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场馆,作为重要的教学补充场所和学习实践场所,其德育价值随着场馆学习的深化逐渐得到彰显。场馆德育有利于破除中小学德育环境隔阂、凸显德育真实情境、增进德育情感体验和落实德育实践教学。将场馆德育落到实处必须进行整体设计:以“通”为前提,打通学校与场馆,融通学科与学科,拓宽场馆德育之路;以“特”为依据,兼顾地方特色、场馆特色、学校特色与学生特点,打造沉浸式学习体验;以“真”为载体,重视真实情境、真实事例与真实问题的运用,开展合作探究式教学。  相似文献   

江苏省靖江高级中学地理课程基地,为学生营造了多样化的场馆设施和教学情境,让学生通过在自主学习、实践体验和合作探究中激发兴趣、融会贯通、创新思维,促进地理课程教学达到课改要求。多样的学习方式与情境、多样的场馆满足了学生多样的需求,为学生创新精神与实践能力的提高提供了支持,拓展了学生的学习时空,在多样融通的学习过程中产生灵感丰富了学习体验。  相似文献   

某种学习方式能够被开发出来并在学校教育中流行,往往经历了长久的教育实践探索。这些基本的学习方式,大体上可以分为接受学习和探究学习(或发现学习)两类。前者强调教师直接把知识结论传递给学生,以“教师讲——学生听”为主要的教学形态;后者强调由学生自己发现知识结论,强调的是让学生在发现、探究的过程中领会学习的方法、体验探索的欢乐。  相似文献   

拓展空间边界,延伸学习领域,改进学习方式是未来教育的重要趋势。场馆课程是一种具有综合性和开放性,并且为学生创造真实的学习环境,创建自主探究式、体验式学习空间的非正式学习课程。在实践育人背景下,场馆课程的开发拓宽学生的学习空间,丰富学生的实践体验,落实学生的核心素养,并承载学校的育人特色。以厦门集美区窗内小学为例,阐述“美窗”场馆课程开发的主要内容,探寻“美窗”场馆课程开发的实践路径。  相似文献   

传统的教育观念把教育与学校等同起来。在终身教育背景下,非正式学习逐渐得到关注和重视。近年来,场馆学习成为学校教育以外的一个新的学习领域。场馆学习本质上是一种非正式学习,它不仅让人获得知识,同时也能帮助参观者提升兴趣、态度、观念等。参观者是以个体的认知发展、原有的知识建构以及参观动机为基础,与场馆里的展品和媒介进行交互,通过互动建构其个人化的参观经验。应该提倡场馆教育与各级各类学校教育紧密结合,以弥补学校教育的不足。  相似文献   

课堂教学是学校教育工作的中心,也是高校实施素质教育的主阵地。改变传统教学模式已经成为目前大学英语口语课堂教学改革的趋势。体验学习是一种以学习者为中心的、通过实践与反思性结合来获得知识、技能和态度的学习方式。结合体验学习理念及学生的认知规律和英语口语教学的特点,教师有必要改变教学理念,运用体验学习模式,采取多元的教学方法与技巧,强调学习者为中心的教学理念、教学环境以符合真实社会需求。  相似文献   

社区教育的发展告诉我们,社区教育的活力在于学习方式的不断变革和创新。近年来,体验学习方式在社区教育的尝试和应用,引发了我们对社区教育方式的新思考。体验学习方式坚持以学习者为中心,强调学习过程的反思性、开放性和合作性,对于改进社区教育方式具有积极意义。因此,把体验学习方式应用于社区教育,有助于进一步体现社区教育的取向、提升社区教育的品质、激发社区教育的活力、完善社区教育的载体。为此,我们需要用体验学习的理念指导社区教育工作,开展多维度的体验学习方式实践,探索基于网络环境的互动体验方式、基于实践基地的社会体验方式以及基于实训基地的培训体验方式,从而寻求社区教育的新途径和新方法。  相似文献   

劳动作为一种学习方式,具备沉浸性、具身性和社会性的特征,其价值观的培育是劳动教育的核心目标,须依托于具体的实际场域或学习场域。学校运用场域学习理论构建“农业园—学校园—家庭园—社会园”“四位一体”的中学劳动育人体系,通过农业场馆的具身体验、学校场域的文化浸润、家庭场景的言传身教、社会场所的劳动实践,贯彻新时代劳动教育理念,融入生态文明观念,确立劳动情感,树立劳动精神,为中学劳动教育提供参考,帮助学生打通个体生长路径,涵育幸福人生。  相似文献   

小学STEM教育是依据一定情境中的问题,引导学生综合各科知识与技能,以"设计""制作"实践来切实解决真实问题,从而累积实践能力和创新意识的教育方式.它的常态化开展不仅依赖于学生自身的学习热情和持续行动,还需有相匹配的学习方式、空间、学习路径的助推.因此,为了STEM教育实践的有效开展,本文结合学校的具体实践,从混合式学习的视角,引入"拼图法"优化STEM小组合作学习,以弹性模式学习支持STEM行动,将评价渗透到STEM学习的各个阶段,为学校开展STEM教育实践提供帮助.  相似文献   

体验学习是以学生为中心的学习方式,体验学习与实践知识的获得有密切的联系,对于实践教学改革有重要的启示作用。本文分析了实践教学的实践特性:教学目标的实践性、教学内容的实践性、教学方法的实践性,并基于体验学习的特征探讨了实践教学的改革方向。  相似文献   

博物馆具有重要的宣教功能。随着2008年我国纪念馆、博物馆免费开放以来,青少年学生成为博物馆的重要教育对象.博物馆也成为学校教育的第二课堂。南昌八一起义纪念馆通过采取互动式学习、探究式学习、设立学生实践课堂等多种形式有效配合了学校教育,充分发挥了博物馆的教育职能。  相似文献   

目前,对学习的研究大多集中在学校环境,发生在校外的非正式学习尚未获得足够地重视。以科技馆、博物馆等为代表的场馆,既是丰富的教育资源,也是研究非正式学习的理想场所。通过对场馆环境中的学习特点、面临的问题进行分析,尝试从物理环境、展品、活动三个层面探讨场馆中的学习环境设计。  相似文献   

教育是博物馆的主要目的和职能,而中小学是博物馆教育体系服务的重要对象。博物馆教育与学校教育之间存在着相互补充、相互延伸的关系,二者的合作不仅有助于学校课程的实施和学生学习,而且可以推动博物馆教育职能的不断完善和提升。文章介绍了美国博物馆与中小学互相合作的发展历程,分析了影响两者合作进程的主要因素,其成功经验对于探索中国博物馆与中小学教育系统的衔接合作颇有借鉴和启发意义。  相似文献   

Visits to museums and science centres are a part of most school science programs- but are they really learning experiences? By accompanying classes on visits and talking with the teachers and students during and after these visits, information has been gathered on the ways in which school groups currently use visits to two informal science learning settings in Sydney- a science education centre and a large museum. Comparison of the teacher and student behaviours on these visits with current views on good teaching/learning practice, reveals considerable anomalies. At the same time, reported studies of museum visitors suggest that family groups use museums for learning in ways which are quite different from the way most school groups do. Can these apparent mismatches be translated into a pathway for developing new approaches to learning in informal settings?  相似文献   

This paper focuses on museum and gallery education for adults in Dundee, Scotland. Dundee has recently experienced a shift from being mainly working class to an educational, cultural and tourist centre. Hence, an interesting field for the examination of the educational policies and practices of the city museums/galleries and the different fashions they receive and act upon wider developments in the museum world has emerged. Questions arising are how the new, open and accessible museum (and gallery) has changed the way education is constructed and offered in the museums in the city? What is the relationship of education with marketing and the new discourse of social inclusion and participation in museums and galleries? For example, one of the most pertinent findings was that, at least in Dundee, activity-based and individual learning has been over-valued, at the expense of a more social and dialogic educational experience that participants seemed to largely prefer and indeed propose as more meaningful to them. Although new ideas and participatory practices have improved attendance and the engagement of the local adult population, other issues, such as the new economic reality for museums and the close relationship of education with marketing are policies that were often treated with resistance, if not opposition, by the research participants.  相似文献   

Research has repeatedly demonstrated how informal learning environments afford science-identity development by fostering a broader array of interactions and recognizing more varied participation modes and roles, as compared to the classroom. Thus, science teachers are encouraged to take students to field trips in informal environments, including science museums. However, the question of whether and how informal environments indeed support science identities also in a schooling context (i.e., in field trips) has not yet been explored. This case study addresses this question by analyzing identity trajectories of three students throughout six school visits to an Israeli science museum. We observed and recorded these students in the museum over the course of 3 years (fourth to sixth grade). We also visited their school and interviewed them after each visit. Drawing on a sociocultural interactional approach to identity, we analyzed 18 hr of video and audio recordings, tracking the participation of the three students across time and contexts, comparing between the students, points in time and settings, including structured (museum lab), semi-structured (riddle-solving activities in exhibition halls), and unstructured settings (free exploration). We employed linguistic ethnographic methods and microanalysis to examine the ways in which the students participated and their positioning by self and others. While we found differences between settings within the museum, overall, the findings show that the museum reproduced the school's interaction, positioning, and roles. The “(non)science person” in school was also the “(non)science person” in the museum, and thus, the museum visits did not appear to shift identity trajectories. These findings challenge the premise that informal environments support the development of science identities also in a schooling context and call for a more critical view of such fieldtrips in terms of their pedagogical and physical design, facilitation approach, and consideration of peers' social interaction.  相似文献   

This intrinsic case study examines art museum learning of elementary school students during a week-long visit at the Mackenzie Art Museum. Museums are informative institutions that provide opportunities for visitors to engage with self, others, and society. It is a unique place for visitors to learn beyond classroom settings. This project aims to analyse the discourse around art and understand how young learners utilise discourse as tools to make meaning during art museum visits. By examining learners' dialogues, the research investigated a meaning-making framework that incorporates strategies for negotiating insights in art museums. This study includes approximately 12 hours of video-recorded data and student artefacts. The data suggests learners engage and form new meanings through building and negotiating discourses with peers and museum educators. Different discourses and knowledge are valued and reinforced by members of the group. This study addresses the gap in children's meaning-making during art museum visits, illustrating their strategies to construct knowledge and bridge connections.  相似文献   

Self-regulated learning (SRL) in the museum was explored by 2 investigations. The first one investigated 233 visitors on their goals and intended learning strategies by questionnaire before they visited the science museum. Results indicated visitors’ learning goals can predict their intended deep-learning strategy. Moreover, visitors can be clustered into 4 groups and their cluster identity can also predict the intended learning strategies. The second investigation asked 244 visitors about their actual learning strategies and motivational appraisals (self-efficacy and control beliefs) after visiting. In all, 5 kinds of learning strategies were found: elaborating, help-seeking, effort-making, reorganizing, and surface-learning. These strategies can further predict their motivational appraisals. The characteristics of SRL in the informal learning context were discussed.  相似文献   

The article presents a thematic review of the recent research on workplace learning. It is divided into two main sections. The first section asks what we know about learning at work, and states four propositions: (1) the nature of workplace learning is both different from and similar to school learning; (2) learning in the workplace can be described at different levels, ranging from the individual to the network and region; (3) workplace learning is both informal and formal; and (4) workplaces differ a lot in how they support learning. The second section focuses on workplace learning that is related to formal education. Different models of organising work experience for students and the challenges of creating partnerships between education and working life are described. It is concluded that the worlds of education and work are moving closer each other and that the integration of formal and informal learning is an essential prerequisite for developing the kinds of expertise needed in response to the changes taking place in working life.  相似文献   

科学馆在民国时期学校理科教学特别是中学理科实验教学中扮演了重要角色。民国时期公共科学馆从建议设立到零星出现再到行政推广的过程,凸显了它在中学理科实验教学中的作用及其与学校科学教育发展的关系。  相似文献   

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