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金融工程专业的大众化和应用型人才培养目标,决定了综合实践能力的培养成为金融工程本科专业教学改革的着力点。通过构建理论教学、专业实训、资格考试、商科大赛、第二课堂、项目实践和专业辅修“七位一体”的人才培养体系,以生源选择、养成教育、师资队伍、校内实验室和校外实习基地建设为保障,实施专业人才培养评价体系,提升人才的市场竞争力。  相似文献   

金融工程专业是地方应用型本科院校的热门招生专业,但由于师资缺乏、经费不足、定位不明确等诸多原因,该专业的实践教学存在一些共性问题。本文论述了金融工程专业开展实践教学的意义,并深入研究了地方型应用本科院校金融工程实践教学中存在的相关问题,在此基础上,建议通过:修订人才培养方案,明确金融人才培养目标;提高实践教学思想觉悟,增强投入和监管力度;关注金融发展,构建紧贴时代发展的金融实践培养体系;加强实践教学师资建设,提升应用型师资水平;创新校企合作模式,实现互惠共赢;通过学科竞赛,增强实践教学效果等举措,促进金融工程专业实践教学的改革。  相似文献   

以专业教育评估为导向的工程应用型人才培养模式的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以专业教育评估为基点,对工程应用型人才培养模式进行构建,并从人才培养方案、实验室与实习基地、双师型素质的师资队伍、课程结构设置.实践教学体系、课程教学内容、教学手段与方法、管理制度与运行机制等方面进行探索.  相似文献   

独立学院的人才培养目标定位为培养高素质应用型技术人员,要求培养出来的财务管理专业学生则要具备管理、经济、法律和理财、金融等方面的知识和能力,能在工商、金融、企事业单位及政府部门从事财务、金融及教学、科研方面工作的工商管理学科高级专门人才。本文结合“独立学院”的实际,从财务管理实践教学目标的定位、实践教学师资培养、推行案例教学法和建立校内模拟实验室与校外实习基地等几个方面进行了初步探索。  相似文献   

金融工程专业作为聊城大学2018年新开设专业,通过实训教学体系的构建在保证应用型人才培养特色的同时不断提升学生的实践能力,构建与完善实训教学体系,有助于推动地方院校金融工程专业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

论文通过对金融专业人才培养目标的思考,探讨了实践教学在研究型大学金融学建设中的重要意义,并结合目前金融学专业实践教学存在的主要问题提出如何构建应用型金融人才培养的实践教学体系的设想。  相似文献   

构建高职院校物流管理专业实践教学体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以能力为主线的人才培养模式是应用型物流人才培养过程中提出一种新思路.在该模式下,科学合理的实践教学体系是实现应用型专业人才培养目标的关键.高职院校的师资力量和实验室建设上较为薄弱,但在办学体制及产学研结合上具有很大创新优势.本文探讨高职院校物流管理专业实践教学体系构建的基本思路及具体实施方法,并提出提高实践教学质量的主要措施.  相似文献   

为了进一步深化产教融合和校企合作,高分子材料与工程专业以深厚的校企合作基础为积淀,以与企业的科研项目合作为载体,积极构建校企联合的协同创新和应用型人才培养平台。在辽宁省普通本科高等学校向应用型转变示范专业的建设中,积极探索理论教学和实践教学的新模式,充分利用专业实训实验室、校内工程实践中心、校企协同创新实验室和共建校外实践教育基地提高了本科生的实践能力、创新能力和职业能力的培养质量。  相似文献   

借鉴德国FH大学推行模块化教学的成功经验,剖析经济与金融专业实施模块化课程改革的必要性,从宏观、中观、微观三角度出发构建经济与金融专业模块化课程体系的基本框架.在国家职业标准下按照应用型人才培养目标,分析经济与金融专业对应的岗位群,根据岗位群的特点确定能力结构,从而构建细化的教学模块,为应用型本科高校经济与金融专业模块化课程改革提供参考.  相似文献   

应用型通信人才培养的实践教学体系改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实践教学体系是应用型人才培养方案的重要组成部分,合理的实践教学体系是应用型人才培养的基本保证,强化实践教学是应用型专业特色的重要体现.论述了通信工程专业强化学生实践应用能力所做的体系改革及取得的成效.结合专业定位,实践教学体系改革的主要内容是优化实践教学内容,搭建实践平台,拓展实践途径,明确实践目标.通过创新实践教学模式、整合实验实践平台、探索多种实践形式与途径、将实践教学与学生就业相接轨等方式强化实践教学的效果,形成内容合理,模式新颖,形式多样,与就业接轨的符合专业定位的实践教学新体系.最终在实践环节的设置、实践教学的途径与思路,专业认证等方面取得了明显的成效.  相似文献   

浅谈企业财务内部控制制度的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
财务内部控制制度是企业经营管理制度中的一项重要制度,良好的财务内部控制制度对保护企业财产物资的安全、保证会计信息的真实完整、提高管理效率等具有重要作用。本文简要地阐述了建立企业财务内部控制制度的原则和内容,同时提出了在其建立过程中应考虑的因素和注意的问题。  相似文献   


This study assessed the effectiveness, in terms of attrition/persistence, of an experimental program for disadvantaged freshmen (A’ = 104) as contrasted with a control program (N = 104). Multifactor analyses of variance considered the effects of programs, special instruction, financial aid, ACT, sex, race, and GPA. In terms of freshman attrition/persistence, there were no viable significant differences between the experimental and control programs; between special and regular instruction; between financial aid and no financial aid; between special instruction with financial aid and regular instruction with no financial aid; between lower and higher ACT scores; between males and females; or between blacks and whites. Grades (as significant main effects and in significant interactions) differentiated freshman attrition/ persistence consistently.  相似文献   

The present paper examines the impact of ability matching and differentiated instruction on the learning outcomes of eighth and ninth grade students in a financial education programme. In particular, the effect of within-class ability matching is investigated by forming pairs of students either randomly or based on their abilities. In addition, the paper studies whether differentiated instruction, in the form of additional instructions for lower ability students, enhances the impact of the financial education programme. The paper provides evidence on the effects of both practices using two randomised control trials involving 65 schools and 2,407 students. Overall, the results suggest that the programme raises the financial proficiency of students by 0.18 standard deviations. Although the learning outcomes of the average student are not affected by the differentiation practices, non-native students significantly benefit from differentiated instruction.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of strategy instruction and incentives on performance, confidence, and calibration accuracy. Individuals (N = 107) in randomly assigned treatment groups received a multicomponent strategy instruction intervention, financial incentives for high performance, or both. The authors predicted that incentives would improve performance, while strategy instruction would improve performance, confidence, and calibration accuracy as a result of better monitoring and self-regulation of learning. The authors compared pre- and posttest items and 20 new posttest-only items. They found significant effects for strategy training on performance, confidence, and calibration accuracy, as well as the interaction between strategy training and time on calibration accuracy. Incentives improved performance and calibration accuracy, either directly, or through an interaction with strategy training. Implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

本文通过建立多媒体和网络化学习环境,探索研究性教学在大学的实施。采取课程目标多元化、团队教学、学术研究与课程学习、利用现代教育技术等变量,在《学习科学与技术》课程中的摸索后发现,研究性教学对教学质量和学生能力培养的提高都有益处,但要普及研究性学习,需要改变教学评价制度与教学条件以及给予经费上的支持。  相似文献   

The two decades from 1950 to 1970 were a crucial period of educational reorganization in Malaysia that stemmed from the decolonization after the Second World War. This educational reorganization sought to address the perennial issue of nation building via educational language policy. The development of Chinese education was under severe threat as the British colonial government opted for a national school system that used English and Malay as the media of instruction in place of the segregated vernacular school system that had existed during the colonial period. Much to the relief of the Chinese, the national school system failed to materialize due to the lack of financial resources to reorganize the entire educational system. But the Chinese were unable to maintain the Chinese school system within the ambit of the national educational system advocated by the postcolonial Alliance government. The Alliance government had only allowed the Chinese to undergo Chinese education at the primary level. At the secondary level, it opted for a monolingual system of education based on Malay as the main medium of instruction in order to foster national integration through a common language. The Chinese had to switch to this medium of instruction if they wanted to remain in mainstream education. Such a system of transitional bilingual education was aimed at incorporating the Chinese into the nation building process.  相似文献   

财务会计学是会计学科学习的基础,也是企业工作使用的主要的会计手段。财务会计也是所有会计专业学生的入门课程。针对会计学习入门的教学与学习,本文提出新的学习观点,把财务会计当成一门语言学科来入门,掌握了基础知识之后再进行进一步的升级学习,希望能够解决财务会计教学与学习不得其门而入的问题。  相似文献   

My Classroom Economy is a simulated economy where students have the opportunity to engage in financial decisions on a daily basis. It provides financial literacy instruction without requiring significant classroom time, and is relatively simple for teachers to implement. Compared to schools where My Classroom Economy was delayed or never implemented, students showed strong improvements in financial knowledge. Compared to a traditional lecture-based curriculum, students showed similar gains in learning. Based on standardized math test scores, there was no substitution away from core school curriculum after the program began. Experiential financial education appears to be an effective strategy to teach financial literacy, even at lower grade levels. It is also a relatively low-cost approach that does not require extensive teacher preparation.  相似文献   

探讨了互动式教学法在"财务会计"教学中的重要意义,给出了该教学法的具体应用,并分析了在应用过程中需要注意的相关问题。  相似文献   

Innovative Higher Education - Universities were forced to move instruction online and send residential students home due to the pandemic, resulting in financial shortfalls. Governing boards,...  相似文献   

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