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Extracting semantic relationships between entities from text documents is challenging in information extraction and important for deep information processing and management. This paper investigates the incorporation of diverse lexical, syntactic and semantic knowledge in feature-based relation extraction using support vector machines. Our study illustrates that the base phrase chunking information is very effective for relation extraction and contributes to most of the performance improvement from syntactic aspect while current commonly used features from full parsing give limited further enhancement. This suggests that most of useful information in full parse trees for relation extraction is shallow and can be captured by chunking. This indicates that a cheap and robust solution in relation extraction can be achieved without decreasing too much in performance. We also demonstrate how semantic information such as WordNet, can be used in feature-based relation extraction to further improve the performance. Evaluation on the ACE benchmark corpora shows that effective incorporation of diverse features enables our system outperform previously best-reported systems. It also shows that our feature-based system significantly outperforms tree kernel-based systems. This suggests that current tree kernels fail to effectively explore structured syntactic information in relation extraction.  相似文献   

Shallow semantic parsing assigns a simple structure (such as WHO did WHAT to WHOM, WHEN, WHERE, WHY, and HOW) to each predicate in a sentence. It plays a critical role in event-based information extraction and thus is important for deep information processing and management. This paper proposes a tree kernel method for a particular shallow semantic parsing task, called semantic role labeling (SRL), with an enriched parse tree structure. First, a new tree kernel is presented to effectively capture the inherent structured knowledge in a parse tree by enabling the standard convolution tree kernel with context-sensitiveness via considering ancestral information of substructures and approximate matching via allowing insertion/deletion/substitution of tree nodes in the substructures. Second, an enriched parse tree structure is proposed to both well preserve the necessary structured information and effectively avoid noise by differentiating various portions of the parse tree structure. Evaluation on the CoNLL’2005 shared task shows that both the new tree kernel and the enriched parse tree structure contribute much in SRL and our tree kernel method significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art tree kernel methods. Moreover, our tree kernel method is proven rather complementary to the state-of-the-art feature-based methods in that it can better capture structural parse tree information.  相似文献   

We propose a social relation extraction system using dependency-kernel-based support vector machines (SVMs). The proposed system classifies input sentences containing two people’s names on the basis of whether they do or do not describe social relations between two people. The system then extracts relation names (i.e., social-related keywords) from sentences describing social relations. We propose new tree kernels called dependency trigram kernels for effectively implementing these processes using SVMs. Experiments showed that the proposed kernels delivered better performance than the existing dependency kernel. On the basis of the experimental evidence, we suggest that the proposed system can be used as a useful tool for automatically constructing social networks from unstructured texts.  相似文献   

The task of answering complex questions requires inferencing and synthesizing information from multiple documents that can be seen as a kind of topic-oriented, informative multi-document summarization. In generic summarization the stochastic, graph-based random walk method to compute the relative importance of textual units (i.e. sentences) is proved to be very successful. However, the major limitation of the TF*IDF approach is that it only retains the frequency of the words and does not take into account the sequence, syntactic and semantic information. This paper presents the impact of syntactic and semantic information in the graph-based random walk method for answering complex questions. Initially, we apply tree kernel functions to perform the similarity measures between sentences in the random walk framework. Then, we extend our work further to incorporate the Extended String Subsequence Kernel (ESSK) to perform the task in a similar manner. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the use of kernels to include the syntactic and semantic information for this task.  相似文献   

Within the context of Information Extraction (IE), relation extraction is oriented towards identifying a variety of relation phrases and their arguments in arbitrary sentences. In this paper, we present a clause-based framework for information extraction in textual documents. Our framework focuses on two important challenges in information extraction: 1) Open Information Extraction and (OIE), and 2) Relation Extraction (RE). In the plethora of research that focus on the use of syntactic and dependency parsing for the purposes of detecting relations, there has been increasing evidence of incoherent and uninformative extractions. The extracted relations may even be erroneous at times and fail to provide a meaningful interpretation. In our work, we use the English clause structure and clause types in an effort to generate propositions that can be deemed as extractable relations. Moreover, we propose refinements to the grammatical structure of syntactic and dependency parsing that help reduce the number of incoherent and uninformative extractions from clauses. In our experiments both in the open information extraction and relation extraction domains, we carefully evaluate our system on various benchmark datasets and compare the performance of our work against existing state-of-the-art information extraction systems. Our work shows improved performance compared to the state-of-the-art techniques.  相似文献   

With the popularity of online educational platforms, English learners can learn and practice no matter where they are and what they do. English grammar is one of the important components in learning English. To learn English grammar effectively, it requires students to practice questions containing focused grammar knowledge. In this paper, we study a novel problem of retrieving English grammar questions with similar grammatical focus. Since the grammatical focus similarity is different from textual similarity or sentence syntactic similarity, existing approaches cannot be applied directly to our problem. To address this problem, we propose a syntactic based approach for English grammar question retrieval which can retrieve related grammar questions with similar grammatical focus effectively. In the proposed syntactic based approach, we first propose a new syntactic tree, namely parse-key tree, to capture English grammar questions’ grammatical focus. Next, we propose two kernel functions, namely relaxed tree kernel and part-of-speech order kernel, to compute the similarity between two parse-key trees of the query and grammar questions in the collection. Then, the retrieved grammar questions are ranked according to the similarity between the parse-key trees. In addition, if a query is submitted together with answer choices, conceptual similarity and textual similarity are also incorporated to further improve the retrieval accuracy. The performance results have shown that our proposed approach outperforms the state-of-the-art methods based on statistical analysis and syntactic analysis.  相似文献   

In this paper, we address the problem of relation extraction of multiple arguments where the relation of entities is framed by multiple attributes. Such complex relations are successfully extracted using a syntactic tree-based pattern matching method. While induced subtree patterns are typically used to model the relations of multiple entities, we argue that hard pattern matching between a pattern database and instance trees cannot allow us to examine similar tree structures. Thus, we explore a tree alignment-based soft pattern matching approach to improve the coverage of induced patterns. Our pattern learning algorithm iteratively searches the most influential dependency tree patterns as well as a control parameter for each pattern. The resulting method outperforms two baselines, a pairwise approach with the tree-kernel support vector machine and a hard pattern matching method, on two standard datasets for a complex relation extraction task.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel hierarchical learning strategy to deal with the data sparseness problem in semantic relation extraction by modeling the commonality among related classes. For each class in the hierarchy either manually predefined or automatically clustered, a discriminative function is determined in a top-down way. As the upper-level class normally has much more positive training examples than the lower-level class, the corresponding discriminative function can be determined more reliably and guide the discriminative function learning in the lower-level one more effectively, which otherwise might suffer from limited training data. In this paper, two classifier learning approaches, i.e. the simple perceptron algorithm and the state-of-the-art Support Vector Machines, are applied using the hierarchical learning strategy. Moreover, several kinds of class hierarchies either manually predefined or automatically clustered are explored and compared. Evaluation on the ACE RDC 2003 and 2004 corpora shows that the hierarchical learning strategy much improves the performance on least- and medium-frequent relations.  相似文献   

Syntax parse trees are a method of representing sentence structure and are often used to provide models with syntax information and enhance downstream task performance. Because grammar and syntax are inherently linked, the incorporation of syntax parse trees in GEC is a natural solution. In this work, we present a method of incorporating syntax parse trees for Grammatical Error Correction (GEC). Building off a strong sequence-to-sequence Transformer baseline, we present a unified parse integration method for GEC that allows for the use of both dependency and constituency parse trees, as well as their combination - a syntactic graph. Specifically, on the sentence encoder, we propose a graph encoder that can encode dependency trees and constituent trees at the same time, yielding two representations for terminal nodes (i.e., the token of the sentence) and non-terminal nodes. We next use two cross-attentions (NT-Cross-Attention and T-Cross-Attention) to aggregate these source syntactic representations to the target side for final corrections prediction. In addition to evaluating our models on the popular CoNLL-2014 Shared Task and JFLEG GEC benchmarks, we affirm the effectiveness of our proposed method by testing both varying levels of parsing quality and exploring the use of both parsing formalisms. With further empirical exploration and analysis to identify the source of improvement, we found that rich syntax information provided clear clues for GEC; a syntactic graph composed of multiple syntactic parse trees can effectively compensate for the limited quality and insufficient error correction capability of a single syntactic parse tree.  相似文献   

Since previous studies in cognitive psychology show that individuals’ affective states can help analyze and predict their future behaviors, researchers have explored emotion mining for predicting online activities, firm profitability, and so on. Existing emotion mining methods are divided into two categories: feature-based approaches that rely on handcrafted annotations and deep learning-based methods that thrive on computational resources and big data. However, neither category can effectively detect emotional expressions captured in text (e.g., social media postings). In addition, the utilization of these methods in downstream explanatory and predictive applications is also rare. To fill the aforementioned research gaps, we develop a novel deep learning-based emotion detector named DeepEmotionNet that can simultaneously leverage contextual, syntactic, semantic, and document-level features and lexicon-based linguistic knowledge to bootstrap the overall emotion detection performance. Based on three emotion detection benchmark corpora, our experimental results confirm that DeepEmotionNet outperforms state-of-the-art baseline methods by 4.9% to 29.8% in macro-averaged F-score. For the downstream application of DeepEmotionNet to a real-world financial application, our econometric analysis highlights that top executives’ emotions of fear and anger embedded in their social media postings are significantly associated with corporate financial performance. Furthermore, these two emotions can significantly improve the predictive power of corporate financial performance when compared to sentiments. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to develop a deep learning-based emotion detection method and successfully apply it to enhance corporate performance prediction.  相似文献   

This study tackles the problem of extracting health claims from health research news headlines, in order to carry out veracity check. A health claim can be formally defined as a triplet consisting of an independent variable (IV – namely, what is being manipulated), a dependent variable (DV – namely, what is being measured), and the relation between the two. In this study, we develop HClaimE, an information extraction tool for identifying health claims in news headlines. Unlike the existing open information extraction (OpenIE) systems that rely on verbs as relation indicators, HClaimE focuses on finding relations between nouns, and draws on the linguistic characteristics of news headlines. HClaimE uses a Naïve Bayes classifier that combines syntactic and lexical features for identifying IV and DV nouns, and recognizes relations between IV and DV through a rule-based method. We conducted an evaluation on a set of health news headlines from ScienceDaily.com, and the results show that HClaimE outperforms current OpenIE systems: the F-measures for identifying headlines without health claims is 0.60 and that for extracting IV-relation-DV is 0.69. Our study shows that nouns can provide more clues than verbs for identifying health claims in news headlines. Furthermore, it also shows that dependency relations and bag-of-words can distinguish IV-DV noun pairs from other noun pairs. In practice, HClaimE can be used as a helpful tool to identifying health claims in news headlines, which can then be further compared against authoritative health claims for veracity. Given the linguistic similarity between health claims and other causal claims, e.g., impacts of pollution on the environment, HClaimE may also be applicable for extracting claims in other domains.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on extracting temporal and parent–child relationships between news events in social news. Previous methods have proved that syntactic features are valid. However, most previous methods directly use the static outcomes parsed by syntactic parsing tools, but task-irrelevant or erroneous parses will inevitably degrade the performance of the model. In addition, many implicit higher-order connections that are directly related and critical to tasks are not explicitly exploited. In this paper, we propose a novel syntax-based dynamic latent graph model (SDLG) for this task. Specifically, we first apply a syntactic type-enhanced attention mechanism to assign different weights to different connections in the parsing results, which helps to filter out noisy connections and better fuse the information in the syntactic structures. Next, we introduce a dynamic event pair-aware induction graph to mine the task-related latent connections. It constructs a potential attention matrix to complement and correct the supervised syntactic features, using the semantics of the event pairs as a guide. Finally, the latent graph, together with the syntactic information, is fed into the graph convolutional network to obtain an improved representation of the event to complete relational reasoning. We have conducted extensive experiments on four public benchmarks, MATRES, TCR, HiEve and TB-Dense. The results show that our model outperforms the state-of-the-art model by 0.4%, 1.5%, 3.0% and 1.3% in F1 scores on the four datasets, respectively. Finally, we provide detailed analyses to show the effectiveness of each proposed component.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]实体语义关系分类是信息抽取重要任务之一,将非结构化文本转化成结构化知识,是构建领域本体、知识图谱、开发问答系统、信息检索系统的基础工作。[方法/过程]本文详细梳理了实体语义关系分类的发展历程,从技术方法、应用领域两方面回顾和总结了近5年国内外的最新研究成果,并指出了研究的不足及未来的研究方向。[结果/结论]热门的深度学习方法抛弃了传统浅层机器学习方法繁琐的特征工程,自动学习文本特征,实验发现,在神经网络模型中融入词法、句法特征、引入注意力机制能有效提升关系分类性能。  相似文献   

本文利用统计翻译模型计算单词之间的语义相似度,并将此语义信息嵌入至核函数,实现了一个基于语义核函数的问句检索系统,利用语义核函数计算问句之间的语义相似度。通过在真实问答对数据上进行的实验,表明基于语义核函数的问句检索模型的效果优于传统的相似度计算模型,可以提高问句语义匹配准确率,具有一定的实用性。  相似文献   

In order to successfully apply opinion mining (OM) to the large amounts of user-generated content produced every day, we need robust models that can handle the noisy input well yet can easily be adapted to a new domain or language. We here focus on opinion mining for YouTube by (i) modeling classifiers that predict the type of a comment and its polarity, while distinguishing whether the polarity is directed towards the product or video; (ii) proposing a robust shallow syntactic structure (STRUCT) that adapts well when tested across domains; and (iii) evaluating the effectiveness on the proposed structure on two languages, English and Italian. We rely on tree kernels to automatically extract and learn features with better generalization power than traditionally used bag-of-word models. Our extensive empirical evaluation shows that (i) STRUCT outperforms the bag-of-words model both within the same domain (up to 2.6% and 3% of absolute improvement for Italian and English, respectively); (ii) it is particularly useful when tested across domains (up to more than 4% absolute improvement for both languages), especially when little training data is available (up to 10% absolute improvement) and (iii) the proposed structure is also effective in a lower-resource language scenario, where only less accurate linguistic processing tools are available.  相似文献   

Analyzing and extracting insights from user-generated data has become a topic of interest among businesses and research groups because such data contains valuable information, e.g., consumers’ opinions, ratings, and recommendations of products and services. However, the true value of social media data is rarely discovered due to overloaded information. Existing literature in analyzing online hotel reviews mainly focuses on a single data resource, lexicon, and analysis method and rarely provides marketing insights and decision-making information to improve business’ service and quality of products. We propose an integrated framework which includes a data crawler, data preprocessing, sentiment-sensitive tree construction, convolution tree kernel classification, aspect extraction and category detection, and visual analytics to gain insights into hotel ratings and reviews. The empirical findings show that our proposed approach outperforms baseline algorithms as well as well-known sentiment classification methods, and achieves high precision (0.95) and recall (0.96). The visual analytics results reveal that Business travelers tend to give lower ratings, while Couples tend to give higher ratings. In general, users tend to rate lowest in July and highest in December. The Business travelers more frequently use negative keywords, such as “rude,” “terrible,” “horrible,” “broken,” and “dirty,” to express their dissatisfied emotions toward their hotel stays in July.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new learning method for extracting bilingual word pairs from parallel corpora in various languages. In cross-language information retrieval, the system must deal with various languages. Therefore, automatic extraction of bilingual word pairs from parallel corpora with various languages is important. However, previous works based on statistical methods are insufficient because of the sparse data problem. Our learning method automatically acquires rules, which are effective to solve the sparse data problem, only from parallel corpora without any prior preparation of a bilingual resource (e.g., a bilingual dictionary, a machine translation system). We call this learning method Inductive Chain Learning (ICL). Moreover, the system using ICL can extract bilingual word pairs even from bilingual sentence pairs for which the grammatical structures of the source language differ from the grammatical structures of the target language because the acquired rules have the information to cope with the different word orders of source language and target language in local parts of bilingual sentence pairs. Evaluation experiments demonstrated that the recalls of systems based on several statistical approaches were improved through the use of ICL.  相似文献   

With the increasing use of research paper search engines, such as CiteSeer, for both literature search and hiring decisions, the accuracy of such systems is of paramount importance. This article employs conditional random fields (CRFs) for the task of extracting various common fields from the headers and citation of research papers. CRFs provide a principled way for incorporating various local features, external lexicon features and globle layout features. The basic theory of CRFs is becoming well-understood, but best-practices for applying them to real-world data requires additional exploration. We make an empirical exploration of several factors, including variations on Gaussian, Laplace and hyperbolic-L1 priors for improved regularization, and several classes of features. Based on CRFs, we further present a novel approach for constraint co-reference information extraction; i.e., improving extraction performance given that we know some citations refer to the same publication. On a standard benchmark dataset, we achieve new state-of-the-art performance, reducing error in average F1 by 36%, and word error rate by 78% in comparison with the previous best SVM results. Accuracy compares even more favorably against HMMs. On four co-reference IE datasets, our system significantly improves extraction performance, with an error rate reduction of 6–14%.  相似文献   

柯佳 《情报科学》2021,39(10):165-169
【目的/意义】实体关系抽取是构建领域本体、知识图谱、开发问答系统的基础工作。远程监督方法将大规 模非结构化文本与已有的知识库实体对齐,自动标注训练样本,解决了有监督机器学习方法人工标注训练语料耗 时费力的问题,但也带来了数据噪声。【方法/过程】本文详细梳理了近些年远程监督结合深度学习技术,降低训练 样本噪声,提升实体关系抽取性能的方法。【结果/结论】卷积神经网络能更好的捕获句子局部、关键特征、长短时记 忆网络能更好的处理句子实体对远距离依赖关系,模型自动抽取句子词法、句法特征,注意力机制给予句子关键上 下文、单词更大的权重,在神经网络模型中融入先验知识能丰富句子实体对的语义信息,显著提升关系抽取性能。 【创新/局限】下一步的研究应考虑实体对重叠关系、实体对长尾语义关系的处理方法,更加全面的解决实体对关系 噪声问题。  相似文献   

Existing unsupervised keyphrase extraction methods typically emphasize the importance of the candidate keyphrase itself, ignoring other important factors such as the influence of uninformative sentences. We hypothesize that the salient sentences of a document are particularly important as they are most likely to contain keyphrases, especially for long documents. To our knowledge, our work is the first attempt to exploit sentence salience for unsupervised keyphrase extraction by modeling hierarchical multi-granularity features. Specifically, we propose a novel position-aware graph-based unsupervised keyphrase extraction model, which includes two model variants. The pipeline model first extracts salient sentences from the document, followed by keyphrase extraction from the extracted salient sentences. In contrast to the pipeline model which models multi-granularity features in a two-stage paradigm, the joint model accounts for both sentence and phrase representations of the source document simultaneously via hierarchical graphs. Concretely, the sentence nodes are introduced as an inductive bias, injecting sentence-level information for determining the importance of candidate keyphrases. We compare our model against strong baselines on three benchmark datasets including Inspec, DUC 2001, and SemEval 2010. Experimental results show that the simple pipeline-based approach achieves promising results, indicating that keyphrase extraction task benefits from the salient sentence extraction task. The joint model, which mitigates the potential accumulated error of the pipeline model, gives the best performance and achieves new state-of-the-art results while generalizing better on data from different domains and with different lengths. In particular, for the SemEval 2010 dataset consisting of long documents, our joint model outperforms the strongest baseline UKERank by 3.48%, 3.69% and 4.84% in terms of F1@5, F1@10 and F1@15, respectively. We also conduct qualitative experiments to validate the effectiveness of our model components.  相似文献   

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