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Many young adults consume news, political, and historical information through social media sites, and yet students do not always connect this information to the academic knowledge they learn in their classes. In addition, while students learn academic writing and presentation skills, they may not feel equipped to present the knowledge that they have learned to a non-academic audience. I detail a class assignment in which students produce a social media project that imparts academic knowledge to a general audience. These have taken the form of short videos, websites, a documentary and even poems and songs. Drawing on a survey of the students, as well as a content analysis of the projects, I find that the project is successful in achieving several teaching goals, including knowledge retainment, critical thinking skills, making real world connections with class material, student empowerment, and improving communication skills.  相似文献   

Fifty New Books     
The central goals of teaching are to educate students about the course material and stimulate their intellectual development more generally. Yet faculty have few avenues to assess teaching effectiveness on these fronts, and students have few opportunities to reflect upon their own growth as scholars and citizens. This article details an exercise that can be used in the classroom to accomplish active reflection on the educational experience for both teachers and students. While the exercise described in this paper has been employed in a small advanced undergraduate seminar in sociology, it can be adapted for both larger classes and courses in other disciplines. This two-part exercise reinforces the value of investing in education, stimulates critical thinking, and encourages the retention of course material for students.  相似文献   

We argue that teaching the dynamics of globalization to education students is an important aspect of teaching for social justice and for the development of critical awareness, thinking, and sensitivity. We begin this position paper by briefly characterizing globalization and exploring a range of approaches to teaching this topic. We then describe some of the challenges and risks of teaching globalization issues. We reflect on the responses of our students, looking at such issues as guilt, paralysis, disconnection, fear, pity, and anger. We end by describing how teaching about globalization can support our broader goals as critical educators, which include helping students to disrupt commonsense understandings, to unlearn dominant ideologies, to think systemically, and to create new habits of learning.  相似文献   

This paper describes a teaching method that enables students to design efficient and effective algorithms for reporting information systems applications. Adopting the general principles of transformative learning, students are immersed in a series of activities and interventions to enable learning. The activities provided opportunities for students to design algorithms, also using knowledge gained during the interventions. The interventions allowed students to gain knowledge about the output data structures such as list, table, and cube; the sequence control structures that may take different execution times; and the assumptions such as source data tables and mapping rules—all of which can contribute to the design of efficient and effective algorithms. 88 undergraduate business students in an advanced information systems course learn the principles of designing algorithms through critical reflection and reinterpretation consistent with the principles of transformative learning. The algorithms designed by students reveal that attention to the output data structures, sequence control structures, and assumptions enables the design of efficient and effective algorithms.  相似文献   

随着智慧课堂的日益普及,急需构建安全、稳定、高效的视频服务系统,提供丰富海量的视频信息资源、个性化的视频服务、教与学数据分析与决策支持等。通过实践调查和文献分析,基于智慧课堂教学设计与实施对视频服务的需求,设计实现了面向智慧课堂教与学服务的视频服务系统。该系统采用MVC模式,基于ThinkPHP高性能框架开发,基于角色实现了海量视频信息资源的智能检索,用户个性化视频推荐和图形化数据统计分析等功能,为智慧课堂提供全方位、个性化、智能化的教与学环境和信息资源服务,解决了传统课堂教学平台缺失和信息资源受限问题。实践应用与课堂调查表明,教师更关注视频信息资源的便捷获取与灵活发布、学情智能分析,学生更偏爱视频学习与立体化交互,基于平台的分组讨论与汇报,汇聚了师生智慧,实现了学生知识、技能、情感等多维学习目标的达成。  相似文献   

Within the field of social studies education, disciplinary models of teaching, such as approximating a historian in asking students to ‘think historically,’ have been the emphasis of countless professional development and teacher education programs. This movement, however, has focused largely on the use of traditional primary documents and generally does not include training for teachers or students on how other forms of media construct history. This collective case study examines how two US history teachers’ epistemological beliefs about historical media and ideology and overall goals for students as citizens impacts their pedagogy with different historical media, particularly film. Data were collected on a daily basis over the course of six months, and included observations, teacher interviews, and the media used as historical sources. Findings show that teachers’ beliefs about how sources represent history affect their pedagogy with the particular media, and that epistemic development and current notions of historical thinking may be limited when it comes to media that commonly serve as historical sources for the public at large (e.g., film, television, WWW, videogames). This limitation is caused in large part by the teachers’ larger goals for students that are informed by their ideology, and difficulty in identifying bias in media that aligned with their own beliefs. Therefore, a shift in teachers’ epistemic beliefs about how different forms of media serve as sources of history, essentially a form of critical media literacy, and coinciding recognition of ideological goals needs to occur in order to better instill students with skills in historical and media literacy for the twenty‐first century.  相似文献   

简论历史教育在大学生人文素质培养中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王孝俊 《中国德育》2006,1(4):35-38
历史学科中蕴含着丰富的人文教育资源,历史教育应该在培养当代大学生的人文素质方面发挥重要作用。开发历史教育的人文教育功能,应当适度拓宽历史知识范围;在教学上体现以人为本,关注学生个性发展;在教育目标上注意培养学生健全人格。  相似文献   

新课程改革倡导"以学生发展为本"的理念,在这一理念的指引下,教师要改进教学方式,促进学生主动地、生动活泼地学习。就初中历史学科来说,义务教育《历史课程标准》提出"知识与能力、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观"全新的三维课程目标,旨在将教学目标、教学内容和教学过程有机地结合在一起。史料教学顺应当今历史课堂强调由史实的传授向史料分析方向侧重的发展趋势,成为实现上述目标的较理想的方式之一,它在教学实践中的重要性日益显露。文章以史料和史料教学的相关理论为依托,以潍坊市奎文区为例,从教师和学生两个维度对初中历史史料教学的现状做了初步的调查,对史料教学的必要性做了一定的分析,并在此基础上提出了切实可行的史料教学对策。  相似文献   

In higher education, assessment is key to student learning. Assessments which promote critical thinking necessary for sustained learning beyond university are highly valued. However, the design of assessment tasks to achieve these types of thinking skills and dispositions to act in professional practice has received little attention. This research examines how academics design assessment to achieve these learning goals in Indigenous health education. Indigenous health education is an important area of learning for health practitioners to help address worldwide patterns of health inequities that exist for Indigenous people. We used a constructivist qualitative methodology to (i) explore learning goals and assessment strategies used in Indigenous health tertiary education and (ii) examine how they relate to higher education assessment ideals. Forty-one academics (from nine health disciplines) involved in teaching Indigenous health content participated in a semi-structured interview. Thematic analysis revealed learning goals to transform students’ perspectives and capacities to think critically and creatively about their role in Indigenous health. In contrast, assessment tasks encouraged more narrowly bounded thinking to analyse information about historical and socio-cultural factors contributing to Indigenous health. To transform students to be critical health practitioners capable of working and collaborating with Indigenous people to advance their health and well-being, the findings suggest that assessment may need to be nested across many aspects of the curriculum using a programmatic approach, and with a focus on learning to think and act for future practice. These findings accord with more recent calls for transformation of learning and assessment in health education.  相似文献   

Gaze data are still uncommon in statistics education despite their promise. Gaze data provide teachers and researchers with a new window into complex cognitive processes. This article discusses how gaze data can inform and be used by teachers both for their own teaching practice and with students. With our own eye-tracking research as an example, background information on eye-tracking and possible applications of eye-tracking in statistics education is provided. Teachers indicated that our eye-tracking research created awareness of the difficulties students have when interpreting histograms. Gaze data showed details of students' strategies that neither teachers nor students were aware of. With this discussion paper, we hope to contribute to the future usage and implementation of gaze data in statistics education by teachers, researchers, educational and textbook designers, and students.  相似文献   

"旅游学概论"旨在让学生掌握旅游学基础理论知识并初步训练创意思维能力,"基于要素框架体系的包价旅游产品模拟运作"即是以学生知识能力为主线与宗旨,以实现该课程目标而设计的一项实践教学项目。"要素框架体系"整合了旅游学基本概念与基础理论,包价旅游产品则是在旅游实践领域体现旅游"要素框架体系"的最佳形式之一,旅游产品设计和模拟运作可以训练学生的创意思维能力。教学实践证实,该项目可以较好地实现课程目标。  相似文献   

In 2011, the Finnish National Board of Education assessed the learning outcomes of history with a study whose results raised doubts about the fulfilment of the goals of history education. This article seeks to expand awareness about Finnish adolescents’ understanding of historical empathy. The study assessed twenty-two 16–17-year-old high school students’ ability to understand predecessors’ actions in particular historical situations. The study also examined how well a simulation exercise works as a tool of empathy teaching and evaluation. Students participated in the simulation and afterwards the students were interviewed. They also participated in a survey that measured their attitudes before and after the exercise, and wrote an essay at the end of the course. The results of the study show that most of the high school students did not reach the goals set for history teaching. The weak performance of students is explained by the strong tradition of history teaching which has been continuing in Finnish schools despite the curriculum reform. Teaching still concentrates on passing a meta-narrative on to students who have not yet enough experience of explaining historical events from a multiperspective point of view.  相似文献   

在明确《综合英语》课程的教学目标是促进学生语言能力与思辨能力融合发展的基础上,构建本课程的形成性评价模式,包括设立目标与任务、制定与分享标准、引出与收集证据、评估与反馈、反思与调整。通过教学实践检验其有效性,并讨论影响有效性的因素。对课程反馈、反思日记、平时作业的定性与定量分析表明,该模式能有效促进学生的语言运用和思辨表达能力;主要影响因素包括:语言与思辨目标和标准的清晰界定;任务活动驱动课堂的有效互动和思辨对话;自评、互评、师评有效机制的建立以及反馈的及时性和针对性。  相似文献   

航空航天类专业的限制使得本科学生缺少参与工程实践的机会,直接影响了专业课的教学效率.基于5G/VR技术,研究构建一种可在教师—模拟设备—学生间实现信息高效反馈触动的教学系统,该系统内置高保真虚拟实验条件与场景,可模拟多种复杂物理过程.通过结合理论知识的工程应用触动操作,学生可完成理论与实践相结合的深层认知学习.该系统的...  相似文献   

With the development of information technology and popularization of web applications, students nowadays have grown used to skimming through information provided through the Internet. This reading habit led them to be incapable of analyzing or integrating information they have received. Hence, knowledge management and critical thinking (CT) have, in recent years, become important topics in higher education. However, there are many web applications that may serve as effective teaching and learning tools. This study therefore proposed a blended learning environment that incorporated useful web applications within a knowledge transformation model to create an educational environment capable of improving CT and knowledge transformation for student users. A semester-long experiment was then conducted to evaluate this learning environment. Results revealed that the proposed approach was effective in improving student CT and knowledge transformation. Students were also satisfied with the courses and teaching methods used by the proposed learning environment which also effectively improved their learning motivation.  相似文献   

This article raises some broad questions about the relevance of the current content and teaching methods in undergraduate social science generally. First, it examines critically the general teaching patterns which often stress the teaching of concepts, theory, history and techniques in isolation from current or historical problems. It next argues that our major methods of teaching—notably the lecture—contribute little to achieving the widely advertised pedagogic objectives of independent, critical thinking by students. Thirdly, it argues that we need to inject more relevance into the content of social science courses by shifting the emphasis towards a greater use of contemporary or historical problems or incidents as the starting point for the appreciation of theory and methods. It suggests that the teaching methods best suited to this are the various versions of the ‘case’ or ‘enquiry’ or ‘problem’ approach, which involve a more active participation by students in the process of learning, rather than their current passive role as consumers of teaching. Some illustrations of how this can be done are given. The article concludes by indicating some of the problems which are likely to be encountered in educational development of this kind. These problems are considered to be ‘political’ ones in that they involve a changed use and distribution of resources (of staff, students, times and buildings), which are likely to run counter to current systems of academic and institutional power, social organization, culture and ideology.  相似文献   

利用现代信息技术,结合口语实践性强的特点及北京邮电大学教改实践,尝试提出基于信息技术的任务驱动型大学英语口语实验教学模式。该模式利用信息技术构建的网络化实验平台和新理念教学系统实现了口语教学和信息技术的深度融合;实现了口语任务的多样化、系统化、量规化;实现了口语输入和输出并重;实现了口语教学重心课内与课外均衡发展。初步实践表明,该模式调动了学生课上和课下练习口语的积极性,提升了学习自信心,提高了口语水平。  相似文献   

由于一些数学教师对教学目标与教学目的的概念内涵及表述的行为主体不清,对情感态度价值观的教学目标的表述有许多不当之处。学生应为教学目标表述的行为主体,要说明学生能做什么,可用体验性和表现性目标方式来陈述。  相似文献   

随着教育大数据应用愈发广泛,智慧学习成为现阶段信息化教育的突出成果。依托于教育大数据背景,智慧学习能够为学习者提供更为优化的学科知识架构、统筹整合各类教学资源、提高专业知识的适应性。为充分发挥智慧学习的现实价值,在构建其系统模型时应当遵循科学合理、简便易行、稳定可靠等原则。因此,在教育大数据背景下,智慧学习系统模型的构建可从框架规划、测试开发规范搭建以及明确目标等四方面进行,为学生提供科学有效的学习帮扶工具。  相似文献   

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