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发球主要是由抛球和挥拍击球两个动作组成的。抛球是前提,击球部位和挥拍方向是决定发球性质的关键,用力大小的第一落点的远近是发球变化的条件。这里介绍几种便于初学者掌握的发球方法(均以右手为例)。一、平击发球平击发球是一般上旋、一般速度的发球。是最基本的发球方法,也是掌握其它发球方法的基础。正手发球的动作方法:1.选位:左脚稍前,身体略向右转,左手掌心托球置于身体右侧前方;2.引拍与迎球:左手将球向上抛起,同时右臂内旋,使拍面角度稍前倾,向身体右后方引拍,右臂从身体右后方向右前方挥动;3.击球:当球下降至稍高于球网时,击球中…  相似文献   

优秀网球运动员发球技术特征分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
应用计算机技术及CAI软件功能,并结合生物力学原理,研究、解析桑普拉斯和阿加西发球技术的主要特征所在,包括完成发球技术动作的时间特征;抛球与过渡阶段技术环节主要特征;向后、向前挥拍阶段动作技术特征;从理论上和实践中分析其优势特征的合理性、实效性.主要结论:桑普拉斯和阿加西两人发球时,抛球技术动作连贯、稳定、位置准确、抛球落差小、抛球臂肌肉感觉精细,向后、向前挥拍时间短,充分合理地运用了躯干侧弓、背弓、下肢肌群转动用力及上肢挥臂旋内动作,使发球动作过程,肌肉工作群协调有力,从而形成了发球技术动作时间短、速度快、力量大、落点刁的效果.  相似文献   

下手发球 击球点在头部以下的发球为下手发球.方法比较简单.初学者一般采用这种发球方法。下手发球由5个环节构成:握拍方法:准备姿势;抛球和引拍;挥拍击球和随挥动作。  相似文献   

黄欢:怎样判断对手的发球是内角还是外角?还有,如何找出自己的最佳正手击球点? 梁双强:要想判断出对手发球的落点,首先要观察对手的发球特点和习惯。很多选手发球的隐蔽性不是很高,抛到身体的右前方通常是一区的外角和二区的内角(这样比较容易发出侧旋球),抛到身体的左后方一般是一区的内角和二区的外角(是要加上旋的原因)。  相似文献   

虽然大家都了解发球的重要,也希望尽快提高,可不少人却说想提高发球太困难。其实这是认识的误区,这是因为发球练习没有得到足够重视。影响发球的主要因素有两个:抛球和挥拍动作。发球的正确挥拍动作与棒球外野手向本垒投球的那种远投动作相似。费德勒的发球挥拍动作与棒球的投球动作如出一辙。费德勒挥拍动作开始时两腿弯曲,而击球时两腿自然伸直,两脚蹬离地面,手臂与身体成为一体,自然流畅地挥拍到达击球点,所以能打出有爆发力的发球。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、录像观察法、数理统计法,选择2012年温布尔顿网球公开赛男子单打的8强选手为研究对象,对八强七场比赛发球落点的相关性进行分析.结果显示,当今世界网坛男子顶尖选手在比赛中,不同发球落点一发或二发的分布率发球速度并没有显著性差异,提示上述两因素基本上都不是决定比赛胜负的关键;而胜者在右发球区一发向外角、追身及二发向内角,与左发球区一发向外角的得分率则与落败者有所不同,提示此点可能是影响比赛胜负的重要关键.  相似文献   

1.戈朗·伊万尼塞维奇的大力侧上旋发球动作 伊万尼塞维奇的有力武器是他的发球。通过这组连续动作,可以看出他侧上旋发球的基本要点。不用力握拍,⑧把球抛向左肩上(如果足右手型运动员抛向右肩),⑥像斜劈球侧面那佯挥拍击球,从⑦开始顺势向  相似文献   

目的探讨穆雷平局决胜局技战术策略的优势与不足,为我国职业网球竞赛训练提供启示。方法采用录像观察、逻辑分析等方法,从角度、线路和区域视角对穆雷20132016年度9站硬地赛事平局决胜局的技战术运用特征进行分析。结果与结论平局决胜局发球角度中,穆雷一发比例为外角、内角、追身,二发趋势为追身、外角、内角;发球抢攻战术中,三角度(内角、外角、追身)发球抢攻对手反拍位为总的战术意图;接发线路中左区以回击对手中路底线区比例最高,右区则以回击对手正拍和中路底线区两侧为主;得失分技术中,得分能力最强的前三项技术是反拍、发球、正手技术;失分率列前三项的技术为正手、接发球、反手技术。  相似文献   

大家都知道,准确的发球取决于抛球的准确和击球的准确。现在我们来专门教你怎样提高击球准确性以及如何自如地给球施加旋转。第一步练习,放下球拍,只用手掌按照所练发球的种类和方法擦削球,体会感觉。如图所示,一手将球抛起,用手掌搓击球使其旋转,利用这个练习便可很容易地掌握复杂的上旋、侧旋球的挥臂动作。  相似文献   

目的通过对四大满贯1/8决赛至决赛共43场比赛,对运动员发球速度、角度、进球个数和得分个数的相关数据进行收集整理。方法通过文献资料法、录像观察法、数理统计法、逻辑分析发等方法进行统计分析,对优秀男子网球选手发球速度、角度、得分率进行研究。结果一发平均速度大于与二发平均速度存在显著性差异,一发外角和内角速度无显著性差异而与中间存在显著性差异,二发速度与角度无显著性差异。一发外角得分率和内角得分率大于中间得分率存在显著性差异,二发得分率不同的区域和角度均无显著性差异。从发球数量上看,不同区域一发发球角度优先选择外角和内角,二发平分区首先选择外角,二发占先区发球首先选择中间角度。结论网球发球不同的落点、速度和得分率直接影响发球的效果,快速的发球速度可以提高发球得分率。  相似文献   

Most previous research on golf swing mechanics has focused on the driver club. The aim of this study was to identify the kinematic factors that contribute to greater hitting distance when using the 5 iron club. Three-dimensional marker coordinate data were collected (250 Hz) to calculate joint kinematics at eight key swing events, while a swing analyser measured club swing and ball launch characteristics. Thirty male participants were assigned to one of two groups, based on their ball launch speed (high: 52.9 ± 2.1 m · s(-1); low: 39.9 ± 5.2 m · s(-1)). Statistical analyses were used to identify variables that differed significantly between the two groups. Results showed significant differences were evident between the two groups for club face impact point and a number of joint angles and angular velocities, with greater shoulder flexion and less left shoulder internal rotation in the backswing, greater extension angular velocity in both shoulders at early downswing, greater left shoulder adduction angular velocity at ball contact, greater hip joint movement and X Factor angle during the downswing, and greater left elbow extension early in the downswing appearing to contribute to greater hitting distance with the 5 iron club.  相似文献   

要打好乒乓球,从理论上来说,必须达到两个要求:一是根据规则规定,将球回击对方台面上去,即进行有效回击,它要求打球时要有合适的弧线和准确的落点;二是打过去的球要有质量,也就是说击球必须有速度、力量、旋转、落点变化与弧线变化。没有击球的准确性,根本谈不上击球质量,文章就此进行研究,以期为相关研究提供帮助。  相似文献   

郑宏伟  吴涛 《湖北体育科技》2012,31(6):662-663,665
随着网球选手的击球更快更重,网球的比赛节奏也越来越快。比赛中选手们已经不仅仅是在比拼击球的质量,更是要比拼高强度的节奏中的稳定性,甚至是在被动,受迫情况下的回球成功率。要想拥有稳定的击球,就需要发展选手的体能与控制身体的能力。因此,训练选手在快速移动中的稳定平衡能力已经成为了当今网球研究的重要内容。通过对发展核心力量理论叙述以及对照分析在稳定和受迫情况下的击球形式来阐述发展核心力量对保证选手在快速移动中的动态平衡能力的重要性,为网球训练提供参考。  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the relationship between upper limb joint movements and horizontal racket head velocity to clarify joint movements for developing racket head speed during tennis serving. Sixty-six male tennis players were videotaped at 200 Hz using two high-speed video cameras while hitting high-speed serves. The contributions of each joint rotation to horizontal racket velocity were calculated using vector cross-products between the angular velocity vectors of each joint movement and relative position vectors from each joint to the racket head. Major contributors to horizontal racket head velocity at ball impact were shoulder internal rotation (41.1%) and wrist palmar flexion (31.7%). The contribution of internal rotation showed a significant positive correlation with horizontal racket head velocity at impact (r = 0.490, P < 0.001), while the contribution of palmar flexion showed a significant negative correlation (r = - 0.431, P < 0.001). The joint movement producing the difference in horizontal racket head velocity between fast and slow servers was shoulder internal rotation, and angular velocity of shoulder internal rotation must be developed to produce a high racket speed.  相似文献   

Whole body kinematics of the tennis serve have been reported extensively in the literature, yet comparatively less information exists regarding the kinematic characteristics of the swing and toss. In attempting to develop consistency in placement of the toss and racket trajectory, coaches will often decompose the serve and practice it in separate parts. A 22-camera VICON MX motion analysis system, operating at 250 Hz, captured racket, ball and hand kinematics of the serves of five elite junior players under three conditions. The conditions were flat first serves (FS) directed to a 1 × 1 m target bordering the ‘T’ of the deuce service box, a ball toss (BT) in isolation and a free swing (SW) in isolation. Players were instructed to perform BT and SW as in the FS. Paired t-tests assessed within-group differences in hand, racket and ball kinematics between the discrete skill and the two decomposed conditions. Vertical displacement of the ball at its zenith increased significantly during BT compared with the FS and temporal associations between racket and ball motion during the FS (r = 0.861) were affected during task decomposition. This study questions the pervasive use of task decomposition in the development of the tennis serve.  相似文献   

This study addressed the question, what should baseball players focus their attention on while batting? Less-skilled and highly skilled (college) baseball players participated in four dual-task conditions in a baseball batting simulation: two that directed attention to skill execution (skill/internal [movement of the hands] and skill/external [movement of the bat]) and two that directed attention to the environment (environmental/irrelevant [auditory tones] and environmental/external [the ball leaving the bat]). Batting performance for highly skilled players was best in the environmental/external condition and worst in the skill/internal condition. Performance of less-skilled batters was significantly better in the two skill conditions than in either of the two environmental conditions. We conclude that the optimal focus of attention for highly skilled batters is one that does not disrupt proceduralized knowledge and permits attention to the perceptual effect of the action, whereas the optimal focus of attention for less-skilled batters is one that allows attention to the step-by-step execution of the swing.  相似文献   

王一梅强攻扣球技术动作解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
白海波 《体育科研》2009,30(1):81-84
采用三雏DLT录像解析法对中国女排队员王一梅强攻扣球技术动作进行解析。结果表明,王一梅在助跑阶段的最大水平速度分别为375cm/s;起跳瞬间两足间距离的长短与起跳时间有密切关系,即两脚间距离越短、起跳时间也越短,起跳动作完成的越快。王一梅空中击球技术特征。击球点高,空中击球前合理运用了躯干向后展体扭转,以加大躯干扭转角度。击球瞬间有助于快速屈体,和加快扭转角速度、致使躯干连接部胸骨上缘的速度加快,并依次带动肩、肘、手指掌关节点速度的加快,并达到最高速度峰值。  相似文献   

棒球挥击速度的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用高速动态分析仪对部分运动员挥击速度现状的解析参数进行了研究.得出从启动──中球的挥击时间:斜碰撞时是在棒速下降时进行的.现要求棒的挥击时间在100ms以内,投手球飞行至本垒前3.4m左右时棒开始启挥.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional kinematics of international female footballers performing a simulated direct free kick (curve kick) were compared with those of an instep kick. Reflective markers attached to the participants were tracked by 17 Vicon cameras sampling at 250 Hz. Foot velocity at ball impact did not differ between the two types of kick, but the way in which foot velocity was generated did differ, with instep kicks using a faster approach velocity and greater linear velocities of the hip and knee, and curve kicks using a greater knee angular velocity at impact. In both types of kick, peak knee angular velocity and peak ankle linear velocity occurred at ball impact, providing biomechanical support to the common coaching recommendation of kicking through the ball. To achieve a curved ball trajectory, players should take a wide approach angle, point the support foot to the right of the intended target (for right-footed players), swing the kicking limb across the face of the goal, and impact the ball with the foot moving upwards and in an abducted position. This information will be useful to coaches and players in identifying the fundamental coaching points necessary to achieve a curved trajectory of the ball compared with the more commonly described instep kick kinematics.  相似文献   

本文从整体论的角度出发,认为动态中击球质量的好坏并不只是由一个击球动作决定的,它应该是一个完整的预备体系,由此体系中的每一个部分包括重心、步伐、击球技术、击球战术和心智共同影响着。旨在对动态中击球质量有一个全面深入的认识,以期为指导网球运动员动态中击球的训练实践服务。  相似文献   

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