断调整、完善的基础上,就建立应用心理学专业课程体系的指导思想,应用心理学专业课程设置的层次划分,应用心理学专业课程设置模型,应用心理学专业各层次课程开设序列等问题进行了研究,较为合理地解决了这一问题。  相似文献   

学校心理学专业及其课程设置   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文借鉴国外学校心理学专业和学科的发展,结合我国实际讨论了:①学校心理学的学科性质;②在我国设置学校心理学专业的必要性和可能性;③学校心理学专业的培养目标与培养层次;④学校心理学专业的课程设置。作者认为借鉴国外经验,结合我国实际情况,设置学校心理学专业是改变目前我国高等院校应用心理学专业没有明确针对性、课程结构散乱、学生缺乏职业技能等状况的一条有效途径  相似文献   

应用心理学就业升温   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、应用心理专业培养什么样的人才1、应用心理学专业培养目标从心理学专业的整体发展来看,国内高校心理学系一般分三个专业方向:基础心理学、发展与教育心理学和应用心理学。从近年来招生情况来看,报考应用心理学的学生明显多于发展与教育心理学和基础心  相似文献   

我国区域经济专业课程体系有经济学与地理学两大派系。目前,存在的问题主要是各自为战,所开课程偏向明显;区域经济课程单薄,相关课程偏多,专业特色不突出;专业方向课设置的科学性与系统性不够强。针对这些问题。本提出了一个由核心课程,专业基础课程(包括理论与研究技术基础课)、研究方向课程、相关学科和理论发展动态课程四个层次的课程所组成的新的课程体系。  相似文献   

在中央电大九○级教学计划中,机械工程类新开设了“机电专业”,以满足社会对人才的需要,为各地电大办学单位拓宽办学路子。对机电专业总的设想是以“机”为主,加强“电”方面的基础知识;以应用为主,增强对本专业基础理论知识的应用及解决实际问题的能力。学制规定为三年。课程设置除了公共基础课外,对专业基础课有所加强。属于“机”方面的专业基础课有:画法几何及机械制图、工程力学、机械制造基础、机械设计基础四门课程;属于“电”方面的专业基础课有:电工基础、电子基础、微机基础、自动控制等课程。专业课包括金属切削原理与刀具、机床概论、机械制造工艺学、机械设备电气与数字控制等课程。若专业方向以“电”为主,则只需配置适当“电”方向的专业课程即可。  相似文献   

以黄山学院为例,根据毕业生就业去向分析,地方本科院校应用心理学专业就业情况不容乐观。专业建设的主要问题有:专业方向设置雷同;课程体系沿袭心理学(师范)专业,实践教学体系尚需进一步完善;教师队伍亟待加强,教学方法较为传统等。要提高应用心理学专业整体水平,应在设置专业方向时形成错位发展,凝练毕业生核心知识、能力和素质要求,构建相应的课程体系和实践教学体系.加强校企合作,注重教师队伍建设和教学方法改革。  相似文献   

参照国内院校相关专业建设资料,以天津工程师范学院应用心理学专业01至06级学生及任课教师为调查对象,对该校应用心理学专业课程设置、师资队伍建设、教学实践及培养方向环节的满意度及相关环节改革的紧迫性进行了问卷调查,并对该专业建设过程中存在的问题进行了剖析,提出了以明确专业特色、加强师资队伍建设为主的相关建议。  相似文献   

关于应用心理学专业学生实践能力薄弱的反思   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
实践能力是应用心理学专业学生的重要素质。课程设置不合理、实验设施不足、师资队伍实践能力欠缺、教学方法陈旧落后决定了应用心理学专业学生实践能力薄弱,不能适应社会需求和专业发展。只有树立专业实践能力本位的教学新思维,积极推进专业教育教学改革,才能培养能主动适应社会发展和市场经济所需要的应用型心理学人才。  相似文献   

刘萍 《林区教学》2010,(9):73-74
任何一个方向的日语专业设置一般都分为必修课和选修课两大部分,必修课除了一些公共课程外,主要是语言知识、语言技能等专业基础课程,但是选修课应该如何进行合理的设置才能符合应用型人才培养的方向也是非常重要的,通过对应用日语专业课程体系设置的研究,结合近几年来的探索和实践,介绍了适合应用日语专业选修课程设置的总体思想和相关的经验。  相似文献   

《人体解剖生理学》课程是应用心理学专业必不可少的基础理论课,针对应用心理学专业学生特点,在《人体解剖生理学》课程教学中通过合理分配学时、提高学生学习兴趣、重视实验课教学等方法,同时充分利用多媒体系统和校园网络平台等先进教学辅助手段,以期获得更好的教学效果。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to suggest future directions for research in educational psychology as we enter our second hundred years of psychology in America. The basic theme is that there are both continuities and discontinuities in our development from the early days of Hall, Thorndike, James, and Dewey to the current multiplicity of perspectives represented in educational psychology. Eight issues are presented that will guide future research directions. They include. (a) specifying basic constructs; (b) developing integrative models and linkages between constructs; (c) returning to the problems of acquisition, learning, and transfer; (d) applying models from the sciences and mathematics; (e) dealing with the discontinuity of contextual and cultural models; (0 including content and disciplinary perspectives; (g) adapting to diversity; and (h) developing multiple perspectives an the unit of analysis issue. The article concludes with a call for the allowance of multiple perspectives and multiple possible selves for educational psychologists while maintaining a commitment to psychological models and the improvement of education.  相似文献   

Educational psychology courses should be the best taught courses on college campuses given that its instructors and textbook authors are resident experts in learning and teaching. More specifically, we contend that educational psychology courses should adhere to six principles. Educational psychology courses should: (a) be driven by teaching models, (b) integrate theory and practice, (c) provide opportunities to practice teaching skills, (d) present an integrated model for instructional planning, (e) prepare teachers to teach learning strategies, and (f) help students learn. We surveyed practicing teachers and analyzed current educational psychology texts and found that these principles are not upheld. We report on the principles, our findings, and how an educational psychology course that upholds these principles might be developed.  相似文献   

谷科 《科教导刊》2020,(2):38-39
在学科大类的培养体系下,如何对各个专业的公共课程、公共专业基础课程、专业课程从顶层进行规划,建立联系和区分,改革计算机专业大类人才的基础教育课程培养体系,加强基础理论教育的同时培养学生的专业发展兴趣和良好的思想品德,将是一个值得研究的教改课题。本文以新时代教育方针下的要求作为指导方向,根据现有计算机相关专业学生的培养目标和培养方案,探讨和改进省属重点高校计算机专业大类人才培养方案基础课程体系改革的研究内容和目标,主要包括新时代教育方针下省属重点高校计算机专业大类人才基础课程培养体系改革的必要性、存在的问题及原因、培养体系改革与实践的具体措施、体系改革的实效性分析等。  相似文献   

论高师院校创新教育教学模式的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高师院校创新教育教学模式构建的理论依据是“全面发展”的教育理论、“三个面向”的教育思想、“以人为本”的教育理念和转型发展理论 ;其基本内容包括确立创新教育观、优化课程结构、构建多维互动的课堂教学模式、建立课堂教学与校园文化活动的互动机制、建立符合创新教育思想的教学质量评价体系与教学管理模式 ;其主要措施包括修订专业教学计划、柔化高师专业方向、建立高师课程创新体系、改革教学方法和教学手段、创新教学管理体制、培养创新型师资等。  相似文献   

网络课程中的交互应该是“有意义的交互”,意义交互的设计需要以教学交往理论、教育心理学理论以及相关教育软件开发理论为指导进行科学的界定与分类,并确立相应的设计原则和评价机制,以确保交互的设计能够在教学者与学习者之间、学习者原有知识与新知识之间、新知识与学习者非智力因素之间起到有机的联系作用,从而使网络课程的交互设计具有科学的教学性,使网络课程学习成为“有意义的学习”。  相似文献   

Case Study as a Constructivist Pedagogy for Teaching Educational Psychology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent interest and inquiry into constructivism, pedagogical content knowledge, and case study methodology are influencing the content and goals of educational psychology in teacher preparation. The reasons seem clear: The content of educational psychology lends itself to authentic, active, and pragmatic applications of theory to school practices, as well as to investigations of a variety of educational issues, perspectives, and contexts which can be viewed through case study, a constructivist problem-based approach to learning. Widely-used educational psychology texts are including constructivism as a cognitive alternative to behaviorist and information processing views of teaching and learning. Concurrently, case studies are being integrated in educational psychology texts, and a myriad of case texts have appeared with application to educational psychology courses. This article considers the decisions, benefits, and difficulties in teaching educational psychology through a constructivist case study approach.  相似文献   

Theories of motivation frequently conflict with one another, not only in their basic assumptions, but also in their interpretation of similar phenomena. Consequently, the teacher of educational psychology faces the arduous task of reasonably clarifying for students some means of transferring this contrasting information into a usable format \ of guidelines and principles. The Time Continuum Model of Motivation directly assists this process by systematically consolidating motivational constructs across theories. This model organizes six major factors — attitude, need, stimulation, affect, competence and reinforcement — along a time sequence. The instructor of educational psychology can use the model to demonstrate the applicability of different motivational theories to a variety of learning situations. In addition, the key questions of how and when to use the basic elements from different motivational theories can be systematically approached for optimal student learning and transfer to applied settings.  相似文献   

Front‐end analysis, a performance‐problem‐solving technique, suggests that improved training is only one of the solutions to a problem. In education, where inadequate learning and poor motivation are symptoms of the problem, major curricular revisions of Educational Psychology courses may not constitute the best, solution. A task analysis of what expert teachers do suggests that the most relevant skills to be acquired belong at the principle‐applying level of Gagné's hierarchy, while most educational psychology courses tend to develop verbal repertoires meeting objectives of the sort “After reading what I have to say, the student will be able to tell me what I said.”; More attention to relevance of content and less to media and modes of presentation is now required.  相似文献   

Teacher education students sometimes question the value of educational psychology courses even though educational psychology textbooks are primarily concerned with understanding and improving classroom teaching and learning. A survey of current educational psychology textbooks and instructors reveals that (a) most texts cover a wide variety of topics, (b) instructors rate most of these topics as important, (c) there are large variations in depth of coverage among texts, and (d) all texts contain numerous classroom applications. The questionable reputation of the educational psychology course may stem from its broad coverage. A dozen or more topics in one semester may decrease the probability that most students will achieve a solid grasp of any one topic, leaving students uncertain about the course's meaning and applicability. A proposed solution is to offer the introductory course as a two-semester sequence, with the second course offered as an elective.  相似文献   

A historical review of educational psychology might improve understanding of current status and problems. Before American development of the field, the Greeks, Juan Vives in the 16th century, and Pestalozzi and Herbart in the 19th century applied psychological views to educational problems. Despite the absence of scientific psychology in 19th century America, normal schools offered courses purporting to be psychological in content; these courses were supported by textbooks on the subject. James began, and Thorndike developed, the discipline that by the mid-1920s had assumed much of its current form. Journals and academic departments appeared in the first quarter of the century also. The continuing search through the middle of the century for a satisfying professional organization reflected educational psychology's difficulties in establishing an identity. It is not clear even today that the field has “crystallized,” as one writer described it in the 1920s.  相似文献   

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