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中国教育报:半工半读不能变成勤工俭学时下,半工半读在很多职业学校开展起来,但是,出于种种主客观原因,一些学校只是把半工半读作为学生获取经济利益、缓解学费困难的一种勤工俭学途径,造成学生在半工半读期间,“工”与“读”并无联系,甚至毫不相干。事实上,当前职业学校提倡的半工半读,既有减轻学生家庭经济困难的目的,更有提高学生实践动手能力的要求,甚至后者更为重要。工与学结合,是推进半工半读,使半工半读能够切实开展的关键。学生在实践当中学习,  相似文献   

2005年11月,全国职业教育会议提出:“建立和完善半工半读”。现在回忆四十多年前上海电机制造学校(以下简称“电校”)试行勤工俭学、半工半读的经验、教训,对当前实行半工半读的学校,特别是实行技术教育的高等职业技术学院和中等专业学校,可能有所帮助。  相似文献   

半工半读职业教育思潮(上)   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
陈波涌 《职教论坛》2004,(28):60-62
半工半读职业教育思潮是20世纪50年代末至70年代在我国兴起的一种教育思潮.该思潮提倡"勤工俭学"、"教育与生产劳动相结合",重视教育制度改革与劳动制度改革的联系与融合,强调教育的平民化、普及化,给新中国的教育界,特别是职业教育带来了深刻的影响.半工半读职业教育思潮的主要代表人物为刘少奇.  相似文献   

长辛店留法勤工俭学旧址是北京市文物保护单位,也是北京市爱国主义教育纪念地。1918年秋,由蔡元培、李石曾等创立的北京华法教育会在长辛店开设了留法勤工俭学预备班。青年学生半工半读,攻读法文的同时也经受劳动锻炼。后来,这批毕业后赴法留学的青年学生中的很多人走上了革命道路。这座二层小楼见证了革命先辈在这里留下的光辉不朽的足迹。  相似文献   

江苏省勤工俭学展览会于8月16日在南京开幕。它是检閱与評比全省中等以上学校貫彻勤工俭学方針以来所取得的成績,广泛的交流經驗,全面、生动地宣传党的教育与生产劳动相結合的教育方針和毛主席的教育思想,进一步推动勤工俭学、半工半读的开展。展览会陈列实物为主,輔以必要的模型和图表。参加展出的单位,包括全省各地区評选出来的各类学校963所,各种展覽品12000多件。通过展覽会,証实党中央和毛主席所提出的教育为无产阶級政治服务、教育与生产劳动相結合的方針是完全正确的。本省貫彻勤工俭学  相似文献   

我校早在1958年就开展了勤工俭学活动,到1963年校办油漆厂已有百万元的年生产能力。刘少奇主席曾在全国教育会议上举例赞扬过我校的半工半读、勤工俭学。“十年动乱”中油漆厂被强行划归工业部门我校1970年又办起了化学试剂厂,产品质量均达国家标准。17年累计总产值170多万元,固定资产增加到38万元,已向学校提供了30万元资金,改善了办学条件和教职工福利,促进了教学质量的稳步提高,1982  相似文献   

朱冬建 《新课程研究》2009,(6):118-118,106
一、工学结合的起源 新中国建立初期,工学结合教育模式作为官方认可的称呼是“半工半读”。19世纪五六十年代,曾经风靡一时的半工半读给人们留下深刻印象。这一时期是我国教育史上出现最严重偏差的时期,尤其是“文化大革命”时期,极“左”思潮使教育的偏差发展到几乎断送我国教育的地步。半工半读在极“左”思想的影响下,片面强调生产劳动,无视学校教育特有的规律,  相似文献   

为了积极准备在小学有步骤地贯彻半工半读、勤工俭学方针,桐城县文教局在1月下旬抽调干部和三个小学校长,在官桥小学就贯彻这一方针的具体作法,作了深入的调查研究和试验工作。  相似文献   

高职文秘专业工学结合模式的选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高职教育文秘专业的工学结合模式主要有校内半工半读模式、校内业余模式、校外基地模式、校外—终段实习模式、勤工俭学模式等,选择哪种模式要考虑到社会岗位资源、师资队伍、经费支持、训练的核心能力等要素。  相似文献   

一江西共产主义劳动大学(以下简称共大),是1958年创办起来的。它是以“半工半读、勤工俭学”为特点的、以农林业为主的职业技术教育性质的新型学校。共大的创办,是江西人民遵照马克思、列宁的教育理论,毛泽东同志的教育思想和苏区教育经验,结合全省实际情况,发展社会主义教育事业的探索和实践。  相似文献   

每年韩国推出的电视剧数不胜数,大家往往是追完一部追另外一部。2014年已经过去。现在就让我们一起来盘点—下2014年的韩剧之“最”。  相似文献   

I. The comprehensive studies that have been made of French economic and social planning, which includes planning of employment as well as educational planning, have hastened an awareness of the need to promote vocational training research on a systematic basis. Difficulties in coordinating job planning and educational planning - stemming, in particular, from a lack of knowledge of the relation between the institutions that impart skills and those that put such skills to use - gave rise to the realization that some form of government-run institutionalized vocational research was necessary. In 1970 the National Institute for Studies and Research in Occupational Skills (CEREQ) was founded. The CEREQ studies potentially relevant for our present purposes have not yet been completed; therefore, we were unable to include them in our report.  相似文献   

Educational planning, the attempt to adapt the skill structure of the labor force to scientific and technical progress, has failed in Italy for two reasons. The poor political possibilities for implementing planning, including planning in education, have checked attempts to put ideas into practice. Instead, the uncontrolled demand for education has made possible the growth of institutions which planning regarded as being of less urgent importance. Second, the foundations of planning have proven to be unsound, because changes in the job structure have not generally been in the direction of higher qualification; rather, a dual tendency has existed with regard to the need for labor. The continued increase in the need for manpower without any prior specialized training, on the one hand, and the need for a higher level of specialization for a smaller, if increasing, segment of the labor force, on the other, have invalidated the assumption that a general rise in level of qualification would be necessary.  相似文献   

Programmatically, political parties, trade unions, and officials responsible for educational planning are agreed on an extension of compulsory schooling to at least age 16 - that is, a ten-year course. This position is supported by actual school attendance. The social demand for educational opportunities centers on at least ten years of school attendance for the majority of the younger generation.  相似文献   

Research in Science Education -  相似文献   

I. After a period in which numerous, occasionally very ambitious plans for reorganizing the French educational system were developed - none of which, almost without exception, were ever put into practice - reform of the educational system and the schools was begun in earnest, abruptly with the beginning of the Fifth Republic. In this area as in others, the consolidation of power relationships made it possible to move from discussions, deliberations, and planning to decision and implementation.  相似文献   

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