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阐述新建构主义是在建构主义理论基础上面向网络化学习环境发展而来的学习理论。分析目前国内高校信息素质教育主要以学生被动接受的渗透式、单一式和选修式模式为主的弊端,提出基于新建构主义的师生并重的高校信息素质教育“混合式”模式。对“混合式”模式中的学习目标、学习内容、教学主体(教师)、教学对象(学生)、教学环境、学习资源、教学方法、意义建构及教学考评等9个方面从新建构主义角度进行阐释。  相似文献   

随着网络技术和通讯技术的迅速发展.移动学习已成为世界范围内教育研究热点.但目前移动学习使用者涉及面仍然比较窄、成熟应用系统比较少、移动学习模式应用持久性较低。本文从国内外研究现状、基于任务模型的移动学习系统框架设计理论、系统构架、系统关键技术等几个方面阐述了基于片段式资源协作构建的自适应移动学习系统设计。  相似文献   

教学模式是进行教学工作设计的基本思路框架,建构主义学习理论关于知识、学习、教学的观点给传统教学模式提出了极大挑战。基于对建构主义学习理论的研究,文章分析了传播学课程教学中运用的自主学习教学模式、案例教学+小论文模式、学生上课+教师评价模式与“演示+讲授+BB 平台+微信”的立体互动式教学模式,并提出实施了传播学课程教学模式应注意的问题。  相似文献   

李惠 《图书馆学刊》2015,(3):100-102
基于网络的精品视听教学资源可以有效支持教师教学和学生学习。本系统的设计遵循一般的程序开发流程,首先从需求分析开始了解用户对于系统功能的基本需求;其次基于计算机设计的B-S模式提出了教学资源管理系统的整体结构,并在整体结构的基础上提出系统的4个功能模块,分别为人员管理模块、资源管理模块、系统管理模块和学习管理模块。最后从实际情况出发讨论了实现该系统所需的技术支持。  相似文献   

如何培养具有自主性学习能力和专业知识结构的人才是目前高职院校系统乃至整个社会所关注的焦点。当前我国高职教育教学中,教学管理方式"中学化"倾向明显,造成培养的学生具有较强的"考试能力"和"学习依赖能力",而社会所需的"专业知识能力"、"实践动手能力"、"自主学习能力"等则比较缺乏。本研究以现代教育思想和教育理论为指导,以Wiki社群技术为支撑,构建基于Wiki社群的自主性学习平台,实现计算机网络教学与学习从辅助到自主的功能转化,突出学生的主体地位和教师的指导作用,探索基于Wiki社群在高职教育不同学科、不同类型课程教学中自主性学习的应用模式和学习环境。  相似文献   

建构主义理论是一种教育思想的不断创新。它强调以学生为中心,认为学生是认知的主体,是知识意义的主动建构者;教师只对学生的意义建构起帮助和促进作用,并不要求教师直接向学生传授和灌输知识。在建构主义学习环境下,教师和学生的地位、作用和传统教学相比已发生很大的变化。本文从建构主义理论的学习方法、学习观、教学观以及学习环境角度,阐述目前高校档案学专业实习模式存在的问题,运用建构主义理论的思想提出相应的解决办法,进而提高高校档案学专业实习模式的质量。  相似文献   

基于网络的协作学习模式有助于增强学习者在学习过程中的协作互动意识。根据克伯屈的“设计教学法”,教师在实施基于网络的协作学习模式的过程中,应注意设计学习目标、学习共同体、学习任务、学习过程这四个关健环节;另外,在评估环节,协作学习模式强调过程评价、自我反思评价,突出评价的多元化。  相似文献   

CDIO工程教育模式下的文献检索课教学探索与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
CDIO是一种新型的高等教育模式,它以系统的产品设计来培养学生专业技术知识、个人能力、职业能力、团队工作和交流能力。河北工程大学通过文献检索课和模拟电子技术课的有机结合授课方式获得实践经验,提炼出一个与专业课结合的专业教师授课的文献检索课教学模式。模式分为3个层面:首先,教师根据社会科学和数理逻辑的相关理念来构思教学大纲并确立学生分组规则。其次,使用基于系统工程理念所开发的数据库信息资源,加强教师和学生有规律的学习互动。最后,师生把课堂环境演化为知识交换市场,共同分享学习成果。实践证明,文献检索课教学与专业课的有机结合是CDIO模式下一种理想的文献检索课教学模式。  相似文献   

课堂教学技能是教师教学技能的重要组成部分,综观目前的培养存在着理论与实践脱节、技能训练方式单一等f"l题。随着教育技术、视频技术和网络技术的发展,为师范生课堂教学技能的培养提供了新视野。在基于建构主义理论和情境学习理论指导下,试图设计视频案例系统,探讨基于视频案例的师范生课堂教学技能培养过程。  相似文献   

介绍基于模式自动机的全文检索系统的工作原理、体系结构,并给出基于模式自动机的全文索引数据库的核心数据结构和相关的生成算法、检索算法和模式自学习算法。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 国外高校图书馆的写作辅导服务历史悠久、实践丰富,学习和借鉴其具体经验能够为我国开展类似服务提供指导。[方法/过程] 采用网络及文献调研的方法,选取10所具有代表性的国外高校图书馆,开展写作辅导服务现状调查,对其辅导实践进行系统总结。[结果/结论] 我国高校图书馆可以通过成立写作中心、组建学生咨询团队、开展多样化的写作活动等方式进行实践探索。  相似文献   

��[Purpose/significance] The writing tutoring service in foreign university library rich in practice has a long history. Learning and drawing on its concrete experience will provide guidance for the service of the university library in China.[Method/process] Through online survey and literature review, the paper selects 10 representative foreign university libraries to conduct a survey of writing tutoring status and to summarize.[Result/conclusion] University libraries in China can carry out practical exploration by setting up writing centers, building a student consulting team and carrying out diversified writing activities.  相似文献   

谈深化高校图书馆的导读工作   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25  
李小丹 《图书馆论坛》2004,24(1):103-105
论述了现代高校图书馆仍需加强传统的导读工作和更需重视网络环境下信息导航的理由及其措施。  相似文献   

本文以科技馆中静态陈列型展品为研究对象,利用移动媒体技术(iBeacon),开发基于微信小程序的信息化辅导平台;根据5E学习环,设计探究式学习辅导资源内容,使用户通过微信“摇一摇”,获取展品辅导资源,引导用户了解展品操作方法、探究实践、原理解释、生活应用和相关展品推荐等内容。围绕设计开发的思路和具体方式方法,进行分析和探讨,以期有助于科技馆基于静态展品的科教活动开发设计。  相似文献   


This study examined the discriminant validity between rapport and immediacy and tested a model using instructor rapport as the mediator between immediacy and learning. Participants (N = 146) completed measures of nonverbal immediacy, instructor rapport, perceived cognitive learning, and anticipated final course grade. Results revealed that immediacy and rapport were two distinct constructs. In testing the model, the enjoyable interaction dimension of instructor rapport mediated the relationship between immediacy and perceived learning but not anticipated final grades. The personal connection dimension of rapport mediated the relationship between immediacy and both perceived learning and anticipated final grade. These results explore the mechanism through which immediacy may lead to cognitive learning.  相似文献   

An academic librarian and the coordinator of a campus tutoring and writing center recently relocated to the library researched their value to second-year students. Differences in the amount and type of available data called for conducting in-depth interviews with students about their research and writing processes. The researchers also reviewed relevant material regarding similar collaborative efforts at other college and universities. The gaps revealed in the environmental scan along with the best practices of librarian/writing center collaboration helped determine future steps needed for both units to move from mere co-location to working in true collaboration.  相似文献   

This case study recounts a process of course design, conduct, and evaluation for a single-session chemical information literacy class using guided and team-based learning. This approach incorporates active learning, worked examples, process worksheets, and POGIL elements. The instruction followed an iterative cycle of learning exercises whereby (1) the instructor introduces an information problem or task through a short presentation, (2) student teams collaboratively work through process worksheets that guide them through the technical and analytical tasks of resolving the information problem or task, (3) the instructor serves as a facilitator to address learning needs that arise during the exercise, while student teams analyze and reflect upon the learning activity and concepts, and afterwards, (4) the class engages in a discussion as an opportunity for evaluation, further exploration, and peer instruction. Overall, the guided and team-based learning approach offers opportunities to observe student progress closely and forges a collaborative spirit between students and the instructor for an engaging and rewarding experience.  相似文献   

Written feedback is an important but often overlooked aspect of an instructor’s training and responsibilities, even though it is central to student learning. We analyzed 3,071 written instructor comments on a single assignment from 95 sections to understand how immediacy, credibility, and facework are reflected in written feedback. In taking a heuristic approach to data analysis, we found two overarching themes: fostering goodwill and using context-specific feedback. These overlapping themes demonstrated various strategies of instructor immediacy, credibility, and facework that negotiated the instructor–student relationship in conjunction with course content and policies. Examining these themes allowed us to identify strengths and weaknesses in methods of instructor feedback that would not have been visible using traditional quantitative methods of assessment and have practical implications for the administration of our course.  相似文献   


A superior learning environment provides students widi an opportunity to benefit from the knowledge and experience of an instructor and encourages them to engage in research into the subject matter of the course. Collaboration between a course instructor and a library liaison using online courseware can lead to the creation of a “learning community” that enhances the learning experience. The authors describe an experiment (using Blackboard to create a “pseudo course”) that produced a learning community that nurtured students and fostered Student retention and success.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between instructor argumentativeness and verbal aggressiveness, and student affective learning and satisfaction. Participants were 169 undergraduate students enrolled in a variety of communication courses at a small Midwestern university. Results indicate that perceived instructor argumentativeness is positively correlated with student affect toward the course, student affect toward the instructor, and student satisfaction whereas perceived instructor verbal aggressiveness is negatively correlated with student affect toward the course, student affect toward the instructor, and student satisfaction. Future researchers may examine the reasons behind instructor argumentative and verbally aggressive behaviors as well as the composition of the various messages used to exemplify these behaviors.  相似文献   

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