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调查发现,多数非英语专业大学生英语自主学习的总体动机水平尚可。但是不同专业、不同性别与不同年级的大学生在工具性动机、融入性动机以及附属内驱力方面存在差异。通过分析差异,提出相应的建议以期提高学生的英语自主学习水平。  相似文献   

学习动机因素对非英语专业学生是否能学好英语有深刻的影响。学习动机可以分为两大类:融入性动机和工具性动机。调查表明:绝大多数受访者持有工具性动机。本文将探讨其原因所在,并就英语教学提出几点建议。  相似文献   

对441名中高职英语专业学生进行问卷调查的结果显示,绝大多数学生的英语学习动机是明确的,但多为工具性动机,缺乏融入性动机;学习态度、学习兴趣、学习方法等方面主流是积极向上的,但不容乐观。为此,在教学中,教师要展现英语文化的魅力,改进教学模式和方法,建立科学的课程体系,确定适当的期望值,并加强学法的指导。  相似文献   

在理工科院校中,学生英语学习动机不足是困扰广大英语教师的难题,而目前把英语学习动机放在动态系统理论视角下进行的研究大多是个案研究,以班级为范围进行的实践研究尚少。研究对实验组和对照组进行为期一学期的教学方法改革,采用定性和定量混合研究方法,在英语授课过程中密切关注学生学习动机的动态变化,采取有效教学措施,提高学生工具性动机、文化性动机和情境性动机,使学生在学习中保持比较稳定的定向动机流,以期获得较好的学习效果。  相似文献   

本研究通过学生英语学习动机的问卷调查,采用SPSS(10.0)软件和独立样本T检验等统计方法,对高中生不同类别的动机差异进行数据分析,并结合对部分学生的访谈,发现高中生英语学习的工具性动机占有主导地位,动机的强弱与高中生英语学习水平的高低、性别的差异以及价值观等因素相关。因此,文章提出了要重视人文性教育,把意义的教育内化于应试的教育之中,实现人文性与工具性的结合,以激发和强化高中生的英语学习动机,提高高中生的英语学习水平。  相似文献   

学习动机是影响学习者语言学习的一个重要因素,根据动机产生的诱因源,可以把动机分为内部动机和外部动机。本文选取西部地区某中专学校护理专业学生98人为研究对象,对其进行学习动机问卷调查,结果发现:(1)中专学生的学习动机多为外部动机;(2)中专学生对于英语学习的兴趣不高。基于此调查结果,提出培养中专护理专业学生学习动机的相应教学建议。  相似文献   

大学英语是一门兼具工具性和人文性的学科,在教学中融入课程思政,有助于融知识学习、能力培养和价值塑造为一体。本文以《新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说教程4》(思政智慧版)第一单元How We Behave Is Who We Are为课例,基于POA和ZPD教学理论进行教学设计与实践,探究课程思政视阈下大学英语听说课程“一体两翼”教学模式,旨在提高学习者语言能力,充分发挥语言教学立德树人的作用,促进语言教学与思政育人有机融合。  相似文献   

文章深入研究艺体生的英语水平、认知风格和专业特点,并基于连接主义提出艺体类大学英语教材应承载兼具工具性、专业性和人文性的三维知识体系,旨在为该类教材的研发和教学实践建构起一个动态、立体和交互的信息流框架,并主张通过将英语语言学习与艺体类专业素养提高有机结合,使学生语言知识、语言技能和语言运用能力协同发展,期待为艺体类大学英语教学改革提供理论支持和实践借鉴.  相似文献   

学习动机是预测第二语言习得成功的一个决定性因素.语言学习者常选择工具性动机作为外语学习的理由,但那些带着融入型动机的外语学习者学习兴趣更浓,外语学习更成功甚至能雏持长期成功.因此,英语教学中教师应设法培养学生的学习兴趣,激发其学习动机,并为学生的工具型动机转化为融入型动机创造有利条件.  相似文献   

学习动机是预测第二语言习得成功的一个决定性因素。语言学习者常选择工具性动机作为外语学习的理由,但那些带着融入型动机的外语学习者学习兴趣更浓,外语学习更成功甚至能维持长期成功。因此,英语教学中教师应设法培养学生的学习兴趣,激发其学习动机,并为学生的工具型动机转化为融入型动机创造有利条件。  相似文献   

浅析教师工作积极性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师工作积极性是学校做好教育教学工作的重要条件,是促进学校发展的根本动力。教师工作积极性是由哪些要素组成的呢?教师被称为人类灵魂的工程师,所从事的是教书育人的工作。教师的职业要求和工作特点决定了教育工作者必须具备较高的思想道德素质和良好的人格。而较高的思想道德素质和良好的人格不仅是从事教师职业所必需,同时也是教师工作积极性的内在动力。教师们正是具有较高的思想道德素质,才能够把自己的人生价值与教育事业紧密结合起来。他们把培养更多更优秀的人才当作自己的奋斗目标,起早贪晚,任劳任怨。他们为攻克一个个教…  相似文献   

Boys and motivation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper explores key gender differences in motivation from a quantitative perspective and presents findings from a qualitative study into boys’ perceptions of motivating teachers and motivating pedagogy. Data collected from 3773 high school students suggest that girls score significantly higher than boys in their belief in the value of school, learning focus, planning, study management, and persistence while boys rate significantly higher in self-sabotage/self-handicapping. However, girls rated significantly higher than boys in anxiety. In the qualitative phase of the research, boys identified the following features of effective and motivating pedagogy: a good relationship between student and teacher, the teacher’s enjoyment of teaching and working with young people, providing boys with choices and input into the lesson, making schoolwork interesting and/or relevant, providing variety in content and methods, and respecting boys’ opinions and perspectives. The paper then draws on data presented elsewhere to show that, in addition to some key gender differences in motivation, there are also some noteworthy parallels between boys and girls. The paper concludes with a discussion of motivation as it relates to the social construction of gender, fear of failure and masculinity, and program development, construction and implementation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to contribute to the achievement of educational goals by determining teachers' levels of motivation. With this aim in mind, the opinions of 386 teachers employed in primary schools in Tokat province were sought. According to the findings of the study, the teachers stated that their needs were not fulfilled according to their expectations. According to the results of the study, it may be said that teachers occupy a field of motivation which is sufficient to contribute to the achievement of educational goals at a higher level.  相似文献   

The literature suggests that gamified learning interventions may increase student engagement and enhance learning. We empirically investigate this by exploring the impact of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation on the participation and performance of over 100 undergraduate students in an online gamified learning intervention. The paper makes a number of contributions. First, by synthesizing the literature the central concepts required for a learning intervention to be considered gamified are mapped and the development of an online gamified learning intervention is described. Second, the effect of gamification on learning outcomes is examined using a pre- and post-intervention survey. We find that gamified learning interventions have a positive impact on student learning. Third, our results show that while generally positive, the impact of gamified intervention*ns on student participation varies depending on whether the student is motivated intrinsically or extrinsically. These findings will be of practical interest to teaching and learning practitioners working in a range of educational contexts, and at all levels of education, who wish to increase student engagement and enhance learning.  相似文献   

To monitor science motivation, 232 tenth graders of the college preparatory level (‘Gymnasium’) completed the Science Motivation Questionnaire II (SMQ-II). Additionally, personality data were collected using a 10-item version of the Big Five Inventory. A subsequent exploratory factor analysis based on the eigenvalue-greater-than-one criterion, extracted a loading pattern, which in principle, followed the SMQ-II frame. Two items were dropped due to inappropriate loadings. The remaining SMQ-II seems to provide a consistent scale matching the findings in literature. Nevertheless, also possible shortcomings of the scale are discussed. Data showed a higher perceived self-determination in girls which seems compensated by their lower self-efficacy beliefs leading to equality of females and males in overall science motivation scores. Additionally, the Big Five personality traits and science motivation components show little relationship.  相似文献   

At the heart of the social cognitive theoretical approaches common to all papers in this special issue is a recognition that the contexts in which teachers live and work affect their level of motivation, how they feel, and what they do. Teacher motivation, in turn, can affect students’ perceptions and behaviors. This commentary addresses the major contributions made by the papers in this special issue toward advancing a more contextualized understanding of teacher motivation. Contextual considerations include theoretical and practical interpretations, sampling, the teaching and learning setting, measurement, and study design and analyses. Recommendations are offered for how researchers can better account for the role of context in all aspects of teacher motivation research.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of medium of instructional practice, task difficulty, and gender on continuing motivation. A total of 139 fifth and sixth graders with previous computer experience completed an initial drill and practice learning task in one of the two media formats (computer or paper/pencil) at either a hard or easy difficulty level. Subjects' choice of practice medium for a second learning task was the measure of continuing motivation. Sixty-seven of the 69 computer subjects (97 percent) chose to return to practice on the computer, whereas only one of 70 paper/pencil subjects (one percent) chose to return to practice in the paper/pencil form. p<.001. Questionnaire data indicated that computer subjects also evaluated their own performance on the instructional practice task significantly more highly, reported the task to be significantly more interesting and easier, and had a greater desire to study more of the subject matter.  相似文献   

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