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游戏是幼儿的基本活动,幼儿在游戏中学习与发展。当前,幼儿教师普遍存在"无法抓住支持幼儿的适当时机及提供幼儿适宜支持"的问题,已成为阻碍幼儿在游戏中实现高阶发展的关键因素。研究者基于建构主义理论,结合案例分析,推导出游戏中教师支持幼儿高阶发展的理论框架模型:一是当幼儿图式稳固平衡,对幼儿在游戏中呈现的两种状态,教师可采取的支持策略;二是当幼儿图式不平衡,对幼儿有挑战目标但处于不同层次的游戏状态时,教师可采取的支持策略。这一理论模型阐释了教师在幼儿图式状态转化过程中支持的时机与内容。  相似文献   

发展学生高阶思维是核心素养导向下的必然追求,数学游戏教学能够很好地促进高阶思维发展。在数学游戏教学中,教师要精准理解,寻找思维支点、问题建构,扩大思维空间、迁移运用,拓展思维深度。以思维为突破口,让学生在游戏中活跃思维、抽象思维、提升思维,实现真正的深度学习。  相似文献   

瞬息万变的数字技术和游戏正在通过控制儿童的时间、注意力和认知习惯来改变他们的思维与交往方式。尽管如此,数字化儿童游戏不能被简单归类于“精神废物”,它们具有深刻的时代内涵。游戏是儿童人性自由的表达,是儿童创造性的表现,是儿童的有规则活动,游戏就是儿童的工作。因此,游戏中蕴含着丰富的教育精神、独特的教育方式与多元化课程形态。这些教育价值的实现,需要重构游戏与教育的关系,基于高阶思维实现游戏课程化,要让游戏成为儿童的深度学习方式和儿童的思想实验,以此实现快乐学习与深度学习的真正融合。  相似文献   

斯腾伯格提出的三元理论与目前流行的高阶思维相互融合,本文主要从问题设计的角度来看教育游戏的思维教学。具体来说,基于问题的研究是以"三位一体"问题观来把握学习内容及思维教学,揭示教师教学和学生学习中问题的定位关系。文中列举了教育游戏教学设计实例,分析思维教学中一个知识主题的问题设计,从教学目标、教学过程及教学评价三个方面来说明三元高阶思维教学模式与教育游戏的有效结合。  相似文献   

文章主要面向儿童高阶思维的培养,根据杜威提出的思维过程"怀疑反思-问题生成-探究批判-问题解决"进行教学设计并实践.具体来说,以闯关式游戏导入,引发原理思考,生成相应问题,再探究,提假设,理清编程思路,最后完成相应程序.过程中研究,过程中学习,轻技术,重思维,尤为重视高阶思维的培养.文章以递归为例,进行一个知识主题的教学设计,为游戏化编程教育的具体实施提供参考,尽最大可能培养儿童批判思考、决策选择、问题求解、创造创新等高阶思维能力.  相似文献   

探究学习作为培养学生科学精神的重要手段,历来受到教育界的高度重视。文章从探究学习的起源入手,剖析了探究学习的教学实践困境,如信息技术支持的探究学习也存在注重知识传授、对过程性重视不足、学生参与动机不强等问题。文章分析了游戏应用于探究学习的可能及其核心价值,认为游戏作为天然的探究学习环境,为问题解决与自主合作提供了空间,为学生的探究学习提供了可能,如能够发挥游戏的三层教育价值,可以为"科学精神"的培养提供一种实践的可能。最后,文章指出了游戏与探究学习面临的挑战。  相似文献   

作为一种独特的教育资源,数字化教育游戏注重心流体验和学习沉浸,在改善学生学习效果方面被寄予厚望。基于数字游戏的游戏化学习方式也一直被教育研究者高度关注,并展开了大量的研究。那么,游戏化学习方式在改善学生学习方面到底有没有作用?如果有,作用有多大?如果没有,什么原因造成的?这些问题是目前学界十分关心的问题。为此,研究利用元分析法,从总体效果、不同学段、不同知识类型、不同学科等多个方面,对国内外35项游戏化学习实验报告的结果进行了定量分析,比较客观地审视和评价了游戏化学习方式对学生学习效果的影响。分析结果显示:(1)总体来看,游戏化学习对学生学习效果具有较大程度且积极的影响;(2)游戏化学习对学生学习效果的影响不受知识类型、学段等调节变量的影响;(3)游戏化学习方式在不同学科的实验结果存在差异性。透过这些研究也可以看出,教育游戏若要真正融入学校教育生态还面临着不小的挑战,在获得支持、提供更多选择、降低制作技术门槛、研究有效的应用模式、改变攸关方的态度和认知等方面还需要做大量工作。  相似文献   

游戏化学习是将游戏元素或游戏机制与学习过程融合,进行知识表达和传递、创造以及技能提升和素质培养的新型学习模式。本文通过收集整理近年来国际国内游戏化学习研究的相关文献及游戏案例,分析了当下游戏化学习所面临的问题,并提出了相应的解决策略。  相似文献   

教育游戏价值显著,但现状不容乐观,原因之一是不能充分激发玩家参与动机。相比火热的商业游戏,诸多动机激发策略值得借鉴。对比二者动机激发差异,找出教育游戏存在的问题,提出解决对策。以期改善教育游戏窘境,吸引更多玩家,发挥其独特优势。  相似文献   

深度学习是指向问题解决的学习。以问题解决为导向的深度学习,就是将问题解决作为实现深度学习的有效途径,通过问题解决实现知识的有效迁移运用,促进幼儿积极主动学习、批判性思维和创造性思维等高阶思维的发展。本研究以大班自主游戏“水滑梯”为例,结合以问题解决为导向的幼儿深度学习的四个阶段,即经验回顾、制定计划、实施计划、总结反思等不断循环、螺旋上升的过程中,促进大班幼儿深度学习。  相似文献   

首先分析了将军事游戏引入军事理论课程教学的理论依据和现实基础,然后以《联合作战基础》课程教学为例,从游戏平台的选择、训练科目的设置和组织形式的确定三个方面探讨了军事游戏在军事理论课程教学中的应用过程,最后,提出了三点应当把握的关系。  相似文献   

当前,高校以学习者为中心大力推进教育教学改革,传统的教学方法难以满足学习者对编程课程学习的个性化需求.传统课程实践环节中的编程练习较为单调乏味,很难激发学习者学习编程的兴趣,学习者甚至会对编程学习产生负面的情绪.本研究面向培养计算机编程能力提出一个基于计算机游戏的学习模型,该游戏模型以"面向对象程序设计"课程为例面向在...  相似文献   

在全球基础教育教学方式不断重组改变的今天,教育游戏作为一种新兴的教学媒体,其寓教于乐的作用受到了相关领域专家、教师以及家长的广泛关注.游戏化学习或基于游戏的学习,尤其是使用移动应用程序和增强现实游戏,已经成为许多教育研究领域的主题.本文首先阐述了学习行为投入的概念和构成维度,并结合体验学习、动机—活动以及自我调节学习理...  相似文献   

Few studies have investigated the effects of the instructions provided in educational computer games on cognitive processing and learning outcomes. In our experiment, we sought to compare the effects on learning outcomes of two different types of goal-oriented instructions: mastery-goal instructions, which prompt learners to develop skills or master new knowledge, and performance-goal instructions, which are frequently used in game environments and which encourage individuals to demonstrate their ability to succeed, particularly by surpassing others. Results showed that a mastery-goal instruction elicited deeper learning (as assessed with a transfer task) than a performance-goal instruction. No effect of instruction was observed on either learning (demonstration consultation) times at the start of the game or on training task (solving riddles) performances during it. These results are discussed in terms of learning processes. This study demonstrates that mastery goal-oriented instructions can promote active processing of educational content in a serious game environment.  相似文献   

Researchers suggest that game-based learning (GBL) can be used to facilitate mathematics learning. However, empirical GBL research that targets young children is still limited. The purposes of the study is to develop a scenario-based digital game to promote children's route-planning ability, to empirically explore children's learning performance in route planning through the game, and to probe children's technology acceptance of the game. A total of 71 children participated in the study, and both qualitative and quantitative approaches were used, including an interview analysis as well as performance and content analyses of learners’ route-planning tasks. The findings showed that the game had a positive effect on children's learning of route-planning strategies, that children's route-planning strategies were improved with the support of the game, and that children demonstrated high technology acceptance toward the game. This study may be of importance in offering insight into children's GBL.  相似文献   

For a TELE to become adopted by the vast majority of individual learners as a tool for learning, adoption at the institutional level must be considered, because the vast majority of a population of technology users depends on external stimuli to adopt the technology. This article analyses a case where a social simulation game, a prize-winning e-learning product, which is based on theory of, and dedicated to, self-regulated learning – in other words, a product predestined to succeed in supporting self-regulated learning – was implemented for training in academic information literacy. Applying a systemic, Bateson-inspired, understanding of learning and based on data from observation, qualitative interviews, and surveys, a number of barriers to adoption at the organisational level are identified, all requiring management initiatives if the application is to fully unfold its potential.  相似文献   

This research attempted to create the historical context of Southern Taiwan in the late nineteenth century based on the martial art novel “Xiao-Mao” (Pussy) by designing a role-play digital game “Taiwan Epic Game” about the war time; in which, Taiwanese history, geography, and culture are presented in an innovative way with virtual scenarios. Questionnaire surveys were conducted to investigate the effects of the digital game. The simulationist immersion premises were chosen to be the primary concern, with which the designers should pursue the supreme creation of situation, character, setting, and system. The results showed that the game can effectively enhance players' cognitive growth, as well as cultural awareness in terms of the sense of existence of the environment, local culture, folk arts, faith and festivals, and architectural characteristics. It can be concluded that the three-dimensional simulated learning environment created in the digital game can successfully merge “reality” and “virtuality.”  相似文献   

A strategy for teaching and learning was developed at Britannia Royal Naval College during 2006 in order to address several key issues. These included improving professional knowledge and skills retention, enhancing pedagogical practices to increase levels of student motivation, and adapting the training and educational package to an extremely diverse student population. Additional drivers such as those provided by externally accredited programmes of study were also addressed. This article presents a brief review of the development of strategies for teaching and learning in higher education, together with a history of teaching and learning in the military environment. Data from a recent MORI (Market & Opinion Research International) student survey conducted at Britannia Royal Naval College are presented and analysed. It has been found that the unique nature of the military education environment, where students from a wide variety of educational and ethnic backgrounds follow a compressed programme involving a combination of both training and education, requires the modification of existing best practice in the strategies for teaching and learning employed at ‘civilian’ universities. This case study, highlighting the key areas of the development and use of a bespoke teaching and learning strategy, shows how such a strategy benefits students, staff and the wider organisation. Findings highlight the fact that an appropriate balance of training and education enables military college officer graduates to cope with the unpredictable challenges of the modern world more effectively than training alone, pertinent to any organisation involved in professional training and education.  相似文献   

A serious game, which is designed for learning purposes rather than recreational purposes, has been applied for digital game-based Learning. This study investigated the effects of graphic organizers in a serious game, “The Transistor”, on learning outcomes and attitudinal perceptions. A total of 99 participants were randomly assigned to three groups: non-organizer group, advance organizer group, and post organizer group. The results revealed that participants using a post organizer, which was presented after the game for review, outperformed those using a non-organizer and an advance organizer on both learning outcomes (recall test scores and recycling intention) and attitudinal perceptions (perceived enjoyment, perceived usefulness, and satisfaction). These findings implied that a post-graphic organizer could enhance the instructional value of a serious game. More detailed implications, limitations, and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to advance a framework for understanding and teaching game design in higher education, in order to address complexities inherent in teaching game design courses. Everyday teaching and learning game design often deviate from the standard textbook model of game design. In reality everyday teaching and learning operate with handling game design curriculum, how to think games, and how to organise the development process. The presented framework merge curriculum, thinking, and process guided by the game design concept of juiciness. The framework will be presented by dismantling the standard textbook model of game design into three; game design (curriculum), game design thinking (thinking), and game development (organisation). In this perspective game design is concerned with game mechanics, game design thinking preoccupied with paper prototyping, metaphor, and framing, while game developments addresses player experience including play and game testing. This article will coin vertical design as juiciness as opposed to horizontal design understood as expanding system layout. Juiciness will be placed as a guiding principle in the relationship between designers and designed content as an aspect of designer intentions and motivations. Lastly, the content centric framework will be presented by merging game design, game design thinking, game development, vertical design with selected aspects of accepted software development strategies as an approach to teaching and learning game design in higher education.  相似文献   

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