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目的:采用磁共振成像技术(MRI),对优秀排球运动员和普通大学生的大脑结构进行研究,探讨多年的动作技能学习和运动训练对优秀排球运动员大脑结构产生的可塑性变化.方法:采用Siemens Magnetom Tri0 3.0T磁共振成像系统,对20名优秀排球运动员和20名普通大学生安静状态下进行全脑MRI扫描.数据通过头动校正、空间标准化、高斯平滑等预处理后,采用SPM 8分析组间全脑灰质和白质体积的差异,采用最优化的VBM获取高分辨率的全脑图像.将Freesurfer测量出来的皮层厚度数据进行组间方差分析,找出组间皮层厚度存在显著差异的区域.结果:运动员在大脑右半球枕叶外侧上的灰质体积要显著高于普通大学生;大脑右半球枕叶外侧上的皮层厚度要显著厚于普通大学生.出现显著性差异的主要脑区部位是负责视觉加工的脑区.结论:优秀排球运动员多年的动作技能学习和运动训练能够对其大脑右半球负责视觉信息加工的枕叶脑区结构产生可塑性变化.  相似文献   

邓爱民  张辉 《湖北体育科技》2016,(12):1119-1123
拳击新规则对中国拳击运动员在专项素质方面提出了更高的要求,提高对拳击专项素质的认识水平,是有效提高运动员专项素质水平的前提。运用文献资料法、测试法、德尔菲法、数理统计法和模拟仿真法对中国男子拳击运动员专项素质进行网络建模、结构运算、仿真等网络科学方面的探索。结果显示:中国男子拳击运动员专项素质是一个各指标之间相互关联,相互影响的复杂系统;专项素质网络具有较短的路径长度和较大的聚类系统,符合小世界网络的特性;专项力量类指标是整个网络中的核心素质,能够影响到整个网络的结构和功能;网络具有明显的社团结构划分,各种拳法击打的最大力量指标构成了网络中最大的社团。  相似文献   

优秀击剑运动员脑象图特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
采用脑象图技术(EEQG)研究优秀击剑运动员大脑处理信息的能力。结果表明,优秀击剑运动员大脑处理信息的能力与普通人相比,激活能力总值显著较高,提示优秀击剑运动员大脑处理信息的量更大,处理信息的方式更多;击剑运动员大脑处理信息的优势单脑区为左前脑和右后脑,左前—右后脑是优秀击剑运动员双侧脑的最佳匹配;男女运动员在大脑左颞区优秀图形的差异显著,提示女运动员比男运动员有更稳定的情绪,更高的内驱力,更强的逻辑记忆和理性思维能力;击剑运动员优势图形中的特征图形为内方型和隧道型,非优势图形中的特征图形为逃逸型和奇异型;脑象图的技术参数中,边缘系数反映大脑处理信息的耗能量,它与击剑运动员的竞技状态呈较高的负相关,即边缘系数越低,运动员在竞技比赛中的发挥越好;击剑运动员边缘系数优秀型占总人数的62.4%,一般型占总人数的37.6%,提示我国优秀击剑运动员大脑处理信息的效率很高。  相似文献   

采用功能磁共振成像技术,基于体素形态测量学,比较了13名羽毛球运动员、13名篮球运动员和16名非运动员的大脑灰质结构差异。结果表明,运动员在双侧中央前回、左侧顶下小叶、中央后回、眶额回、颞上回灰质体积显著大于非运动员,显示长期的运动训练会对不同运动项目的运动员大脑产生相似的可塑性变化。羽毛球运动员相比于篮球运动员在左侧额下回、左侧顶上小叶、左侧楔前叶灰质体积有显著增大;篮球运动员相对于羽毛球运动员在颞下回、左侧额中回、左侧额下回、扣带回中部、脑岛灰质体积差异显著,显示不同运动项目运动员大脑结构存在运动项目特异性。  相似文献   

殷春宇  史利  张文 《体育学刊》2024,(1):143-148
空间知觉能力是决定足球运动员运动技能的关键,更是提升运动员竞技表现的核心因素。选取20名国家一级足球运动员(专家组)和20名高校足球俱乐部的体教专业大学生(新手组),采用功能性近红外光谱成像技术(fNIRS),探讨心理旋转任务下行为绩效、前额叶脑血氧(Oxy-Hb)激活以及脑功能连接的组间差异。结果显示:(1)专家组心理旋转任务正确率显著高于新手组(P<0.05),反应时显著短于新手组(P<0.01)。(2)专家组左右侧背外侧前额叶、额极区和右腹外侧前额叶激活低于新手组(P<0.05),并且脑间功能连接协同更强。研究认为,长期足球训练能够改变运动员的空间知觉加工模式,提高神经资源的利用效率,有利于大脑网络连接性,对认知功能的改善起到重要作用。  相似文献   

脑的可塑性是指大脑结构和功能随着内外环境变化而不断修饰和重组的能力,它是一种终身的能力。近年来一些研究发现运动可影响大脑的可塑性,运动和脑的可塑性的关系日益受到关注,已成为多学科领域研究前沿和热点问题。本文对二者间关系的研究进展进行了综述,研究表明:运动可以通过系统水平、细胞水平、分子水平等途径影响脑的可塑性;运动对不同人生阶段脑的可塑性均存在积极效益。这些研究成果提示:理解运动与大脑的可塑性研究成果,重视运动的积极作用;提供丰富且适宜的运动干预(教育)方案,提高方案的效果;注重"联合效应",促进大脑的整合式发展。  相似文献   

以24名气手枪运动员无负荷安静状态与有负荷实弹射击状态之间特定脑区脑电复杂度参数为研究对象,将2种状态下以及优劣成绩环值下 运动员顶、枕区大脑生理状态出现的差异进行对比研究,探讨优秀气手枪运动员负荷状态下作为躯体感觉中枢与视觉中枢的大脑顶、枕区机能变化 特点。研究表明:(1)气手枪运动员特定脑区脑电复杂度在不同状态下并不存在性别差异,而长期的专项训练使得高水平运动员大脑中枢神经已产 生一定的适应性,对视觉的依赖性少于普通运动员;(2)不同运动等级运动员在射击过程中的瞄准击发阶段与两弹间歇阶段顶枕区脑电复杂度变化 趋势是不同的,这有可能与运动员的训练水平以及对外界刺激的抗干扰能力相关;(3)在实弹射击环境下,气手枪运动员高环值与远弹之间特定脑 区脑电复杂度存在显著差异,这种差异的存在一方面是由于视觉信息加工参与产生的负向作用,另一方面也说明,运动员大脑顶区(手指在大脑皮 层的投射区)的脑电复杂度在击发阶段显著降低与射击成绩的好坏具有一定程度的关联。  相似文献   

以中国击剑队备战2008年奥运会的重点运动员为研究对象,借助脑像图技术(EEQG)诊断运动员大脑处理信息的综合能力,并依此制定重点运动员的个性化心理调控对策.结果显示左前、右前脑是中国击剑队运动员双侧脑匹配中的典型模式;运动等级、性别、剑种和训练年限4因素对运动员大脑整体处理信息的能力无影响;运动员脑功能主要技术参数匹配模式包括3种,I型占比例最高(55.5%),II型占比例为25%,Ш型占19.5%;2006年国际剑联排名积分列前10位的6名运动员脑像图主要技术指标匹配模式涉及I、II和III型各两人.单一脑功能技术指标高低不能决定大脑整体处理信息能力,技术指标协调匹配才能发挥脑的潜能,高效率处理信息.针对2008年奥运会冲击奖牌重点运动员脑功能匹配模式特点提出3类个性化心理调控对策.  相似文献   

采用"oddball"实验任务范式和"专家—新手"实验设计方法,研究乒乓球运动员在利用单一特征信息图片判断发球旋转方式的过程中,大脑认知加工过程的脑电活动特征。结果发现:乒乓球二级运动员(专家)和专项大学生(新手)在各个脑区的激活顺序和激活程度存在明显的不同,大脑皮层的枕区诱发出比较明显的C1和P1成分,大脑皮层的中央区诱发出比较明显的N1成分,额区、中央区、顶区、枕区诱发出比较明显的P3成分;乒乓球运动员对单一特征信息感知阶段,大脑皮层激活程度较高,体现了长期运动训练导致运动员大脑可塑性变化,表现为对与专项运动相关的刺激物理特征十分敏感;乒乓球运动员对单一特征信息识别阶段,大脑皮层激活程度较高,识别速度快,投入的心理资源较多。  相似文献   

以24名国家射箭集训队优秀射箭运动员为测试对象,引入脑电非线性分析的研究理论与方法,运用脑波诱导技术探讨国家射箭集训队运动员备战第17届亚运会不同训练阶段中枢机能变化的规律。对24名被试运动员亚运会选拔赛前不同训练阶段的脑电实时测试表明:亚运会选拔赛前的3个训练阶段测试中,冬训中期的顶枕区α频段功率值较冬训开始和亚运会选拔赛前2个训练阶段显著降低(P<0.05);冬训中期运动员5-HT水平出现明显的上升趋势,而DA水平则有所下降(P<0.05);冬训中期及亚运会选拔赛前阶段,被试运动员脑电非线性参数均出现下降趋势,并且上述2阶段Lempel-Ziv复杂度均显著低于冬训开始阶段(P<0.05)。对最终参赛的8名运动员脑波诱导训练后脑电测试结果显示:8名参赛运动员综合放松度测试值始终呈上升趋势;脑内DA平均值有所提高,5-HT平均值则出现下降,脑电Lempel-Ziv复杂度平均值上升;8名运动员匹兹堡睡眠质量指数、SAS得分和SCL-90总分在30天的脑波诱导训练后均有不同程度的改善。结果表明:(1)国家射箭集训队在亚运会选拔赛前不同训练阶段中脑电非线性参数的变化与其训练负荷强度及负荷量的变化有关;(2)国家射箭集训队运动员大脑中枢神经递质的变化在亚运会选拔赛前的变化最为明显;(3)脑波诱导训练在改善备战亚运会的8名国家射箭队运动员大脑中枢机能与大脑高级功能方面具有一定效果及可操作性。  相似文献   

运动员的求职离不开其构筑的社会网络中所蕴含的社会关系和社会资源。基于社会网络和社会资本的理论和方法,以陕西省专业运动员为调查对象,探索了运动员求职网络结构的整体特征和人口性特征。结果发现:从整体来看,运动员个体拥有的社会资本较低,能够求助的社会网络成员拥有的社会资本也较低,具体表现为:运动员求职网络规模较小,运动员求职网顶端较高,但是个体差异较大;运动员主要依赖强关系进行求职,与社会精英群体距离遥远。在人口特征分布上,比起其他运动员,弱势运动员更倾向于去动用社会关系、借助社会资源,因而拥有质量相对较高的网络成员。最后建议构建以"政府—运动队—社会—家庭—运动员个人"的多维度多层次的联动社会支持系统。  相似文献   

Purpose: The objectives were to develop and validate the Coaches’ Interpersonal Style Questionnaire. The Coaches’ Interpersonal Style Questionnaire analyzes the interpersonal style adopted by coaches when implementing their strategy of supporting or thwarting athletes’ basic psychological needs. Method: In Study 1, an exploratory factor analysis was performed with 265 Spanish male athletes, between 11- and 17-years-old, to confirm the internal structure of the questionnaire. Study 2 was conducted with 430 athletes, also between 11- and 17-years-old. Both confirmatory factor analysis and exploratory structural equation modeling were used to test a set of alternative models to find the best measurement model. Results: The hierarchical exploratory structural equation modeling model showed the best fit to the data and acceptable standardized factor loadings. Concurrent validity was revealed through correlational analysis of the basic psychological need satisfaction and frustration. Conclusion: This study provides a multi-dimensional questionnaire to assess coaches’ interpersonal style perceived by athletes.  相似文献   

Many sports require athletes to rapidly transform visual information into a targeted motor response, a process referred to as visuomotor reaction. On the behavioural level, athletes have long been established to achieve faster simple visuomotor reaction times when compared to non-athletes. However, although the superior performance in athletes has been attributed to the central nervous system, the underlying neural mechanisms remained poorly studied. More recently, a growing number of neurophysiological and neuroimaging studies systematically addressed the functional and structural modulations in the athletes’ visual and motor systems as well as their contribution to visuomotor performance. This article reviews current research on structural and functional characteristics of the athletes’ cortical visuomotor system associated with simple visuomotor reactions, sports-specific visuomotor performance and visuomotor training. The primary objective is to shed light on the neural mechanisms potentially contributing to superior visuomotor reaction performance in athletes participating in visuomotor demanding disciplines. A more comprehensive understanding of performance-determining neural functions could provide great potential for diagnostics and training to improve athletic performance.  相似文献   

In this study, the authors empirically test a model of sport behaviour that integrates both team identification and a network theory approach to understand attendance at intercollegiate ice hockey games. Grounded within the brand community triad, ego network data were collected among attendees to measure the fan-to-fan connections that constitute the horizontal relationships of brand community participants. Additionally, a multidimensional team identification measure was used to illustrate the vertical relationship between individual and team. Both measures were included in a structural equation model to test how both fan-to-fan and fan-team relationships explain attendance. The results from the model support the salience of both dimensions of the brand community triad, suggesting that understanding sport fan behaviour necessitates including both psychological and structural elements of behaviour. Future suggestions for extending the study of sport fans through structural networks are discussed.  相似文献   

Athlete pre-participation screening is focused on detecting pathological conditions like arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC). The diagnosis of ARVC is established by applying the revised 2010 ARVC Task Force Criteria (TFC) that assesses RV structure and function. Some athletes may meet structural TFC without having ARVC but we do not know the consequences for RV function. This study compared RV structural and functional indices in male athletes that meet the structural TFC (MTFC) for ARVC and those that do not (NMTFC). We recruited 214 male elite athletes. All participants underwent 2D, Doppler, tissue Doppler and strain (ε) echocardiography with a focused and comprehensive assessment of the right heart. Athletes were grouped on RV structural data: MTFC n = 34; NMTFC n = 180. Functional data were compared between groups. By selection, MTFC had larger absolute and scaled RV outflow tract (RVOT) diameter compared to NMTFC (P ?0.05) but these athletes did not develop a proportional increase in the RV inflow dimensions. There was no difference in global conventional RV systolic function between both groups however, there was significantly lower global RV ε in athletes that MTFC which can be explained, in part, by the RVOT dimension.  相似文献   

Our knowledge of sports-related injuries in para-sport is limited and there are no data on how Paralympic athletes themselves perceive an injury. The aim of this qualitative study was to explore Paralympic athletes’ perceptions of their experiences of sports-related injuries, risk factors and preventive possibilities. Eighteen Swedish Paralympic athletes with vision impairment, intellectual impairment, spinal cord injury, cerebral palsy, myelomeningocele, dysplasia and neuromuscular disorder, representing 10 different para-sports, were interviewed. The qualitative phenomenographic method was used to interpret the data. The analysis revealed nine categories of perceptions of experiences. The athletes perceived that their impairments were involved in the cause and consequential chains associated with a sports-related injury. Other categories that denoted and described these injuries were: sport overuse, risk behaviour, functional limitations, psychological stressors, the normalised pain, health hazards, individual possibilities to prevent sports-related injuries and unequal prerequisites. This qualitative study revealed that Paralympic athletes’ perceptions of their experiences of sports-related injuries are complex and multifactorial, and in several ways differ from able-bodied athletes. This needs to be considered in the sports health and safety work within the Paralympic Movement as well as in the design of future injury surveillance systems and preventive programmes.  相似文献   


In order to investigate the behaviour of athletes in choosing sports, we analyse data from part of the We-Sport® database, a vertical social network that links athletes through sports. In particular, we explore connections between people sharing common sports and the role of age and gender by applying “network science” approaches and methods. The results show a disassortative tendency of athletes in choosing sports, a negative correlation between age and number of chosen sports and a positive correlation between age of connected athletes. Some interesting patterns of connection between age classes are depicted. In addition, we propose a method to classify sports, based on the analyses of the behaviour of people practising them. Thanks to this brand new classifications, we highlight the links of class of sports and their unexpected features. We emphasise some gender dependency affinity in choosing sport classes.  相似文献   

BackgroundTo determine the effect of contact/collision sport participation on measures of single-task (ST) and dual-task (DT) gait among early- to middle-aged adults.MethodsThe study recruited 113 adults (34.88 ± 11.80 years, (mean ± SD); 53.0% female) representing 4 groups. Groups included (a) former non-contact/collision athletes and non-athletes who are not physically active (n = 28); (b) former non-contact/collision athletes who are physically active (n = 29); (c) former contact/collision sport athletes who participated in high-risk sports and are physically active (n = 29); and (d) former rugby players with prolonged repetitive head impact exposure history who are physically active (n = 27). Gait parameters were collected using inertial measurement units during ST and DT gait. DT cost was calculated for all gait parameters (double support, gait speed, and stride length). Groups were compared first using one-way analysis of covariance. Then a multiple regression was performed for participants in the high-risk sport athletes and repetitive head impact exposure athletes groups only to predict gait outcomes from contact/collision sport career duration.ResultsThere were no significant differences between groups on any ST, DT, or DT cost outcomes (p > 0.05). Contact/collision sport duration did not predict any ST, DT, or DT cost gait outcomes.ConclusionYears and history of contact/collision sport participation does not appear to negatively affect or predict neurobehavioral function in early- to mid-adulthood among physically active individuals.  相似文献   

In this study,we investigated resting left ventricular dimensions and function in trained female rowers, canoeists and cyclists. In male populations, such athletes have demonstrated the largest left ventricular wall thicknesses and cavity dimensions. Echocardiograms were analysed from 24 athletes (rowers and canoeists, n=12; cyclists, n=12) and 21 age-matched controls to measure left ventricular end-diastolic dimension and volume, and septal (ST) and posterior wall (PWT) thicknesses. Left ventricular mass was calculated from M-mode data. Systolic and diastolic function were calculated from M-mode and Doppler echocardiography, respectively. Height, body mass, body surface area and fat-free mass were determined anthropometrically. The athletes were well matched with the controls for all anthropometric variables except fat-free mass (rowers and canoeists 49.7 3.6 kg, cyclists 48.0?+\- 3.8 kg, controls 45.0?+\- 5.4 kg; P < 0.05). The left ventricular end-diastolic dimension, mass and volume, and septal and posterior wall thicknesses, were all significantly greater in the athletes than the controls (P < 0.05). These differences persisted (except for left ventricular end-diastolic dimension) even after allometric adjustment for group differences in fat-free mass. Stroke volume was larger (rowers and canoeists 102?+\- 13 ml, cyclists 103?+\0 16 ml, controls 80?+\- 15 ml; P < 0.05) in both groups of athletes but all other functional data were similar between groups. As in male athletes, female rowers, canoeists and cyclists displayed significantly larger left ventricular cavity dimensions and wall thicknesses than controls.  相似文献   

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